Why does
switch ([document currentTool]) {
case DrawLine:
NSBezierPath * testPath = [[NSBezierPath alloc]init];
//...rest of code that uses testPath....
result in
error:syntax error before "*" token
for testPath?
You can't instantiate an object inside a case statement unless you put it inside a new scope. This is because otherwise you could do something like this:
switch( ... ) {
case A:
MyClass obj( constructor stuff );
// more stuff
// fall through to next case
case B:
// what is the value of obj here? The constructor was never called
If you want the object to last for the duration of the case, you can do this:
switch( ... ) {
case A: {
MyClass obj( constructor stuff );
// more stuff
// fall through to next case
case B:
// obj does not exist here
This is the same in Objective C as well as C and C++.
How does the Kotlin compiler decide whether an expression enclosed in { } is a block or a lambda?
Consider this:
val a: Int
if (cond)
a = 1
a = 2
can be written more succinctly as:
val a =
if (cond)
Similarly, one might think that this:
val a: () -> Int
if (cond)
a = { 1 }
a = { 2 }
should be able to be written more succinctly like this:
val a =
if (cond)
{ 1 }
{ 2 }
But this is not the same: a is now an Int, and not of type () -> Int, because now the { 1 } is no longer a lambda. What are the rules that say whether something is a lambda or a block?
I didn't look into the Kotlin lexer, but I guess there are few possible places in the code where the compiler expects either a single expression or a block of code. That includes the code immediately following most of control flow statements like: if, else, while, when (one of its cases), etc. If you put { in one of these places, it will be interpreted as a start of the block of code related to this control flow statement and not as a lambda.
This is as simple as that. Note that even if you hint the compiler about the type, it still won't work:
// compile error
val a: () -> Int = if (cond)
{ 1 }
{ 2 }
It will be interpreted more like this:
// compile error
val a: () -> Int = if (cond) {
} else {
{ after if condition is always interpreted as a start of block of code. You need to put double {, } in cases like this:
// works fine
val a: () -> Int = if (cond) {
{ 1 }
} else {
{ 2 }
To put it very succinctly and easy to remember, the first opening brace after an if/when/else/for is always assumed to be the opening of a block. Use double braces if you want a lambda in there.
This is specified in the Kotlin Language Specification, section 1.2: Syntax Grammar:
The grammar defines a block as statements between { and }. In most cases (such as function bodies) the syntax is different between a block and a lambda. Where it is the same is in the usage of controlStructureBody - these are the places where the block has a value, or where you could put a non-block expression in its place. If you search the whole spec document for "controlStructureBody", you'll find it's used in the following places:
For statement
While statement
Do-while statement
If expression
When expression
When entry
In every other place where a value is required, a '{' signifies the start of a lambda.
There is a global enum defined in Objective-C:
typedef enum {
UMSocialSnsTypeNone = 0,
UMSocialSnsTypeQzone = 10,
UMSocialSnsTypeSina = 11, //sina weibo
} UMSocialSnsType;
This code sets the sharetype of a platform:
snsPlatform.shareToType = UMSocialSnsTypeDouban;
In Swift, I want to get the sharetype of the platform:
var snstype = snsPlatform!.shareToType
Result: UMSocialSnsType (has 1 child)
Error: UMSocialSnsType does not have a member named "toRaw"
From what I can tell, UMSocialSNSType was declared in Objective-C without using the NS_ENUM macro, so it wasn't imported as a Swift enum. That means that instead of being able to use .toRaw() or UMSocialSNSType.Douban you have to use the different enumeration values as constant structs. Unfortunately the type also doesn't have the appropriate operators (== or ~=) set up, so you have to compare the value property.
var snstype = snsPlatform!.shareToType
switch snstype.value {
case UMSocialSnsTypeDouban.value:
case UMSocialSnsTypeEmail.value:
if snstype.value == UMSocialSnsTypeDouban.value {
The good news is that it looks like all the constants autocomplete in Xcode, so you should be able to do find the comparisons you need to do that way.
It looks like the Swift-version of the bridged typedef...enum must be something like:
struct UMSocialSnsType {
var value:Int
init(_ val:Int) {
value = val
let UMSocialSnsTypeNone = UMSocialSnsType(0)
let UMSocialSnsTypeQzone = UMSocialSnsType(10)
let UMSocialSnsTypeSina = UMSocialSnsType(11)
// etc
Whereas if it had been declared in Objective-C with the NS_ENUM macro, it would look like:
enum UMSocialSnsType: Int {
case UMSocialSnsTypeNone = 0
case UMSocialSnsTypeQzone = 10, UMSocialSnsTypeSina // etc.
NOTE: the beginning of this question is similar (the first part is the same) as this one: LINK
However, the final question is completely different.
I'm implementing a "Code Injector Class", that through method swizzling can give you the possibility to do something like this:
FLCodeInjector *injector = [FLCodeInjector injectorForClass:[self class]];
[injector injectCodeBeforeSelector:#selector(aSelector:) code:^{
NSLog(#"This code should be injected");
aSelector can be a method with variable number of arguments, and variable return type. Arguments / and return type can be objects or primitive type.
First, I attach the code of injectCodeBeforeSelector: to let you understand what I'm doing (I removed not interesting parts of the code):
- (void)injectCodeBeforeSelector:(SEL)method code:(void (^)())completionBlock
NSString *selector = NSStringFromSelector(method);
[self.dictionaryOfBlocks setObject:completionBlock forKey:selector];
NSString *swizzleSelector = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"SWZ%#", selector];
//NSMethodSignature *signature = [self.mainClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:method];
// add a new method to the swizzled class
Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self.mainClass, NSSelectorFromString(selector));
const char *encoding = method_getTypeEncoding(origMethod);
[self addSelector:NSSelectorFromString(swizzleSelector) toClass:self.mainClass originalSelector:method methodTypeEncoding:encoding];
SwizzleMe(self.mainClass, NSSelectorFromString(selector), NSSelectorFromString(swizzleSelector));
-(void)addSelector:(SEL)selector toClass:(Class)aClass originalSelector:(SEL)originalSel methodTypeEncoding:(const char *)encoding
//NSMethodSignature *signature = [aClass methodSignatureForSelector:originalSel];
NSMethodSignature *signature = [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:encoding];
const char *type = [signature methodReturnType];
IMP implementation = (IMP)intGenericFunction;
if (strcmp(#encode(id), type) == 0) {
// the argument is an object
implementation = objectGenericFunction;
else if (strcmp(#encode(int), type) == 0)
// the argument is an int
implementation = (IMP)intGenericFunction;
else if (strcmp(#encode(long), type) == 0)
// the argument is a long
implementation = (IMP)longGenericFunction;
else if (strcmp(#encode(double), type) == 0)
// the argument is double
implementation = (IMP)doubleGenericFunction;
else if (strcmp(#encode(float), type) == 0)
// the argument is float
implementation = (IMP)floatGenericFunction;
// the argument is char or others
implementation = (IMP)intGenericFunction;
implementation, encoding);
What is happening here? Basically, basing on the expected return type of the original selector, I add a new method to the object with the correct return type, then apply the swizzle.
All is working correctly, but I'd like to know if it's possible to "compact" the following code (some syntax that I don't know or something I'm missing), because for each return type I have a function that is almost identical to the others, only the returned type is different.
I attach two of them as an example:
int intGenericFunction(id self, SEL cmd, ...) {
FLCodeInjector *injector = [FLCodeInjector injectorForClass:[self class]];
[injector executeBlockForSelector:cmd];
va_list arguments, copiedArguments;
va_start ( arguments, cmd );
va_copy(copiedArguments, arguments);
void * returnValue = getReturnValue(self, cmd, copiedArguments);
int returnedInt = *(int *)returnValue;
return returnedInt;
double doubleGenericFunction(id self, SEL cmd, ...) {
FLCodeInjector *injector = [FLCodeInjector injectorForClass:[self class]];
[injector executeBlockForSelector:cmd];
va_list arguments, copiedArguments;
va_start ( arguments, cmd );
va_copy(copiedArguments, arguments);
void * returnValue = getReturnValue(self, cmd, copiedArguments);
double returnedDouble = *(double *)returnValue;
return returnedDouble;
As you can see, the functions are almost identical, the only different is the CAST before the return, and the return type of the function.
I'm implementing it in the correct way, or there are more efficient way to do it?
You're correct that you'll need to write a different IMP for each return type, at least unless you drop down to assembly to do the dispatch, the way objc_msgSend does. (Even that function requires a couple different type variants, though.) However, if the difference truly is just a couple of type names, you may be able to define a macro that reduces the boilerplate:
// This macro syntax is off the top of my head; it may not be correct.
#define GENERIC_FUNCTION_FOR_TYPE(type) type type##GenericFunction(id self, SEL cmd, ...) { \
...other lines omitted... \
type returnedValue = *(type *)returnValue; \
return returnedValue; \
I have an object that returns a value if successful and false (or nil) if it failed.
i want to assign that value to a variable
if(var1 = [object foo])
//if the [object foo] returned a variable, goes here
//[object foo] returned FALSE (or nil), go here
can an If statement detected if an assignment was valid?
This is all right but will generate a warning, since this is a common typo (= instead of ==). To silence that warning add another set of parentheses like this:
if ((var = [object foo])) ...
Since this easily can lead to misunderstandings a lot of people will advise against doing this. For a simple if statement this is much clearer to do the assignment first:
var = [object for];
if (var) ...
In while loops this is more useful, but also considered harmful by many people.
Not sure I understand your question, but let me try and explain a few situations you can check
1) Property contains value
if ([object foo])
// If foo has a value associated to it that is not nil/false/zero
// If foo equals nil, false or zero
2) Assignment to a variable was successful
if ((bar = [object myMethod]))
// If myMethod returns any non-nil value
// If myMethod returns nil
3) Previous assignment of a variable was successful
bar = [object myMethod];
if (bar)
// If bar has a value associated to it that is not nil/false/zero
// If bar equals nil, false or zero
use == instead of = in the if statement.
before the if statement, you may have var1 = [object foo]
see comparison operators
If you mean by valid that the variable contains an expected result, you can just perform another if on the variable against the expected result, or null to check it.
m_cAppIdMap is an object of a dictionary.
I want to iterate through the dictionary and to ind and remove the value pEvent.wTimerId is an unsigned short integer that is stored as key in the dictionary.
if(unsigned short* key in m_cAppIdMap) //error:Expected expression before 'unsigned'
(void)[self findAndRemoveEvent:pEvent];
bReturn = YES;
I am getting an error when i try to iterate through the loop.
-(BOOL)KillTimer:(unsigned short)wTimerId
stRs232Timer* pEvent;
theLock = [[NSLock alloc]init];
if ([theLock tryLock]) {
// if ( m_cAppIdMap.Lookup(wTimerId,pEvent) )
// {
// (void)findAndRemoveEvent(pEvent); // remove from event queue
// (void)m_cAppIdMap.RemoveKey(wTimerId); // remove from app map
for(wTimerId in m_cAppIdMap)
(void)[self findAndRemoveEvent:pEvent];
bReturn = YES;
[theLock unlock];
return bReturn;
I am getting error in this code 'selector element does not have a valid object type' . I need to search for wTimerId(key) in the m_cAppIdMap. Is it what i'm doing is correct.The commented lines above the for loop is the implementation of the same code in cpp. I coud not make the same logic over here in Objective C.
I think you meant to use for rather than if. Additionally, the fast enumeration syntax
for (x in y) can only be used on objects that implement the NSFastEnumeration protocol—typically NSArray. It looks like you're using C arrays, so this syntax won't work anyway.
you meant to write for (VARIABLE in CONTAINER) {...} -- but your sample uses if, not for.
side note: it is an error to mutate the collections you iterate over during the iteration.