Possible Bug in Fluent-NHibernate Repository? - fluent-nhibernate

I think I might have found a bug, but I'm not really sure. It could be
a syntax error on my part, but the compiler isn't catching. Anyway,
here is what I'm trying to do. Basically I've written my own
repository class that essentially just wraps the Fluent Repository
class. So here is the relevant code:
Public Class GenericRepository(Of T As IHasIntId)
Private _fluentRepos As FluentNHibernate.Framework.IRepository
Public Sub New(ByVal FluentRepository As
_fluentRepos = FluentRepository
End Sub
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Function GetById(ByVal Id As Integer) As T
Return Query(Function(x As T) (x.Id = Id)).FirstOrDefault
End Function
Public Function Query(ByVal w As Expression(Of System.Func(Of T,
Boolean))) As IList(Of T)
Return _fluentRepos.Query(Of T)(w).ToList()
End Function
End Class
Then I wrote two unit tests, one that would pass in an
InMemoryRepository and one that would use an actual NHibernate session
to hit the real database.
here they are:
<TestMethod()> Public Sub InMemoryTest()
Dim inmemRepos As New InMemoryRepository()
Dim p As New Product()
Dim id As Integer = 5
p.Id = id
p.Title = "my product"
Dim genRepos As New GenericRepository(Of Product)(inmemRepos)
Dim foundP = genRepos.GetById(id)
Assert.AreEqual(p.Title, foundP.Title)
End Sub
<TestMethod()> Public Sub DatabaseTest()
Dim session = NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.GetSession()
Dim flRepos As New Repository(session)
Dim genRepos As New GenericRepository(Of Product)(flRepos)
Dim id As Integer = 1
Dim p = genRepos.GetById(id)
Assert.AreEqual(id, p.Id)
End Sub
The InMemoryTest passed, and the DatabaseTest failed. The exception
from the DatabaseTest was a type conversion, from int to product (or
maybe the other way around.) I was able to "fix" it though. In the
Fluent NHibernate code I changed the Query method on the Repository
class from:
return _session.Linq<T>().Where(where).ToArray();
return _session.Linq<T>().Where(where.Compile()).ToArray();
Now both tests pass. All of the unit tests in the Fluent NHibernate
project pass either way.

The answer that you received on the Fluent NHibernate mailing list is most likely the correct one. That is, that it's a bug in Linq to NHibernate rather than Fluent NHibernate, which is caused by the VB compiler producing different expression-trees to C#.


EF Core, LINQ Operator '=' in VB.NET

I have the next Code in EF Core 3.1 in language VB.NET
Dim supplierID as string="1545464"
Dim results = (From pa In DC.product.AsNoTracking()
Where pa.supplierID = supplierID
Select pa)
The exception throw is:
The LINQ expression 'DbSet<product>
.Where(p => Operators.CompareString(
Left: p.supplierID,
Right: __$VB$Local_supplierID_0,
TextCompare: False) == 0)' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync().
I found the following solution:
Dim supplierID as string="1545464"
Dim results = (From pa In DC.product.AsNoTracking()
Where pa.supplierID.Equals(supplierID)
Select pa)
Is my solution correct, using .Equals()? In C# language if it works with the operator "=="
I have created a small solution with which you can reproduce the error.
The solution has 4 projects:
Sup.Entities (C#)
Sup.DAL (C#)
Sup.ConsoleApp1 (C#)
Sup.consoleAppVB (VB.NET)
This is the error that occurs in Sup.ConsoleAppVB (VB.NET)
This is the result in Sup.ConsoleApp1 (C#)
Attached solution Download that includes projects and an SQL file to create the database and 1 table with 3 rows.
Please change connectionstring for UseSqlServer("...") in OnConfiguring Context
I just ran into this issue but since I have developed my own LINQ to SQL evaluator before I knew how to solve the problem. VB.NET transforms the = operator for strings into a call to Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.CompareString(). So when the expression tree is evaluated this method must be handled. I suspect the reason for this is because VB handles string comparisons to null ((text = Nothing) = True).
I didn't download your sample but I fixed it in an ASP.NET Core application.
If you were using LINQ, this would be handled inside an ExpressionVisitor but for Entity Framework Core 3.1, I found that you can implement an IMethodCallTranslator.
However, Entity Framework uses SqlExpression expressions so an ISqlExpressionFactory is needed to create them. Fortunately, dependency injection can be used to get an implementation from IServiceCollection.
Public Class VbCompareStringMethodCallTranslator : Implements IMethodCallTranslator
Private mExpressionFactory As ISqlExpressionFactory
Public Sub New(expressionFactory As ISqlExpressionFactory)
Me.mExpressionFactory = expressionFactory
End Sub
Public Function Translate(instance As SqlExpression, method As MethodInfo, arguments As IReadOnlyList(Of SqlExpression)) As SqlExpression Implements IMethodCallTranslator.Translate
If method IsNot Nothing Then
If method.Name = "CompareString" AndAlso method.DeclaringType?.Name = "Operators" AndAlso
method.DeclaringType?.Namespace = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices" Then
Dim left = arguments(0)
Dim right = arguments(1)
If method.Name Is NameOf(String.Compare) AndAlso arguments.Count = 2 AndAlso
arguments(0).Type.UnwrapNullableType Is arguments(1).Type.UnwrapNullableType Then
left = arguments(0)
right = arguments(1)
ElseIf method.Name Is NameOf(String.CompareTo) AndAlso arguments.Count = 1 AndAlso
instance IsNot Nothing AndAlso instance.Type.UnwrapNullableType Is arguments(0).Type.UnwrapNullableType Then
left = instance
right = arguments(0)
End If
If left IsNot Nothing AndAlso right IsNot Nothing Then
Return Me.mExpressionFactory.[Case]({New CaseWhenClause(Me.mExpressionFactory.Equal(left, right), Me.mExpressionFactory.Constant(0)),
New CaseWhenClause(Me.mExpressionFactory.GreaterThan(left, right), Me.mExpressionFactory.Constant(1)),
New CaseWhenClause(Me.mExpressionFactory.LessThan(left, right), Me.mExpressionFactory.Constant(-1))},
End If
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
Making use of the following extension method
Public Module SharedTypeExtensions
Public Function UnwrapNullableType(type As Type) As Type
Return If(Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type), type)
End Function
End Module
You can see that this is the code used by Entity Framework to handle string comparisons here https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/blob/3656e9daa9b81398d8c065a702fd5dca91979f49/src/EFCore.Relational/Query/Internal/ComparisonTranslator.cs
So now this needs to be hooked up and the following plumbing code can be used
Public Class VbMethodCallTranslatorPlugin : Implements IMethodCallTranslatorPlugin
Public Sub New(expressionFactory As ISqlExpressionFactory)
Me.Translators = {New VbCompareStringMethodCallTranslator(expressionFactory)}
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Translators As IEnumerable(Of IMethodCallTranslator) Implements IMethodCallTranslatorPlugin.Translators
End Class
Public Class VbDbContextOptionsExtension : Implements IDbContextOptionsExtension
Public Sub ApplyServices(services As IServiceCollection) Implements IDbContextOptionsExtension.ApplyServices
services.AddSingleton(Of IMethodCallTranslatorPlugin, VbMethodCallTranslatorPlugin)
End Sub
Public Sub Validate(options As IDbContextOptions) Implements IDbContextOptionsExtension.Validate
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Info As DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo Implements IDbContextOptionsExtension.Info
Return New VbDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo(Me)
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Class VbDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo : Inherits DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo
Public Sub New(extension As IDbContextOptionsExtension)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function GetServiceProviderHashCode() As Long
Return Me.Extension.GetHashCode
End Function
Public Overrides Sub PopulateDebugInfo(<NotNullAttribute> debugInfo As IDictionary(Of String, String))
debugInfo("VB:TranslateMethods") = True.ToString
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsDatabaseProvider As Boolean
Return False
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property LogFragment As String
Return "VbMethodSupport=true"
End Get
End Property
End Class
Now this can hooked up using the DbContextOptionsBuilder, but the following extension method will make this easier
Public Module VbDbContextOptionsBuilderExtensions
Public Function AddVbSupport(optionsBuilder As DbContextOptionsBuilder) As DbContextOptionsBuilder
Dim builder = CType(optionsBuilder, IDbContextOptionsBuilderInfrastructure)
Dim extension = If(optionsBuilder.Options.FindExtension(Of VbDbContextOptionsExtension), New VbDbContextOptionsExtension)
Return optionsBuilder
End Function
End Module
Now you can hook this up while setting up your DbContext
services.AddDbContext(Of ApplicationDbContext)(Sub(options)
End Sub)
End Sub)
Additional Info
This appears to be a bug in Entity Framework rather than VB.NET just not being supported. You can find this code in the dotnet efcore repository.
I submitted a bug report here
Vote it up so the devs will fix the issue!
Update 1
Looks like this will be fixed in .NET 5
Update 2
The above solution was causing issues after refreshing the page a bunch of times. I would get an error something to the effect of "more than 20 IService instances have been created"
In order to fix this I just added the expression transform into a different part of the pipeline.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Imports Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query
Public Class VbRelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory : Implements IQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory
Private ReadOnly mDependencies As QueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies
Private ReadOnly mRelationalDependencies As RelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies
Public Sub New(dependencies As QueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies, relationalDependencies As RelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies)
Me.mDependencies = dependencies
Me.mRelationalDependencies = relationalDependencies
End Sub
Public Overridable Function Create(queryCompilationContext As QueryCompilationContext) As QueryTranslationPreprocessor Implements IQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory.Create
Return New VbRelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessor(Me.mDependencies, Me.mRelationalDependencies, queryCompilationContext)
End Function
End Class
Public Class VbRelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessor : Inherits RelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessor
Public Sub New(dependencies As QueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies, relationalDependencies As RelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies, queryCompilationContext As QueryCompilationContext)
MyBase.New(dependencies, relationalDependencies, queryCompilationContext)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Process(query As Expression) As Expression
query = New LanguageNormalizingExpressionVisitor().Visit(query)
Return MyBase.Process(query)
End Function
End Class
Public Class LanguageNormalizingExpressionVisitor : Inherits ExpressionVisitor
Protected Overrides Function VisitBinary(node As BinaryExpression) As Expression
Dim methodCall = TryCast(node.Left, MethodCallExpression)
If methodCall IsNot Nothing Then
' Replace calls to comparestring with a binary equals on the operands
If methodCall.Method.Name = "CompareString" AndAlso methodCall.Method.DeclaringType?.Name = "Operators" AndAlso methodCall.Method.DeclaringType?.Namespace = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices" Then
Dim left = Me.Visit(methodCall.Arguments(0))
Dim right = Me.Visit(methodCall.Arguments(1))
Return Expression.MakeBinary(node.NodeType, left, right)
End If
End If
Return MyBase.VisitBinary(node)
End Function
End Class
Public Module VbDbContextOptionsBuilderExtensions
Public Function AddVbSupport(optionsBuilder As DbContextOptionsBuilder) As DbContextOptionsBuilder
optionsBuilder.ReplaceService(Of IQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory, VbRelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory)()
Return optionsBuilder
End Function
End Module

Shared function that infers the class type and can be returned in a list

I would like to create a shared function that returns a list of instances of the classes type. Currently this is what my code looks like
class MyClass
Implements BusinessObject
Shared Function LoadAll(Of T As {BusinessObject, New})() As IEnumerable(Of T)
Dim helper = New SQLHelper()
Return helper.LoadDataTableFromDatabase("LoadTable", LoadAllProcedureName).Rows.Cast(Of DataRow).Select(Function(s) New T().FillDataRow(Of T)(s))
End Function
End Class
class MyDerivedClass Implements MyClass
End MyClass
When I go to use it, I have to use it like this:
MyDerivedClass.LoadAll(Of MyDerivedClass)()
I would like to be able to infer the type, instead of having to use the (Of MyDerivedClass) so that my code looks like MyDerivedClass.LoadAll().
Any help or keywords that I am missing to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
Here is an extension method which (theoretically) would work on any class you define:
Public Module Module1
<Extension()> _
Public Function LoadAll(Of T As {BusinessObject, New})(ByVal x As T) As IEnumerable(Of T)
Dim LoadAllProcedureName As String = "LoadAllProcedure"
Dim helper = New SQLHelper()
Return helper.LoadDataTableFromDatabase("LoadTable", LoadAllProcedureName).Rows.Cast(Of DataRow).Select(Function(s) New T().FillDataRow(Of T)(s))
End Function
Public Sub Main()
Dim dC As New DerivedClass()
Dim allDc As IEnumerable(Of DerivedClass) = dC.LoadAll()
'::: Somewhat shorter syntax
Dim allDC As IEnumerable(Of DerivedClass) = (New DerivedClass()).LoadAll()
End Sub
End Module
But, as others have pointed out, this doesn't really clean anything up for you. More to the point, you are going to have to type (Of DerivedClass) in whatever variable you intend on populating with your enumerated DerivedClass, no?
And from what I can tell, you cannot have Shared extension methods -- should you be thinking that is the way to go.

So a VB interface can't have shared functions. Is there an alternative to creating dummy objects?

To avoid getting into the weeds on my particular program, let me just create a simplified case.
I have a generic class that should work on a variety of objects. Each of those objects must implement a certain interface.
What I WANT to say is something like:
Public Interface GenThing
Shared Function thing_name() As String ' This doesn't work! Can't be shared!
Sub FillOne(row As DataRow)
End Interface
public class Thing1
implements GenThing
public shared function thing_name() as string implements GenThing.thing_name
return "thing number one"
end function
public sub FillOne(row as DataRow) implements GenThing.MakeOne
... bunch of work ...
end sub
end class
public class ThingUtil(of T as {GenThing,New})
public function GetList(id as integer) as List(of T)
dim name=T.thing_name() ' This doesn't work!
dim ds as DataSet=GetData(name,id) ' bunch of work here that's the whole point of the class but not relevant to the question
dim my_list = new List(of T)
for each row as DataRow in ds.tables(0).rows
dim my_t = new T()
return my_list
end function
end class
Do you get my problem? I need every class that implements the interface to have a function that returns a "name" that is used to get the data that is needed to create an instance of the object. But I need to know this name BEFORE I create the instance, because I need it to be able to create the instance. But VB doesn't allow an interface to have a shared function, so what I want to write doesn't work.
So what I've done is this:
I make thing_name not shared.
Then instead of simply "dim name=T.thing_name()", I write
dim dummy = new T()
dim name = dummy.thing_name()
Okay, it works, but it seems really ugly. I create an instance of the object, with all the overhead that that involves, just to get a piece of constant text.
Is there a better way? Or am I making a big deal out of nothing?
I see that two people voted to close this question on the grounds that it is the same as "Why can't we have shared functions in an interface?"
I am not asking why I can't have a shared. I am saying, GIVEN that I can't, how do I solve this particular problem?
There's no really simple way of fixing this, no.
Depending on what thing_name does, however, you might approach things in a different way. If each implementation just returns a constant value, then it's effectively metadata about the class - and could be described in an attribute instead, which can be fetched at execution time. (See Type.GetCustomAttributes.) Unfortunately you can't then enforce all types implementing the interface to be decorated with the attribute - but you could write a unit test to check this pretty easily.
If thing_name needs to really do work at execution time, that's tougher. You could potentially look for a well-known shared method name instead and execute that via reflection (and again have unit tests to check that it's implemented properly).
I realize this is from a few years ago, but running into a similar problem, I wanted to offer a different solution. Pass a delegate as parameter to the ThingUtil constructor. You avoid having to put a shared method in an interface, and the constructor will force you to include the parameter at compile time.
You can add more delegates if needed, or to make it even simpler in this case, just pass name as a string instead of get_name as a delegate.
Define the delegate in the interface:
Public Interface GenThing
Delegate Function ThingNameDelegate() As String
Sub FillOne(row As DataRow)
End Interface
Public Class Thing1
Implements GenThing
Public Shared Function thing_name() As String 'name this whatever you want
Return "thing number one"
End Function
Public Sub FillOne(row As DataRow) Implements GenThing.FillOne
'do stuff
End Sub
End Class
In ThingUtil, add a member to store the delegate, a constructor parameter to to accept, and call it with .Invoke():
Public Class ThingUtil(Of T As {GenThing, New})
Private m_thing_name As GenThing.ThingNameDelegate
Public Sub New(thing_name As GenThing.ThingNameDelegate)
m_thing_name = thing_name
End Sub
Public Function GetList(id As Integer) As List(Of T)
Dim name = m_thing_name.Invoke()
Dim ds As DataSet = GetData(name, id) ' bunch of work here that's the whole point of the class but not relevant to the question
Dim my_list = New List(Of T)
For Each row As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Dim my_t = New T()
Return my_list
End Function
End Class
Finally, use it like this:
Dim tu as new ThingUtil(Of Thing1)(AddressOf Thing1.get_name)

How can I get parallel extensions to run a function that has two input parameters?

I've tried really hard to get this to work and have had no luck. How can I get parallel extensions to run a function that has two input parameters? I'm using the more recent version, the Reactive Extensions with the 3.5 framework.
I need to get the extensions to run act (or the function ProcessOrder) but no matter what I try I can't get it to do it.
Dim act As New System.Action(Of Int32, Date)(AddressOf ProcessOrder)
act(CInt(RowA("ID")), RunDate)
I used to be able to do the following:
Dim A(0) As Object
A(0) = CInt(RowA("ID"))
A(1) = RunDate
Tasks.Task.Create(AddressOf ProcessOrder, A)
But it's not supported anymore
Create a small class that has the two parameters as properties and have a method on the class that acts upon those properties.
Public Class ProcessClass
Private _p1 As Integer
Private _p2 As Date
Public Sub New(ByVal p1 As Integer, ByVal p2 As Date)
Me._p1 = p1
Me._p2 = p2
End Sub
Public Sub ProcessOrder()
Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}:{1}", _p1, _p2))
End Sub
End Class
And then invoke it by:
Dim Obj As New ProcessClass(1, DateTime.Now())
Dim Act As New System.Action(AddressOf Obj.ProcessOrder)

Search for Object in Generic List

Is it possible to search for an object by one of its properties in a Generic List?
Public Class Customer
Private _id As Integer
Private _name As String
Public Property ID() As Integer
Return _id
End Get
_id = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Name() As String
Return _name
End Get
_name = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(id As Integer, name As String)
_id = id
_name = name
End Sub
End Class
Then loading and searching
Dim list as new list(Of Customer)
list.Add(New Customer(1,"A")
list.Add(New Customer(2,"B")
How can I return customer object with id =1? Does this have to do with the "Predicate" in Generics?
Note: I am doing this in VB.NET.
Yes, this has everything to do with predicates :)
You want the Find(Of T) method. You need to pass in a predicate (which is a type of delegate in this case). How you construct that delegate depends on which version of VB you're using. If you're using VB9, you could use a lambda expression. (If you're using VB9 you might want to use LINQ instead of Find(Of T) in the first place, mind you.) The lambda expression form would be something like:
list.Find(function(c) c.ID = 1)
I'm not sure if VB8 supports anonymous methods in the same way that C# 2 does though. If you need to call this from VB8, I'll see what I can come up with. (I'm more of a C# person really :)
Generally you need to use predicates:
list.Add(New Customer(1, "A"))
list.Add(New Customer(2, "B"))
Private Function HasID1(ByVal c As Customer) As Boolean
Return (c.ID = 1)
End Function
Dim customerWithID1 As Customer = list.Find(AddressOf HasID1)
Or with inline methods:
Dim customerWithID1 As Customer = list.Find(Function(p) p.ID = 1)
You could also overload the equals method and then do a contains. like this
Dim list as new list(Of Customer)
list.Add(New Customer(1,"A")
list.Add(New Customer(2,"B")
list.contains(new customer(1,"A"))
the equals method then would look like this
public overrides function Equals(Obj as object) as Boolean
return Me.Id.Equals(ctype(Obj,Customer).Id
end Function
Not tested but it should be close enough.
If you are using .NET 3.5 this can be done with LINQ to Objects:
How to: Query an ArrayList with LINQ
If not, in .NET 2.0 you can use the Find method of the list.
The idea is that you will need to provide an method that return true if a property of your object satisfies a certain condition.