setting form to look like this image? -

is it advisable to play with the controls to make my form look like this or should i just use this graphic and place it in the background. if the former, then please suggest which controls on the form i can tweak to make the form look like this?
alt text

To create something like this, I would suggest moving from winforms to Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) if you have the option. There is much better support for creating these type of rich interfaces in WPF, although it does mean introducing a .NET 3.0+ requirement to your application.
To get you started, here are some tutorials:


Mono Control Drawing?

I was wondering how Mono draws its controls ? I'm thinking of using it for a cross platform program but I can't find any comparisons of what it looks like on each platform (the lack of media on their official website is also concerning). I may also want to create my own controls with my own drawing functions so I was wondering if it does something like Qt in that it handles all it's own drawing so it looks the same across platforms.
All Mono Winforms control drawing is done by Mono in C# using System.Drawing. Controls look like Win32 classic on all platforms.
Some screenshots are available on the screenshots page:
Note you'll want to scroll down for Winforms.

How to animate group of images in winform application using VB.Net

I am trying to load bulk images and trying to put them as a slideshow and it's working fine.
Now I would like to have some effects like flip out,ease out effect and fade effect on those images when changing them without using any user control as I would like to do with the existing picturebox.Is it possible to do so?
If so can anyone point me to some resources.
As I have done googling and found some useful links and I am placing here that might helpful to someone.And all these have use seperate usercontrols to do, and I am not looking into that.
The built-in picture box has no such capability. Your solution will require custom-drawing regardless what control you use (assuming you don't get a 3rd party product).

XBAP childWindow control available similar to Silverlight 3 ChildWindow?

The Silverlight 3 toolkit has a ChildWindow control for model popup like functionality. This is great. Anyone aware of a similar control that can be utilized via XBAP?
The assumption is maybe someone ported the functionality back to WCF/XBAP?
Trying to find a solution without going to 3rd party purchased controls (against current company policy).
Don't know that you'll get this to work without FullTrust (FullTrust XBAPs are a PITA until .NET 4). Here's a psuedo-workaround though- not as nice as SL ChildWindow, but it gets you basic popup functionality.
In theory couldn't you rebuild the ChildWindow source and massage it a little to work on WPF? Most of the controls are WPF compatible, so it would make sense to build ChildWindow for XBAPs.

Refresh designer in Blend

Either I'm not as intelligent as I once believed or the UI in Blend is really this bad.
Is there any way to 'refresh' changes I've made to an XAML file in the designer? Something simple like changing 'Fill="Red"' to 'Fill="Blue"' does not show up in the designer unless I close and re-open the file.
Google and SO were sadly and surprisingly not helpful. Thanks!
I can't say I've ever had this problem. The only time I've had the designer not refresh was if I was tinking in code view, or if I had changed some code and not rebuilt.
Does it always do this? Do you have issues with any other WPF apps or any other UI glitches? I'm assuming this is Blend 2 or 3?
Changes in xaml are reflected on the Blend design surface for me. Preferably, you would change the fill using the properties panel.

Code for extending the NETCF MainMenu to support background color property

I've searched for the solution to change the background color on the Compact Framework's MainMenu control, and the only answer I've found is that you need to create a custom control. Does anyone have example code for this?
I did something vaguely similar where I wanted to handle the WM_EXITMENULOOP message which was not available as an event in .NETCF.
The solution was to "subclass" the Main Menu, an old MFC trick where you replace the WndProc function with your own, handle any windows messages (WM_EXITMENULOOP in my case) and call the base class WndProc for everything else.
Some sample code is available on Alex Yakhnin's blog on how to subclass a control:
Example of subclassing a window in .NETCF
In your case you'd actually be subclassing the Form that the MainMenu resides on, and I think WM_DRAWITEM would be the windows message you'd want to handle yourself.
I haven't tried changing the background color myself so not totally sure this will work, but subclassing would be where I'd start.
There is no way of doing this.
Your right in that you'll probably need to create your own control.
This was something I was considering doing anyway to make the application go on Windows CE and Windows Mobile.
The problem with adding menus when the application needs to work with both is that the menu goes to the top of the screen on Windows CE and covers any controls that might be there.
It would be less hassle in the long run just make a new control.
I tried to do something similar a while back and discovered that you have to write your own menu; essentially from scratch. I gave up because the project I was working on couldn't afford the expense. I also discovered that OpenNETCF has a pretty awesome menu control. I don't know if it's included in their free software, but it might be worth looking into.