Null object pattern in Objective-C - objective-c

In Java, it is very easy to code the following design:
public abstract class Pizza {
public static final Pizza.NULL = new Pizza() {
/* "null" implementations */
/* actual/abstract implmentations */
What is the preferred method to attain the same efficient scenario in Objective-C? I have been unable to find any documentation on the subject, and I have tried a couple different scenarios with static const, #define etc. but none of them seem to work out as well as the Java method above.
I would like to avoid writing a concrete NullPizza class that has a static method to obtain the singleton instance, as it seems more 'proper' for it to be some final property/field of the highest-level interface. (Pizza, in this case.)
Edit: While I understand how the NULL pattern specifically would be handled due to Obj-C's unique method of handling method calls to 'nil', what about other static common instances, such as Response.YES and Response.NO? (See comments for discussion.)

There is no need for this type of pattern in Objective-C because it is not considered a runtime error to message a nil instance of a class. If the method has a defined return type, there are defined returns from messaging a nil object (e.g., methods that return an integer return 0 when messaging a nil object).

There are two things which can help here. The first is nil, the Objective-C equivalent of the Java NULL pointer - it can actually receive messages and respond to them. It will always return nil if the return value is an object, and 0 if the return value is some primitive type. Therefore if the Null behaviour of your object is "do nothing" you can easily just use nil as the Null value.
The other thing which is helpful is for when you need to store a placeholder or null value in a container object - these usually throw exceptions if you attempt to add nil as a value. Instead you can use the singleton +[NSNull null], which does nothing except act as a "this space intentionally left blank" object.
With these two weapons at your disposal there should be no reason to write a null instance of a custom class :-)

For your Response.YES and Response.NO, I assume you have instances that you do want to change, rather than just making all Response properties read-only.
A common pattern in Cocoa is to have both immutable and mutable versions of a class (NSArray versus NSMutableArray). For your response example, it would make sense to have an immutable Response class that has the static YES and NO methods, and a MutableResponse subclass that exposes setters for those times where you do want objects to change them. Does this cover your second example?

I don't think there is an easy way to provide this implementation. You're asking for something that is a language feature of Java to be implemented in Objective-C - you can do it but you have to write the code that is in the Java runtime yourself - there is nothing to stop you doing this but it's not something the language has built in.
It's a bit like asking "How do I show a Windows style 'one menu per window" UI in Cocoa' - you can do it but it's not provided for free from the framework. Or, "how can I easily implement Objective-C's nil pointer handling in Java?"
If you really want to see this type of functionality I think you should follow the NSArray/NSMutableArray design pattern. Declare a superclass that can handle all of your special cases:
#interface NullPizza : NSObject
- (BOOL)areYouANullPizza;
and then subclass with your real Pizza and include a newNullPizza class method (which is just syntax sugar):
#interface Pizza : NullPizza
+ (Pizza*)Null;
#implementation Pizza
+ (Pizza*)newNullPizza
return [[NullPizza]alloc init]; // Singleton code left as an exercise.
- (BOOL)areYouANullPizza;
return NO;
Note that if you wanted to implement a +(Pizza*)NULL method on Pizza you should autorelease the new NullPizza you create.
Disclaimer, I typed this code straight into SO. I'd be surprised if it compiles but you get the idea.


Automatically running a selector on instance creation

In Objective-C, is there any way to run a specific selector automatically every time an object is instantiated? (I know about +initialize but I need an instance method).
Specifically, I am writing a custom string class (that inherits from my own root class with a similar interface to NSObject) and I am trying to make it 'play nicely' with Objective-C constant strings. To do this, I have the following class definition (as required by the runtime):
// 1) Required Layout
#interface MYConstantString : MYObject {
//Class isa; inherited from MYObject
char *c_string;
unsigned int length;
Now, I want to implement my string class by using a pointer to a C-struct inside the class (this "C object" is already well implemented so I basically just want to wrap it in an Objective-C class). Ideally therefore, my Objective-C class would look like this:
// 2) Desired Laout
#interface MYConstantString : MYObject {
// Class isa;
StringObject *string;
And then the class and instance methods would just wrap C function calls using that StringObject.
So because I can't have the desired ivar layout (2), I wish to hack around the required ivar layout (1) to work for me. For example:
- (void)fixup {
// Pseudocode
temp = copystring(c_string);
c_string = (void *)StringObjectNewWithString(temp); // Fudge pointer
length = ... // I can do something else with this.
So, to return to the question, is there a way to call -fixup automatically, rather than having to do the following every time I make write an Objective-C constant string?
MYConstantString *str = #"Constant string";
[str fixup];
I know this is an obscene hack, and Objective-C constant string interoperability isn't totally crucial for what I need, but it would be nice to be able to use the #"" syntax and make the code more 'naturally' Objective-C.
I'm guessing you left out an important fact: you're using -fconstant-string-class=MYConstantString when building to have the compiler use your class for constant string objects (#"...").
Given that, then, no. There are two significant problems. First, "instance creation" for constant strings happens at compile time, not run time. The reason that there's a required layout is that the compiler does nothing but lay out the string's data in a data section with a reference to the appropriate class object where the isa pointer goes. It doesn't invoke any custom code. It is not necessarily even aware of such custom code at compile time. A given translation unit may not include the constant string class. The reference to that is resolved at link time.
Second, the constant string instance is almost certainly laid out in a read-only data section. There's a good chance that even calling your -fixup method manually as in your question would encounter an access violation because you'd be modifying read-only memory.
You should consider using a class cluster. Make MYConstantString one concrete subclass of an abstract base class. Make it conform to the required layout and just use the character pointer and length ivars as they are. If it would be convenient to translate to StringObject at various points, do that at those points. Implement other, separate concrete subclasses to use StringObject internally, if desired.
MYConstantString *str = #"Constant string";
That can't work because #"..." is an NSString, and it's not only a problem of layout but of instance sizes. If you want 0-copy or anything like that, what you have to do is have something like:
MYConstantString *str = [MyConstantString stringWithNSString:#"Constant string"];
and let -stringWithNSString: recognize when the passed string is a constant one (I'm pretty sure the concrete class of constant strings is easy to recognize, and probably hasn't changed ever for backward compatibility reasons) and then hack it around to grab the pointer to the bytes and similar things.

"Decorate" several classes with a specific method in Obj-C

I'm not yet that into design patterns so "Sorry!" to bother you with such a question, that might be obvious.
The thing is, I have several classes: Show, Segment, Command. These three classes are totally different, except the one thing: They all have an NSArray called schedules, which contains ScheduleItem classes.
In my workflow I need to check, if the current time matches a scheduleItem to set the Show,Segment or Command active. So, I'd like to have a method on all these three classes called isActive(). Since this method does the same for all current and future classes, I'm looking for a way to implement the isActive method just once, and reuse it in those classes.
Is there a nice way doing this?
To remember, those classes have absolutely nothing in common, except the schedules array. So, I'd like to avoid subclassing. But you can convince me otherwise.
You can create smth like this
#interface ScheduleCollection : NSObject {
NSArray* schedules;
#property NSArray* schedules;
Return true if matches.
-(BOOL) match:(ScheduleSclass); //or call it isActive or whatever you like
Then replace schedules array in Show, Segment, Command with ivar of this class. If you need to compare time just get the property and call match:
Show* show = ...;
BOOL m = [show.schedules match: my_time];
There's really no design pattern for this except generic inheritance (shared base class with the method). You can't add it as a category for all three, as they don't share a base class.
If you want to avoid introducing a base class, you can use the fact that type id is a typeless object, and you can invoke any method on it at runtime. Only it will fail if the actual objec doesn't have the method...
On each of the objects, create a method called getSchedule like this:
- (NSArray*) getSchedule {
return schedule;
Then just create this method somewhere else
-(BOOL) isActive:(id)anyObjectWithGetScheduleAnyOtherWillFailWithSelectorNotImplemented
// You could do an explicit check to determine if the object passed in implements
// getSchedule, but I skipped it here.
NSArray* schedule = [anyObjectWithGetScheduleAnyOtherWillFailWithSelectorNotImplemented getSchedule];
<your implementation here>
In my opinion, you would be better off just introducing a shared base class, as it's a lot clearer and won't really take that much more work. But if you have good reasons not to, this will also do the job.

Would it be beneficial to begin using instancetype instead of id?

Clang adds a keyword instancetype that, as far as I can see, replaces id as a return type in -alloc and init.
Is there a benefit to using instancetype instead of id?
Yes, there are benefits to using instancetype in all cases where it applies. I'll explain in more detail, but let me start with this bold statement: Use instancetype whenever it's appropriate, which is whenever a class returns an instance of that same class.
In fact, here's what Apple now says on the subject:
In your code, replace occurrences of id as a return value with instancetype where appropriate. This is typically the case for init methods and class factory methods. Even though the compiler automatically converts methods that begin with “alloc,” “init,” or “new” and have a return type of id to return instancetype, it doesn’t convert other methods. Objective-C convention is to write instancetype explicitly for all methods.
Emphasis mine. Source: Adopting Modern Objective-C
With that out of the way, let's move on and explain why it's a good idea.
First, some definitions:
#interface Foo:NSObject
- (id)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar; // initializer
+ (id)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar; // class factory
For a class factory, you should always use instancetype. The compiler does not automatically convert id to instancetype. That id is a generic object. But if you make it an instancetype the compiler knows what type of object the method returns.
This is not an academic problem. For instance, [[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] writeData:formattedData] will generate an error on Mac OS X (only) Multiple methods named 'writeData:' found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes. The reason is that both NSFileHandle and NSURLHandle provide a writeData:. Since [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] returns an id, the compiler is not certain what class writeData: is being called on.
You need to work around this, using either:
[(NSFileHandle *)[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] writeData:formattedData];
NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput];
[fileHandle writeData:formattedData];
Of course, the better solution is to declare fileHandleWithStandardOutput as returning an instancetype. Then the cast or assignment isn't necessary.
(Note that on iOS, this example won't produce an error as only NSFileHandle provides a writeData: there. Other examples exist, such as length, which returns a CGFloat from UILayoutSupport but a NSUInteger from NSString.)
Note: Since I wrote this, the macOS headers have been modified to return a NSFileHandle instead of an id.
For initializers, it's more complicated. When you type this:
- (id)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar
…the compiler will pretend you typed this instead:
- (instancetype)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar
This was necessary for ARC. This is described in Clang Language Extensions Related result types. This is why people will tell you it isn't necessary to use instancetype, though I contend you should. The rest of this answer deals with this.
There's three advantages:
Explicit. Your code is doing what it says, rather than something else.
Pattern. You're building good habits for times it does matter, which do exist.
Consistency. You've established some consistency to your code, which makes it more readable.
It's true that there's no technical benefit to returning instancetype from an init. But this is because the compiler automatically converts the id to instancetype. You are relying on this quirk; while you're writing that the init returns an id, the compiler is interpreting it as if it returns an instancetype.
These are equivalent to the compiler:
- (id)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
- (instancetype)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
These are not equivalent to your eyes. At best, you will learn to ignore the difference and skim over it. This is not something you should learn to ignore.
While there's no difference with init and other methods, there is a difference as soon as you define a class factory.
These two are not equivalent:
+ (id)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
+ (instancetype)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
You want the second form. If you are used to typing instancetype as the return type of a constructor, you'll get it right every time.
Finally, imagine if you put it all together: you want an init function and also a class factory.
If you use id for init, you end up with code like this:
- (id)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
+ (instancetype)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
But if you use instancetype, you get this:
- (instancetype)initWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
+ (instancetype)fooWithBar:(NSInteger)bar;
It's more consistent and more readable. They return the same thing, and now that's obvious.
Unless you're intentionally writing code for old compilers, you should use instancetype when appropriate.
You should hesitate before writing a message that returns id. Ask yourself: Is this returning an instance of this class? If so, it's an instancetype.
There are certainly cases where you need to return id, but you'll probably use instancetype much more frequently.
There definitely is a benefit. When you use 'id', you get essentially no type checking at all. With instancetype, the compiler and IDE know what type of thing is being returned, and can check your code better and autocomplete better.
Only use it where it makes sense of course (i.e. a method that is returning an instance of that class); id is still useful.
Above answers are more than enough to explain this question. I would just like to add an example for the readers to understand it in terms of coding.
#interface ClassA : NSObject
- (id)methodA;
- (instancetype)methodB;
Class B
#interface ClassB : NSObject
- (id)methodX;
#import "ClassA.h"
#import "ClassB.h"
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[[[[ClassA alloc] init] methodA] methodX]; //This will NOT generate a compiler warning or error because the return type for methodA is id. Eventually this will generate exception at runtime
[[[[ClassA alloc] init] methodB] methodX]; //This will generate a compiler error saying "No visible #interface ClassA declares selector methodX" because the methodB returns instanceType i.e. the type of the receiver
You also can get detail at The Designated Initializer
This keyword can only be used for return type, that it matches with return type of receiver. init method always declared to return instancetype.
Why not make the return type Party for party instance, for example?
That would cause a problem if the Party class was ever subclassed. The subclass would inherit all of the methods from Party, including initializer and its return type. If an instance of the subclass was sent this initializer message, that would be return? Not a pointer to a Party instance, but a pointer to an instance of subclass. You might think that is No problem, I will override the initializer in the subclass to change the return type. But in Objective-C, you cannot have two methods with the same selector and different return types (or arguments). By specifying that an initialization method return "an instance of the receiving object," you would never have to worry what happens in this situation.
Before the instancetype has been introduced in Objective-C, initializers return id (eye-dee). This type is defined as "a pointer to any object". (id is a lot like void * in C.) As of this writing, XCode class templates still use id as the return type of initializers added in boilerplate code.
Unlike instancetype, id can be used as more than just a return type. You can declare variables or method parameters of type id when you are unsure what type of object the variable will end up pointing to.
You can use id when using fast enumeration to iterate over an array of multiple or unknow types of objects. Note that because id is undefined as "a pointer to any object," you do not include an * when declaring a variable or object parameter of this type.
The special type instancetype indicates that the return type from the init method will be the same class as the type of object it is initializing (that is, the receiver of the init message). This is an aid for the compiler so that it can check your program and flag potential
type mismatches—it determines the class of the returned object based on context; that is, if you’re sending the init message to a newly alloc’ed Fraction object, the compiler will infer that the value returned from that init method (whose return type has been declared as type instancetype) will be a Fraction object. In the past the return type from an initialization method was declared as type id. This new type makes more sense when you consider subclassing, as the inherited initialization methods cannot explicitly define the type of object they will return.
Initializing Objects, Stephen G. Kochan, Programming in Objective-C, 6th Edition

Using (id) in Objective-C

I have a function that I want to operate on two different custom objects. My first thought was to accept the argument as an (id) and operate on the id object. I can't quite seem to figure out how to do that, however.
Both classes (say apples and oranges) have interface variables:
NSDecimalNumber *count;
I want to do something similar to this:
return [count decimalNumberByAdding:addObject.count];
I can't seem to figure out the syntax to make that happen. Is this the proper approach, or would it be better to subclass (from say a fruit class) and operate on the parent class?
return [count decimalNumberByAdding:addFruit.count];
While you can send a message to any object (id) - property accessors require that the compiler be aware of the type you are dealing with - this is because property accessors are syntactic sugar around calling specific getter and setter methods.
You have a few of ways of working around this:
Instead of accessing the count property, call the corresponding [getCount] methods.
If the different classes have different versions of this method, you can use a runtime type check:
Provide a base class for both types so that you can pass in something more specific than (id).
Define and implement a Protocol that both objects implement that defines a count property (or method).
Example of a dynamic type check:
if( [object isKindOfClass:[Apple Class] )
// call one overload of getCount
else if( [object isKindOfClass:[Orange Class] )
// call another overload of getCount
Personally, I favor strong typing in my code because it makes it easier to understand the intent. It also allows the IDE to support your coding effort with intellisense, static analysis, and refactoring features. So, in your case, I would use either #3 or #4 as an approach - depending on whether inheritance is really appropriate for the problem.
You should try not to access instance variables from another class.
In Objective-C it's enough that the two objects respond to the same selector (say count), however that would give you a compiler warning.
There are two ways you can get rid of this warning: either by subclassing from a common Fruit class or by having your two classes conform to a protocol. I'd go with the protocol:
#protocol FruitProtocol
- (NSDecimalNumber *)count;
#interface Orange : NSObject<FruitProtocol>
#interface Apple : NSObject<FruitProtocol>
Then your method can look like this:
-(NSDecimalNumber*)addCount:(id<FruitProtocol>)addFruit {
return [count decimalNumberByAdding:[addFruit count]];
Here you are saying that your addCount expects any object that conforms to the FruitProtocol protocol, and hence can respond to the count selector, so the compiler will accept it.
The fact that you are trying to access 'addFruit.count' is the problem. The dot syntax is only for properties declared with #property (or for structs). If you change it to
[addFruit count]
and add
return [[count retain] autorelease];
to each class, then it would work. However, you will notice you'll get a warning saying 'id' may not respond to the 'count' message, and unless you can be absolutely sure the items sent to this method implement a 'count' method, this is a problematic approach.
I agree with pgb's approach. You should define a protocol, and declare both classes to implement that protocol. This eliminates the problem of not knowing whether the object will respond to 'count' or not, as you now have a 'contract' of sorts.
If you want to keep the dot syntax with a property, you can declare it in the protocol:
#protocol FruitProtocol
#property(readonly) NSDecimalNumber * count;
- (NSDecimalNumber *)count
and then, your function would be:
return [count decimalNumberByAdding:addObject.count];
You're sending the message to count, what is count? id is a pointer to any type of object. If you expect the object to have a count property, then you should only be able to pass in an Array (or some other type restriction).
-(NSDecimalNumber*)addCount:(NSArray*) Object{
return [count decimalNumberByAdding: [Object count]];
As I understand it, id does not have any methods or variables associated with it because it is a generic pointer that does not refer to any specific class. This page has some good info on ids if you scroll down a bit.
anObject this will not have a count variable, which is why your first attempt won't work. Creating a base class and using that as a parameter to the method seems like the best idea to me.

Java-enum style classes in Objective-C?

I am new to Obj-C so forgive me if this is a stupid question:
How do I implement some in the style of Javas enums? Or to be more precise:
I want a class with some known properties which are fix at compile time and unique per instance. Additionally I only want one instance type.
Let me give an example in Java:
public enum MessageTypes {
DEFAULT("white", "standard", 1),
EXPRESS("red", "expressMessage", 2),
BORADCAST("green", "broadcast", 3);
String color; String tagName; int dbId;
MessageTypes(String color, String tagName, int dbId) {
// you get the idea
//some methonds like getEnumByTagName
How would you do something like this in Objective-C? Am I missing something? Is this a bad pattern at all?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I am sorry, if I did not made myself clear. I know, that obj-c enums are not what I am looking for (as they are only marginally more than a typedef to an int).
I would like to create a set of (kind-of-singleton, immutable) instances of a specific class. The singleton pattern in Apples Dev-Docs is of no use as I want multiple distinct instances of a class each with individual values in their properties.
The goal of that is to have multiple Message types (about 20) that can be assigned to a Message as a property. Each of my Message types has a (fix and predefined) color, attribute-value (in an XML-representation) and a numerical ID.
In Java, I would use an enum as in my code sample. But how do I create different MessageTypes and associate them with their properties in Obj-C?
Creating 20 Sublcasses of MessageType (each with a singleton-instance holding the properties) seems like a lot of work for such a simple task and total overkill.
My current approach is to create a class with an NSArray holding the different instances. Up on first access of a method like +(id)messageTypeForId:NSInteger id_ the NSArray is prepopulated. But this feels totally clumsy and not at all elegant...
Is there a more satisfying approach?
There is not much in the way of a "more satisfying approach".
The normal Cocoa pattern would be to create methods like:
+ (MessageTypes*) sharedDefaultMessageType;
+ (MessageTypes*) sharedExpressMessageType;
+ (MessageTypes*) sharedBroadcastMessageType;
and then implement them something like:
+ (MessageTypes*) sharedDefaultMessageType
static MessageTypes* thisMessageType = nil;
if ( !thisMessageType ) {
thisMessageType = [[MessageTypes alloc] initWithColor:#"white" tagName:#"standard" dbId:1];
return thisMessageType;
Alternatively, storing the shared MessageType* in an NSMutableArray or NSMutableDictionary or precalculating them as you are doing are all equally valid approraches.
Note that the above "template" method could be generated via a macro such that you could write in the .m file:
CREATEMESSAGETYPE( Default, #"white", #"standard", 1 )
CREATEMESSAGETYPE( Express, #"red", #"expressMessage", 2 )
CREATEMESSAGETYPE( Broadcast, #"green", #"broadcast", 3 )
which might be "more satisfying" or more ugly, depending on your point of view.
I think I'd just use a standard C enum:
typedef enum { MT_WHITE, MT_RED, MT_GREEN } MessageType;
Then you just use it as you would any other data type:
#interface Blah {}
-(void) setMessageType:(MessageType)newMessageType;
Enums are not objects in C, and thus not in Objective-C either. They're just user-defined scalars that have a limited set of named values that they can take. You can give an object properties that are enum types, which I think is closest to what you're looking for.
If there's something specific you need to accomplish with this functionality, you might want to edit your post to indicate what that is.
I had the same question more or less but find all the above solutions clumsy stylistically.
In particular when simply using a C enum property on an object you lose the singleton semantics of Java enums. The biggest freedom I have found in the use of Java enums is that the instances of an enum are really singleton subclasses, and so participate in method polymorphism. Even more powerful than enums with unique attributes is enums with polymorphic behaviour.
Given that this is the key feature I am after would an Objective-C class cluster with singleton private subclasses be an approach with the desired behaviour, despite being a bit over the top in implementation cost and complexity?