Inserting a page break in Crystal Reports programmatically -

How do I insert a page break in Crystal Reports. Using VB.Net, not in the report definition?

The best technique I've used for stuff like this is to group on a formula. Set the report to break on that formula, then you can set the value of the formula in your .Net code to a value that'll break where you want to break.
Using this technique, you can create a single report and have it dynamically sort and break on any field (or formula) you want at runtime, which makes the report very versatile.


SSRS: How To Create Dynamic Report With Multiple Subreports?

I am still fairly new to SSRS, and I do not know what I need to/can provide as examples to help clarify my issue.
I am developing an SSRS report that accesses a NAV database and generates a report for an equipment number. My task is to generate a master report that can print multiple of those kind of reports(currently 10 max). I am using sub-reports to get the content that I need for an equipment number.
I am looking for a way to make this dynamic, where I can generate 1 to n sub-reports based on how many values were picked for the multi-value parameter. The end result should be one PDF file that contains the full report for each equipment number listed. I am trying to only use SSRS.
I have seen where I could hide sub-reports then make them visible if a condition is met, but this isn't the functionality that I am looking to use. So, what would be the best way to dynamically generate sub-reports based on a multi-value parameter?
I figured it out. I made the sub-report parameter equal no value. I made the main report with a parameter that can select multiple equipment numbers, a list, and a data set which filtered down to the appropriate equipment numbers to avoid duplication. I made the sub-report object in the main take in the cell value from the list equipment number. When the list proceeded to the next row, it copied all of the objects in the box area.

How do I get the index of each record displayed on crystal reports?

I'm developing winform application using I use crystal report in my application. Now i need to store the index of each record that is displaying in current report into database. Then i create another report which displays the index of all the records. My plan is to read the page number of each record and save them on database. I have a group field in the report. I don't know how to scan one by one record and get appropriate page number. I tried the following code to get the field value but did not work.
It displayed the formula of that field.
I don't know in which order the records fetched using following.
Please Help me out....
The way your question reads, it sounds like you're trying to generate an "index" for the order records appear in a report and store that index in a database for use in another report. I am not clear at all what you're trying to do with the page number.
In any case, I need to make something clear: the definition of the report (which you're accessing in your code sample) only represents where data will go when the report is formatted - it is not the actual data itself.
At the most basic level, Crystal Reports takes data out of a database and formats it nicely for you on pages. Rather than trying to take data out of a database, put it into a report, then try to read that report to put it back in a database to make another report, why not just do all your data manipulation at the database level itself before going to a report in the first place?
If you really must have that first report, the easiest option you'll have for getting at the formatted data is to export it to excel and access it programmatically through an Excel API - Crystal Reports doesn't have an API for getting at your formatted data (including things like generated page numbers, whatever you're trying to do with them).
You are trying to break few basic rules. For example a report should never change the data. The right way is to handle data processing in a stored procedure or command and to call the report in a separate process. In such way you will be able to control the data change and data visualization separately.
P.S. You probably mean "Identifier" not "Index"

How to change the parameter type in crystal report of the existing report?

I have a crystal report with 2 subreports. The type of the one of the field got changed in the database from number to string. The main report has no parameters but the subreport has this parameter. Now when I try to run the report I get the error in the record selection formula. A string is expected here. My question is How do I make the type change for that field so that I can run my report. ?
Easy to do. And FUN, too!
Assuming you can change the link to the subreport, you can:
1) create a formula to manipulate that field in the main report, explicitly converting it into the format you neend. Then,
2) use THAT formula as the link to the subreport
Should work a charm, "Bob's yer oncle", and all that.
The solution was to remap the bindings of the report with the changed datatype in the dataset

SQL code for identifying if there is a new value

I have a crystal report that I need to set to produce a new page when an id number changes. What is some SQL code to identify when a value changes for a column. Say this column is named ID and it is an arbitrary set of numbers 0000000 format etc, how can I code to know when this number changes?
You don't need SQL for this.
In your report, open your Group Expert. Group your report by your unique ID. You will now see 2 new sections in your report design, a Group Footer and a Group Header.
Open your Section Expert. Click on the Group Header to access the options therein. Turn on the New Page Before option.
This can be done within Crystal Reports. Perform a grouping on the column, and tell it to apply a new page break after in Section Expert.
Grouping is probably better, but if that doesn't work for you, try the Previous() and Next() functions in the Formula editor to see if the value of the field has changed or is about to change.

Dynamic SSRS report

I had a problem in creating the Dynamic report in SSRS. My problem is:
In a table I have stored SQL scripts with the column SQLScripts. If you execute these SQL scripts you get different number of columns for each script.
My problem is, I have one report with buttons of these scripts, for example test1, that. If you press test1 button this should take the test one SQL script and should display the report with appropiate columns in that sqlscripts.
I can't create individual reports for each test report, they are plenty. Are there any options for me to solve this problem...
The only way I've been able to get this to work sofar is:
Each report has 2 datasets.
The "DataHeaders" need to have the proper name of the datafields in "ReportData". Be careful since SSRS replaces blanks and special characters with "_"
Now, create a table (or matrix) and drag the DataHeaders as the Columns of your report. (This should be a grouped column). If you run it at this point, you'll see all your columns without any data. Now comes the magic:
Create another report that takes a "DataField" parameter. Create another table or matrix within this report and set it's dataset property to be "ReportData". In the DATA cell for the table, set it to the expression =Fields(Parameters!DataField.Value).Value
Now go back to your first report. Right click and insert a subreport. Right click on the subreport and select "Subreport Properties". Under general, select the second report you created to be used as the subreport. Under parameters, select the DataField parameter and set its value to something like =Fields!DataField.Value
In my case I did some formatting in this expression to fix the above mentioned issue with spaces and special characters, since my stored procedure was initially used in ASP.NET and this was just a proof of concept.
Also in my experience the performance isn't great. In fact it was kinda slow, though I haven't had a chance to switch it to use a shared dataset, which I suspect would help a bit. Please let me know if you find a better solution.
I have not found a way to do this completely dynamically. Here is a similar question with some possible solutions:
How do i represent an unknown number of columns in SSRS?
You basically need to create a 'master dataset' from the other Datasets that are based on your multitude of SQL scripts first.The master dataset should contain the data to be presented in it's most simplistic form, i.e. in a simple list format.
Finally, go to the toolbar in SSRS and drag a 'Matrix' into the report. A Matrix table acts similar to a pivot table in Excel or a CrossTab query in Access that will display whatever's in the Dataset.