ms-access: runtime error 3354 - sql

i'm having a problem running an sql in ms-access. im using this code:
SELECT readings_miu_id, ReadDate, ReadTime, RSSI, Firmware, Active, OriginCol, ColID, Ownage, SiteID, PremID, prem_group1, prem_group2
INTO analyzedCopy2
FROM analyzedCopy AS A
WHERE ReadTime = (SELECT TOP 1 analyzedCopy.ReadTime FROM analyzedCopy WHERE analyzedCopy.readings_miu_id = A.readings_miu_id AND analyzedCopy.ReadDate = A.ReadDate ORDER BY analyzedCopy.readings_miu_id, analyzedCopy.ReadDate, analyzedCopy.ReadTime)
ORDER BY A.readings_miu_id, A.ReadDate ;
and before this i'm filling in the analyzedCopy table from other tables given certain criteria. for one set of criteria this code works just fine but for others it keeps giving me runtime error '3354'. the only diference i can see is that with the criteria that works, the table is around 4145 records long where as with the criteria that doesn't work the table that im using this code on is over 9000 records long. any suggestions?
is there any way to tell it to only pull half of the information and then run the same select string on the other half of the table im pulling from and add those results to the previous results from the first half?
The full text for run-time error '3354' is that it is "At most one record can be returned by this subquery."
I just tried to run this query on the first 4000 records and it failed again with the same error code so it can't be the ammount of records i would think.

See this:
What is happening is your subquery is returning two identical records (based on the ORDER BY) and the TOP 1 actually returns two records (yes that's how access does the TOP statement). You need to add fields to the ORDER BY to make it unique - preferable an unique ID (you do have an unique PK don't you?)
As Andomar below stated DISTINCT TOP 1 will work as well.

What does MS-ACCESS return when you run the subquery?
SELECT TOP 1 analyzedCopy.ReadTime
FROM analyzedCopy
WHERE analyzedCopy.readings_miu_id = A.readings_miu_id
AND analyzedCopy.ReadDate = A.ReadDate
ORDER BY analyzedCopy.readings_miu_id, analyzedCopy.ReadDate,
If it returns multiple rows, maybe it can be fixed with DISTINCT:
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 1 analyzedCopy.ReadTime
FROM ... rest of query ...

I don't know if this would work or not (and I no longer have a copy of Access to test on), so I apologize up front if I'm way off.
First, just do a select on the primary key of analyzedCopy to get the mid-point ID. Something like:
SELECT TOP 4500 readings_miu_id FROM analyzedCopy ORDER BY readings_miu_id, ReadDate;
Then, when you have the mid-point ID, you can add that to the WHERE statement of your original statement:
INTO ...
FROM ...
WHERE ... AND (readings_miu_id <= {ID from above}
Then SELECT the other half:
INTO ...
FROM ...
WHERE ... AND (readings_miu_id > {ID from above}
Again, sorry if I'm way off.


SQL: getting rows where some 'x' column value is a maximal one [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I SELECT rows with MAX(Column value), PARTITION by another column in MYSQL?
(22 answers)
Closed 11 months ago.
I am trying to get data from my database.
Query upon sub-query upon another sub-query - and as the intermediate result I get looks like this:
I need to build another query upon this result set to get the rows where item_quantity has it's maximal value (42 in the example above). The rows with pencils and notebooks. However, I have found out that the task is a bit trickier than I expected it to be.
SELECT * FROM sub_query_result HAVING quantity = MAX(quantity)
always returns an empty result set
SELECT * FROM sub_query_result HAVING quantity = 42
is pointless since I need to know the exact max quantity in advance
SELECT * FROM sub_query_result WHERE quantity = MAX(quantity)
simply works not ("Invalid use of group function")
I can see solutions that work but that I do not like -- due to extra actions I need to take on my back-end code that executes this sql request, or due to their inefficiency:
I can create a temporary table, get max. quantity from it and place to a variable. Then I can use this variable inside the query to that temporary table and get the data I need.
I can do
SELECT * FROM query_result HAVING quantity = (SELECT MAX(quantity) FROM
<Query upon sub-query upon another sub-query that shall return query_result>)
but that way I request the very same data twice! which in general is not a good approach.
So... Anything I missed? Any simple and elegant solutions that can solve my problem?
Order by quantity descending to get the max values first. Only select the first row, i.e. the one having the max values. ANSI SQL version:
SELECT * FROM query_result
ORDER BY quantity DESC
WITH TIES means you can get several rows, if there are several rows having the same maximum quantity.

Difference of values in the same column ms access sql (mdb)

I have a table which contains two column with values that are not unique, those values are generated automatically and I have no way to do anything about it, cannot edit the table, db nor make custom functions.
With that in mind I've solved this problem in sql server, but it contains some functions that does not exist in ms-access.
The columns are Volume and ComponentID, here is my code in sql:
with rows as (
select row_number() over (order by volume) as rownum, volume
from test where componentid = 'S3')
select top 10
rowsMinusOne.volume, coalesce(rowsMinusOne.volume - rows.volume,0) as diff
from rows as rowsMinusOne
left outer join rows
on rows.rownum = rowsMinusOne.rownum - 1
Sample data:
Expected results:
I have solved the part of the coalesce by replacing it with NZ, I have tryed to use the DCOUNT to solve the row_number (How to show the record number in a MS Access report table?) but I reveive the error that it cannot find the function (I am reading the data by code, that is the only thing I can do).
I also tryed this but, as the answer says I need a column with a unique value which I do not have nor can create Microsoft Access query to duplicate ROW_NUMBER
SELECT TOP 10 Table1.ComponentID,
DCount("*","Table1","ComponentID = 'S3' AND Volume<" & [Volume])+1 AS Seq, Table1.Volume,
Nz(Table1.Volume -
(SELECT Top 1 Dup.Volume FROM Table1 AS Dup
WHERE Dup.ComponentID = Table1.ComponentID AND Dup.Volume<Table1.Volume
ORDER BY Volume DESC),0) AS Diff
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.ComponentID)="S3"))
ORDER BY Table1.Volume;
This will likely perform very slowly with large dataset.
Alternative solutions:
build query that calculates difference, use that query as source for a report, use textbox RunningSum property to calculate sequence number
VBA looping through recordset and saving results to a 'temp' table
export to Excel

SQL query : multiple challenges

Not being an SQL expert, I am struggling with the following:
I inherited a larg-ish table (about 100 million rows) containing time-stamped events that represent stage transitions of mostly shortlived phenomena. The events are unfortunately recorded in a somewhat strange way, with the table looking as follows:
phen_ID record_time producer_id consumer_id state ...
000123 10198789 start
10298776 000123 000112 hjhkk
000124 10477886 start
10577876 000124 000123 iuiii
000124 10876555 end
Each phenomenon (phen-ID) has a start event and theoretically an end event, although it might not have been occured yet and thus not recorded. Each phenomenon can then go through several states. Unfortunately, for some states, the ID is recorded in either a product or a consumer field. Also, the number of states is not fixed, and neither is the time between the states.
To beginn with, I need to create an SQL statement that for each phen-ID shows the start time and the time of the last recorded event (could be an end state or one of the intermediate states).
Just considering a single phen-ID, I managed to pull together the following SQL:
WITH myconstants (var1) as (
values ('000123')
select min(l.record_time), max(l.record_time) from
(select distinct * from public.phen_table JOIN myconstants ON var1 IN (phen_id, producer_id, consumer_id)
) as l
As the start-state always has the lowest recorded-time for the specific phenomenon, the above statement correctly returns the recorded time range as one row irrespective of what the end state is.
Obviously here I have to supply the phen-ID manually.
How can I make this work that so I get a row of the start times and maxium recorded time for each unique phen-ID? Played around with trying to fit in something like select distinct phen-id ... but was not able to "feed" them automatically into the above. Or am I completely off the mark here?
Just to clarify, the ideal output using the table above would like something like this:
ID min-time max-time
000123 10198789 10577876 (min-time is start, max-time is state iuii)
000124 10477886 10876555 (min-time is start, max-time is end state)
union all might be an option:
select phen_id,
min(record_time) as min_record_time,
max(record_time) as max_record_time
from (
select phen_id, record_time from phen_table
union all select producer_id, record_time from phen_table
union all select consumer_id, record_time from phen_table
) t
where phen_id is not null
group by phen_id
On the other hand, if you want prioritization, then you can use coalesce():
select coalesce(phen_id, producer_id, consumer_id) as phen_id,
min(record_time) as min_record_time,
max(record_time) as max_record_time
from phen_table
group by coalesce(phen_id, producer_id, consumer_id)
The logic of the two queries is not exactly the same. If there are rows where more than one of the three columns is not null, and values differ, then the first query takes in account all non-null values, while the second considers only the "first" non-null value.
In Postgres, which you finally tagged, the union all solution can be phrased more efficiently with a lateral join:
select x.phen_id,
min(p.record_time) as min_record_time,
max(p.record_time) as max_record_time
from phen_table p
cross join lateral (values (phen_id), (producer_id), (consumer_id)) as x(phen_id)
where x.phen_id is not null
group by x.phen_id
I think you're on the right track. Try this and see if it is what you are looking for:
,coalesce(phen_id, producer_id, consumer_id) as [Phen ID]
from public.phen_table
group by coalesce(phen_id, producer_id, consumer_id)

Nested subquery in Access alias causing "enter parameter value"

I'm using Access (I normally use SQL Server) for a little job, and I'm getting "enter parameter value" for Night.NightId in the statement below that has a subquery within a subquery. I expect it would work if I wasn't nesting it two levels deep, but I can't think of a way around it (query ideas welcome).
The scenario is pretty simple, there's a Night table with a one-to-many relationship to a Score table - each night normally has 10 scores. Each score has a bit field IsDouble which is normally true for two of the scores.
I want to list all of the nights, with a number next to each representing how many of the top 2 scores were marked IsDouble (would be 0, 1 or 2).
Here's the SQL, I've tried lots of combinations of adding aliases to the column and the tables, but I've taken them out for simplicity below:
select Night.*
( select sum(IIF(IsDouble,1,0)) from
(SELECT top 2 * from Score where NightId=Night.NightId order by Score desc, IsDouble asc, ID)
) as TopTwoMarkedAsDoubles
from Night
This is a bit of speculation. However, some databases have issues with correlation conditions in multiply nested subqueries. MS Access might have this problem.
If so, you can solve this by using aggregation with a where clause that chooses the top two values:
select s.nightid,
sum(IIF(IsDouble, 1, 0)) as TopTwoMarkedAsDoubles
from Score as s
where in (select top 2
from score as s2
where s2.nightid = s.nightid
order by s2.score desc, s2.IsDouble asc,
group by s.nightid;
If this works, it is a simply matter to join Night back in to get the additional columns.
Your subquery can only see one level above it. so Night.NightId is totally unknown to it hence why you are being prompted to enter a value. You can use a Group By to get the value you want for each NightId then correlate that back to the original Night table.
Select *
From Night
left join (
Select N.NightId
, sum(IIF(S.IsDouble,1,0)) as [Number of Doubles]
from Night N
inner join Score S
on S.NightId = S.NightId
group by N.NightId) NightsWithScores
on Night.NightId = NightsWithScores.NightId
Because of the IIF(S.IsDouble,1,0) I don't see the point is using top.

Finding most popular and most unique records using SQL

My mom wanted a baby name game for my brother's baby shower. Wanting to learn python, I volunteered to do it. I pretty much have the python bit, it's the SQL that is throwing me.
The way the game is supposed to work is everyone at the shower writes down names on paper, I manually enter them into Excel (normalizing spellings as much as possible) and export to MS Access. Then I run my python program to find the player with the most popular names and the player with the most unique names. The database, called "babynames", is just four columns.
ID | BabyFirstName | BabyMiddleName | PlayerName
My mom has changed things every so often, but as they stand right now, I have to figure out :
a) The most popular name (or names if there is a tie) out of all first and middle names
b) The most unique name (or names if there is a tie) out of all the first and middle names
c) The player that has the most number of popular names (wins a prize)
d) The player that has the most number of unique names (wins a prize)
I've been working on this for about a week now and can't even get a SQL query for a) and b) to work, much less c) and d). I'm more than just a bit frustrated.
BTW, I'm just looking at spellings of the names, not phonetics. As I manually enter names, I will change names like "Kris" to "Chris" and "Xtina" to "Christina" etc.
Editing to add a couple of the most recent queries I tried for a)
SELECT [BabyFirstName],
COUNT ([BabyFirstName]) AS 'FirstNameOccurrence'
FROM [babynames]
GROUP BY [BabyFirstName]
ORDER BY 'FirstNameOccurrence' DESC
SELECT [BabyFirstName]
FROM [babynames]
GROUP BY [BabyFirstName]
FROM [babynames]
GROUP BY [BabyFirstName]
These both lead to syntax errors.
pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000', '[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in ORDER BY clause. (-3508) (SQLExecDirectW)')
I've tried using [FirstNameOccurrence] and just FirstNameOccurrence as well with the same error. Not sure why it's not recognizing it by that column name to order by.
pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error. in query expression 'COUNT(*) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [babynames] GROUP BY [BabyFirstName] ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1)'. (-3100) (SQLExecDirectW)")
I'll admit that I'm not really grokking all of the COUNT(*) commands here, but this was a solution for a similar issue here in stackoverflow that I figured I'd try when my other idea didn't pan out.
For A and B, use a group by clause in your SQL, and then count, and order by the count. Use descending order for A and ascending order for B, and just take the first result for each.
For C and D, essentially use the same strategy but now just add the PlayerName (e.g. group by babyname,playername) and then use the ascending order/descending order question.
Here's Microsoft's write-up for a group by clause in MS Access:
Here's an even better write-up demonstrating how to do both group by and order by at the same time:
For the first query you tried, change it to:
SELECT TOP 1 [BabyFirstName],
COUNT ([BabyFirstName]) AS 'FirstNameOccurrence'
FROM [babynames]
GROUP BY [BabyFirstName]
ORDER BY 'FirstNameOccurrence' DESC
For the second, change it to:
SELECT [BabyFirstName]
FROM [babynames]
GROUP BY [BabyFirstName]
FROM [babynames]
GROUP BY [BabyFirstName]
Limiting the number of records returned by a SQL Statement in Access is achieved by adding a TOP statement directly after SELECT, not with ORDER BY... LIMIT
Also, Access TOP statement will return all instances of the top n (or n percent) unique records, so if there are two or more identical records in the query output (before TOP), and TOP 1 is specified, you'll see them all.