Does "Right Outer Join" have any useful purpose? - sql

I use INNER JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOINs all the time. However, I never seem to need RIGHT OUTER JOINs, ever.
I've seen plenty of nasty auto-generated SQL that uses right joins, but to me, that code is impossible to get my head around. I always need to rewrite it using inner and left joins to make heads or tails of it.
Does anyone actually write queries using Right joins?

In SQL Server one edge case where I have found right joins useful is when used in conjunction with join hints.
The following queries have the same semantics but differ in which table is used as the build input for the hash table (it would be more efficient to build the hash table from the smaller input than the larger one which the right join syntax achieves)
FROM #Small
RIGHT HASH JOIN #Large ON #Small.X = #Large.X
FROM #Large
LEFT HASH JOIN #Small ON #Small.X = #Large.X
Aside from that (product specific) edge case there are other general examples where a RIGHT JOIN may be useful.
Suppose that there are three tables for People, Pets, and Pet Accessories. People may optionally have pets and these pets may optionally have accessories
VALUES ('Alice'),
PersonName VARCHAR(10)
VALUES ('Rover',
CREATE TABLE PetAccessories
AccessoryName VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,
PetName VARCHAR(10)
INSERT INTO PetAccessories
VALUES ('Ball', 'Rover'),
('Bone', 'Rover'),
If the requirement is to get a result listing all people irrespective of whether or not they own a pet and information about any pets they own that also have accessories.
This doesn't work (Excludes Bob)
SELECT P.PersonName,
FROM Persons P
ON P.PersonName = Pt.PersonName
INNER JOIN PetAccessories Pa
ON Pt.PetName = Pa.PetName;
This doesn't work (Includes Lassie)
SELECT P.PersonName,
FROM Persons P
ON P.PersonName = Pt.PersonName
LEFT JOIN PetAccessories Pa
ON Pt.PetName = Pa.PetName;
This does work (but the syntax is much less commonly understood as it requires two ON clauses in succession to achieve the desired logical join order)
SELECT P.PersonName,
FROM Persons P
INNER JOIN PetAccessories Pa
ON Pt.PetName = Pa.PetName
ON P.PersonName = Pt.PersonName;
All in all probably easiest to use a RIGHT JOIN
SELECT P.PersonName,
FROM Pets Pt
JOIN PetAccessories Pa
ON Pt.PetName = Pa.PetName
ON P.PersonName = Pt.PersonName;
Though if determined to avoid this another option would be to introduce a derived table that can be left joined to
SELECT P.PersonName,
FROM Persons P
FROM Pets Pt
JOIN PetAccessories Pa
ON Pt.PetName = Pa.PetName) T
ON T.PersonName = P.PersonName;
SQL Fiddles: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server

It depends on what side of the join you put each table.
If you want to return all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table... you use left join.
If you want to return all rows from the right table, even if there are no matches in the left table, you use right join.
Interestingly enough, I rarely used right joins.

You usually use RIGHT OUTER JOINS to find orphan items in other tables.

No, I don't for the simple reason I can accomplish everything with inner or left joins.

I only use left, but let me say they are really the same depending how how you order things. I worked with some people that only used right, becasue they built queries from the inside out and liked to keep their main items at the bottom thus in their minds it made sense to only use right.
Got main thing here
need more junk
More Junk right outer join Main Stuff
I prefer to do main stuff then junk... So left outer works for me.
So whatever floats your boat.

The only time I use a Right outer join is when I am working on an existing query and need to change it (normally from an inner). I could reverse the join and make it a left and probably be ok, but I try and reduce the amount of things I change when I modify code.

Our standard practice here is to write everything in terms of LEFT JOINs if possible. We've occasionally used FULL OUTER JOINs if we've needed to, but never RIGHT JOINs.

You can accomplish the same thing using LEFT or RIGHT joins. Generally most people think in terms of a LEFT join probably because we read from left to right. It really comes down to being consistent. Your team should focus on using either LEFT or RIGHT joins, not both, as they are essentially the same exact thing, written differently.

Rarely, as stated you can usually reorder and use a left join. Also I naturally tend to order the data, so that left joins work for getting the data I require. I think the same can be said of full outer and cross joins, most people tend to stay away from them.


INNER, LEFT or RIGHT JOIN to get columns values

I have 4 tables in SQL Server 2012. This is my diagram:
I have this query:
pc.Product_ID, d.Dept_ID, c.Category_ID, sc.SubCategory_ID
dbo.ProductConfiguration pc
dbo.SubCategory sc ON sc.SubCategory_ID = pc.SubCategory_ID
dbo.Category c ON c.Category_ID = sc.Category_ID
dbo.Department d ON d.Dept_ID = c.Dept_ID
pc.Product_ID = 459218
What is the best way, (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT) to get columns values? I need be careful with performance
Thanks a lot
This has nothing to do with performance.
I suppose every product belongs to a subcategory which belongs to a category which belongs to a department. So you inner join all the tables; this is the normal thing to do.
If one of the entities were not mandatory, but optional, say there are categories that don't belong to a department 1, but you still wanted to show the row, then you'd outer join the table. You'd use a left outer join on departments. We never use right outer joins, because these are supposed to be harder to read, and they do essentially the same as left joins.
1) i.e. category.dept_id coud be null
your query best variant is LEFT JOIN, from its do not loses your information
I would recommend to you, use execution plans when you need to update the performance. using execution plan you can understand the behaviors. it will grate help for future.
Thank You!

Super Slow Query... What have I done wrong?

You guys are amazing. I've posted here twice in the past couple of days - a new user - and I've been blown away by the help. So, I figured I'd take the slowest query I've got in my software and see if anyone can help me speed it up. I use this query as a view, so it's important that it be fast (and it isn't!).
First, I have a Contacts Table that store my company's customers. In the table is a JobTitle column which contains an ID which is defined in the Contacts_Def_JobFunctions table. There is also a table called contacts_link_job_functions which holds the contactID number and additional job functions the customer has - also defined in the Contacts_Def_JobFunctions table.
Secondly, the Contacts_Def_JobFunctions table records have a parent/child relationship with themselves. In this manner, we cluster similar job functions (for example: maid, laundry service, housekeeping, cleaning, etc. are all the same basic job - while the job title may vary). Job functions which we don't currently work with are maintained as children of ParentJobID 1841.
Third, the institutionswithzipcodesadditional simply provides geographical data to the final result.
Lastly, like all responsible companies, we maintain a remove list for any of our customers that wish to opt-out of our newsletter (after opting in).
I use the following query to build a table of those people who have opted-in to receive our newsletter and who have a job function or job title relevant to the services/products we offer.
Here's my UGLY query:
dbo.contacts_link_emails.Email, dbo.contacts.ContactID, dbo.contacts.First AS ContactFirstName, dbo.contacts.Last AS ContactLastName, dbo.contacts.InstitutionID,
dbo.institutionswithzipcodesadditional.CountyID, dbo.institutionswithzipcodesadditional.StateID, dbo.institutionswithzipcodesadditional.DistrictID
dbo.contacts_def_jobfunctions AS contacts_def_jobfunctions_3
ON dbo.contacts.ContactID = dbo.contacts_link_emails.ContactID
ON contacts_def_jobfunctions_3.JobID = dbo.contacts.JobTitle
ON dbo.contacts.InstitutionID = dbo.institutionswithzipcodesadditional.InstitutionID
ON dbo.contacts_def_jobfunctions.JobID = dbo.contacts_link_jobfunctions.JobID
ON dbo.contacts.ContactID = dbo.contacts_link_jobfunctions.ContactID
(dbo.contacts.JobTitle IN
FROM dbo.contacts_def_jobfunctions AS contacts_def_jobfunctions_1
WHERE (ParentJobID <> '1841')))
(dbo.contacts_link_emails.Email NOT IN
(SELECT EmailAddress
FROM dbo.newsletterremovelist))
(dbo.contacts_link_jobfunctions.JobID IN
FROM dbo.contacts_def_jobfunctions AS contacts_def_jobfunctions_2
WHERE (ParentJobID <> '1841')))
(dbo.contacts_link_emails.Email NOT IN
(SELECT EmailAddress
FROM dbo.newsletterremovelist AS newsletterremovelist))
I'm hoping some of you superstars can help me tune this up.
Thanks so much,
Russell Schutte
After getting several feedback messages, most notably from Khanzor, I've worked hard on tuning this query and have come up with the following:
contacts_link_emails.Email, contacts.ContactID, contacts.First AS ContactFirstName, contacts.Last AS ContactLastName, contacts.InstitutionID,
institutionswithzipcodesadditional.CountyID, institutionswithzipcodesadditional.StateID, institutionswithzipcodesadditional.DistrictID
FROM contacts
contacts_def_jobfunctions ON contacts.jobtitle = contacts_def_jobfunctions.JobID AND contacts_def_jobfunctions.ParentJobID <> '1841'
contacts_link_jobfunctions ON contacts_link_jobfunctions.JobID = contacts_def_jobfunctions.JobID AND contacts_def_jobfunctions.ParentJobID <> '1841'
contacts_link_emails ON contacts.ContactID = contacts_link_emails.ContactID
institutionswithzipcodesadditional ON contacts.InstitutionID = institutionswithzipcodesadditional.InstitutionID
newsletterremovelist ON newsletterremovelist.emailaddress =
newsletterremovelist.emailaddress IS NULL
This isn't quite perfect (I suspect I should have made something an outer join or a right join or something, and I'm not really sure). My result set is about 40% of the records my original query provided (which I'm no longer 100% positive was a perfect query).
To clean things up, I took out all the "dbo." prefixes that SQL Studio adds. Do they do anything?
What am I doing wrong now?
Russell Schutte
== == == == ==
== == == == ==
I've been working on this one query for several hours now. I've got it down to this:
contacts_link_emails.Email, contacts.contactID, contacts.First AS ContactFirstName, contacts.Last AS ContactLastName, contacts.InstitutionID,
institutionswithzipcodesadditional.CountyID, institutionswithzipcodesadditional.StateID, institutionswithzipcodesadditional.DistrictID
contacts INNER JOIN institutionswithzipcodesadditional
ON contacts.InstitutionID = institutionswithzipcodesadditional.InstitutionID
INNER JOIN contacts_link_emails
ON contacts.ContactID = contacts_link_emails.ContactID
LEFT OUTER JOIN contacts_def_jobfunctions
ON contacts.JobTitle = contacts_def_jobfunctions.JobID AND contacts_def_jobfunctions.ParentJobID <> '1841'
LEFT OUTER JOIN contacts_link_jobfunctions
ON contacts_link_jobfunctions.JobID = contacts_def_jobfunctions.JobID AND contacts_def_jobfunctions.ParentJobID <> '1841'
newsletterremovelist ON newsletterremovelist.EmailAddress = contacts_link_emails.Email
WHERE (newsletterremovelist.EmailAddress IS NULL)
Disappointingly, I'm just not able to fill in the gaps in my knowledge. I'm new to joins, except when I have the visual tool build them for me, so I'm thinking I want everything from contacts, institutionswithzipcodesadditional, and contacts_link_emails, so I've INNER JOINed them (above).
I am stumped on the next bit. If I INNER JOIN them, then I get people who have the proper jobs (<> 1841) - but I'm thinking I LOSE out on people who don't have an entry for both JobTitle AND JobFunctions. In many cases, this isn't right. I could have a JobTitle "Custodian" which I'd want to keep on our newsletter list, but if he doesn't also have a JobFunction entry, I think he'll fall off the list if I use INNER JOIN.
BUT, if I do the query with LEFT OUTER JOINs, as above, I think I get lots of people with the wrong JobTitles, simply because anyone who is lacking EITHER a JobTitle OR a JobFunction would be ON my list - they could be a "High Level Executive" with no JobFunction, and they'd be on the list - which isn't right. We no longer have services appropriate to "High Level Executives".
Then I see how the LEFT OUTER JOIN works for the newsletterremovelist. It's pretty slick and I think I've done it right...
But I'm still stuck. Hopefully someone can see what I'm trying to do here and steer me in the right direction.
Russell Schutte
Sadly, this thread seems to have died, without a perfect solution - but I'm getting close. Please see a new thread started which restarts the discussion: click here
(awarded a correct answer for the massive amount of work provided - even while a correct answer hasn't quite been reached).
Russell Schutte
Move the queries in your WHERE out to actual joins. These are called correlated subqueries, and are the work of the Voldemort. If they are joins, they are only executed once, and will speed up your query.
For the NOT IN sections, use a left outer join, and check that the column you joined on is NULL.
Also, avoid using OR in WHERE queries where possible - remember that OR is not neccesarily a short circuit operation.
An example is as follows:
dbo.contacts AS c
dbo.contacts_def_jobfunctions AS jf
ON c.JobTitle = jf.JobId AND jf.ParentJobID <> '1841'
dbo.contacts_link_emails AS e
ON c.ContactID = e.ContactID AND jf.JobID = c.JobTitle
dbo.newsletterremovelist AS rl
ON e.Email = rl.EmailAddress
rl.EmailAddress IS NULL
Please don't use this, as it's almost certainly incorrect (not to mention SELECT *), I've ignored the logic for contacts_ref_jobfunctions_3 to provide a simple example.
For a (really) nice explanation of joins, try this visual explanation of joins
Create some views representing some common associations that you make so that your sub-query is simpler. Also views execute a bit quicker as they do not need to be interpreted each time they are run.
It could be any number of things. My first question is are the columns you're joining on indexed?
Better yet, do a SHOWPLAN and paste it into your question.

Queries that implicit SQL joins can't do?

I've never learned how joins work but just using select and the where clause has been sufficient for all the queries I've done. Are there cases where I can't get the right results using the WHERE clause and I have to use a JOIN? If so, could someone please provide examples? Thanks.
Implicit joins are more than 20 years out-of-date. Why would you even consider writing code with them?
Yes, they can create problems that explicit joins don't have. Speaking about SQL Server, the left and right join implicit syntaxes are not guaranteed to return the correct results. Sometimes, they return a cross join instead of an outer join. This is a bad thing. This was true even back to SQL Server 2000 at least, and they are being phased out, so using them is an all around poor practice.
The other problem with implicit joins is that it is easy to accidentally do a cross join by forgetting one of the where conditions, especially when you are joining too many tables. By using explicit joins, you will get a syntax error if you forget to put in a join condition and a cross join must be explicitly specified as such. Again, this results in queries that return incorrect values or are fixed by using distinct to get rid of the cross join which is inefficient at best.
Moreover, if you have a cross join, the maintenance developer who comes along in a year to make a change doesn't know if it was intended or not when you use implicit joins.
I believe some ORMs also now require explicit joins.
Further, if you are using implied joins because you don't understand how joins operate, chances are high that you are writing code that, in fact, does not return the correct result because you don't know how to evaluate what the correct result would be since you don't understand what a join is meant to do.
If you write SQL code of any flavor, there is no excuse for not thoroughly understanding joins.
Yes. When doing outer joins. You can read this simple article on joins. Joins are not hard to understand at all so you should start learning (and using them where appropriate) right away.
Are there cases where I can't get the right results using the WHERE clause and I have to use a JOIN?
Any time your query involves two or more tables, a join is being used. This link is great for showing the differences in joins with pictures as well as sample result sets.
If the join criteria is in the WHERE clause, then the ANSI-89 JOIN syntax is being used. The reason for the newer JOIN syntax in the ANSI-92 format, is that it made LEFT JOIN more consistent across various databases. For example, Oracle used (+) on the side that was optional while in SQL Server you had to use =*.
Implicit join syntax by default uses Inner joins. It is sometimes possible to modify the implicit join syntax to specify outer joins, but it is vendor dependent in my experience (i know oracle has the (-) and (+) notation, and I believe sqlserver uses *= ). So, I believe your question can be boiled down to understanding the differences between inner and outer joins.
We can look at a simple example for an inner vs outer join using a simple query..........
The implicit INNER join:
select a.*, b.*
from table a, table b
where =;
The above query will bring back ONLY rows where the 'a' row has a matching row in 'b' for it's 'id' field.
The explicit OUTER JOIN:
select * from
table a LEFT OUTER JOIN table b
on =;
The above query will bring back EVERY row in a, whether or not it has a matching row in 'b'. If no match exists for 'b', the 'b' fields will be null.
In this case, if you wanted to bring back EVERY row in 'a' regardless of whether it had a corresponding 'b' row, you would need to use the outer join.
Like I said, depending on your database vendor, you may still be able to use the implicit join syntax and specify an outer join type. However, this ties you to that vendor. Also, any developers not familiar wit that specialized syntax may have difficulty understanding your query.
Any time you want to combine the results of two tables you'll need to join them. Take for example:
Users table:
and Addresses table:
AddressType (residential, business, shipping, billing, etc)
where a single user could have his home AND his business address listed (or a shipping AND a billing address), or no address at all. Using a simple WHERE clause won't fetch a user with no addresses because the addresses are in a different table. In order to fetch a user's addresses now, you'll need to do a join as:
FROM Users
ON Users.ID = Addresses.UserID
WHERE Users.UserName = "foo"
See for a little more in depth definition of the different joins and how they work.
Using Joins :
SELECT a.MainID, b.SubValue AS SubValue1, b.SubDesc AS SubDesc1, c.SubValue AS SubValue2, c.SubDesc AS SubDesc2
FROM MainTable AS a
LEFT JOIN SubValues AS b ON a.MainID = b.MainID AND b.SubTypeID = 1
LEFT JOIN SubValues AS c ON a.MainID = c.MainID AND b.SubTypeID = 2
Off-hand, I can't see a way of getting the same results as that by using a simple WHERE clause to join the tables.
Also, the syntax commonly used in WHERE clauses to do left and right joins (*= and =*) is being phased out,
Oracle supports LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN using their special join operator (+) (and SQL Server used to support *= and =* on join predicates, but no longer does). But a simple FULL JOIN can't be done with implicit joins alone:
SELECT f.title, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM film f
FULL JOIN film_actor fa ON f.film_id = fa.film_id
FULL JOIN actor a ON fa.actor_id = a.actor_id
This produces all films and their actors including all the films without actor, as well as the actors without films. To emulate this with implicit joins only, you'd need unions.
-- Inner join part
SELECT f.title, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM film f, film_actor fa, actor a
WHERE f.film_id = fa.film_id
AND fa.actor_id = a.actor_id
-- Left join part
SELECT f.title, null, null
FROM film f
FROM film_actor fa
WHERE fa.film_id = f.film_id
-- Right join part
SELECT null, a.first_name, a.last_name
FROM actor a
FROM film_actor fa
WHERE fa.actor_id = a.actor_id
This will quickly become very inefficient both syntactically as well as from a performance perspective.

Mixing Left and right Joins? Why?

Doing some refactoring in some legacy code I've found in a project. This is for MSSQL. The thing is, i can't understand why we're using mixed left and right joins and collating some of the joining conditions together.
My question is this: doesn't this create implicit inner joins in some places and implicit full joins in others?
I'm of the school that just about anything can be written using just left (and inner/full) or just right (and inner/full) but that's because i like to keep things simple where possible.
As an aside, we convert all this stuff to work on oracle databases as well, so maybe there's some optimization rules that work differently with Ora?
For instance, here's the FROM part of one of the queries:
FROM Table1
ON Table1.T2FK = Table2.T2PK
ON Table4.T3FK = Table5.T3FK
AND Table4.T2FK = Table5.T2FK
ON Table6.T6PK = Table7.T6FK
ON Table8.T8PK= Table9.T8FK
ON Table7.T9FK= Table9.T9PK
ON Table4.T7FK= Table7.T7PK
ON Table3.T3PK= Table4.T3PK
WHERE ( TableA.PK = #PK )
AND ( TableA.Date BETWEEN #StartDate
AND #EndDate )
) Table10
ON Table4.T4PK= Table10.T4FK
ON Table2.T2PK = Table4.T2PK
One thing I would do is make sure you know what results you are expecting before messing with this. Wouldn't want to "fix" it and have different results returned. Although honestly, with a query that poorly designed, I'm not sure that you are actually getting correct results right now.
To me this looks like something that someone did over time maybe even originally starting with inner joins, realizing they wouldn't work and changing to outer joins but not wanting to bother changing the order the tables were referenced in the query.
Of particular concern to me for maintenance purposes is to put the ON clauses next to the tables you are joining as well as converting all the joins to left joins rather than mixing right and left joins. Having the ON clause for table 4 and table 3 down next to table 9 makes no sense at all to me and should contribute to confusion as to what the query should actually return. You may also need to change the order of the joins in order to convert to all left joins. Personally I prefer to start with the main table that the others will join to (which appears to be table2) and then work down the food chain from there.
It could probably be converted to use all LEFT joins: I'd be looking and moving the right-hand table in each RIGHT to be above all the existing LEFTs, then you might be able to then turn every RIGHT join into a LEFT join. I'm not sure you'll get any FULL joins behind the scenes -- if the query looks like it is, it might be a quirk of this specific query rather than a SQL Server "rule": that query you've provided does seem to be mixing it up in a rather confusing way.
As for Oracle optimisation -- that's certainly possible. No experience of Oracle myself, but speaking to a friend who's knowledgeable in this area, Oracle (no idea what version) is/was fussy about the order of predicates. For example, with SQL Server you can write your way clause so that columns are in any order and indexes will get used, but with Oracle you end up having to specify the columns in the order they appear in the index in order to get best performance with the index. As stated - no idea if this is the case with newer Oracle's, but was the case with older ones (apparently).
Whether this explains this particular construction, I can't say. It could simply be less-thean-optimal code if it's changed over the years and a clean-up is what it's begging for.
LEFT and RIGHT join are pure syntax sugar.
Any LEFT JOIN can be transformed into a RIGHT JOIN merely by switching the sets.
Pre-9i Oracle used this construct:
WHERE table1.col(+) = table2.col
, (+) here denoting the nullable column, and LEFT and RIGHT joins could be emulated by mere switching:
WHERE table1.col = table2.col(+)
In MySQL, there is no FULL OUTER JOIN and it needs to be emulated.
Ususally it is done this way:
FROM table1
ON table1.col = table2.col
FROM table1
ON table1.col = table2.col
WHERE table1.col IS NULL
, and it's more convenient to copy the JOIN and replace LEFT with RIGHT, than to swap the tables.
Note that in SQL Server plans, Hash Left Semi Join and Hash Right Semi Join are different operators.
For the query like this:
FROM table1
WHERE table1.col IN
FROM table2
, Hash Match (Left Semi Join) hashes table1 and removes the matched elements from the hash table in runtime (so that they cannot match more than one time).
Hash Match (Right Semi Join) hashes table2 and removes the duplicate elements from the hash table while building it.
I may be missing something here, but the only difference between LEFT and RIGHT joins is which order the source tables were written in, and so having multiple LEFT joins or multiple RIGHT joins is no different to having a mix. The equivalence to FULL OUTERs could be achieved just as easily with all LEFT/RIGHT than with a mix, n'est pas?
We have some LEFT OUTER JOINs and RIGHT OUTER JOINs in the same query. Typically such queries are large, have been around a long time, probably badly written in the first place and have received infrequent maintenance. I assume the RIGHT OUTER JOINs were introduced as a means of maintaining the query without taking on the inevitable risk when refactoring a query significantly.
I think most SQL coders are most confortable with using all LEFT OUTER JOINs, probably because a FROM clause is read left-to-right in the English way.
The only time I use a RIGHT OUTER JOIN myself is when when writing a new query based on an existing query (no need to reinvent the wheel) and I need to change an INNER JOIN to an OUTER JOIN. Rather than change the order of the JOINs in the FROM clause just to be able to use a LEFT OUTER JOIN I would instead use a RIGHT OUTER JOIN and this would not bother me. This is quite rare though. If the original query had LEFT OUTER JOINs then I'd end up with a mix of LEFT- and RIGHT OUTER JOINs, which again wouldn't bother me. Hasn't happened to me yet, though.
Note that for SQL products such as the Access database engine that do not support FULL OUTER JOIN, one workaround is to UNION a LEFT OUTER JOIN and a RIGHT OUTER JOIN in the same query.
The bottom line is that this is a very poorly formatted SQL statement and should be re-written. Many of the ON clauses are located far from their JOIN statements, which I am not sure is even valid SQL.
For clarity's sake, I would rewrite the query using all LEFT JOINS (rather than RIGHT), and locate the using statements underneath their corresponding JOIN clauses. Otherwise, this is a bit of a train wreck and is obfuscating the purpose of the query, making errors during future modifications more likely to occur.
doesn't this create implicit inner
joins in some places and implicit full
joins in others?
Perhaps you are assuming that because you don't see the ON clause for some joins, e.g., RIGHT OUTER JOIN Table4, but it is located down below, ON Table4.T7FK= Table7.T7PK. I don't see any implicit inner joins, which could occur if there was a WHERE clause like WHERE Table3.T3PK is not null.
The fact that you are asking questions like this is a testament to the opaqueness of the query.
To answer another portion of this question that hasn't been answered yet, the reason this query is formatted so oddly is that it's likely built using the Query Designer inside SQL Management Studio. The give away is the combined ON clauses that happen many lines after the table is mentioned. Essentially tables get added in the build query window and the order is kept even if that way things are connected would favor moving a table up, so to speak, and keeping all the joins a certain direction.

Optimizing for an OR in a Join in MySQL

I've got a pretty complex query in MySQL that slows down drastically when one of the joins is done using an OR. How can I speed this up? the relevant join is:
LEFT OUTER JOIN publications p ON = virtual_performances.publication_id
OR p.shoot_id =
Removing either condition in the OR decreases the query time from 1.5s to 0.1s. There are already indexes on all the relevant columns I can think of. Any ideas? The columns in use all have indexes on them. Using EXPLAIN I've discovered that once the OR comes into play MySQL ends up not using any of the indexes. Is there a special kind of index I can make that it will use?
This is a common difficulty with MySQL. Using OR baffles the optimizer because it doesn't know how to use an index to find a row where either condition is true.
I'll try to explain: Suppose I ask you to search a telephone book and find every person whose last name is 'Thomas' OR whose first name is 'Thomas'. Even though the telephone book is essentially an index, you don't benefit from it -- you have to search through page by page because it's not sorted by first name.
Keep in mind that in MySQL, any instance of a table in a given query can make use of only one index, even if you have defined multiple indexes in that table. A different query on that same table may use another index if the optimizer reasons that it's more helpful.
One technique people have used to help in situations like your is to do a UNION of two simpler queries that each make use of separate indexes:
FROM virtual_performances v
JOIN shoots s ON (...)
LEFT OUTER JOIN publications p ON ( = v.publication_id)
FROM virtual_performances v
JOIN shoots s ON (...)
LEFT OUTER JOIN publications p ON p.shoot_id =;
Make two joins on the same table (adding aliases to separate them) for the two conditions, and see if that is faster.
select ..., coalesce(p1.field, p2.field) as field
from ...
left join publications p1 on = virtual_performances.publication_id
left join publications p2 on p2.shoot_id =
You can also try something like this on for size:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE id IN
(SELECT FROM tablename LEFT OUTER JOIN publications p ON IN virtual_performances.publication_id)
(SELECT FROM tablename LEFT OUTER JOIN publications p ON p.shoot_id =;
It's a bit messier, and won't be faster in every case, but MySQL is good at selecting from straight data sets, so repeating yourself isn't so bad.