Embedded video in WinForms (AxShockwaveFlash) - vb.net

I have uploaded a couple of tutorial videos in youtube.
In my winforms application (by using the AxShockwaveFlash object) i reproduce the selected video by the user.
AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(http://www.youtube ..video1)
Here comes the story.
The first time the user selects a video, reproduction works like a charm.
When the user selects to see the second video
AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(http://www.youtube ..video2)
the ShockwaveFlash continues the reproduction of the first selection

Try to use
AxShockwaveFlash1.Movie = "Your source";
Pattern to avoid leaving flash arguments behind.

Without knowing how you have integrated the video in your form, the method I would do is using a webBrowsercontrol in the form and embed the video in the control.
msdn on webBrowsercontrol

I had encountered this problem and resolved it by changing the Embed property of the Ax object control to False.
I embed the videos via the movie URL each time as follows:
Works a treat

the video is embedded. Not stored locally

This is because your application is loading flash player loader from the cache and then it's loading the real player from the site , finally this yield a security exception.
In internet explorer , in internet options set to check for new versions of the documents each time you visit the page.

You first need to extract the FLV file like here:
Getting an FLV from YouTube in .NET


Can i get screenshot of desktop using vuejs

i am working on tracking app using vue.js. I am a new developer.i wanna know is it possible to track mouse click and capture screenshots even if person is on desktop or any where else on browser
This has nothing to do with VueJs specifically. However, you can use HTML5/Canvas/Javascript to take a screenshot, but that's still experimental.
Take a look at this answer: Using HTML5/Canvas/JavaScript to take in-browser screenshots
i have found the solution
i followed the steps here
these steps allowed me the screen sharing on my webpage and then i use html to canvas to get the image of the video tag

Show webcam stream in CEF 1 / appjs?

I'm running appjs and I'm thinking of showing live content from the local webcam in the html and would like some hints on how to do this.
Appjs is built on top of CEF so I think I am correct in saying that at the moment this functionality is not available out of the box. However the next version of AppJS will use content api which means that media and video should be available.
For now I would suggest that you develop your application in HTML5 using chrome and then run it inside AppJS later on when it catches up and provides these functions out of the box.

MediaElement.js Not Loading Subtitles

I'm trying to use MediaElement.js for an embedded player with subtitles, but it just says "English (loading)" and doesn't actually show the subtitles.
I'm using the pre-made track demo and it doesn't even work.
I created another page that uses the code from the MediaElement.js home page and it doesn't work, either.
Interestingly enough, the MediaElement.js track demo page DOES show the English subtitles, correctly, but DOES NOT do the translation that the code says it should.
Does my web server need a mime-type set for .srt and .vtt? The documentation doesn't say anything about it (video mime-types are mentioned).
It's mentioned here that jQuery version might be the issue.
I ran into the same problem recently and found out that this occurs when one forgets to set the srclang property on the track node..
Make sure to add it (in this case: dutch subtitling):
<track id="subtitles" kind="subtitles" label="Ondertitels" src="mysubs.srt" srclang="nl"></track>

Generating a random preview image on a HTML5 video tag

Is it possible to capture a snapshot of a video that's loaded using the HTML5 video element and use that as a preview image until the video loads or the play event is triggered? I know about the poster attribute but I want the thumbnail to be self generated, like a random frame from the video. Sort of what YouTube/Vimeo does.
I don't think that this is possible in pure HTML5. Principally because the stream is not loaded when you see the 'object' in the webpage so the client can't get the desired frame.
However, the best option for you is to save / cache the 'random frame' before loading the page and then use it as the poster of the video. This will allow you to reduce the client work and save the bandwith.
check THIS, which is the first thing that I've found (if you're using PHP and you want a 'quick and dirty' way to get the frame)
Apparently HERE there is a solution with popcorn.js BUT it seems that you can't do it in the way that (I suppose) you need.
This because it would be possible to do this only inside the same domain due to browser security issues.

How to play a video file in a vb.net form

How to play a video file in vb.net ?
I need the video to automatically start playing on form load.
Using google will show many results. Here is one that seemed pretty easy to follow: