MAMP/LAMP native or virtual (Virtualbox/VMware)? - virtual-machine

What is your preferred development environment ?
WAMP/MAMP/LAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Windows/MacOS/Linux
Working copy local, SVN/CVS on server
IDE/Editor on the same system (Eclipse, Aptana, Zend...)
Virtual/Native (Server on VM)
LAMP on VirtualBox/VMware
working copy in the VM
IDE/Editor on host, access to the VM with Samba, FTP, SFTP (eventually mapping with tools like WebDrive)
Virtual (VM)
Complete development environment running in a VM (server, tools, IDE)
Host is only used for special tools not available on the OS running in the VM
All have pros and cons.

With BitNami stacks you can run the exact same XAMP environment locally or remotely (and make sure everybody on your team is running the exact same stack). It is free and works on Windows, Linux, Mac.

I like having the SVN repository somewhere on a web server.
It's reasonably secure (using Apache WebDAV), and it gives me a good chance of recovering quickly from any disasters that may befall my main development machine. I have the luxury of control over my own web server, but there are lots of cheap hosts that will do the job at low cost.
As regards VM or no VM:
Advantages of VM - very fast recovery from screwing up your development environment
Ability to try out different versions or upgrades quickly
If you have many systems running the VM host, ability to quickly move the whole environment
Can choose any Host
Disadvantages of VM - performance impact; extra setup complexity.
On balance, I go for "no VM" if all the tools are available on my host system, but I do use VM when I need to run a different OS (the host system is a Mac Pro, so if I need Visual Studio, I do it with Parallels).


Configuring Development Environments

If the development environment is run on the host, is there a fast way to configure these and deploy them to multiple machines? If so, how?
Vagrant does this but as virtual machines, which may be painfully slow.
What are some viable alternatives?
Absolutely, if you are talking about using a resource pool to deploy and configure your VMs (dev VMs).
For the sake of simplicity, I assume your virtual environment is hosted on VMWare.
Here are a few things to start off with
For Automating creation of VMs (deploying from templates, configure networking etc) you can use VMWare's PowerCLI (Powershell cmdlets) - more on this here
If your dev environment is purely Windows then, for configuration management, you can use DSC (free) or if you (your org) can afford go the expensive route of using SCCM
If you have a lot of Linux boxes to configure then, fortunately, you have more than one option - Ansible, Chef, Puppet or SaltStack
Spinning off and configuring these machines on demand entirely depends on your needs. One of the (more common ways) to do is, create a VM template (aka base vm) and then deploy a VM from this template.
This base template is usually a bare-bones OS + some common utils + tools - Once a VM is deployed from the template, you can then use one of the above mentioned CM (Configuration Management) tools to install/configure this VM.
Hope this gives some pointers in the right direction

How to Install a Vagrant Box on a Bare Metal Machine?

Is there an established way to take a Vagrant box and use it as the operating system for a "bare metal" machine, i.e. a normal computer and not a hypervisor, without having to sit through an installation process?
Now I understand the common response will probably be "install an OS regularly and then use a proper configuration management tool like Puppet or Chef" but hear me out. Our IT organization would like to create a base Vagrant box with all security-related protocols and applications enforced. Then a configuration management tool like Puppet could install "useful" applications like databases and web servers on top of it.
This works best when a software developer wants to deploy a new utility to development environments or servers - they can write the Puppet code to install exactly what they want, which can be turned over to IT to run it on top of the validated Vagrant box to create a virtual machine server.
By hosting the Vagrant box internally, we can hide the security details from the developer while they write new Puppet code, they can test their Puppet code on the same environment they will run it on, and it will provision much faster during testing since the box is just downloaded once. Most "production" deployments will stay as Virtual Machines.
In rare circumstances, we may want a real, bare-metal server, not a VM, probably when we get new hardware to run more VMs or if the utility we need is very computationally intensive. It would be nice if the existing Vagrant box could be repurposed so bare-metal and virtual servers were indistinguishable.
EDIT: I found a post on askubuntu ( which seems to do what I want, can anyone verify if such a procedure would work on a Vagrant disk image, if there would be necessary cleanup (like Vagrant ssh keys) or if it could be generalized to non-Ubuntu operating systems (since it uses Live CD)?
A Vagrant box packaged for VirtualBox is essentially a virtual disk with metadata. Most likely it's going to have the VirtualBox tools and drivers installed, which won't do much good on a physical system. Not only that, the drivers for the physical system would need to be installed on the box image.
What you're talking about doing is a good use case for some sort of "ghosting" software that simply copies blocks of data to a physical disk. There's really no advantage to using Vagrant here that I can see.

PhpStorm and other Tools in a Virtual Machine

I am developing php applications at my work.
The development server runs in a ubuntu vm, but on the host machine runs windows 7 os.
I keep running into problems with windows as a development environment and i am missing
some linux features. Unfortunately, I can not install another operating system on the host.
Now I wonder if I should install all my dev tools (like phpstorm) in another virtual machine
and do my work there. Does it make sense or will i get performance issues?
This is the perfect use-case for Vagrant.
Create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments.
From the official website.
It can be controlled with PhpStorm and it is perfectly lightwight.
I am using PhpStorm, Vagrant & Puppet with nginx, php and mysql, XDebug and I am quite happy with it, quite powerful and very easy to deploy.
And this is awesome blog post by James McFadden on Using Vagrant and Puppet to build a PHP, Nginx and MySQL environment and you can find numerous others with apache or any other tool you might need.
DECLAIMER: The step with replacing my.cnf didn't work for me so I could advice you to just skip it.

What's the best way to standardize a development environment for a small team?

At work, we (2 other developers and me) develop all of our code on a single internal machine (via network file sharing). This machine runs our development environment (NGINX, Apache, PHP, MySQL, Memcache, Gearman, etc), which is unruly to get installed on a non Linux environment.
We're getting a few more team members (one remote) and I am looking for a better way to manage a common development environment (our developers currently use Windows, Mac, and Linux).
How does your team create a common development platform? A few things I'm thinking about:
Same setup (a single machine where we write code), but make it external (maybe spin up a cloud server).
Force everyone to use Linux and replicate the environment on thier development machines.
Create a virtual machine that replicates the environment and develop inside a VM.
I'm curious what others are doing... Any thoughts on best practices?
In my experience, I've used virtual machines (VMWare) and it has worked pretty effectively in creating the same environment for large teams with many developers.

How can I create virtual machines as part of a build process using MSBuild and MS Virtual Server and/or Hyper-V Server Virtualization?

What I would like to do is create a clean virtual machine image as the output of a build of an application.
So a new virtual machine would be created (from a template is fine, with the OS installed, and some base software installed) --- a new web site would be created in IIS, and the web app build output copied to a location on the virtual machine hard disk, and IIS configured correctly, the VM would start up and run.
I know there are MSBuild tasks to script all the administrative actions in IIS, but how do you script all the actions with Virtual machines? Specifically, creating a new virtual machine from a template, naming it uniquely, starting it, configuring it, etc...
Specifically I was wondering if anyone has successfully implemented any VM scripting as part of a build process.
Update: I assume with Hyper-V, there is a different set of libraries/APIs to script virtual machines, anyone played around with this? And anyone with real practical experience of doing something like this?
Checkout Powershell Management library for Hyper-V on CodePlex. Some features:
Finding a VM
Connecting to a VM
Discovering and manipulating Machine states
Backing up, exporting and snapshotting VMs
Adding and removing VMs, configuring motherboard settings.
Manipulating Disk controllers, drives and disk images
Manipluating Network Interface Cards
Working with VHD files
You can actually script a fair number of tasks in MS Virtual Server:
Also Virtual PC guy has got a ton of stuff on his blog about scripting Virtual Server/PC and now Hyper-V here:
VMware has similar capabilities: