SQL code import into Access 2007 - sql

I basically need to know how to import SQL code into Access. I've tried one way but that requires me to do one table and one value at a time which takes a lot of time.
Can anyone help?

If you are trying to import data, rather than SQL code (see Duffymo's response), there are two ways.
One is to go where the data is and dump a .CSV file and import that, as Duffymo responded.
The other is to create a table link from the Access database to a table in the source database. If the two databases will talk to each other this way, you can use the data in the remote table as if it were in the Access database.

Well, some days ago I needed to shift data from an Access database to SQL (reverse of what you're doing). I found it simpler to write a simple script that would read data from my access database and insert it into SQL.
I don't think doing what you need to do is any different.
I don't know if it will help, but I posting my code (It's a simple C# function). You can just change the connections and it will work. Of course I only had 3 fields so I hard-coded them. You can do the same for your db schema.
protected void btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Open the connections to the access and SQL databases
string sqlDBCnn = #"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;AttachDBFileName=|DataDirectory|\mydb.mdf;user instance=true";
string accessDBCnn = #"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydb.mdb";
OleDbConnection cnnAcc = new OleDbConnection(accessDBCnn);
SqlConnection cnnSql = new SqlConnection(sqlDBCnn);
SqlCommand cmSql = new SqlCommand("DELETE tablename", cnnSql);
//Retrieve the data from the Access Database
OleDbCommand cmdAcc = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM tablename", cnnAcc);
OleDbDataReader drAcc = cmdAcc.ExecuteReader();
using (drAcc)
if (drAcc.HasRows)
//Loop through the access database records and add them to the database
while (drAcc.Read())
SqlCommand cmdSql = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tablename(Category, Head, Val) VALUES(#cat,#head,#val)",cnnSql);
SqlParameter parCat = new SqlParameter("cat",System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar,150);
SqlParameter parHead = new SqlParameter("head",System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar,150);
SqlParameter parVal = new SqlParameter("val",System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar);
parCat.Value = drAcc["Category"].ToString();
parHead.Value = drAcc["Head"].ToString();
parVal.Value = drAcc["Val"].ToString();
lblMsg.Text = "<p /> All Done Kapitone!";

SQL code? Or data? "one table and one value" makes me think it's the latter. If so, I'd suggest dumping the data out into a .csv file and importing that into Access tables.
Or maybe using a tool like Microsoft's DTS to map and move the data between sources. That would be the best idea.

I guess you are talking about "importing" both structure and data from SQL to ACCESS. ACCESS does not accept standard TSQL scripts that you could generate directly from your SQL Database. There are some commercial products like EMS that can more or less do the job for you. EMS has a data exporter module that can take your SQL data in different formats, including Access.
Another way would be to open an Access file and write some basic VBA code, taking advantage of the DoCmd.TransferDatabase method, where you can link OR copy tables from other databases into Access.
I forgot if these methods also allow the transfer of a 'clean' database model, including primary keys and relations... You'll have to give it a try.


How to add an array of datarows into an exisitng table inside my database

I'm a newbie so don't laugh :#
I'm working with 2002-2003 Microsoft access database.
Now, I want to add an array of DataRow into an existing table that I've in my database. Is there a way to do that? because right now I'm just adding the rows with a foreach loop
thank you
I think that the foreach-loop actually is the best way to do it.
foreach(DataRow row in yourRowArray)
If you are using .Net Framework 3.5+ you can also use the DataRows CopyToDataTable() Method.
But you have to watch out because the Data in the DataTable is overwritten in this case.
DataTable table = yourDataTable;
DataRow[] yourRowArray = ...;
if(yourRowArray.Length > 0)
table = yourRowArray.CopyToDataTable();
I would recommend using the foreach-loop.
What you describe as array must be a saved file type i.e. excel or csv. Be sure it is a clean grid of data without extraneous non aligned rows.
Then you can link to that file with Access as a table. This is a manual step using the Access interface - in the ribbon it is the External area. This link remains good - allowing you to replace the excel/csv with a new one as long as the location path and structure of the file do not change.
Then you create an Append query to write all the records from this table into the table in your Access database.

Linking two tables from different remote MS Access DB's

I currently have a site (.net 2.0) with MS Access DB for data, within the access.mdb are 2 linked tables from another DB on the same site. - all of my code works fine and all my DB connections point to the one DB. I have a need now to achieve the same results, but don't want to create the links in the live DB. How can the same results be achieved via another method?
I looked at an example from: Syntax for Import Into from Different DBs - MS Access
My tables are large and don't think this is fastest way, I would think two connections and working with tables would be better, but I'm open to a proper way to accomplish this.
Here is my web.conf file with connections to the one DB.
<clear />
<add name="OdbcServices" connectionString="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=e:\LeaveDB.mdb;" />
My end result I need to join 2 tables from different DB's something like:
SELECT username.table1, password.table1, fullname.table2 FROM Table1 INNER JOIN [;DATABASE=Z:\Docs\Test.mdb].Table2 ON username.table1 = username.table2;
Rather than create an "official" linked table (TableDef object) you might get away with simply creating a View that points to the table in the other database. I just tried this in C# and it seemed to work fine:
string myConnectionString;
myConnectionString =
#"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" +
#"Data Source=C:\Users\Public\Database1.accdb;";
using (var con = new OleDbConnection())
con.ConnectionString = myConnectionString;
using (var cmd = new OleDbCommand())
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText =
#"CREATE VIEW otherTable AS " +
#"SELECT * FROM [;Database=C:\__tmp\main.accdb].otherTable";
That creates a "View" (saved query in Access) that seems to work just like a linked table.

SQL Server datetime culture (localization) headache

SQL Server 2005. Visual Studio 2010. ASP.NET 2.0 Web Application
This is a web application that supports multiple languages, one of them is Korean. I have “langid” in the query string to differentiate different languages, if langid=3 it is Korean.
In my code behind’ C# code, I read a table using this query:
"select * from Reservations where rsv_id = 1234"
There is a column named "rsv_date" in the table which is reservation date, of type datetime. In the db table its value is "11/22/2012 4:14:37 PM". I checked this in SQL server management studio. But when I read it out, I got "2012-11-22 오후 4:14:37"! Where does that Korean “오후” come from??? Is it because of some culture setting anywhere? But I don’t see where, either in my code or in SQL Server. This caused problem for me, because when I modify this record, it will try to write "2012-11-22 오후 4:14:37" to the db, which of course SQL server reports error.
My original code:
Hashtable reservation = new Hashtable();
SqlCommand sqlCommand = null;
SqlDataReader dataReader;
string queryCommand = "select * from Reservations where rsv_id = #RsvID";
sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(queryCommand, getConnection());
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#RsvID", rsvID);
dataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();
while (dataReader.Read())
reservation["rsvID"] = dataReader["rsv_id"];
reservation["rsvCode"] = dataReader["rsv_code"];
reservation["rsvType"] = dataReader["rsv_type"];
reservation["rsvDate"] = dataReader["rsv_date"]; // where does Korean come from?
It's a common misunderstanding that you can "check" the format of datetime fields in the database.
The format you see on screen will always depend on the client, even if the client is "SQL server management studio".
In the database, the datetime is stored in a binary format that very few need to know.
So, the Korean characters are from the client, in this case your own program.
And Yes, they will depend on some culture setting somewhere.
Your example doesn't show what happens to reservation["rsvDate"] , where is the value displayed with the Korean characters ?
How are you trying to write the value with Korean characters to the database ?
To avoid Korean characters you could use .ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) where you use the Date value.

Create a Crystal Report with dynamic tables at runtime

Hello I'm planning an application that is basically a reporting front-end for a database (proprietary Pervasive SQL) using an ODBC dsn-less connection string.
I am able to create the dataset in Visual Studio and link up the report(s) to the app. However in real world usage, the location of the database will be different per user. That is not the main problem. I overcame that with the connection string that allows you to set the location of the database path.
Here's the kicker...
The name of the tables that I want to read from are prefixed with a unique filename (actually the same name I mentioned above). I need crystal to re-map the table names at runtime. Just the table name prefixes really. The fields and names of the fields will not change.
Any ideas on where I should look for writing this block? I am using VS2010 & C# if that helps. I think thee should be some sort of class files that come with Crystal that can do some runtime reflection to get/set the table names?
Any thoughts would be welcome and appreciated.
Edit: I found some documents link that has API docs and other support. I will be studying them. They are all .chm files (Windows help files) so there is no "online" docs to search for.
Add a Crystal reportViewer change the name to objReport
add a public function ShowReport()
public void ShowReport(ReportDocument objReport)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
objReport.SetDatabaseLogon("", "dbpassword");
cRep.ReportSource = objReport;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
And Call it from anywhere in your application
ds = GetDataInDataSet();//fILL DataSet with your data
rptPSummary objRpt = new rptPSummary();
objRpt.SummaryInfo.ReportComments = "Have a nice day";
objRpt.SummaryInfo.ReportTitle = "Purchase Summary Report from " + sDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " to " + eDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
frmReportView frmRpt = new frmReportView();
frmRpt.Text = objRpt.SummaryInfo.ReportTitle;
frmRpt.MdiParent = this;

How best to find hard-coded English language strings in SQL Server stored procedures?

We're working on making our application 100% localizable, and we're mostly there. However, we occasionally find an English string still hard-coded in stored procedures. (We're on SQL Server 2005 by the way.) We have thousands of stored procedures, so going through them by hand is impractical. I'm trying to think of the most accurate means of automating a search.
Now, I know there's no means to search for "English" strings - but searching for strings bounded by single quotes and perhaps 20+ characters long should flush MOST of them out. Good enough for our purposes now. But I'm anticipating a lot of false-positives in the comments of the stored procedures, too.
So how would you approach this? Would SMO let me tease apart the SQL in a stored procedure from the comments in it? Do I have to use OBJECT_DEFINITION() and start hacking out some terrifying regular expressions?
Much appreciated in advance, folks.
Another thought: Microsoft provides, with Visual Studio, an assembly that can parse SQL. I've used it, and it's fairly simple to use. You might be able to use it to parse the text of your stored procedures; it can return a list of the various tokens in your statements, including the type of the token. So, it should be able to help you differentiate between what is a string of text you might be interested in vs. what is part of a comment and can be ignored. There are more details here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/gertd/archive/2008/08/21/getting-to-the-crown-jewels.aspx.
Basically, from .NET, you'd open a connection to your database and query syscomments for your stored procedures' text. You'd loop through each procedure and parse it using these parser. Then you'd use the Sql100ScriptGenerator to get the tokens out of the parsed text, loop through the tokens and look for tokens whose types are either ASCII or Unicode string literals. For those strings, check their length to see if it's 20+, and if it is, flag the strings and the procs as needing further review.
I played around with it a bit, and here is a very raw example to illustrate the basic principle:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Microsoft.Data.Schema;
using Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom;
using Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.Sql;
namespace FindHardCodedStrings
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
SqlConnectionStringBuilder bldr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
bldr.DataSource = "localhost\\sqlexpress";
bldr.InitialCatalog = "msdb";
bldr.IntegratedSecurity = true;
conn.ConnectionString = bldr.ConnectionString;
SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "select [text] from syscomments";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
TSql100Parser parser = new TSql100Parser(false);
Sql100ScriptGenerator gen = new Sql100ScriptGenerator();
gen.Options.SqlVersion = SqlVersion.Sql100;
foreach (DataRow proc in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
string txt = proc[0].ToString();
using (System.IO.TextReader sr = new System.IO.StringReader(txt))
IList<ParseError> errs;
IScriptFragment frag = parser.Parse(sr, out errs);
if (null == frag)
IList<TSqlParserToken> tokens = gen.GenerateTokens((TSqlFragment)frag);
foreach (TSqlParserToken token in tokens)
if (token.TokenType == TSqlTokenType.UnicodeStringLiteral || token.TokenType == TSqlTokenType.AsciiStringLiteral)
if (token.Text.Length >= 20)
Console.WriteLine("String found: " + token.Text);
We resolved a problem stemming from this by creating SQL Servers in different language/region settings and running our sp's, noting which ones broke.
This may not be the most elegant solution but we were able to do it quickly because of the limited different locality settings we support.