Unique identification of a certain computer - authentication

i have following scenario and can't seem to find anything on the net, or maybe i am looking for the wrong thing:
i am working on a webbased data storage system. there are different users and different places and only certain users are allowed to access certain parts of the system. now, we do not want them to connect to these parts from at home or with a different computer than they are using at their work-place (there are different reasons for that).
now my question is: if there is a way to have the work-place-pc identify itself to the server in some way over the browser, how can i do that?
oh and yes, it is supposed to be webbased.
i hope i explained it so everyone understands.
thnx for your replies in advance.
... dg

I agree with Lenni... IP address is a possible solution if they are static or the DHCP server consistently assigns the same IP address to the same machine.
Alternatively, you might also consider authentication via "personal certificates" ... that's what they are referred to in Firefox, don't know it that's the standard name or not. (Obviously I haven't worked with these before.)
Basically they are SSL or PKI certificates that are installed on the client (user's) machine that identify that machine as being the machine it says it is -- that is, if the user tries to connect from a machine that doesn't have a certificate or doesn't have a certificate that you allow, you would deny them.
I don't know the issues around this ... it might be relatively easy for the same user to take the certificate off one computer and install it on another one with the correct password (i.e. it authenticates the user), or it might be keyed specifically to that machine somehow (i.e. it authenticates the machine). And a quick google search didn't turn up any obvious "how to" instructions on how it all works, but it might be worth looking into.

Since you're going web based you can:
Examine the remote host's IP Address (compare it against known internal subnets, etc)
During the authentication process, you can ping the remote IP and take a look at the TTL on the returned packets, if it's too low, then the computer can't be from the local network. (of course this can be broken, but it's just 1 more thing)
If you're doing it over IIS, then you can integrate into SSO (probably the best if you can do it)

If it's supposed to be web-based (and by that I mean that the web server should be able to uniquely identify the user's machine), then you choices are limited: per se, there's nothing you can obtain from the browser's headers or request body that allows you to identify the machine. I suppose this is by design, due to the obvious privacy implications.
There are choices though, none of which pain-free: you could use an ActiveX control, which however only runs on Windows (and not on all browsers I think) and requires elevated privileges. You could think of a Firefox plug-in (obviously Firefox only). At any rate, a plain-vanilla browser will otherwise escape identification.

There are only a few of REAL solutions to this. Here are a couple:
Use domain authentication, and disallow users who are connecting over a VPN.
Use known IP ranges to allow or disallow access.

IP address. Not bombproof security but a start.


Change remote directory ownership without ssh

First, I feel very silly.
For fun/slight profit, I rent a vps which hosts an email and web server and which I use largely as a study aid. Recently, I was in the middle of working on something, and managed to lose connection to the box directly after having accidentally changed the ownership of my home folder to an arbitrary non-root, incorrect user. As ssh denies root, and anything but pubkey authentication, I'm in a bad way. Though the machine is up, I can't access it!
Assuming this is the only issue, a single chown should fix the problem, but I haven't been able to convince my provider's support team to do this.
So my question is this: have I officially goofed, or is there some novel way I can fix my setup?
I have all the passwords and reasonable knowledge of how all the following public facing services are configured:
Roundcube mail
Dovecot and postfix running imaps, smtps and smtp
Apache (but my websites are all located in that same home folder, and
so aren't accessible - At least I now get why this was a very bad idea...)
Baikal calendar setup in a very basic fashion
phpMyAdmin but with MySql's file creation locked to a folder which apache isn't serving
I've investigated some very simple ways to 'abuse' some of the other services in a way that might allow me either shell access, or some kind of chown primitive, but this isn't really my area.
None of these will help you, at least of the services you listed none have the ability to restore the permissions.
All the VPS providers I've used give "console" access through the web interface. This is equivalent to sitting down at the machine, including the ability to login or reboot in recovery mode. Your hosting provider probably offers some similar functionality (for situations just like this, or for installing the operating system, etc), and it is going to be your easiest and most effective means of recovery. Log in there as root and restore your user's permissions.
One thing struck me as odd,
I haven't been able to convince my provider's support team to do this.
Is that because they don't want to do anything on your server which you aren't paying them to manage, or because they don't understand what you're asking? The latter would be quite odd to me, but the former scenario would be very typical of an unmanaged VPS setup (you have root, console access, and anything more than that is your problem).

SSL - How can i secure web browser connections to my private server?

I have set up a LAMP server on a Raspberry Pi on my home network. I would like to expose the pi to the internet by opening up ports 22 and 80 on my router so i can ssh into it as well as use any web services i set up on it.
This is a little pet project I'm using to learn more about networking, server setup and linux in general - with only a cheap RPi which i can wipe and start again easily anything goes wrong. I do plan to put it on a separate subnet to the other devices on the home network, just in case.
(Yes, i know this is a little much for a raspberry pi - this is just a learning exercise and a proof of concept before i throw money at this to build a rig for it)
My understanding is that SSH is already secure, so i don't have to worry about my username and password being seen across the web when i want a terminal session.
My concern is that if i send anything to a web service (such as a wordpress or phpmyadmin password) it'll be clear to see on the web. How can i stop this?
My plan was SSL, but from what I've read, an SSL certificate needs a domain name for a certificate to be issued by most places. When all I'll be doing is pointing to a static IP from my ISP on the devices I'll be using.
The other use i have planned for it is as a mysql server for my kodi boxes to use for the library data so my devices can share data (the videos live on another server running windows). So other devices on a local network need to be allowed access to mysql easily without the silly level of security the internet-side requires. I assume this will be easily possable alongside my other use cases as I'd not be opening the port for it on the router and the only things that would access msql are local network devices, and services on the mysql host itself
Are any of my assumptions or conclusions wrong?
Are there any better ways to achieve what I'm after than what I'm describing?
Is there a preferred way to interact with the Pi if i just wanted it to set off a specific script? (say send a wake-on-lan packet to a specific computer)
Is there a way for me to have the web server onllly communicate with specific devices that i have the appropriate keys/certificates loaded onto so that i can be certain that I'm the only one with access?
Are any of my assumptions or conclusions wrong?
Using a username/password combo for SSH is probably secure enough, but it's generally more secure to use a public/private SSH key pair.
Your assumptions about MySQL seem sound. Just make sure to have some authentication on the server just in case you have a nosey houseguest on your WiFi. :)
Are there any better ways to achieve what I'm after than what I'm
A couple options that come to mind:
You could generate a self-signed certificate for the web server and then manually copy that onto your client devices. I think this would allow you to get around the requirement for a domain name.
You could set up a secure VPN into your home network. This way you wouldn't have to expose your web/SSH servers to the world.
Is there a way for me to have the web server only communicate with
specific devices that i have the appropriate keys/certificates loaded
onto so that i can be certain that I'm the only one with access?
The VPN option mentioned earlier would allow you to do this.
You could restrict access to the Apache server to only devices with specific client certificates: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24543642/2384183

Create a custom proxy server app

A friend of mine asked me this, and I had not much of an idea about it.
So, here I am asking you:
A custom application that works like a proxy server(not the complete version of it), i.e The app allows you to specify some websites that the users of the network can visit in their client browsers.
I have some idea, that this functionality is inbuilt in a proxy server and we can use Apache as a proxy server, but I don't know how to do it.
Can I develop such an application in Java, Ruby, or .NET, coz that will allow me to use a database to maintain the list of allowed and blocked websites + I can provide an easier UI to add or modify data.
Help me, I am quite confused.
Any proxy server has this functionality. For example using squid, you can set it to default deny any requests and only allow specific sites. However if that's the only goal, you may want to consider denying requests to port 80 and only allow specific IP ranges in your firewall instead.
Both options work though. The firewall option is faster and cannot be bypassed by the browser, but is less dynamic (DNS resolving only happens on rule start/reload) and may allow more sites then intended if one IP hosts more then one site.
You should probably ask your friend what his/her non-technical goals are. Like "I don't want my daughter to surf porn" rather then "I need an app that blocks sites".

Can I use IP addresses to limit API access

I have a mini API that is only for an app I have built. The API service is on a separate domain to my app. I make jsonp calls to it and receive json in return.
Therefore I only want my app to be able to access it. Can I just list a series of IP addresses for my app and allow them? Is there a better way to stop requests from anyone else to my API?
The best way to implement IP-based filtering would be at the web-server level. Here's a brief introduction to access control with Apache. If that happens to be your web-server.
If the IP stays the same throughout time, yes this is a valid idea. Another way would be with an id and a key, if you expect further usage from other (dynamic) ip adresses.
What operating system is the API service running on? If it's Linux, look into iptables to only allow a certain IP to access a specific port.
Honestly, I wouldnt go with an IP based solution. While it may work in the short term, it will make things hard in the future. For example, what if your ip provider decides to do a reset? Most likely (unless you have explicitly established the need for static ip with your provider) your ip will change. Then your program will error and you wont know why (or worse, you wont know that a computer is now disconnected). Furthermore, if you want to add machines, think about managing 1000 ips....yikes! The 'right' way of doing this would be to authenticate the machines using some other scheme (user/pass, pki, etc.)

How can I work with Novell eDirectory services in J2SE?

How can I work with Novell eDirectory services in J2SE? Will JNDI work with eDirectory? What are some resources I can use to learn about whatever library or libraries you suggest?
I just want to play around with retrieving information via LDAP for right now, and if I get things working the way I want, I will probably need to be able to modify objects later on.
JNDI should work with eDirectory.....
try; http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Jldap and http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Novell_LDAP_Extended_Library
Used it successfully with OpenLDAP and should suffice for eDirectory as well.
Any LDAP interface you want to use should work fine against eDirectory.
Be aware that the configuration of the LDAP server may not allow clear text passwords, thus a bind to port 636 via SSL (Where you have the certificate imported into the keystore already) or via TLS (retrieve the tree CA's public key on the fly).
If you have administrative access to the eDirectory server, you can easily change that, but still best to confirm that you can get it to work over SSL/TLS (aka LDAPS).
If you really need it, you can ask the admins for a server with only a replica of some test partition (and thus no real user data in its view) and test via cleartext against that.
It is very easy in eDirectory to add a new replica of a partition, carve off or merge a partition, and all can be done live.
It is similarly very easy to host replicas of many partitions on one server. (The official limit is, no limit on the number or partitions in a tree, or replicas on a server, but it used to be 256 in older versions (before 8.x) )
If you are allowed access to the eDirectory server, you want to to ask for access to Dstrace (several versions of this, see Many Faces of Dstrace). There is a web interface (server:8008 on Netware, 8010 on Windows, 8028 on Unix/Linux usually) or other interfaces. If you enable the LDAP trace option (and turn off all the others) you can fairly completely debug what is going on at the server side. See the errors, the communication, or lack thereof and so on.