Benefits & pitfalls of moving to IIS 7, Windows Server 2008 for WCF Services - wcf

We're currently using IIS 6 and Windows Server 2003 for our web and application servers. Our web servers make WCF Service calls to our application servers.
We'd like to move to IIS 7 and Windows Server 2008 so that we can use the recommended netTcpBinding (at the moment we're using a basicHttpBinding).
(along with this we'd also move from SQL Server 2005 to 2008)
Does anyone have any points to make about the benefits and pitfalls of the above?

As you mentioned, IIS 6 only has support for the various HTTP-based bindings. IIS7 has support for all the bindings, including TCP/IP, named pipes (for superfast in-proc calls on the same machine), and MSMQ queue.
For a detailed comparison between hosting WCF in IIS6 and IIS7, see this MSDN article: Extend Your WCF Services Beyond HTTP With WAS

IIS 7 uses a completely different (and much improved!) configuration model; the Metabase has gone and has been replaced by a hierarchical and pluggable model based around .config files. If you can't port your IIS 6 configuration to IIS 7's model for legacy reasons, be sure to install the IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility Layer feature. I work on a web app at work, which runs fine on IIS 6 and 7 with no other modifications than this.
By the sounds of things, your app is not that deeply embedded into IIS, so other than the above you shouldn't run into many other problems at all. The compatibility between the two is very good.


Installing Silverlight 4 in Windows server 2012, Ria service applications not working

I have the flowing setup
Windows server 2012 Standard
Ria services 1.0 sp1
Silverlight 4
I need to make this applications work but I tried about anything to make this setup work. Any one know What i need to install to make Ria services work in this environment.
Already tried to install ria service on the server and using the option SERVER=true
I just keep getting the 404 when trying to connect to the server on web-config. I tried to include the wcf tracing on the web-config but the trace doesn't register anything.
Anyone have a step by step installation guild from a just installed server to a server that cans run ria service application of silverlight 4?
already tried everything here WCF RIA Service deployment issue
You also need the HTTP Activation feature installed for your IIS.

How to get dotTrace to profile memory for a web app in IIS Express 8?

dotTrace Memory 3.5 seems to support profiling a web application using IIS or WebDev, but not IIS Express. Is this correct? If not, how do you get dotTrace to profile a 64 bit web application in IIS Express 8?
It's not an option to run the web application in WebDev40.exe.
You can analyze memory usage of IIS Express applications using JetBrains dotMemory 4.2.
I know this might be way too late, however it is good for reference for other developers.
IIS Express is now an option since version 5.0.
Support for IIS Express
As IIS Express was gaining popularity among
web developers, we've been receiving requests to enable profiling web
applications running under this server, and here we go: dotTrace 5
Performance introduces official support for IIS Express that
complements existing support for the full-fledged IIS and ASP.NET
Development Server.

What rights are required for IIS to talk a WCF service hosted on a different machine?

In this question: ASP.NET web application unable to connect to WCF hosted as windows service
it's stated that the reason IIS could not talk to a WCF service hosted on a different machine is due to rights not assigned the app pool identity.
I'm facing the same problem I believe. What are these rights, and where do I set them?
This depends on the configuration of the service you're trying to access. However, if you're having trouble connecting to a different machine, you most likely don't have rights to access that computer using the machine account for the server hosting IIS. You could try adding [domain][iismachine] access to the target server (the one hosting the WCF service).
This overview has some pretty good information on what needs to be done in different scenarios.

ASP.NET 4 - MS SQL Server 2008 Hosting suggestion

I am looking for a ASP.NET 4 and MS SQL Server 2008 hosting. I will program my web sites with ASP.NET 4 and MVC 2. But i could not decide a hosting. Can you suggest me a hosting company? It will be very helpfull if you are using or used.
I'm using Discount ASP for my new .NET 4 project with SQL Server 2008.
No problems so far.
$10/month for site hosting.
$10/month for SQL hosting.
They allow remote management and remote connections unlike a lot of other hosts.
Also, the web host is run under full trust. I got pretty pissed at when they switched from full trust to medium...making most of my site useless, because I couldn't use webservices anymore.
They also have MVC hosting

Hosting WCF Service Application with Plesk Panel 9.2

Is there a way to host wcf service application with Plesk Panel 9.2 in shared hosting under Windows 2008.
It doesn't depend on Plesk but on the actual server you are controling using Plesk. If it has the .NET framework 3 or later installed you can host WCF services. However if you only have .NET 2 you can't. Please keep in mind that the .NET framework version reported is 2 even if 3.0 or later is installed as that is the version of the CLR which hasn't changes since.