Bazaar: moving from single-developer to an accessible repository - bazaar

I've started using bazaar DVCS for a project in a single-user mode, as described in their tutorial. I would like to involve another developer in this project, but the multi-user, "brancheable" repository seems to have different structure from my little ad-hoc directory. I can't find the documentation on how to go from one to the other. Can someone help?

I don't see how you managed to get something that's not branchable. It's a fundamental thing in bazaar.
Suppose you have done something like this for your code:
c:\dev> bzr init proj
c:\dev\proj> hackhackhack.bat
c:\dev\proj> bzr commit
This should be a branchable repository. i.e.
c:\dev2> bzr init-repo .
c:\dev2> bzr branch c:\dev\proj proj
You now have a branch.
If you're talking about running the built-in server, you need to do this:
c:\dev2> bzr serve


Use git-svn with multiple svn repos and branches

I have a svn branch that I had been working on and decided to start using git-svn to work locally. Now I have two problems. I want to move my work into another svn repository (on the same host) but I'd first like to merge the latest work from trunk. How would I do this with git-svn? Also, how would I continue my work in a separate svn-repo while continually merging work from the original repo? Also, I don't want to checkout the entire history from the original trunk because the project is rather huge. I am new to git and to git-svn, though I've taken a crash course in git branching and I feel confident enough to use advanced commands like rebase and cherry-pick. I mainly need to know how to apply these concepts thru git-svn. Do the svn repos get setup as a git remote somehow? Are there good resources on the net explaining how it works? Any guidance is much appreciated.
Create your Git repo with git svn init -s <url>.
git config --edit, add several svn-remotes for each of your Subversion repos. Later you'll use the -R option to all git-svn commands to select which svn-remote to use.
Tweak svn-remote branch mappings as needed. Keep in mind that the default refs/remotes/* namespace specifies remote branches — not Git remotes. (You'll have just a single git remote named . which I don't recommend pushing/pulling to/from).
You can easily design your remote branches namespace to keep branches from different Subversion repos separated (e.g. refs/remotes/repoA/*, /refs/remotes/repoB/* etc).
git svn fetch. This has options to scan history only partially, e.g. starting from a specific revision. Please read the manpage on instructions how to do this.
You can also ignore specific paths and/or branches here.
Work with Git as usual, trying to keep your commits as linear as possible. Rebase often. Merge commits are fine (git-svn will even set svn:mergeinfo property), but holy cow be careful (and read the manpage for caveats). Understand that Git commits with git-svn-id tags are immutable, and push -f won't save you. For example, it's forbidden to amend or rebase already dcommit'ed changes.
Are there good resources on the net explaining how it works?
By far the best resource is the manpage. The next after it is git-svn source.

Working with GIt without branches

I am trying to work with GIT, without creating private branches.
What that means is I directly work on my cloned repository (master)
Now, Is that the right way to use GIT? I run into many issues related to updating my repository (GIT PULL / GIT FETCH). And most of the time, I am not able to use GIT Merge.
Is there a particular way in which i can use GIT MERGE, GIT PULL, and GIT FETCH. That will help me?
Looks like the best way to work with GIT is have branches.
Branch 1
GIT Commit
GIT MERGE master ( to fetch the newer changes)
Branch 2
GIT Commit
GIT Merge branch1
GIT Merge branch2
I dont think there any other way. Please correct me if i am wrong?
Jan Krueger's extended cheat sheet will help you cover the basics, and will expose you some common commands for using git.
IMO, git is a brilliant DVCS. If you have time; take a look at the structure of git and try to catch the ideas behind its design. For example this Tech Talk by Linus Torvalds.
Note: It looks like you are missing some core ideas behind using git, so please try to learn general approach of git before tackling with commands.
Note 2: As being a stalker, you seem to have general problems with git. So I repeat my advice once more. Learn basics, complete a tutorial, read/listen/watch a few useful source from notable people about git.
Also read about git stash. It saves your local uncommitted changes so you can pull cleanly. Then run git stash pop to replay those changes on top.

Bzr: Create a shared repository from an existing stand-alone repository

I have been using Bzr for version control of my project over the last few months. I am the sole developer, and currently I just have everything in a single local project directory, to which I commit and which I sync to DriveHQ.
I now have some large-scale experiments in mind which would likely break this main line, so I've been looking into the concepts of branches and shared repositories. So my question is, basically: how should I go about creating a new, shared repository from this already-version-controlled base?
I am familiar with the SVN project structure of trunk, branches and tags, and I'm going to adopt this structure. My plan is to just go ahead and do a fresh init-repo, and copy all my code (plus .bzr) over into the trunk folder. So is this OK? Or is there some way to convert what I have already into a shared repository?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
OK, so you have some work directory where your standalone branch is.
You want to create trunk and feature branches in new shared repo.
At first you need to create a shared repository itself:
bzr init-repo /path/to/repo
Now you can put your code to repo/trunk. You can use push, branch or you can copy work and use reconfigure.
cd work; bzr push /path/to/repo/trunk
cd path/to/repo; bzr branch /path/to/work trunk
or copy/move work to /path/to/repo/trunk then cd /path/to/repo/trunk; bzr reconfigure --use-shared
In all cases you'll have branch trunk as a copy of your old work, and this trunk will use shared repository to save the revisions.
You can also look at bzr-colo plugin.
Create a folder outside your current repository.
Call bzr init-repo to create a shared repository
From your working tree push to the newly created shared repo.
You can now work directly on the shared repo

Configure the .bzr directory path in a bazaar repository

I want to create a bazaar repository and have the .bzr directory not alongside the versioned files.
I'm searching for an option like "--git-dir" in git, or a way to achieve the same thing. Evenctually I'd accept an hack too.
A solution using bzrlib is feasible
Example current structure
Wannabe structure
There is nothing like --git-dir in bzr, but if you only need avoid having the full history along your working tree, then it's worth to consider using lightweight checkouts. Lightweight checkouts allow you to use only small number of files in .bzr/ directory (but you have to have it anyway) and the real branch with its repository and its history can be kept outside the working tree. So:
bzr branch bzr+ssh://HOST/REPO/BRANCH /unrelated_path
bzr checkout --lightweight /unrelated_path project

Bazaar offline + branches

I have a Bazaar repository on Host A with multiple branches. This is my main repository.
Until now, I have been doing checkouts on my other machines and committing directly to the main repository. However, now I am consolidating all my work to my laptop and multiple VMs. I need to be working offline regularly. In particular, I need to create/delete/merge branches all while offline.
I was thinking of continuing to have the master on Host A with a clone of the repository on the laptop with each vms doing checkouts of the clone.
Then, when I go offline, I could do bzr unbind on the clone and bzr bind when I am back online.
This failed as soon as I tried to bzr clone since bzr clone only clones a branch(!!!!)
I need some serious help. If Hg would handle this better please let me know (I need Windows support.) However, at this moment I cannot switch from Bazaar as it is too close to some important deadlines.
Thanks in advance!
bzr fundamentally works with one branch / directory (the branch are visible at the file system level), so if you need to clone each branch from your repository (not unlike svn, in a way). Hg, at basic level, works this way too (although you can put several branches in one repository using say named branches).
For DVCS, it is important to distinguish between the following:
Working tree: a versioned set of files (at a given revision)
Branch: a linear set of revisions
Repository: a set of revisions
When you clone locally a directory versioned by bzr, you are copying the repository subset which contains all the revisions in the branch you are cloning, and get the working tree. This assumes you are not asking for a branch wo a working tree nor using a shared repository.
What you want, IIUC, is to clone the full repository with all the branches. There is no 'native' way to do so in bzr I believe, but plugins to help you toward this, like multi-pull and push-repo, to sync multiple branches in one shot.
But I don't understand why that's such a big problem, or the link with working offline: you just clone the branches you want to work on your laptop.