How do I speed up my application connecting to MS SQL Server? - sql

I have a Delphi application running on SQL Server 2000, but it's taking awfully long to connect to the database!
But when I run this application on my development server it connects pretty fast!
I am running on Windows 2003 server, SQL Server 2k personal edition, when I look on my MDAC version in the registry, I see version 2.8 already installed!
Any ideas why this happens on the production machine but not on the development machine?

There's a reasonable chance that this is down to a network level issue connecting to the database. Depending on whether you're running the application and database on the same box of course.
Try connecting to the database from the same machine using a different tool. You could set up a data source and test it from the control panel as an alternative. If the connection is slow from another tool test the connectivity between the servers for other types of connection (e.g. run a ping). It may be that it's resolving the server via broadcast rather than the domain, for instance. Or any number of other issues - firewall, switch, wins etc.
If you are connecting using integrated authentication also ensure that the database can resolve the application server as well as vice versa. This is part of the authentication process and I've seen it cause slow downs in creating database connections before.
In short, I'd be confident that this isn't a problem specific to delphi / sql, but something in the communications between your production servers.
Good luck!

Keep your connection open once you have established it. This is called connection pooling and will improve performance. I have no clue how to do it with a delphi application.

Your problem most likely is network or transport layer related
Are you connecting through TCP, Named Pipes or another mechanism?
Have you tried tracing opening a connection with Microsoft SQL Profiler?

I had a problem a long time ago like this, and it came down to the workstation section of the connection string. its possible if you've copied the connection string from your dev machine that the workstation parameter is still in the connection string and pointing to your dev machine which probably does not exist on your deployment network.
In this case your connection to the database has to wait until the network tries to connect ot a non-existant machine (which obviously takes time). Remove the workstation cluse and it will speed up no end.


Synchronizing two SQL Server Instances

I have two network segments and both are connected using the internet, say one as corporate server and another as remote production. I have an Intranet application running in both environments using the single SQL instance, everything works fine. But my production environment internet disconnects frequently, so my application unable to reach corporate SQL Instance and production stops for a while. Now I'm thinking of placing a server in remote production, and I want to sync up(automatically) once the internet is connected. I'm new to this area please help me.
If you need to sync database objects then you can use Replication.
Read more on MSDN at

Can SQL Server Express LocalDB be connected to remotely?

I am looking into using the new SQL Server Express LocalDB (I think it is code named "Denali") for a desktop application.
It is currently running with SQL Compact, but the user is wanting to share the database between multiple PCs on a network. Unfortunately this is not something that SQL Compact can do, so I am investigating other solutions.
The client requires the ability to send database files easily to other sites or to back them up to a flash disk, so I am avoiding going to SQL Express because there is quite a bit of "administrator" knowledge required to backup and restore.
So, my questions is, does the new SQL Express LocalDB support remote connections to the database over a network and/or through a shared network folder with the mdf file in it?
LocalDB does support supplying a path for an attached local DB in it's connect string (AttachDbFileName) hence the shared network folder option.
NOTE: This question pertains to "LocalDB" the new version of SQL Express 'Denali' and not to SQL Server Express 2008 or prior.
See article here announcing LocalDB's release:
No, SQL Server Express LocalDB doesn't accept remote connections.
The idea with shared network folder might work, but only if you are able to make sure the LocalDB instance is shutdown before you try to copy the file. Also keep in mind that only one LocalDB instance can have any given database file open at the same time. and don't forget about the log files!
Additional security warning: unlike SQL Server Compact databases, SQL Server Express databases (including LocalDB ones) are not designed as secure data exchange format. For instance, they can contain malicious code in .NET assemblies embedded in them. So you should never open databases from untrusted source.
Maybe providing the customer with a simple tool that automates the backup process would be a better idea?
This isn't a fresh thread, but I would like to share my experience with SQL Server Express database LocalDB.
I have a WPF C# project using SQL database with LocalDb Engine. It is working fine no problem, I can use the database with the WPF app. I wanted this app to work on network with more PCs.
On the network another PC can use the database from my PC using UNC path in the connection string.
It seemed to me the remote connection is working. However when the remote PC is connected, I am not able to use the database with my local WPF app. If I run my app first the remote PC could not connect. So this tells me that the remote connection is working, but the multiple connection is not allowed.
OK, I didn't give up and I run the app from my PC twice and I saw it is working which tells me that the same SQL LocalDB engine can handle multiple connections locally only.
I hope this experience will help someone. Thanks.
In short, yes it can. Here is a tutorial on how to configure it.
Also, here is another post with a potential issue that might occur.
Both explain how to configure SQL Server Express to accept Remote Connections.

ODBC via ssh tunnel to a 3rd machine

At work we have a SqlServer database that cannot be connected to from outside our internal network. If we want to work remotely we can ssh into several other servers on our network and then work via X Forwarding so the development applications have access to the database.
This is annoying for a bunch of obvious reasons such as latency in the IDE and I'm wondering how I could tunnel the database connnections back to my machine. It seems like this should be possible but I'm not sure how to do it since there's has to be an intermediate step in between. This question is similar to what I want to do but only works for going directly to the db server if I understand it correctly.
I'm asking specifically about ODBC because that's the driver the application already uses. If there is a more general solution I would of course be open to that.
What I want to do is
Local machine (Linux) -> Server (Linux) -> Database connection to DB (Sql Server)
Well, as you say, if you wanted to directly use a encrypted connection to SQL Server you could just use Linux driver that give you that, and most I think do. You could use a bridge as already suggested. But It might be possible using socat. What driver are you using on the local machine? I will have a quick play and see how it works.
The OpenLink Software - Multi-tier ODBC Driver for SQL Server might help you out here...
It has a client server architecture as which can easily be configured in a three-tier (client/proxy/server) architecture as follows --
Linux Client -
ODBC Application
OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver (Multi-tier client component)
Linux Proxy -
OpenLink Request Broker (Multi-tier server component)
OpenLink Database Agent for SQL Server (Multi-tier server component)
Windows Server -

MS SQL Server 2005 : Error log is too big and getting bigger

I guess someone tries to logon to our sql server and error log is getting bigger. I am running out of space on hdd. What should be the solution?
Cleaning up error log regularly? Howto?
Disabling access to SQL server? For attacker IPs? For local use only? Howto?
Any other?
we had a similar problem here, constant attempts to guess the systems password filled up the log to epic proportions.
you could disable external access via the windows firewall (if you're using windows SBS 2003) its fairly trivial but the end solution we opted for (because we still required external access ourselfs to the database server) was to change the default access port to SQL server; it seemed to stop alot of problems.
although if possible, I would also considering changing the architecture of your network slightly (sometimes this isn't possible if you have purchased some virtual machine from a service provider); moving your database server and disconnecting it from your hub/switch and plugging it into the back of your web server (if this is the ultimate use for your databases) so the web server acts as a type of proxy, prevent all external internet access.
Are you sure logins are the cause of the error-log growth? If so, you could disable remote logins:
Goto START --> Microsoft SQL server 2005 --> Configuration Tools --> SQL server surface area configuration
Select Surface area con figuration for services..
Select Databas engine --> Remote connections and choose 'local only'
Note, this will disable all remote connections to the database, so only change this if your application connects locally!
For emergency you execute sp_cycle_errorlog to start a new one, so you can delete the old one w/o restarting the server.
But the million dollar question is, of course, what is filling up the errorlog? What message shows up again and again? If you tell us that, perhaps we can help you fix the problem and eliminate the errorlog growth.

Sql 2005 Express edition slow connections

I'm running SqlServer 2005 express edition on my laptop for development purposes. It seems that when I open a connection to the database, the setup time is REALLY slow. It can take up to 10 seconds to get a connection. I usually have multiple connections open at the same time (Profiler, Development environment, Query Analyser, etc.) I have a hunch that the slow times are related to the fact that I have multiple connections open.
Is there a governor in Express edition that throttles connection times when multiple connections are made to an instance?
My workstation is not on active directory, and SQL is running mixed mode security. I will try the login with sql authentication. I am not using user instances.
I setup a trace to try and figure out what is going on. When the connection to the database is opened the follow command is executed:
This command takes 6 seconds to execute.
I figured it out. The problem was I had multiple databases with AutoClose set to true. I shut it off in all my databases and the problem went away.
see this article for more info.
Are you sure the connection is the bottleneck? Is it your conn.Open() line that is taking 10 seconds?
AFAIK there's no governer anymore in SQL Express.
Now, are you on a Windows Active Directory Domain? If so, there might be an issue with your DNS or something that means the connection to the domain controller to validate your logon to the server instance is taking the time. I suggest you experiment switching the server over to use SQL Security, give the SA account a password, and try logging in as SA and see if that makes a difference.