Is a static class appropriate when state is immutable? - oop

Let's say I have a simple class called WebsterDictionary that has a function that can take a word and return its definition. Perhaps there is another function that can take a definition and return a word. The class is used all the time by many clients.
To facilitate the lookups, the class contains a member variable that is an in-memory Dictionary which stores the words and their associated definitions. Assume the Dictionary can never change once it is initialized -- it's constant and would not vary across instances.
Is this a good candidate for static class? I've been reading that static classes should be stateless...but this class has state (the in-memory dictionary) right?
EDIT: Also, if this does become a static class, when do I initialize the Dictionary since there would no longer be a constructor? Do I do check to see if the reference to the Dictionary is null every time one of the static methods is called?

A static class is suitable when the functionality doesn't need to be replaceable (e.g. for tests). If you might want to use a stub or a mock, you should create an appropriate interface, and then implement it with a singleton.

To expand upon others' answers, a static class or singleton is useful when you need to have only one instance of a class. This is much easier to accomplish when the data is immutable. Thus, there is a possibility that a static class is what you want to use for this. But it's not necessarily the case that it's automatically what you want to use.
My advice is to ask yourself one question: will the world come crashing down if I instantiate more than one of these objects? If so, use a singleton or static class. Otherwise, use a regular class.

A static class might be what you want here (see other answers). But don't make the mistake of calling your dictionary "immutable".
Immutable does not mean "can never change at runtime" in the sense that you used the phrase, because your Dictionary actually does change at runtime; after you must create it you must also add the items. Even at this point you may intend that it never change again, but it is possible to change it. Your intent is not enforced anywhere.
A true immutable object cannot change after creation, no matter how much you try. Instead, when you need a variation of the object you must create a new instance with the desired attributes.
You can think of a static class in one sense as having exactly one instance. That's probably not the best choice for a pattern where you depend on creating new instances for each state change.

You could either go Singleton or a Static class. I would probably go with a Singleton but I think it's mostly a preference issue in this particular situation.

A static class is appropriate when only one "instance" should ever exist, in which case the Singleton pattern may or may not be more appropriate (depending on the details). For an immutable object that you'll need multiple instances of, of course a static class is inappropriate.

What you are looking for might be Singleton?
It is not necessary that static class need not have state (it can have static members as part of it, which can be part of its state).

It sounds very much like you're describing the Monostate pattern: you would like the same WebsterDictionary to be shared by everyone. It just so happens that the WebsterDictionary is also immutable, but that is an orthogonal concern: just make it impossible to update (for example, by using a read-only wrapper).

As you said the class is holding some form of global state, even if it is read only. Going the Singleton approach makes it really clear it is holding data.
If you use dependency injection you can have it inject singleton instances, instead of making all the classes have code that gets you the instance. This means the other classes won't be tied to the Singleton approach, and if you can more easily replace it when testing (combined with an interface to enable replace with test mocks).


About methods in OOP

I'm relatively new in OOP.
I understand classes, methods, etc, etc but I'm having troubles with the philosophy.
Right now, I'm working on a project to manage projects, with project management, class, methods, variables, users, groups, log and task management.
So, starting with Project class, i've that:
public function create_project()
public function get_projects()
public function delete_project()
Then, ProjectClass class:
public class create_class()
public class get_classes()
public class delete_class()
But then, I though that is not the right way, so I've changed to:
Project class methods:
set_name, get_name (and similar methods)
ProjectClass class methods:
set_project_id (and get)
add_variables (and get)
So, in the first case, is the Project class who create new projects, the ProjectClass class who creates the clases and the Method class who creates the methods, and in the second case, is the Project class who creates and manages its classes and is the ProjectClass class who creates and manages its methods.
So, is any of theses "styles" correct?
If is the second case the correct case, who creates the projects? Itself?
Thank you so much
In the general case it is really hard to tell if a design is better than the other if you don't have clear responsibilities to assign (and by this I mean behavior outside from getters and setters). As time went by I moved away from upfront design to a iterative/incremental one, tackling one problem at a time and refactoring the design as needed. In this case I would try to lay down the basic requirements of your system and start a design-implementation cycle for each of them, re-structuring your model as you go tackling new requirements.
Just an an example consider this question: Does it make sense to have a class that is not bounded to a project? If the answer is no then it can be a good idea to have a method like Project>>createClass(aClassName), since you are explicitly stating that a class is created in the context of a project. Also you can make the proper connections between a class and the project it belongs to inside the method's implementation. However it is also a valid approach to define a constructor in the ProjectClass class that takes a project as a parameter. In that way you are saying "if you want to create a new class, then you must provide the project where it belongs to". Which approach to use depends on many things, one of them being programmer tastes :), so it is really hard to state if one is better than the other without having a specific context to evaluate them.
Finally, if it helps, there are a few things that are worth mentioning:
Assuming that public function create_project() is an instance method, why does an instance of a Project know how to create other projects? At first it doesn't make much sense, since that is basically a class-side responsibility, unless you have a specific motivation for this (e.g. like the Prototype pattern).
Why does a project answer to get_projects()? Are they related in some way? Or it just list all the projects? Then again, this sounds like a class-side responsibility.
I generally don't like to add the concept that the message receiver represents as part of the message. So, I wouldn't call the message delete_project(), since it is redundant to state $project->delete_project() (you already know the receiver of the message is a project).
You should be consistent with your class names. If you use ProjectClass to represent classes then you should use ProjectMethod to represents methods (though I personally don't like these names, IMHO they are misleading). It is quite important to chose proper names and keep them consistent in your domain model.

Should ecapsulated objects be public or private?

I'm a little unclear as to how far to take the idea in making all members within a class private and make public methods to handle mutations. Primitive types are not the issue, it's encapsulated object that I am unclear about. The benefit of making object members private is the ability to hide methods that do not apply to the context of class being built. The downside is that you have to provide public methods to pass parameters to the underlying object (more methods, more work). On the otherside, if you want to have all methods and properties exposed for the underlying object, couldn't you just make the object public? What are the dangers in having objects exposed this way?
For example, I would find it useful to have everything from a vector, or Array List, exposed. The only downside I can think of is that public members could potentially assigned a type that its not via implicit casting (or something to that affect). Would a volitile designation reduce the potential for problems?
Just a side note: I understand that true enapsulation implies that members are private.
What are the dangers in having objects exposed this way?
Changing the type of those objects would require changing the interface to the class. With private objects + public getters/setters, you'd only have to modify the code in the getters and setters, assuming you want to keep the things being returned the same.
Note that this is why properties are useful in languages such as Python, which technically doesn't have private class members, only obscured ones at most.
The problem with making instance variables public is that you can never change your mind later, and make them private, without breaking existing code that relies on directly public access to those instance vars. Some examples:
You decide to later make your class thread-safe by synchronizing all access to instance vars, or maybe by using a ThreadLocal to create a new copy of the value for each thread. Can't do it if any thread can directly access the variables.
Using your example of a vector or array list - at some point, you realize that there is a security flaw in your code because those classes are mutable, so somebody else can replace the contents of the list. If this were only available via an accessor method, you could easily solve the problem by making an immutable copy of the list upon request, but you can't do that with a public variable.
You realize later that one of your instance vars is redundant and can be derived based on other variables. Once again, easy if you're using accessors, impossible with public variables.
I think that it boils down to a practical point - if you know that you're the only one who will be using this code, and it pains you to write accessors (every IDE will do it for you automatically), and you don't mind changing your own code later if you decide to break the API, then go for it. But if other people will be using your class, or if you would like to make it easier to refactor later for your own use, stick with accessors.
Object oriented design is just a guideline. Think about it from the perspective of the person who will be using your class. Balance OOD with making it intuitive and easy to use.
You could run into issues depending on the language you are using and how it treats return statements or assignment operators. In some cases it may give you a reference, or values in other cases.
For example, say you have a PrimeCalculator class that figures out prime numbers, then you have another class that does something with those prime numbers.
public PrimeCalculator calculatorObject = new PrimeCalculator();
Vector<int> primeNumbers = calculatorObject.PrimeNumbersVector;
/* do something complicated here */
primeNumbers.clear(); // free up some memory
When you use this stuff later, possibly in another class, you don't want the overhead of calculating the numbers again so you use the same calculatorObject.
Vector<int> primes = calculatorObject.PrimeNumbersVector;
int tenthPrime = primes.elementAt(9);
It may not exactly be clear at this point whether primes and primeNumbers reference the same Vector. If they do, trying to get the tenth prime from primes would throw an error.
You can do it this way if you're careful and understand what exactly is happening in your situation, but you have a smaller margin of error using functions to return a value rather than assigning the variable directly.
Well you can check the post :
first this
then this
This should solve your confusion . It solved mine ! Thanks to Nicol Bolas.
Also read the comments below the accepted answer (also notice the link given in the second last comment by me ( in the first post) )
Also visit the wikipedia post

When to use static classes and methods?

I have a general question...when should i be using static classes or static methods?..
I know the idea that static methods can be called without instantiating...and static classes should only be used for static methods?...but are there any performance concerns also with it...and when should they be preferred over instance methods and classes?..If someone could just briefly mention when i should opt for using them and when i should avoid them?
I think the following two links offer a clear answer for what you're looking for. Take a look at them:
For static classes:
When to Use Static Classes in C#
For static methods:
When is it appropriate to use static methods? ( Jon Skeet [the Guru] answered this one :o) )
One thing to keep in mind is the testing implications of static methods. A static method "seals" a lot of seams. Seams are where you can change behavior without changing your production code; examples are subclassing, or linking to a testing library. Since static methods are resolved at compile time and aren't dynamically bound you can't throw in a testing object and change the way a static method behaves. Testing that class is going to be a drag.
For things like mathematical functions you can be pretty sure a static method will be ok, but you almost certainly wouldn't want a static method that connects to a database. Think about how you'd test code that uses a static method you're thinking of making.
Here's a good link from the google testing blog:Static Methods are Death to Testability
I think a general rule of thumb could be that utility functions should be static. A typical example would be how in any oop language a Math class would contain static methods like sqrt(), since there is really no need to have something like a separate Math object.
As for static classes you should think of classes keeping a form of state, typically like session information, which is needed irrespective of the exact path travelled through your application, and of which you typically need exactly one. (think of your browser, probably always keeping exactly 1 cookie-jar like class)
Static variables are the less evil twin of global variables (they keep their value, but with their scope limited to a function), which are typically useful to either keep some form of state (e.g. caching of data) or to enumerate things that should be unique but whose numbering is not very important outside the scope of your function or application (say, numbering debugging or profiling cries from your own debug("..") or profile() functions)
Basically, only use any of them when you are very sure that doing things the "right" OOP-like way would lead to the creation of a monster.
As I understand it that's when there's no sense to create an object of a class to invoke an action or that class is common within the application. For example, in C#, Console class is sealed (so you can't create an object and inherit it, and there's really no sense to do it). But professionals will explain you better, however.

How do you fight growing parameter list in class hierarchy?

I have a strong feeling that I do not know what pattern or particular language technique use in this situation.
So, the question itself is how to manage the growing parameter list in class hierarchy in language that has OOP support? I mean if for root class in the hierarchy you have, let's say 3 or 4 parameters, then in it's derived class you need to call base constructor and pass additional parameters for derived part of the object, and so forth... Parameter lists become enormous even if you have depth of inheritance more than two.
I`m pretty sure that many of SOwers faced this problem. And I am interested in ways how to solve it. Many thanks in advance.
Constructors with long parameter lists is an indication that your class is trying to do too much. One approach to resolving that problem is to break it apart, and use a "coordinator" class to manage the pieces. Subclasses that have constructor parameter lists that differ significantly from their superclass is another example of a class doing too much. If a subclass truly is-a superclass, then it shouldn't require significantly more data to do its job.
That said, there are occasional cases where a class needs to work on a large number of related objects. In this situation, I would create a new object to hold the related parameters.
Use setter injection instead of constructor injection
Encapsulate the parameters in a separate container class, and pass that between constructors instead.
Don't use constructors to initialize the whole object at once. Only have it initialize those things which (1) are absolutely required for the existence of the object and (2) which must be done immediately at its creation. This will dramatically reduce the number of parameters you have to pass (likely to zero).
For a typical hierarchy like SalariedEmployee >> Employee >> Person you will have getters and setters to retrieve and change the various properties of the object.
Seeing the code would help me suggest a solution..
However long parameter lists are a code-smell, so I'd take a careful look at the design which requires this. The suggested refactorings to counter this are
Introduce Parameter Object
Preserve Whole Object
However if you find that you absolutely need this and a long inheritance chain, consider using a hash / property bag like object as the sole parameter
public MyClass(PropertyBag configSettings)
// each class extracts properties it needs and applies them
m_Setting1 = configSettings["Setting1"];
Perhaps your class(es) are doing too much if they require so much state to be provided up-front? Aim to adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle.
Perhaps some of these parameters should logically exist in a value object of their own that is itself passed in as a parameter?
For classes whose construction really is complex, consider using the builder or factory pattern to instantiate these objects in a readable way - unlike method names, constructor parameters lack the ability to self document.
Another tip: Keep your class hierarchy shallow and prefer composition to inheritence. That way your constructor parameter list will remain short.

Don't static members make classes kind of (global) objects themselves?

Every time I come across an implementation of the singleton pattern or any static classes (i.e. classes with (almost) only static members) I wonder whether this isn't actually a hack and therefore heavy abuse of the principle of classes and instances just to design single objects instead of designing classes and creating a single instance. To me, it looks like static members of classes in general try to add some sort of characteristics to classes which they actually aren't supposed to have and which rather make them object themselves.
But is it really desirable to have single objects implemented like that?
Or do you see things completely differently and don't think that such static classes or singletons have anything in common with actual objects?
Static members are effectively just namespacing for globals, yes. Nothing wrong with that; namespacing is good, and globals are the cleanest way to accomplish some tasks.
Singletons can be somewhat more interesting (load on demand...) but they're a similar construct (yeah, you could think of a static member as an anonymous singleton managed by the compiler).
Like most things, these tools have their place, and only the ideologues worry about whether or not they "fit" with a particular ideology.
Depending on your language, classes are objects. In ruby and java, they're of class Class; in python, I don't remember (subclasses of type?).
In java, you can't avoid putting things on classes. This means you sometimes have to use classes like you would use namespaces and modules. A lot of the static methods on Math are a good example of this. I'd say that having these methods be static makes the best of a bad situation.
I think whether it's "dirty" to have static attributes depends very much on the context. What you really should look for is proper encapsulation: it's good if you can draw a curve through the conceptual space of your code and say "everything on this side doesn't need to know anything about things on that side, except for the interface across the curve.
You can view it from a performance and memory perspective. For example, in the following code:
public class StringUtils
public static boolean isEmpty(String value)
// some code
public static String reverseString(String value)
// some code
Do you really want to instantiate StringUtils objects all over the place just to call a method that doesn't store any member variables? In a simple program, it doesn't matter much. But once your program starts to get to a certain size and you call these methods thousands of times, well let's just the instantiations can add up. And why? To be a purist? It's not worth the cost. Just use the same instance.
Say I have an application which has a single configuration file. How would I create functions to operate on that file without the use of a "singleton" if my language does not support global functions outside of a class (like Java or C#)?
It seems to me the only real way to accomplish that is have a singleton class. Using the singleton pattern you also don't need to pass around a pointer to the object, since you can just use the static method to get it again.
I don't see how this is a violation of any OO principles. To do it a different way, like put the configuration functions in another class that doesn't deal with configuration (like a "utility" class) is more of a violation of OO principles.
Suppose that you have a multi-threaded application which requires a central data repository. The consumers and producers use or put data in the repository, including the external application object which accesses the repository through an interface.
If you made this repository a normal class object, you'd have the problem of initializing it and getting a pointer to every object that needed it. Not the toughest problem, but it can be very confusing with a lot of threads and objects.
On the other hand, if you do this:
public enum Data implements MyInterface{
private final Whatevertype secretstuff = new Whatevertype();
public void PutThing( Sometype indata){ ... };
public Sometype GetThing( int somecode ){ ...};
You (a) don't have to instantiate anything and (b) can access from anywhere with
etc. It's just like Highlander... THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE