g++ issue with Magick++ and cygwin - g++

When I try to compile a simple c++ file using Magick++ and cygwin, I keep getting this result:
$ g++ -o imageTest imageTest.cpp `GraphicsMagick++-config --cppflags --cxxflags --ldflags --libs`
g++: unrecognized option `-no-undefined'
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -ldpstk
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I installed ImageMagick through the cygwin gui setup.

GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick are two different libraries. If you want to build your program using ImageMagick, as you state, it's just a matter of changing
This should work. As for GraphicsMagick, it looks like the current -devel library in Cygwin is broken, as it requires a library (libdpstk) which is no longer available. (Have a look here if you are interested.)


g++ doesn't recognize the file format of a dll

I am on Windows, and I am using the version of g++ that comes with mingw-64. I have a file on my computer called lua51.dll. When I try to run the following command :
g++ -shared -fPIC -o stuff.dll -llua51 stuff.cpp
I get the following error:
C:/Program Files/LOVE/lua51.dll: file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [main] Error 1
How can I fix this? Please let me know if more information is needed; I am a complete beginner to compilation.
This is an issue you get when you try to include a 64-bit library when running a 32-bit version of g++ or even gcc.
I thought that that the version of g++.exe that comes with mingw-64 would produce 64-bit code, but it turns out this isn't true; it still only produces 32-bit code. In my case, lua51.dll is 64-bit, which is an issue since I was using the version of g++ that produces 32-bit code.
Instead, you need to use x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe, which can be found in the same folder as g++.exe. This is the version of g++ that will produce 64-bit code.

msys2 (msys64) cannot find -lcrypt

I have msys2 (msys64) https://www.msys2.org/ and am compiling some older code in gcc, but get "cannot find -lcrypt", -lcrypt is declared in the makefile, as crypt is cited in the code.
The only version of crypt library I can get to get to run is -lcrypt32 which is a library in msys2, but this doesn't seem to offer the support for crypt so I then get crypt errors. Does anyone know how to get the normal crypt recognized in msys2? I assume it's relying on mingw, I also recall from a long while back that mingw doesn't support lcrypt, but I could be wrong.
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-msys/6.4.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-msys/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypt
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:260: arch] Error 1
MSYS2 does not appear to ship a MinGW version of libcrypt. But as long as you just want to run this locally and do not need to redistribute it, you could compile it with the MSYS2 GCC. There is libcrypt for it. Just run...
pacman -S msys/libcrypt-devel
And then that should work:
gcc test.c -lcrypt

Linker only sees a portion of libraries in a directory

In my makefile I have:
g++ -o Out Out.o -I Headers_Directory -L Libraries_Directory -lFile1 -lFile2
In my Libraries_Directory I have two files libFile1.a and libFile2.so
ld finds libFile1.a but cannot find libFile2.so. How that is possible and how can I resolve the issue?
I am compiling in Cygwin and using GNU gcc-g++ compiler.
A minimalist that regenerates the error:
Download the Linux Version of Gurobi here. Then, install the software using this instruction. You need to activate the software by obtaining a license from here. Free academic license for research purpose is available. Finally navigate to the following folder
and issue the command make. You have to compile on Cygwin with GNU gcc-g++ compiler.

Using libdl.so in MinGW

I want to generate a dll file in MinGW, I have several object dependencies in order to do that, one of my object dependencies is libdl.so, I add this object in unix simply as :
g++ xx.o yy.o /usr/lib/libdl.so -o module.so
but in MinGW, I don't have any idea how to add this object. any ideas?
There is a MinGW port of libdl that you can use just like under Unix. Quote from the website:
This library implements a wrapper for dlfcn, as specified in POSIX and SUS, around the dynamic link library functions found in the Windows API.
It requires MinGW to build.
You may get pre-built binaries (with MinGW gcc 3.4.5) and a bundled source code from the Downloads section.
The following commands build and install it in a standard MinGW installation (to be run from your MinGW shell):
./configure --prefix=/ --libdir=/lib --incdir=/include && make && make install
To compile your library as a DLL, use the following command:
g++ -shared xx.o yy.o -ldl -o module.dll
I encountered the same problem (msys2, 32bit version of compiler etc.).
For me I found out that the libdl.a was available in /usr/lib but not in /mingw32/lib. I was able to solve the problem by linking it to the /mingw32/lib folder:
ln -s /usr/lib/libdl.a /mingw32/lib

Linking error with g++ 3.4.4 and g++ 3.4.5

Using: windows xp, g++ 3.4.4 with cygwin and g++ 3.4.5 with mingw.
I'm compiling a simple unit test class with cppunit.
When I link using g++ 3.4.5 I get a lot of linking errors. When I link with g++ 3.4.4 I don't get any errors and the exe links fine and runs.
I can't seem to trace down the errors, so any thoughts?
EDIT: linking errors: Unreferenced function errors. Like:
SimpleTest.cpp:(.text+0x313): undefined reference to `CppUnit::Message::Message(std::string const&, std::string const&)'
EDIT: cmd line:
g++ -I g:\projects\thirdparty\cppunit-1.12.1\include -L g:\projects\thirdparty\cppunit-1.12.1\lib -l cppunitd -o main.exe main.cpp SimpleTest.cpp
Update: Same code in Visual Studio: No error, unit test runs as expected.
Your problem is likely incorrect link line. The order of sources/object files and libraries on the link line matters. Correct link line:
g++ -I g:\projects\thirdparty\cppunit-1.12.1\include \
-L g:\projects\thirdparty\cppunit-1.12.1\lib \
-o main.exe main.cpp SimpleTest.cpp -lcppunitd
As g++ matures, I'm on 4.2.3, it's type checking has gotten more pedantic and for that matter better. With the little information I'd say it's likely that you should look closely at your calls to these methods. I suspect that the types are not quite right. 3.4.4 doesn't catch it, 3.4.5 does.
One thing you could perhaps try is to compile with g++ 3.4.5 and/or 3.4.4 on Linux. If the result then is the same, then it is clearly a property of gcc. Otherwise it more sounds like a mingw issue.