GTK: Resizing widgets contained in a textview - resize

I have a Gtk.TextView control, and I'm inserting child widgets into it. I'd like to be able to have the children resize to fit the width of the TextView when the form is resized. Is there a built-in way to do this? If not, can anyone suggest a good way of writing my own?

You can use the gtk_text_view_get_window() method to get the width of the Gtk.TextView. With this number you can resize your child-widget accordingly. If you want to resize the child-widget automatically when the Gtk.TextView resizes, you can use the signal check-resize, to do the resizing.


Allow user to resize window such that Gtk3 TextView component can't show all text

I'm working on a GTK program in Rust (someone can probably answer this if they don't know Rust, as I can figure out how to translate between different bindings and the native C API) via the gtk-rs bindings for which I want to have a non-editable TextView who's contents are constantly updated in my code. I want the user to be able to resize the TextView to any size, after which my code will re-calculate its contents accordingly. Unfortunately, GTK prevents any resize from taking place that would hide any contents that are current in the TextView. I can't use a ScrolledWindow because I don't want visible scrollbars, and disabling the scrollbars on a ScrolledWindow prevents the resizing behavior that I want. I also tried calling set_size_request to set the size to both 1, 1, and 0, 0 after every text change, but this does not change the behavior at all either — the user still can't properly resize the TextView (by resizing the window).
How can I enable the resizing behavior that I want?
Probably this is not possible. What would be the point of resizing the text view smaller, if the user can never see the text that is outside of the viewport because you don't want scrollbars? That seems like it would confound the user's expectation of how such a component would usually work.
Maybe an approach could be that you pick a certain number of lines to show, make that the size of the viewport, and delete the old contents of the text view that scroll outside of the viewport?

IOS 7 Approach for create container with two elements?

So, i am new to xcode and iOS7 and i'm trying to create simple container with two elements inside.
I prefer to make it 100% programmatically. (no IB)
I want to create container with two elements Image and Label.
I want to achieve variable width depends on the text element inside.
Here is example:
Based on user action i want to change text on the fly. Let's assume longer text, and main container have to change width too.
And now the question is: What is best approach to to that?
UIView with subviews or something else i'm just expecting direction.
Code examples with be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
What you have described is exactly what a UIButton does automatically: it is a container containing an image and a title (text) and it resizes itself automatically when the text changes.
Let us assume, however, that you want to do this yourself. That is, let's say you want a UIView ("container") containing two other UIViews (subviews). Then we need to discuss this requirement:
Based on user action i want to change text on the fly. Let's assume longer text, and main container have to change width too.
This is not going to happen automatically. You can use constraints (auto layout) to describe the size / position of the subviews in relation to the superview, but it works the other way: the superview changes, and the subviews obey. So you will have to change the superview size manually after you change the text.
You can still use auto layout to help you. Let's say the text is in a UILabel. Well, a UILabel wants to change width automatically when the text changes. So far so good. But you must still change the container view width yourself. You can call systemLayoutSizeFittingSize: to learn what the size of the container should be, using constraints, working from the inside out; but then you will have to change its size yourself to that size.
(You can easily create the view, the subviews, and the auto layout constraints in code.)
If you don't want to use autolayout, then you will just calculate the sizes and positions of everything when the text changes and adjust it all yourself (in code). You can learn the size the label needs to be, to fit its text, by calling sizeThatFits: (or sizeToFit which will actually resize it correctly).

Resize NSTableView or NSScrollView depending on number of rows in table

I have a view-based NSTableView which is embedded in an NSScrollView. It has custom cells that are x number of pixels high. The NSScrollView is the same size as the panel that it is a subview of. I want to resize the entire NSTableView depending on how many rows are in the table.
Everything is working except the resizing. Resizing the scroll view manually in IB seems to have the desired affect, but NSSrollView does not seem to have a class method to resize its view (like NSView has setFrame). Should I be resizing the scollview, the tableview, both, or something else? Does NSScrollView have a setFrame method or similar that I am missing?
Before you try to do it programmatically, make sure you have the outline view's autosizing masks set up properly in the nib file. It sounds like you simply want the outline view (and its scroll view) to always remain the same size as the window that it's inside.
By default, the autosizing masks of an NSScrollView/NSOutlineView combo that you place into a window looks like the following:
In other words, it's set up to always remain the same size as it is now, no matter how large you resize the window to be.
What you want to do is to change the autosizing masks to look like in the image below:
To do that, you click in the white autosizing box wherever there's a dotted red line to toggle it into a solid red line. Once it's configured that way, the scroll view (and table view) will always (automatically) be resized to be the same size as the window that it's in.
There may also be a way to achieve this using Lion's new "auto layout" feature, but I'll have to leave that to someone who has more experience with it.
In case you really need to do this (such as when you want all rows to fit in the scrollview alleviating the need to scroll) and the scroll view is only a portion of the window/view you can do:
[[myTableView enclosingScrollView] setFrame:newFrameRect];
scrollview.frame = CGRrectMake(x, y, w, h);

NSImageView + Background Color

I have requirement like this,
Have One NSIMageView and which will be changing frequently on the timer basis, On resizing, it needs to maintain the aspect ratio, so Image may not occupy the entire frame of the Image, in such case, i need to display the background color black,
can anyone help me how can i achieve that, On googling got one approach is to have SubClass of NSImageView, but no idea, what will impact on the performance, as image is changing frequently,
Set the image view's sizing mode to Proportionate. Enclose it in an NSBox set to Custom mode with a black background. No code needed, just a case of thinking inside the box...

Assigning a Background image to CGRect Object!

I am new to iphone Programming . I have a rectangle on which i display some data. I want to assign an image to its background. And is it possible that the data would be visible even after the image is assigned . Any idea how i can do it ?
You don't say how you are displaying your data, so it isn't possible to respond properly.
But in general, you create simple displays using Interface Builder, and can position a UILabel over a UIImageView, and can set the labels background to be transparent.
If you are drawing using drawRect:, then you probably shouldn't be. And yes, you can draw text over an image doing it this way, too.
CGRect is just a structure representing an abstract rectangle. You do not associate styling information (e.g. color, background image, etc.) to it because this does not make sense.
If you simply want to display an image on a window, drag the PNG image into your project, then you can find your image in Interface Builder, which can be put onto the window.