PL/SQL private object method - sql

I'm a bit new to Oracle's PL/SQL (using 10g), I was wondering if there's a way to make a private method in an object type, as is often done for private helper methods in other languages (Java, C++, C#, etc...). I know it is possible to make private methods in packages, but I can't seem to find a way to do this for object types. I keep getting compiler errors telling me:
Error: PLS-00539: subprogram 'FOO' is declared in an object type body
and must be defined in the object type specification.

Ok, here's a potential solution that I tested very briefly, and it seems to work so far:
Create a parent object type that will marked as NOT FINAL and NOT INSTANTIABLE and then put all the private code in there. The private methods won't be truly private, but putting them in a type that is not final and not instantiable prevents them from being called. In the instantiable subtype, reference the "private" methods in the supertype through SELF.
create or replace type PrivateFoo under SuperFoo
member procedure setUpCommonFoo
create or replace type body PrivateFoo is
-- Member procedures and functions
member procedure setUpCommonFoo is
SELF.someAttrib:='Some Common Default Value';
create or replace type Foo under PrivateFoo
CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION Foo(fkey FooKey) RETURN SELF AS RESULT -- assume fkey is defined in SuperFoo, and FooKey type is defined somewhere else ;)
create or replace type body Foo is
--no-arg Constructor For basic Foo set up.
--alt constructor for other situations...
SELF.rarelyUsedAttrib:='Special Value!'; --just assume that someAttrib and rarelyUsedAttrib actually exist ;)
self.fkey := fkey;
--Other Members go here...
Now I have to admit, I don't really like this pattern. It seems awkward and kludgy. I'm probably going to just avoid Object Types as much as I can and stick to packages (or very simlpe object types). A package-as-fatory only helps me solve the private common code problem for constructors, not for other types of common code refactoring.
...unless there's a better way to work with Object Types.... anyone? anyone?

If you just need to use the subprogram (function/procedure) from one subprogram PL/SQL does allow you to nest a subprogram within another in the declaration block.
It's not as ideal as having private methods or functions but it might be worth a try before you go creating an inheritance hierarchy.
create or replace type body some_t
member function foo
return varchar2
function some_private_foo
return varchar2
return 'Foo!';
end some_private_foo;
return some_private_foo();
end foo;
If you're on Oracle 12 you're in luck. You can create a package that only your type can code against using the ACCESSIBLE BY clause. In the example below the PL/SQL compiler will only allow code from FOO_T to reference FOO_PRIVATE_PKG.
CREATE OR REPLACE package foo_private_pkg
accessible by ( foo_t )
function some_private_foo ( object_in in out nocopy foo_t )
return varchar2;

You can't have private methods in pl/sql objects, you can have polymorphism and inheritance but no encapsulation.
When you want encapsulation (private methods) you can use pl/sql packages.
All three at once isn't possible.

The answer to this is somewhat difficult, but I'll explain it as best as I can. First, it's not completely Oracle's fault; ANSI SQL defines a thing called Abstract Data Types (ADT's) which can be used to extend SQL. Oracle follows their specifications pretty well I think. Part of the lack of encapsulation comes with the difficulty of referencing and storing objects in SQL. I won't get into the details here however since I don't fully understand it myself.
ADT's are useful to give structure to your data, either in code or in tables, but they can't be very complex. For example, you cannot have Object A that has Object B which again has Object A. This cannot be stored in a SQL table. You can get around this by using REFs in Oracle (not sure how other vendors go about this) but that becomes another problem to solve in code.
I've found that ADT's are good for very simple structures and very simple member methods. Anything more elaborate requires packages. Often, I'll write a package that implements member methods for a given Object Type, since you can't call private methods inside an object.
It is a pain...


GNU Cim (Simula preprocessor): How to use INNER in a PROCEDURE declared VIRTUAL?

Simula (back then, Simula 67) introduced virtual procedures (amongst a lot of other things).
In contrast to practice in several later languages, a derived class would not completely "override" an ancestor's definition, but be allowed to contribute where the definition says inner. I think something like
CLASS Object;
%nocomment PROCEDURE toString IS
%nocomment ;
t :- blanks(144);
t.Putchar(' ');
toString :- Copy(t.Sub(0, t.Pos));
Object CLASS Int(val); INTEGER val; BEGIN
TEXT PROCEDURE toString; t.Putint(val);
REF(Object) o; o:- NEW Int(42);
OutText(o.toString); OutImage;
should work with Cim, too ((as of 3.37,) Cim requires "the %nocomment decoration" for a declaration of a PROCEDURE as VIRTUAL to be compatible with standard conforming compilers)
- I get
"xyz.sim", line 13: INNER is not on outermost block level in this Class.
While the inner conceivably isn't "on outermost block level", I want to use it in a virtual procedure:
How does this work with Cim?
INNER seems to split class bodies ("constructors"), only, into initial-operations executed before the class body of any prefixed (derived) class and final-operations to be executed thereafter.

Upcasting accesses

Let's say I have a Planet:
type Planet is tagged null record;
type Planet_Ref is access Planet'class;
Now I subclass it:
type Habitable_Planet is new Planet with null record;
type Habitable_Planet_Ref is access Habitable_Planet'class;
Now I define some variables:
p: Planet_Ref := Make_Planet;
hp: Habitable_Planet_Ref := Make_Habitable_Planet;
I would naively expect that assigning p := hp would work, because a Habitable_Planet is a subclass of Planet. But of course that won't work because every type defined with type is distinct and doesn't interoperate with any other type.
So I'd expect to have to declare Habitable_Planet_Ref to be a subtype of Planet_Ref to make this work. But the syntax doesn't seem to allow for this.
How do I make this work?
(Yes, I know I can use an explicit view conversion to cast a Habitable_Planet_Ref to a Planet_Ref, but that's really ugly and I'd like to avoid it.)
Ada recognizes types by name, so indeed you would need a view conversion here.
But if you are using Ada 2005, you can use anonymous access types instead. For instance:
hp: access Habitable_Planet'Class := Make_Habitable_Planet;
p: access Planet'Class := hp; -- valid with anonymous access types
One the drawbacks of using anonymous access types is that the code is more
verbose (although in general you would not use them for local variables, but
as parameters to subprograms or as fields in a (tagged) record.
They also can't be used with Unchecked_Deallocation. In fact, I personally often
use them exactly because of that: when I have a field in a record which is of an
anonymous access type, I know that the record does not "own" the accessed data,
and therefore it should not free it (in fact, I would have to write some convoluted
code to free them).
And of course as per your request the result for type matching are slightly more
relax, which is nice too.
ajb is correct in his comment. Ada is too strict for many practices you might be used to in other languages. An alternative would be to just not use objects and instead just simple records or discriminate records. I understand this may not be what you are looking for, but from my experience more can be done with less lines of code and the solution tends to me easier to understand.
Simple record
type Rec_Planet is record
--.. stuff
end record;
type Rec_Habitable_Planet is record
Planet : Rec_Planet := (others => <>);
--.. stuff
end record;
Discriminate record
type Enum_Planet is (Normal_Planet, Habitable_Planet);
type Rec_Planet(Kind : Enum_Planet := Normal_Planet) is record
-- rec_Planet stuff..
case Kind is
when Habitable_Planet => -- Rec_Habitable_Planet stuff
when others => null;
end case;
end record;
So #manuBriot gave me the answer I needed, but there were some other things I was doing wrong in my question which I should clarify because they'll confuse anyone else reading this question.
I was confusing the issue by using accesses. From Ada's point of view all accesses defined with type are distinct, so it never gets as far as looking at what the access is pointing at; it just disallows the assignment.
However, Ada does support implicit upcasting of class-wide types (and also discrete types, where an instance of a subtype will get implicitly cast to its parent type --- implement ALL the class hierarchies! But that's not really relevant here.) Example here:
With Ada.Text_IO; Use Ada.Text_IO;
With Ada.Integer_Text_IO; Use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure Prog is
package Superclass is
type Class is tagged record
end record;
procedure Announce(self: in out Class);
subtype Var is Class'class;
package body Superclass is
procedure Announce(self: in out Class)
Put_Line("I am the superclass");
package Subclass is
type Class is new Superclass.Class with null record;
procedure Announce(self: in out Class);
package body Subclass is
procedure Announce(self: in out Class)
Put_Line("I am the subclass");
osuper: Superclass.Class;
osub: Subclass.Class;
vsuper: Superclass.Var := osuper;
vsub: Superclass.Var := osub; -- implicit upclass here
(It's in ideone here: Interesting sidenote. If you define subtype Var is Superclass.Var in the Prog package, and then use Var in the definitions of vsuper and vsub, ideone's Ada compiler crashes.)
Of course, like all indefinite types, once the variable has been initialised then its type cannot be changed. So I can assign any Subclass.Object to vsub, but I can't assign a Superclass.Object to it. And of course I'm physically copying the object rather than referring to an object elsewhere.
Implicitly upcasting accesses to class-wide types should be safe. Because assigning to a class-wide type does a runtime instance check to make sure that the physical type of the objects are compatible, it ought not to be possible to accidentally corrupt objects like you can in C++ --- see Overwriting an instance of a subclass with an instance of a superclass, for example. Therefore assigning to a dereferenced access shouldn't be a problem. However, it's 2100 at night and my brain has turned to sludge, so it's entirely possible that I'm missing something here. (Although given that when using anonymous accesses there aren't any problems, I suspect not.) Elucidation welcome...

How to declare variables with a type in Lua

Is it possible to create variables to be a specific type in Lua?
E.g. int x = 4
If this is not possible, is there at least some way to have a fake "type" shown before the variable so that anyone reading the code will know what type the variable is supposed to be?
E.g. function addInt(int x=4, int y=5), but x/y could still be any type of variable? I find it much easier to type the variable's type before it rather than putting a comment at above the function to let any readers know what type of variable it is supposed to be.
The sole reason I'm asking isn't to limit the variable to a specific data type, but simply to have the ability to put a data type before the variable, whether it does anything or not, to let the reader know what type of variable that it is supposed to be without getting an error.
You can do this using comments:
local x = 4 -- int
function addInt(x --[[int]],
y --[[int]] )
You can make the syntax a = int(5) from your other comment work using the following:
function int(a) return a end
function string(a) return a end
function dictionary(a) return a end
a = int(5)
b = string "hello, world!"
c = dictionary({foo = "hey"})
Still, this doesn't really offer any benefits over a comment.
The only way I can think of to do this, would be by creating a custom type in C.
Lua Integer type
No. But I understand your goal is to improve understanding when reading and writing functions calls.
Stating the expected data type of parameters adds only a little in terms of giving a specification for the function. Also, some function parameters are polymorphic, accepting a specific value, or a function or table from which to obtain the value for a context in which the function operates. See string.gsub, for example.
When reading a function call, the only thing known at the call site is the name of the variable or field whose value is being invoked as a function (sometimes read as the "name" of the function) and the expressions being passed as actual parameters. It is sometimes helpful to refactor parameter expressions into named local variables to add to the readability.
When writing a function call, the name of the function is key. The names of the formal parameters are also helpful. But still, names (like types) do not comprise much of a specification. The most help comes from embedded structured documentation used in conjunction with an IDE that infers the context of a name and performs content assistance and presentations of available documentation.
luadoc is one such a system of documentation. You can write luadoc for function you declare.
Eclipse Koneki LDT is one such an IDE. Due to the dynamic nature of Lua, it is a difficult problem so LDT is not always as helpful as one would like. (To be clear, LDT does not use luadoc; It evolved its own embedded documentation system.)

run-time polymorphism in fortran 2003

I'm writing some code in Fortran 2003 that does a lot of linear algebra with sparse matrices. I'm trying to exploit some of the more abstract features of the new standard so I have simpler programs without too much repeated code.
I have a procedure solver which takes in a matrix, some vectors, the tolerance for the iterative method used etc. I'm passing a pointer to a procedure called matvec to it; matvec is the subroutine we use for matrix-vector multiplications.
The problem is, sometimes matvec is a procedure which takes in extra arguments colorlist, color1, color2 above the usual ones sent to this procedure. I can think of several ways of dealing with this.
First idea: define two different abstract interfaces matvec1, matvec2 and two different solvers. This works but it means duplicating some code, which is just what I'm trying to avoid.
Another idea: keep the same abstract interface matvec, and make the extra arguments colorlist, color1, color2 optional. That means making them optional in every matvec routine -- even ones for which they're not really optional, and for routines where they're not even used at all. Pretty sure I'll go to hell if I do this.
I can think of plenty of other less than optimal solutions. I'd like some input on this -- I'm sure there's some elegant way to do it, I'm just not sure what it is.
The question is really, whether the additional arguments must be passed every time the procedure is invoked (because they change between two invocations), or they can be initialized at some point and then just used in the function. In the later case you could create a class with an abstract interface, which defines your subroutine matvec with the essential arguments. You can then extend that class with more specialized ones, which can hold the additional options needed. They will still have to define the same matvec interface as the parent class (with the same argument list), but they can use the additional values stored in them when their matvec procedure is called.
You find a detailed example in this answer for a similar case (look for the second example showing module rechercheRacine).
Instead of passing the procedure pointer as an explicit argument, you could put the various matvec routines behind a generic interface:
interface matvec
module procedure matvec1, matvec2
end interface
Then your solver routine can just use the generic name with or without the extra arguments. The same approach can of course also be taken when using Bálint's suggested approach of defining a solver as a derived type with type-bound procedures:
type :: solver
real, allocatable :: matrix(:,:), v1(:), v2(:)
procedure, pass :: matvec1
procedure, pass :: matvec2
generic :: matvec => matvec1, matvec2
end type
The main difference is that this does not use polymorphism to determine the correct procedure to invoke, but rather the characteristics of the dummy arguments.
I'm not sure of your intentions for the procedure pointer; if you wish to change its target at runtime (or perhaps assign some special meaning to its 'undefined' status), then pointers are the only way and all targets need to match the same abstract interface. If instead you just need to select one of several procedures based on their arguments, then you can exploit interfacing (my example) or overloading (Bálint's example). Each extension of a type can extend an inherited generic binding with new procedures, or overload an inherited specific binding.

typeof Equivalent for Object Types in PL/SQL

I'm trying to use OOP and TDD inside of Oracle. Yes, I know that sounds crazy. And, I need some advice.
I'm writing a test for the following constructor method (simplified for the purposes of this question):
-- Attach constructor parameters to internal attributes
self.throw_exception := p_throw_exception;
self.program_id := p_program_id;
self.student := NEW STUDENT(self.a_pidm);
In the corresponding test, I'll need to verify that self.student is set to a valid instance of STUDENT. In other languages, I do this with a typeof method, but I'm not aware of one in PL/SQL.
So, the question is, does anyone know a function/procedure that I can pass a user-defined type into and get back its class/type name?
You probably want to use the IS OF <<type>> syntax.
Something like
IF l_variable IS OF( student )
<<do something>>