How can I determine a process' unshared memory size on SunOS? - apache

Is there a way to determine the unshared memory size of a process on SunOS? Specifically the size of a child httpd process running under mod_perl if that helps.

Try pmap -x - see Solaris Internals: Process Memory Map: pmap -x for an example and details.


monit - Can I restart a process if system memory is too much?

I have this rule for system:
check system $HOST
if memory usage > 90% for 3 cycles then alert
and this rule for a process:
check process my_process matching "..."
restart program = "..."
I would like that if system memory is more than 90% to restart the process my_process.
Is this possible with monit?
I tried variants of if memory usage > 90% for 3 cycles then restart my_process but always the syntax is not recognized on monit reload.
Back to your sample, you can use something like this.
check system $HOST
if memory usage > 90% for 3 cycles then
exec "/bin/bash -c '/usr/local/bin/monit restart my_process'"
To restart a service named "my_process".
With regards, Lutz
The command (start, stop, restart, ...) execute the proper command for the service itself.
With regards,

What is cfinteractive process in Yocto?

I am facing a problem with my Camera image fetching program stop working. When the program has no response, I captured the following info by ps command:
What is the first process cfinteractive?
cfinteractive is a kernel thread for the Interactive governor of the CPUFreq driver. You can verify that your system is using this governor with:
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
And you can temporarily disable CPU frequency scaling with the command:
echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
You need to do that for each of your CPUs.

gc memory overhead exceeded in jmeter

My test execution shows "gc memory overhead exceeded" exception in linux cent os 7. I changed jmeter.bat's heap max size 6g and min size as 512m. I am not used any listeners, preprocessor, http header manager. Used regular expression extractor for 2 samplers and constant timer as common. I run my test in terminal and store result in jtl file. I run it for 250 users, rampup period as 1 and scheduler as 5400 seconds. But still issue persist..
System configuration:
Ram 8 GB
CPU octa core 3.12 GHz
Swap memory 16 GB
You say that you changed jmeter.bat, but the problem is on Linux, which doesn't use jmeter.bat. Unless it's a typo, try to change jmeter or (whichever one you use to invoke JMeter).
Generally I would not recommend more than 2GB for moderate use, and 4GB for heavy use. For instance my settings are:
HEAP="-Xms4096m -Xmx4096m"
and I can run up to 300 concurrent users with a lot of samplers/heavy scripting even in GUI mode. Setting larger heap may cause larger pauses on GC, which can cause the exception you are getting.
After you start JMeter, run the following command to make sure the memory settings are indeed as you expect them to be:
ps -ef | grep JMeter
I actually changed Xmx in jmeter.bat file instead of file since i used linux for this test. Jmeter.bat is supported in windows os and is supported for Linux os. So that the above mentioned error occurred. Once I changed it in file it works perfectly.

How can I restart JVM on OutOfMemoryError _after_ making a heap dump?

I know about the -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError JVM parameter. I also know about -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="cmd args;cmd args" and that kill -3 <JVM_PID> will request a heap dump.
Question: How can I make sure that I, on OutOfMemoryError, first make a full heap dump and then force a restart (or kill) after the dump is done? Is my best bet -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="kill -3 %p;sleep <time-it-takes-to-dump>;kill -9 %p"?
java -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="kill -9 %p" TestApp
JVM will dump heap first, and then execute OnOutOfMemoryError commands (proof).
If you just want to shutdown you can use one of the following parameters:
The VM arguments were added in Java version 8u92, see the release notes.
When you enable this option, the JVM exits on the
first occurrence of an out-of-memory error. It can be used if you
prefer restarting an instance of the JVM rather than handling out of
memory errors.
If this option is enabled, when an
out-of-memory error occurs, the JVM crashes and produces text and
binary crash files.
Enhancement Request: JDK-8138745 (parameter naming is wrong though JDK-8154713, ExitOnOutOfMemoryError instead of ExitOnOutOfMemory)
I bet the runtime sets a specific errorlevel on crash. Check for that return code and rerun the program in that case. You should perhaps put that into a script.
The sun jre allows you to heap dump on oome, perhaps openjdk does too.

Setting memory consumption limits with Upstart

I've recently become quite fond of Upstart. Previously I've been using God, Monit and Bluepill but I don't really like these solutions so I'm giving Upstart a try.
I've been using the Foreman gem to generate some basic Upstart configuration files for my processes in /etc/init. However, these generated files only handle the respawning of a crashed process. I was wondering whether it's possible to tell Upstart to restart a process that's consuming for example > 150mb of memory, as you would with Monit, God or Bluepill.
I read through the Upstart docs and this looks like the thing I'm looking for. Though I have no clue how to config something like this.
What I basically want is quite simple. I want to restart my web process if the memory usage is > 150mb ram. These are the files I have:
|-- myapp-web-1.conf
|-- myapp-web-2.conf
|-- myapp-web-3.conf
|-- myapp-web.conf
|-- myapp.conf
And their contents are:
pre-start script
bash << "EOF"
mkdir -p /var/log/myapp
chown -R deployer /var/log/myapp
end script
start on starting myapp
stop on stopping myapp
myapp-web-1.conf / myapp-web-2.conf / myapp-web-3.conf
start on starting myapp-web
stop on stopping myapp-web
exec su - deployer -c 'cd /var/applications/releases/20110607140607; cd myapp && bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT >> /var/log/myapp/web-1.log 2>&1'
Any help much appreciated!
Appending this to the end of myapp-web-*.conf will cause any allocation calls trying to allocate more than 150mb of memory to return ENOMEM:
limit rss 157286400 157286400
The process might crash at this point, or it might not. That's up to the process!
Here's a test for this in the Upstart Source.
From the Upstart docs, the limits come from the rlimit system call options. (
Since Linux 2.4+ setting the rss (Resident Set Size) has no effect.
An alternative already suggested in other answers is as which sets the virtual memory Address Space size limits. This will have a very different effect of setting 'real' memory limits.
limit as <soft limit> <hard limit>
Excerpt from man pages for setrlimit:
The maximum size of the process's virtual memory (address space) in bytes. This limit affects calls to brk(2), mmap(2), and mremap(2),
which fail with the error ENOMEM upon exceeding this limit. Also automatic stack expansion will fail (and generate a SIGSEGV that
kills the process if no alternate stack has been made available via sigaltstack(2)). Since the value is a long, on machines with a
32-bit long either this limit is at most 2 GiB, or this resource is unlimited.