Error 3075 in Select Query - sql

Query gives Syntax error missing operator in query '[Relationship Manager]=John DOE'
BCA_Source = " SELECT distinct [Account Data Table less DTA CHD].BCA_ICA, " _
& "[Account Data Table less DTA CHD].[Relationship Manager]" _
& " FROM [Account Data Table less DTA CHD] " _
& " WHERE [Relationship Manager]= " _
& Me.cmb_Mngr.Value,

Initial guess would be that Me.cmb_Mngr.Value has to be wrapped with escaped quotes.


Finding/Marking Duplicate Values using SQL

I am trying to update a column in my table to specify if the record is a duplicate or not. To do this I added a field called 'DuplicateRecord'.
I can't use the query wizard in access as the duplicate option in this only allows for 10 fields to be checked as a duplicate and my table has more than 10 fields.
The below code works for me:
Call Module1.RunSQL("UPDATE myTable " & _
"SET myTable.DuplicateRecord = TRUE " & _
"WHERE myTable.[CompanyID] IN (" & _
"SELECT * FROM " & _
"(SELECT myTable.[CompanyID] " & _
"FROM myTable " & _
"GROUP BY myTable.[CompanyID] " & _
"HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) T1 ) ")
However this code just runs off one field and I need it to run off all fields in the table (there are about 15 fields).
As a test I tried using two fields to see if I could get this working using the following:
Call Module1.RunSQL("UPDATE myTable " & _
"SET myTable.DuplicateRecord = TRUE " & _
"WHERE myTable.[CompanyID] AND myTable.[Product] IN (" & _
"SELECT * FROM " & _
"(SELECT myTable.[CompanyID], myTable.[Product], COUNT(*) " & _
"FROM myTable " & _
"GROUP BY myTable.[CompanyID], myTable.[Product] " & _
"HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) T1 ) ")
However I get an error message saying "Run-time error '3306' You have written a subquery that can return more than one field without using the EXISTS reserved word in the main query's FROM clause. Revise the SELECT statement of the subquery to request only one field."
I've tried googling the error but I can't seem to solve it as I don't fully understand it.
Does anyone know how I can apply the logic of testing for duplicates? Is there an easier way to do this then how I am currently trying? I will need to do this for the full record (15 fields), so I am a bit conscious that the way I am currently attempting this might not be the best fit.

SQL query works slower than the Access query wizard

I am working on automation of elimination of unmatched rows in two tables in MS Access. As known, Access has a query wizard for this process which named Find unmatched records. This method works fast even for 500k data rows.
But when I execute a query in MS Access VBA it works so slowly. Is there a faster SQL implementation to eliminate data, or does MS Access use a different method? How can I make it fast?
Below is my query in VBA. Table1 and Table2 each have more than 100k rows.
strQuery = SELECT gsmno INTO newtablename FROM table1 WHERE gsmno NOT IN (SELECT gsmno FROM table2)
CurrentDb.Execute strQuery
Use a LEFT OUTER JOIN and check for NULL on the Table2 gsmno. Those are your Non-Matches.
strQuery = & _
"SELECT " & _
" t1.gsmno " & _
"INTO " & _
" newtablename " & _
"FROM " & _
" table1 as t1 " & _
" table2 as t2 on " & _
" t1.gsmno = t2.gsmno " & _
"WHERE " & _
" isnull(t2.gsmno) = true;"
CurrentDb.Execute strQuery

ACCESS VBA using using one more SQL QUERY in WHERE clause

I have two tables, one is std Table and KeyTable.
I have to display the values of std table based on the condition of keytable.
For example, if the user selects ASIA, i have to create a sql query list of countries in ASIA and use this country values (example: INDIA,SRILANKA,BANGLADESH) as where clause in final query. I have tried building them. But I am not sure of the syntax
First query to filter out the values of ASIA
strSQL1 = "SELECT keytable.[Lead Country] FROM keytable WHERE'" & lstcountry & "';"
Second query to display the values according to the first query in where clause
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Std Table] WHERE ([Std Table].Country IN (______));
The blank which i am missing.
You could just combine the two queries into one statement:
strSQL= "SELECT * " & _
"FROM [Std Table] " & _
"WHERE [Std Table].Country IN " & _
"(" & _
" SELECT s.[Lead Country] " & _
" FROM keytable AS s WHERE = '" & lstcountry & "' " & _
I'd try
strSQL1 = "SELECT keytable.[Lead Country] FROM keytable WHERE'" & lstcountry & "'"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Std Table] WHERE ([Std Table].Country IN (" & strSQL1 & "));"
SQL Server would allow you to do that, I guess that ACCESS supports this, too.
Please note that I removed the ; in strSQL1!
You could also provide a list of comma separated values:
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Std Table] WHERE ([Std Table].Country IN ('DE','UK','JP'));"

Operator/Syntax Error

I am executing SQL in VB6 and this is the string that I am using, where I define currFA as a number 1. I've been debugging and working at this since it's using inner joins and unions (it's a query I made in Access that I am trying to put into VB6 to run). Right now, I'm getting an operator missing error on the run.
& "WHERE ((([~FIRE_AREAS].INDEX) = '" & currFA & "'))" _
& "UNION" _
& "WHERE ((([~FIRE_AREAS].INDEX) = '" & currFA & "'));"
Any help on the error and syntax improvement tips are greatly appreciated! Still learning!
Your string has no spaces between the lines so when you write:
That becomes a SQL string like
Which is obviously invalid SQL because there's no space between INDEX and FROM.
An easy solution is just to put a space before each closing quote (or after each open quote):
However, If you find yourself writing relatively complex queries like this, I would recommend that you consider converting them to stored procedures or views instead.

Syntax error with select in select in vb to access SQL

I got a SQL statement where am selecting from an access database in vb but I get this error; "syntax error in query expression select sum(brought_qtty)" when I run my program. I imagine am doing the right thing but seems am not. How can I adjust this select? The code is below:
"select distinct(brought_price) as [Price], select sum(brought_qtty) as [Ordinary] from brought_coffee where " & _
"coffee_grade=O, select sum(brought_qtty) as [Premium] from brought_coffee where" & _
"coffee_grade=P, sum(brought_qtty) as [Total Qtty]" & _
", sum(brought_paid) as [paid], " & _
"sum(brought_bal) as [Balance]" & _
"from brought_coffee, farmer where brought_date=#" & dtc.Text.Trim & "# and farmer_centre='" & cc.Text.Trim & _
"' and farmer.farmer_num=brought_coffee.farmer_num"
The second and third select in the query produce a syntax error... Replace select sum(brought_qtty) with just sum(brought_qtty).