Mod rewrite issue - apache

As many others I am having issues with doing some very simple mod_rewriting in apache.
I have the following in my .htaccess:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^view/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$ view.php?advertId=$1&publisherId=$2 [NC,QSA,L]
Which is supposed to translate /view/4093/203?qs=val -> /view.php?advertId=4093&publisherId=203?qs=val
Now, it works when calling it with /View..., but when doing lowercase /view, it redirects to the right file, but advertId and publisherId is not set within my PHP script as it is with the first-letter-uppercase View and I simply put have no clue whatsoever with what is going on on that front (I have been testing and watching that behavior simply by doing a on my view.php).
Anyone know why this is happening?
I may want to add, my server info is as follows:
Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny2 with Suhosin-Patch mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0
IE. a stock brand new debian install with default debian packages + php-mssql.

MultiViews might cause this behavior, that is trying to map the request to a siminar existing file before passing the request to mod_rewrite. Try to disable it:
Options -MultiViews


mod_rewrite doesnt work if file with same name as argument exists

I'm experiencing some issues with mod_rewrite in htaccess.
Let's for instance say I request, it works perfectly if I don't have a file starting with "foo.*" in the root directory.
Let's say I have news.php, sitemape.xml, style.css in root, I can't use /news/ or /sitemap/ or /style/ , it will give a 404 like /news.php/ etc.
Here's my rewrite string. It works locally with my Apache 2.2.22 but not at my web-host with the same Apache version.
RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9]+)/?$ index.php?category=$1 [NC,L]
Anyone has a clue?
This sounds like Multiviews rearing its ugly head when its not wanted. It may be that your host automatically turns on the Multiviews option by default, and mod_negotiation then tries to "guess" what the request is for, and if it's close enough (like with /news/ and /news.php), it will automatically serve it, and disregard whatever mod_rewrite rules you may have.
Try turning off multiviews. You can do this in your htaccess file using the Options directive (assuming your host has allowed Options):
Options -Multiviews

htaccess issue with seo friendly urls - GoDaddy

OK, I'm looking to use mod rewrite to write seo friendly urls for my site. It works fine on my xampp local testing server. However, I'm having problems when trying to put it live, it doesn't seem to work at all.
Here's what I've written in my htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^category/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ category.php?location=$1
So the idea is to change
Initially I though it may be an issue with the ability to mod rewrite being switched on on GoDaddy's end, so I contacted GoDaddy to see if it that was the case and their response was that: "Mod_rewrite is an Apache Web server module installed on all of our Linux servers by default; it does not have to be installed or enabled. Our Linux hosting accounts support most mod_rewrite functions. Because enabling mod_rewrite is handled at a global level, you do not need to enable it in your httpd.conf file. You only need to add the desired code to the body of your .htaccess file."
And they bascially implied that the error is not with them and with my code. I'm not very experienced with mod rewrites and it seemed to work fine when I wrote it like this on other servers. Is there something special you have to write with godaddy? Am I missing something? Thanks!
Is that all in your htaccess file? What error do you get when visiting a desired URL, is it a 500 Internal Server error?
What I usualy add by default is an If-statement:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^category/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ category.php?location=$1 [L]
By the way, note the _- at the end of the charset in the rule, for instance New York has a SEF version which is new-york, category/new-york would fail in your RewriteRule.

Apache caching urls, RewriteEngine causing problems

I was trying out the Apache Rewrite Engine, but was having problems because it cached it's responses. Now if I change the file, it does not do what the file says, but does what it did when I tried the same url before.
For example, I tried to type in
but I had not yet set a rule that would match that. The server gave me a 404 error. I tried to add a rule that would work with this url:
RewriteRule api/? api.php [L]
but it still gave me the same error. If I try an address like localhost/lapi which I didn't enter before I added the rule, it works. Is there a way to clear this cache and restart? I tried restarting apache using apachectl -k restart and apachectl -k graceful but I still had the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
First of all, depending on the context of your rule, you may need a leading slash as in:
RewriteRule api/? /api.php [L]
Regarding the caching, do you have mod_cache enabled? If so, disable it and restart your server. mod_rewrite does not do any caching on its own. Also be sure to completely clear your browser cache and be aware that if you are not accessing your server over the same local network, there may be other caching taking place along the way.
This problem can also be caused by the MultiViews option, see Apache doc. Try omitting Option MultiViews from httpd.conf or add Options -MultiViews to .htaccess.
(The MultiViews option enables Apache to choose automaticaly between several versions of the file based on the file name extension and content preferences present in the HTTP request (i.e. something you probably don't want to happen). It can lead to this kind of bizzare failure when a rewrite rule just removes the script's extension.)

How to configure apache (ubuntu) such that will direct to

I am a newbie to ubuntu and apache. Can someone tell me how I could direct to
when user address
Thanks a lot.
If you are running Apache and Ubuntu, there is actually a really easy way to force this redirect using a simple php script.
Create an index.php file in the root of your server and paste the following code into it
<?php header("location: drupal6/") ?>
This will cause the site to auto-redirect to the drupal6 folder whenever it is visited.
This should work. Create a file in the root folder of your server called .htaccess - the dot at the beginning is very important as this helps the server identify the file as a hidden / system config file.
Open the file and paste the following lines of code in :
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]
This should force all traffic to the server to redirect to your custom folder.
A brief explanation of the .htaccess code
If you want rewrites to work, you have to enable the Rewrite Engine and tell the server to follow symlinks.
The second section establishes the rule - specifically applying it to all traffic on the standard web port of 80.
The final line tells the server to grab everything after the URL and append it to the new address (
There's a lot more you can do with .htaccess files but you really need to Google for good examples to test out.
Look at Apache's mod_rewrite documentation. You will need a RewriteRule in your apache configuration at the minimum, you may also need RewriteCond's to define when the RewriteRule is used.
Your rewrite pattern will be rewriting the REQUEST_URI with something from: ^/$ to: /drupal6. The ^ and $ are essential to prevent Apache getting into an infinite loop while rewriting the base URI by only matching "/" and not "/anything-else".
I assume you're on a recent version of Ubuntu and Apache? If so, see the Apache 2.2 documentation on mod_rewrite.

apache resolving urls before looking in .htaccess

I have a rewrite rule of the following form:
RewriteRule ^foo/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ foo.php?arg=$1 [qsa,nc]
It takes urls of the form /foo/bar and changes them to /foo.php?arg=bar
It works properly locally, and it works on my old host but I moved to a new host (running ubuntu) and it behaves differently.
On the new host apache notices that there is a foo.php and calls it directly. In other words, urls of the form /foo/bar are seen as /foo.php. If I rename foo.php to foo_junk.php and change the rewrite rule to be
RewriteRule ^foo/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ foo_junk.php?arg=$1 [qsa,nc]
Then it all works. So it's not that I didn't enable overrides or that I failed to install mod_rewrite or anything. Rewrites work, they're just being done at a different point in the process of resolving a url than they are locally.
Is there a configuration option for this?
Try disabling MultiViews:
Options -MultiViews