All of these words feature - lucene

I have a "description" field indexed in Lucene.This field contains a book's description.
How do i achieve "All of these words" functionality on this field using BooleanQuery class?
For example if a user types in "top selling book" then it should return books which have all of these words in its description.

There are two pieces to get this to work:
You need the incoming documents to be analysed properly, so that individual words are tokenised and indexed separately
The user query needs to be tokenised, and the tokens combined with the AND operator.
For #1, there are a number of Analyzers and Tokenizers that come with Lucene - have a look in the org.apache.lucene.analysis package. There are options for many different languages, stemming, stopwords and so on.
For #2, there are again a lot of query parsers that come with Lucene, mainly in the org.apache.lucene.queryParser packagage. MultiFieldQueryParser might be good for you: to require every term to be present, just call
Lucene in Action, although a few versions old, is still accurate and extremely useful for more information on analysis and query parsing.

I believe if you add all query parts (one per term) via
BooleanQuery.add(Query, BooleanClause.Occur)
and set that second parameter to the constant BooleanClause.Occur.MUST, then you should get what you want. The equivalent query syntax would be "+term1+term2 +term3 ...".


Lucene difference between Term and Fields

I've read a lot about Lucene indexing and searching and still can't understand what Term is?What is the difference between term and fields?
A very rough analogy would be that fields are like columns in a database table, and terms are like the contents in each database column.
More specifically to Lucene:
Terms are indexed tokens. See here:
Lucene Analyzers are processing pipelines that break up text into indexed tokens, a.k.a. terms
So, for example, if you have the following sentence in a document...
"This is a list of terms"
...and you pass it through a whitespace tokenizer, this will generate the following terms:
Terms are therefore also what you place into queries, when performing searches. See here for a definition of how they are used in the classic query parser.
A field is a section of a document.
A simple example is the title of a document versus the body (the remaining text/content) of the document. These can be defined as two separate Lucene fields within a Lucene index.
(You obviously need to be able to parse the source document so that you can separate the title from the body - otherwise you cannot populate each separate field correctly, while building your Lucene index.)
You can then place all of the title's terms into the title field; and the body's terms into the body field.
Now you can search title data separately from body data.
You can read about fields here and here. There are various different types of fields, specific to the type of data (terms) they will be holding.

What is this query language called

As I understand Apache Lucene and Google (GSA or GCS) are completely different search engines / frameworks and their parsers have varying logic but their query languages seem extremely similar, or the same. If they are the same what is this query language called? If not the same what is each called/what are the differences?
field1:foo "some text"
and the item existed in the dataset
"field1": "foo",
"somefield": "bla bal some text"
would be in the result
You might call it "search syntax", it's kindof a mashup of the old days of information retrieval research (80s and 90s) and what the suddenly dominant web search engines settled on in the late 90s.
Modern customer-oriented search engines match all the words in the query in all fields, although some allow partial matches. Most allow ways to override the default behavior using query syntax such as Boolean operators like AND (sometimes "+"), OR (sometimes "||") and NOT (sometimes "_"), quote marks to indicate phrase search matches, and field filters like "department:".
After all that, it occurs to me that you may come from a database background, and be asking about why the result doesn't exactly match the query. If that's the case, it's because the search engine has an inverted index that can match parts of fields, and then sort results by a relevance algorithm, usually TF IDF.

Do Lucene SpanQueries Tokenize automatically, or do I have to Tokenize the query myself?

I'm using the standard analyzer to store information which tokenizes on special characters, and takes out Stop Words such as 'the'. My question is:
(1) If I make a SpanQuery and I search for "The Best Stuff", but the word "the" is not stored, do I need to write code to take out this word so I am only searching for "Best Stuff", or is it automatically handled for me?
(2) Do I have to handle the lowercasing myself too?
1 - When it comes to queries, analysis is generally handled by query parsers. As a rule, Queries don't do any analysis. As such, if you are constructin the queries yourself, including SpanQueries, yes, you will have to deal with any analysis concerns. This includes not only removing "The", but most likely "Best Stuff" will be analyzed to two terms ("best" and "stuff"), and will have to be represented as such in your SpanQuery.
2 - Yes.

Is it possible to order lucene documents by matching term?

I'm using Lucene 4.10.3 with Java 1.7
I'm wondering whether it's possible to order query results the matching term?
Simply put, if my documents conatin a text field;
The query is
I want documents with ab, then ac, then ad etc.
The real case is more complex however, what I'm actually trying to accomplish is to "stuff" a relational DB into my lucene Index (probably not the best idea?).
An appropriate example would be :
I have documents representing books in a library. every book has a title and also a list of people who has borrowed this book and the date of borrowing.
when a user searches for a book with title containing "JAVA", I want to give priority to books that were borrowed by this user. This could be accomplished by adding a TextField "borrowers", adding a SHOULD clause on it and ordering by score)
also, if there are several books with "JAVA" that this user has borrowed before, I want to show the most recent borrowed ones first. so I thought to create a TextField "borrowers" that will look like
borrowers : "user1__20150505 user2__20150506" etc.
I will add a BooleanClause borrowers: user1* and order by matching term.
any other solution ideas will be welcome
I understand your real problem is more complex, but maybe this is helpful anyway.
You could first search for Tokens in the index that match your query, then for each matching token executing a query using this token specifically.
See for that. Just seek to the prefix and iterate until the prefix stops matching.
In general it is sometimes easy to just issue two queries. For example one within the corpus of books the user as borrowed before and another witin the whole corpus.
These approaches may not work, but in that case you could implement a custom Scorer somehow mapping the ordering to a number.

SQL with Regular Expressions vs Indexes with Logical Merging Functions

I am trying to develop a complex textual search engine.
I have thousands of textual pages from many books.
I need to search pages that contain specified complex logical criterias.
These criterias can contain virtually any compination of the following:
A: Full words.
B: Word roots (semilar to stems; i.e. all words with certain key letters).
C: Word templates (in some languages roots are filled in certain templates to form various part of speech such as adjactives, past/present verbs...).
D: Logical connectives: AND/OR/XOR/NOT/IF/IFF and parentheses to state priorities.
Now, would it be faster to have the pages' full text in database (not indexed) and search through them all using SQL and Regular Expressions ?
Or would it be better to construct indexes of word/root/template-page-location tuples.
Hence, we can boost searching for individual words/roots/templates.
However, it gets tricky as we introduce logical connectives into our queries.
I thought of doing the following steps in such cases:
1: Seperately search for each individual words/roots/templates in the specified query.
2: On priority bases, we merge two result lists (from step 1) at a time depedning on the logical connective
For example, if we are searching for "he AND (is OR was)":
1: We shall search for "he", "is" and "was" seperately and get result lists for each word.
2: Merge the result lists of "is" and "was" using the merging function OR-MERGE.
3: Merge the merged result list from the OR-MERGE function with the one of "he" using the merging function AND-MERGE.
The result of step 3 is then returned as the result of the specified query.
What do you think gurues ? Which is faster ? Any better ideas ?
Thank you all in advance.
There are plenty of off-the-shelf solutions to this kind of problem. I would strongly recommend you use one of those instead of developing your own.
You don't say what database solution you're using. If it's Microsoft SQL Server, you could use its Full Text Search features. If it's MySQL, take a look at its Full-Text Search Functions. I'm sure Oracle, DB2 and any other major DBMS will have similar functionality.
Alternatively, take a look at Apache's Lucene for Java or Lucene for .NET. This will allow you to index documents without needing to use a DBMS.