Where to place a primary key - sql

To my knowledge SQL Server 2008 will only allow one clustered index per table. For the sake of this question let's say I have a list of user-submitted stories that contains the following columns.
ID (int, primary key)
Title (nvarchar)
Url (nvarchar)
UniqueName (nvarchar) This is the url slug (blah-blah-blah)
CategoryID (int, FK to Category table)
Most of the time stories will never be queried by ID. Most of the queries will be done either by the CategoryID or by the UniqueName.
I'm new to indexing so I assumed that it would be best to place 2 nonclustered indexes on this table. One on UniqueName and one on CategoryID. After doing some reading about indexes it seems like haivng a clustered index on UniqueName would be very beneficial. Considering UniqueName is... unique would it be advantageous to place the primary key on UniuqeName and get rid of the ID field? As for CategoryID I assume a nonclustered index will do just fine.

In the first place you can put the clustered index on unique name, it doesn't have to be onthe id field. If you do little or no joining to this table you could get rid of the id. In any event I would put a unique index on the unique name field (you may find in doing so that it isn't as unique as you thought it would be!).
If you do a lot of joining though, I would keep the id field, it is smaller and more efficient to join on.
Since you say you are new at indexing, I will point out that while primary keys have an index created automatically when they are defined, foreign keys do not. You almost always want to index your foreign key fields.

Just out of habit, I always create an Identity field "ID" like you have as the PK. It makes things consistent. If all "master" tables have a field named "ID" that is INT Identity, then it's always obvious what the PK is. Additionally, if I need to make a bridge entity, I'll be storing two (or more) columns of type INT instead of type nvarchar(). So in your example, I would keep ID as the PK and create a unique index on UniqueName.

Data is stored in order of the clustered key; if you are going to key retrievial of data by one of those fields it would be advantageous to use that assuming values aren't significantly fragmented, which can slow down insert performance.
On the other hand, if this table is joined to a lot on the ID, it probably makes more sense to keep the clustered key on the PK.

Generally it's always best to index a table on a identity key and use this as the clustered index. There's a simple rule of thumb here
Don't use a meaningful column as primary index
The reason for this is that generally using a PK on a meaningful column tends to give rise to maintenance issues. It's a rule of thumb, so can be overridden such circumstances dictate, but usually it's best to work from the assumed default position of each table indexed by a (clustered) meaningless identity column. Such tends to be more efficient for joins, and as it's usually the default design that most DBAs will adopt so won't raise any eyebrows or give any issues because they system isn't as the next DBA might assume. Meaningless PKs are invariably more flexible and can adapted more easily to changing circumstances then otherwise
When to override the rule? Only if you do envisage performance issues. For most databases with reasonable loads on modern hardware suitably indexed you will not have any trouble if you're not squeezing the last millisecond of performance out of them by clustering the optimal index. DBA and Programmer cycles are much more expensive than CPU cycles and if you'll only shave the odd millisecond or so off your queries by adopting a different strategy then it's just not worth it. However should you be looking at a table with approaching a million rows then that's a different matter. It depends very much on circumstances, but generally if I'm designing a database with tables of less than 100,000 rows I will lean heavily towards designing for flexibility, ease of writing stable queries, and along the principals any other designer would expect to see. Over a million rows then I design for performance. Between 100k and a million it's a matter of judgement.

There is no requirement or necessity to have a clustered index at all, primary key or otherwise. It's a performance optimisation tool, like all indexing strategies, and should be applied when an improvement can be gained by using it.
As already mentioned, because the table is physically sorted according to the clustered index key, it's a Highlander situation: there can only be one!
Clustered indexes are mostly useful for situations such as:
you regularly need to retrieve a set of rows whose values for a given column are in a range, so columns that are often the subject of a BETWEEN clause are interesting; or
most of your single-row hits in the table occur in an area that can be described by a subset of the values of a key.
I thought that they were particularly un-useful for situations like when you have high-volume transaction systems with very frequent inserts when a sequential key is the clustered column. You'll get a gang of processes all trying to insert at the same physical location (a "hot-spot"). Turns out, as was commented here before this edit, that I'm sadly out-of-date and showing my age. See this post on the topic by Kimberley Tripp which says it all much better.
Sequential numeric "ID" columns are generally not good candidate columns. Names can be good, dates likewise - if carefully considered.


Is composite index really necessary for a table with composite primary key?

Let's say we have a table to store users' favourite pictures, with a composite primary key pair(UserId, PictureId). Books normally say in this case you need a composite index based on (UserId, PictureId), which normally appears in the WHERE clause as (UserId=103 AND PictureId=1234). But I think the dababase engine should be smart enough to use two individual indexes based on the two columns separately. Just get the set of row numbers from each of the index and find the ones that are present in both sets. That way, a composite index is not necessary.
So, in reality can database engines do that?
There'd be no advantage to using the two separate single-column indexes; the engine would be better off doing a table scan.
The point of using an index is to make access faster. If the engine used two indexes, it would have to sort at least one set of data from one of the indexes and merge the results from the two indexes. That would be a lot more work than reading just one composite index, especially since the composite index allows for an index-only scan.
Most database engines will require the composite index to enforce the primary key. As such, it's a "free" index that you're going to have anyway - why worry about it?
There may be some benefit (if the index is on UserID,PictureID) to adding a second index just on PictureID. Any query on just UserID will be able to use the composite index, whereas a query just using PictureID would be unable to do so.
I think in the use case you describe, the composite index is not necessary. That would be useful if you were doing a query on, say, a given set of user IDs plus a given set of picture IDs. But when would you ever need that? You'd be more likely to query all a user's pictures in a given date range, or lookup a specific picture by ID. This would suggest an index structure of one composite user id + date index, and another picture id only index.
It always depends on the distribution of records in your database, and the types of queries you will be running most frequently.
PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraints are abstract, theoretical concepts.
An INDEX is practical physical thing that lives in the real world.
In practice, indexes can be used to enforce PK or UNIQUE constraints. But other techniques could also be used (eg for a small domain: a bitmap)
What you describe would be significantly more expensive than using composite index.
First a set of rows would need to be identified from the first index, then a set of rows from the second and finally the set-intersection performed between the two.
--- UPDATE ---
Note hat this is the price you would pay for every INSERT/UPDATE and every foreign key check, not just SELECT.
Also, there may be concurrency issues involved - depending on how the DBMS is implemented, enforcing uniqueness through a single unique composite index might require less/simpler locking than enforcing uniqueness through two non-unique, non-composite indexes.
And of course, if you intend to cluster your table, the primary index will typically also be the clustering index, and contain all columns anyway, so there isn't much purpose in leaving anything out from the "sorting" portion of the index.

Is a Primary Key necessary in SQL Server?

This may be a pretty naive and stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway
I have a table with several fields, none of which are unique, and a primary key, which obviously is.
This table is accessed via the non-unique fields regularly, but no user SP or process access data via the primary key. Is the primary key necessary then? Is it used behind the scenes? Will removing it affect performance Positively or Negatively?
Necessary? No. Used behind the scenes? Well, it's saved to disk and kept in the row cache, etc. Removing will slightly increase your performance (use a watch with millisecond precision to notice).
But ... the next time someone needs to create references to this table, they will curse you. If they are brave, they will add a PK (and wait for a long time for the DB to create the column). If they are not brave or dumb, they will start creating references using the business key (i.e. the data columns) which will cause a maintenance nightmare.
Conclusion: Since the cost of having a PK (even if it's not used ATM) is so small, let it be.
Do you have any foreign keys, do you ever join on the PK?
If the answer to this is no, and your app never retrieves an item from the table by its PK, and no query ever uses it in a where clause, therefore you just added an IDENTITY column to have a PK, then:
the PK in itself adds no value, but does no damage either
the fact that the PK is very likely the clustered index too is .. it depends.
If you have NC indexes, then the fact that you have a narrow artificial clustered key (the IDENTITY PK) is helpful in keeping those indexes narrow (the CDX key is reproduced in every NC leaf slots). So a PK, even if never used, is helpful if you have significant NC indexes.
On the other hand, if you have a prevalent access pattern, a certain query that outweighs all the other is frequency and importance, or which is part of a critical time code path (eg. is the query run on every page visit on your site, or every second by and app etc) then that query is a good candidate to dictate the clustered key order.
And finally, if the table is seldom queried but often written to then it may be a good candidate for a HEAP (no clustered key at all) since heaps are so much better at inserts. See Comparing Tables Organized with Clustered Indexes versus Heaps.
The primary key is behind the scenes a clustered index (by default unless generated as a non clustered index) and holds all the data for the table. If the PK is an identity column the inserts will happen sequentially and no page splits will occur.
But if you don't access the id column at all then you probably want to add some indexes on the other columns. Also when you have a PK you can setup FK relationships
In the logical model, a table must have at least one key. There is no reason to arbitarily specify that one of the keys is 'primary'; all keys are equal. Although the concept of 'primary key' can be traced back to Ted Codd's early work, the mistake was picked up early on has long been corrected in relational theory.
Sadly, PRIMARY KEY found its way into SQL and we've had to live with it ever since. SQL tables can have duplicate rows and, if you consider the resultset of a SELECT query to also be a table, then SQL tables can have duplicate rows too. Relational theorists dislike SQL a lot. However, just because SQL lets you do all kinds of wacky non-relational things, that doesn't mean that you have to actually do them. It is good practice to ensure that every SQL table has at least one key.
In SQL, using PRIMARY KEY on its own has implications e.g. NOT NULL, UNIQUE, the table's default reference for foreign keys. In SQL Server, using PRIMARY KEY on its own has implications e.g. the table's clustered index. However, in all these cases, the implicit behavior can be made explicit using specific syntax.
You can use UNIQUE (constraint rather than index) and NOT NULL in combination to enforce keys in SQL. Therefore, no, a primary key (or even PRIMARY KEY) is not necessary for SQL Server.
I would never have a table without a primary key. Suppose you ever need to remove a duplicate - how would you identify which one to remove and which to keep?
A PK is not necessary.
But you should consider to place a non-unique index on the columns that you use for querying (i.e. that appear in the WHERE-clause). This will considerably boost lookup performance.
The primary key when defined will help improve performance within the database for indexing and relationships.
I always tend to define a primary key as an auto incrementing integer in all my tables, regardless of if I access it or not, this is because when you start to scale up your application, you may find you do actually need it, and it makes life a lot simpler.
A primary key is really a property of your domain model, and it uniquely identifies an instance of a domain object.
Having a clustered index on a montonically increasing column (such as an identity column) will mean page splits will not occur, BUT insertions will unbalance the index over time and therefore rebuilding indexes needs to be done regulary (or when fragmentation reaches a certain threshold).
I have to have a very good reason to create a table without a primary key.
As SQLMenace said, the clustered index is an important column for the physical layout of the table. In addition, having a clustered index, especially a well chosen one on a skinny column like an integer pk, actually increases insert performance.
If you are accessing them via non-key fields the performance probably will not change. However it might be nice to keep the PK for future enhancements or interfaces to these tables. Does your application only use this one table?

SQL primary key - complex primary or string with concatenation?

I have a table with 16 columns. It will be most frequently used table in web aplication and it will contain about few hundred tousand rows. Database is created on sql server 2008.
My question is choice for primary key. What is quicker? I can use complex primary key with two bigint-s or i can use one varchar value but i will need to concatenate it after?
There are many more factors you must consider:
data access prevalent pattern, how are you going to access the table?
how many non-clustered indexes?
frequency of updates
pattern of updates (sequential inserts, random)
pattern of deletes
All these factors, and specially the first two, should drive your choice of the clustered key. Note that the primary key and clustered key are different concepts, often confused. Read up my answer on Should I design a table with a primary key of varchar or int? for a lengthier discussion on the criteria that drive a clustered key choice.
Without any information on your access patterns I can answer very briefly and concise, and actually correct: the narrower key is always quicker (for reasons of IO). However, this response bares absolutely no value. The only thing that will make your application faster is to choose a key that is going to be used by the query execution plans.
A primary key which does not rely on any underlying values (called a surrogate key) is a good choice. That way if the row changes, the ID doesn't have to, and any tables referring to it (Foriegn Keys) will not need to change. I would choose an autonumber (i.e. IDENTITY) column for the primary key column.
In terms of performance, a shorter, integer based primary key is best.
You can still create your clustered index on multiple columns.
Why not just a single INT auto-generated primary key? INT is 32-bit, so it can handle over 4 billion records.
A surrogate key might be a fine idea if there are foreign key relationships on this table. Using a surrogate will save tables that refer to it from having to duplicate all those columns in their tables.
Another important consideration is indexes on columns that you'll be using in WHERE clauses. Your performance will suffer if you don't. Make sure that you add appropriate indexes, over and above the primary key, to avoid table scans.
What do you mean quicker? if you need to search quicker, you can create index for any column or create full text search. the primary key just make sure you do not have duplicated records.
The decision relies upon its use. If you are using the table to save data mostly and not retrieve it, then a simple key. If you are mostly querying the data and it is mostly static data where the key values will not change, your index strategy needs to optimize the data to the most frequent query that will be used. Personally, I like the idea of using GUIDs for the primary key and an int for the clustered index. That allows for easy data imports. But, it really depends upon your needs.
Lot’s of variables you haven’t mentioned; whether the data in the two columns is “natural” and there is a benefit in identifying records by a logical ID, if disclosure of the key via a UI poses a risk, how important performance is (a few hundred thousand rows is pretty minimal).
If you’re not too fussy, go the auto number path for speed and simplicity. Also take a look at all the posts on the site about SQL primary key types. Heaps of info here.
Is it a ER Model or Dimensional Model. In ER Model, they should be separate and should not be surrogated. The entire record could have a single surrogate for easy references in URLs etc. This could be a hash of all parts of the composite key or an Identity.
In Dimensional Model, also they must be separate and they all should be surrogated.

Should I design a table with a primary key of varchar or int?

I know this is subjective, but I'd like to know peoples opinions and hopefully some best practices that I can apply when designing sql server table structures.
I personally feel that keying a table on a fixed (max) length varchar is a no-no, because it means having to also propogate the same fixed length across any other tables that use this as a foreign key. Using an int, would avoid having to apply the same length across the board, which is bound to lead to human error, i.e. 1 table has varchar (10), and the other varchar (20).
This sounds like a nightmare to initially setup, plus means future maintaining of the tables is cumbersome too. For example, say the keyed varchar column suddenly becomes 12 chars instead of 10. You now have to go and update all the other tables, which could be a huge task years down the line.
Am I wrong? Have I missed something here? I'd like to know what others think of this and if sticking with int for primary keys is the best way to avoid maintainace nightmares.
When choosing the primary key usualy you also choose the clustered key. Them two are often confused, but you have to understand the difference.
Primary keys are logical business elements. The primary key is used by your application to identify an entity, and the discussion about primary keys is largely wether to use natural keys or surrogate key. The links go into much more detail, but the basic idea is that natural keys are derived from an existing entity property like ssn or phone number, while surrogate keys have no meaning whatsoever with regard to the business entity, like id or rowid and they are usually of type IDENTITY or some sort of uuid. My personal opinion is that surrogate keys are superior to natural keys, and the choice should be always identity values for local only applicaitons, guids for any sort of distributed data. A primary key never changes during the lifetime of the entity.
Clustered keys are the key that defines the physical storage of rows in the table. Most times they overlap with the primary key (the logical entity identifier), but that is not actually enforced nor required. When the two are different it means there is a non-clustered unique index on the table that implements the primary key. Clustered key values can actualy change during the lifetime of the row, resulting in the row being physically moved in the table to a new location. If you have to separate the primary key from the clustered key (and sometimes you do), choosing a good clustered key is significantly harder than choosing a primary key. There are two primary factors that drive your clustered key design:
The prevalent data access pattern.
The storage considerations.
Data Access Pattern. By this I understand the way the table is queried and updated. Remember that clustered keys determine the actual order of the rows in the table. For certain access patterns, some layouts make all the difference in the world in regard to query speed or to update concurency:
current vs. archive data. In many applications the data belonging to the current month is frequently accessed, while the one in the past is seldom accessed. In such cases the table design uses table partitioning by transaction date, often times using a sliding window algorithm. The current month partition is kept on filegroup located a hot fast disk, the archived old data is moved to filegroups hosted on cheaper but slower storage. Obviously in this case the clustered key (date) is not the primary key (transaction id). The separation of the two is driven by the scale requirements, as the query optimizer will be able to detect that the queries are only interested in the current partition and not even look at the historic ones.
FIFO queue style processing. In this case the table has two hot spots: the tail where inserts occur (enqueue), and the head where deletes occur (dequeue). The clustered key has to take this into account and organize the table as to physically separate the tail and head location on disk, in order to allow for concurency between enqueue and dequeue, eg. by using an enqueue order key. In pure queues this clustered key is the only key, since there is no primary key on the table (it contains messages, not entities). But most times the queue is not pure, it also acts as the storage for the entities, and the line between the queue and the table is blured. In this case there is also a primary key, which cannot be the clustered key: entities may be re-enqueued, thus changing the enqueue order clustered key value, but they cannot change the primary key value. Failure to see the separation is the primary reason why user table backed queues are so notoriously hard to get right and riddled with deadlocks: because the enqueue and dequeue occur interleaved trought the table, instead of localized at the tail and the head of the queue.
Correlated processing. When the application is well designed it will partition processing of correlated items between its worker threads. For instance a processor is designed to have 8 worker thread (say to match the 8 CPUs on the server) so the processors partition the data amongst themselves, eg. worker 1 picks up only accounts named A to E, worker 2 F to J etc. In such cases the table should be actually clustered by the account name (or by a composite key that has the leftmost position the first letter of account name), so that workers localize their queries and updates in the table. Such a table would have 8 distinct hot spots, around the area each worker concentrates at the moment, but the important thing is that they don't overlap (no blocking). This kind of design is prevalent on high throughput OLTP designs and in TPCC benchmark loads, where this kind of partitioning also reflects in the memory location of the pages loaded in the buffer pool (NUMA locality), but I digress.
Storage Considerations. The clustered key width has huge repercursions in the storage of the table. For one the key occupies space in every non-leaf page of the b-tree, so a large key will occupy more space. Second, and often more important, is that the clustered key is used as the lookup key by every non-clustred key, so every non-clustered key will have to store the full width of the clustered key for each row. This is what makes large clustered keys like varchar(256) and guids poor choices for clustered index keys.
Also the choice of the key has impact on the clustered index fragmentation, sometimes drastically affecting performance.
These two forces can sometimes be antagonistic, the data access pattern requiring a certain large clustered key which will cause storage problems. In such cases of course a balance is needed, but there is no magic formula. You measure and you test to get to the sweet spot.
So what do we make from all this? Always start with considering clustered key that is also the primary key of the form entity_id IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL. Separate the two and organize the table accordingly (eg. partition by date) when appropiate.
I would definitely recommend using an INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) field in each table as the
primary key.
With an IDENTITY field, you can let the database handle all the details of making sure it's really unique and all, and the INT datatype is just 4 bytes, and fixed, so it's easier and more suited to be used for the primary (and clustering) key in your table.
And you're right - INT is an INT is an INT - it will not change its size of anything, so you won't have to ever go recreate and/or update your foreign key relations.
Using a VARCHAR(10) or (20) just uses up too much space - 10 or 20 bytes instead of 4, and what a lot of folks don't know - the clustering key value will be repeated on every single index entry on every single non-clustered index on the table, so potentially, you're wasting a lot of space (not just on disk - that's cheap - but also in SQL Server's main memory). Also, since it's variable (might be 4, might be 20 chars) it's harder to SQL server to properly maintain a good index structure.
I'd agree that in general an INT (or identity) field type is the best choice in most "normal" database designs:
it requires no "algorithm" to generate the id/key/value
you have fast(er) joins and the optimizer can work a lot harder over ranges and such under the hood
you're following a defacto standard
That said, you also need to know your data. If you're going to blow through a signed 32-bit int, you need to think about unsigned. If you're going to blow through that, maybe 64-bit ints are what you want. Or maybe you need a UUID/hash to make syncing between database instances/shards easier.
Unfortunately, it depends and YMMV but I'd definitely use an int/identity unless you have a good reason not to.
Like you said, consistency is key. I personally use unsigned ints. You're not going to run out of them unless you are working with ludicrous amounts of data, and you can always know any key column needs to be that type and you never have to go looking for the right value for individual columns.
Based on going through this exercise countless times and then supporting the system with the results, there are some caveats to the blanket statement that INT is always better. In general, unless there is a reason, I would go along with that. However, in the trenches, here are some pros and cons.
Use unless good reason not to do so.
Uniqueness - One example is the case where there is one way communication between remote pieces of the program and the side that needs to initiate is not the side with the database. In that case, setting a Guid on the remote side is safe where selecting an INT is not.
Uniqueness Again - A more far fetched scenario is a system where multiple customers are coexisting in separate databases and there is migration between customers like similar users using a suite of programs. If that user signs up for another program, their user record can be used there without conflict. Another scenario is if customers acquire entities from each other. If both are on the same system, they will often expect that migration to be easier. Essentially, any frequent migration between customers.
Hard to Use - Even an experienced programmer cannot remember a guid. When troubleshooting, it is often frustrating to have to copy and paste identifiers for queries, especially if the support is being done with a remote access tool. It is much easier to constantly refer to SELECT * FROM Xxx WHERE ID = 7 than SELECT * FROM Xxx WHERE ID = 'DF63F4BD-7DC1-4DEB-959B-4D19012A6306'
Indexing - using a clustered index for a guid field requires constant rearrangement of the data pages and is not as efficient to index as INTs or even short strings. It can kill performance - don't do it.
Readability - Although conventional wisdom is that nobody should be in the database, the reality of systems is that people will have access - hopefully personnel from your organization. When those people are not savvy with join syntax, a normalized table with ints or guids is not clear without many other queries. The same normalized table with SOME string keys can be much more usable for troubleshooting. I tend to use this for the type of table where I supply the records at installation time so they do not vary. Things like StatusID on a major table is much more usable for support when the key is 'Closed' or 'Pending' than a digit. Using traditional keys in these areas can turn an easily resolved issue to something that requires developer assistance. Bottlenecks like that are bad even when caused by letting questionable personnel access to the database.
Constrain - Even if you use strings, keep them fixed length, which speeds indexing and add a constraint or foreign key to keep garbage out. Sometimes using this string can allow you to remove the lookup table and maintain the selection as a simple Enum in the code - it is still important to constrain the data going into this field.
For best performance, 99.999% of the time the primary key should be a single integer field.
Unless you require the primary key to be unique across multiple tables in a database or across multiple databases. I am assuming that you are asking about MS SQL-Server because that is how your question was tagged. In which case, consider using the GUID field instead. Though better than a varchar, the GUID field performance is not as good as an integer.
Use INT. Your points are all valid; I would prioritize as:
Ease of using SQL auto increment capabiity - why reinvent the wheel?
Managability - you don't want to have to change the key field.
Disk Space
1 & 2 require the developer's time/energy/effort. 3 & 4 you can throw hardware at.
If Joe Celko was on here, he would have some harsh words... ;-)
I want to point out that INTs as a hard and fast rule aren't always appropriate. Say you have a vehicle table with all types of cars trucks, etc. Now say you had a VehicleType table. If you wanted to get all trucks you might do this (with an INT identity seed):
SELECT V.Make, V.Model
FROM Vehicle as V
INNER JOIN VehicleType as VT
ON V.VehicleTypeID = VT.VehicleTypeID
WHERE VT.VehicleTypeName = 'Truck'
Now, with a Varchar PK on VehicleType:
SELECT Make, Model
FROM Vehicle
WHERE VehicleTypeName = 'Truck'
The code is a little cleaner and you avoid a join. Perhaps the join isn't the end of the world, but if you only have one tool in your toolbox, you're missing some opportunities for performance gains and cleaner schemas.
Just a thought. :-)
While INT is generally recommended, it really depends on your situation.
If you're concerned with maintainability, then other types are just as feasible. For example, you could use a Guid very effectively as a primary key. There's reasons for not doing this, but consistency is not one of them.
But yes, unless you have a good reason not to, an int is the simplest to use, and the least likely to cause you any problems.
With PostgreSQL I generally use the "Serial" or "BigSerial" 'data type' for generating primary keys. The values are auto incremented and I always find integers to be easy to work with. They are essentially equivalent to a MySQL integer field that is set to "auto_increment".
One should think hard about whether 32-bit range is enough for what you're doing. Twitter's status IDs were 32-bit INTs and they had trouble when they ran out.
Whether to use a BIGINT or a UUID/GUID in that situation is debatable and I'm not a hardcore database guy, but UUIDs can be stored in a fixed-length VARCHAR without worrying that you'll need to change the field size.
We have to keep in mind that the primary key of a table should not have "business logic" and it should be only an identity of the record it belongs. Following this simple rule an int and especially an identity int is a very good solution. By asking about varchar I guess that you mean using for example the "Full Name" as a key to the "people" table. But what if we want to change the name from "George Something" to "George A. Something" ? And what size will the field be ? If we change the size we have to change the size on all foreign tables too. So we should avoid logic on keys. Sometimes we can use the social ID (integer value) as key but I avoid that too. Now if a project has the prospects to scale up you should consider using Guids too (uniqueidentifier SQL type).
Keeping in mind that this is quite old a question, I still want to make the case for using varchar with surrogate keys fur future readers:
An environment with several replicated machines
Scenarios where it is required that the ID of a to be inserted row is known before it is actually inserted (i.e., the client assigns this ID, not the database)

Pros and Cons of autoincrement keys on "every table"

We are having a rather long discussion in our company about whether or not to put an autoincrement key on EVERY table in our database.
I can understand putting one on tables that would have a FK reference to, but I kind-of dislike putting such keys on each and every one of our tables, even though the keys would never be used.
Please help with pros and cons for putting autoincrement keys on every table apart from taking extra space and slowing everything a little bit (we have some tables with hundreds of millions of records).
I'm assuming that almost all tables will have a primary key - and it's just a question of whether that key consists of one or more natural keys or a single auto-incrementing surrogate key. If you aren't using primary keys then you will generally get a lot of advantages of using them on almost all tables.
So, here are some pros & cons of surrogate keys. First off, the pros:
Most importantly: they allow the natural keys to change. Trivial example, a table of persons should have a primary key of person_id rather than last_name, first_name.
Read performance - very small indexes are faster to scan. However, this is only helpful if you're actually constraining your query by the surrogate key. So, good for lookup tables, not so good for primary tables.
Simplicity - if named appropriately, it makes the database easy to learn & use.
Capacity - if you're designing something like a data warehouse fact table - surrogate keys on your dimensions allow you to keep a very narrow fact table - which results in huge capacity improvements.
And cons:
They don't prevent duplicates of the natural values. So, you'll still usually want a unique constraint (index) on the logical key.
Write performance. With an extra index you're going to slow down inserts, updates and deletes that much more.
Simplicity - for small tables of data that almost never changes they are unnecessary. For example, if you need a list of countries you can use the ISO list of countries. It includes meaningful abbreviations. This is better than a surrogate key because it's both small and useful.
In general, surrogate keys are useful, just keep in mind the cons and don't hesitate to use natural keys when appropriate.
You need primary keys on these tables. You just don't know it yet.
If you use small keys like this for Clustered Indexes, then there's quite significant advantages.
Inserts will always go at the end of pages.
Non-Clustered Indexes (which need a reference to the CIX key(s)) won't have long row addresses to consider.
And more... Kimberly Tripp's stuff is the best resource for this. Google her...
Also - if you have nothing else ensuring uniqueness, you have a hook into each row that you wouldn't otherwise have. You should still put unique indexes on fields that should be unique, and use FKs onto appropriate fields.
But... please consider the overhead of creating such things on existing tables. It could be quite scary. You can put unique indexes on tables without needing to create extra fields. Those unique indexes can then be used for FKs.
I'm not a fan of auto-increment primary keys on every table. The ideas that these give you fast joins and fast row inserts are really not true. My company calls this meatloaf thinking after the story about the woman who always cut the ends off her meatloaf just because her mother always did it. Her mother only did it because the pan was too short--the tradition keeps going even though the reason no longer exists.
When the driving table in a join has an auto-increment key, the joined table frequently shouldn't because it must have the FK to the driving table. It's the same column type, but not auto-increment. You can use the FK as the PK or part of a composite PK.
Adding an auto-increment key to a table with a naturally unique key will not always speed things up--how can it? You are adding more work by maintaining an extra index. If you never use the auto-increment key, this is completely wasted effort.
It's very difficult to predict optimizer performance--and impossible to predict future performance. On some databases, compressed or clustered indexes will decrease the costs of naturally unique PKs. On some parallel databases, auto-increment keys are negotiated between nodes and that increases the cost of auto-increment. You can only find out by profiling, and it really sucks to have to change Company Policy just to change how you create a table.
Having autoincrementing primary keys may make it easier for you to switch ORM layers in the future, and doesn't cost much (assuming you retain your logical unique keys).
You add surrogate auto increment primary keys as part of the implementation after logical design to respect the physical, on-disk architecture of the db engine.
That is, they have physcial properties (narrow, numeric, strictly monotonically increasing) that suit use as clustered keys, in joins etc.
Example: If you're modelling your data, then "product SKU" is your key. "product ID" is added afterwards, (with a unique constraint on "product SKU") when writing your "CREATE TABLE" statements because you know SQL Server.
This is the main reason.
The other reason a brain dead ORM that can't work without one...
Many tables are better off with a compound PK, composed of two or more FKs. These tables correspond to relationships in the Entity-Relationship (ER) model. The ER model is useful for conceptualizing a schema and understanding the requirements, but it should not be confused with a database design.
The tables that represent entities from an ER model should have a smiple PK. You use a surrogate PK when none of the natural keys can be trusted. The decision about whether a key can be trusted or not is not a technical decision. It depends on the data you are going to be given, and what you are expected to do with it.
If you use a surrogate key that's autoincremented, you now have to make sure that duplicate references to the same entity don't creep into your databases. These duplicates would show up as two or more rows with a distinct PK (because it's been autoincremented), but otherwise duplicates of each other.
If you let duplicates into your database, eventually your use of the data is going to be a mess.
The simplest approach is to always use surrogate keys that are either auto-incremented by the db or via an orm. And on every table. This is because they are the generally fasted method for joins and also they make learning the database extremely simple, i.e. none of this whats my key for a table nonsense as they all use the same kind of key. Yes they can be slower but in truth the most important part of design is something that wont break over time. This is proven for surrogate keys. Remember, maintenance of the system happens a lot longer than development. Plan for a system that can be maintained. Also, with current hardware the potential performance loss is really negligable.
Consider this:
A record is deleted in one table that has a relationship with another table. The corresponding record in the second table cannot be deleted for auditing reasons. This record becomes orphaned from the first table. If a new record is inserted into the first table, and a sequential primary key is used, this record is now linked to the orphan. Obviously, this is bad. By using an auto incremented PK, an id that has never been used before is always guaranteed. This means that orphans remain orphans, which is correct.
I would never use natural keys as a PK. A numeric PK, like an auto increment is the ideal choice the majority of the time, because it can be indexed efficiently. Auto increments are guaranteed to be unique, even when records are deleted, creating trusted data relationships.