How do I write a string search query that uses the non-clustered indexing I have in place on the field? - sql

I'm looking to build a query that will use the non-clustered indexing plan on a street address field that is built with a non-clustered index. The problem I'm having is that if I'm searching for a street address I will most likely be using the 'like' eval function. I'm thinking that using this function will cause a table scan instead of using the index. How would I go about writing one in this case? Is it just pointless to put a non-clustered index on an address3 field? Thanks in advance.

varchar fields are indexed from left to right, much the same as a dictionary or encyclopedia is indexed.
If you knew what the field started with, (ex. LIKE 'streetname%') then the index would be efficient. However, if you only know part of the field (ex. LIKE '%something%') then an index cannot be used.

If your LIKE expression is doing a start-of-string search (Address LIKE 'Blah%'), I would expect the index to be used, most likely through an index seek.
If you search for Address LIKE '%Blah%', a table scan/index scan will occur, depending on how many fields you return in your query and how selective the index is.

Using LIKE will not necessarily use a table scan; it may make use of an index, depending on what string you're searching against. (For instance, LIKE 'something%' is generally able to use an index, whereas LIKE '%something' is probably not, although the server may still be able to at least do an index scan in that case, which is more expensive that a straight index lookup, but still cheaper than a full table scan.) There's a good article here that talks about LIKE vs. indexes with respect to SQL Server (different DBMSs will implement it differently, obviously).

In theory the database will use whatever index is best. What database server are you using, what are you really trying to achieve, and what is your LIKE statement going to be like? For instance, where the wildcard characters are can make a difference to the query plan that is used.
Other possibilities depending on what you want to achieve are performing some pre-processing of the data and having other columns that are useful for your search, or using an indexed view.
Here's some discussion on the use of indexes with SQL Server 2005 and varchar fields.


Why "IN " query tag is so costly in sql stored procedures?

How can I improve my performance issue? I have an sql query with 'IN' I guess 'IN' making some costly performance issue. But I need index my sql query?
My sql query:
SELECT [p].[ReferencedxxxId]
FROM [Common].[xxxReference] AS [p]
WHERE ([p].[IsDeleted] = 0)
AND (([p].[ReferencedxyzType] = #__refxyzType_0)
AND [p].[ReferencedxxxId] IN ('42342','ffsdfd','5345345345'))
My solution: (BUT I NEED YOUR HELP FOR BETTER ADVISE) Whichone is correct clustered or nonclustred index?
USE [xxx]
ON [Common].[xxxReference](xxxId)
INCLUDE ([ID],[ReferencedxxxId])
CREATE INDEX xxxReference_ReferencedxxxId_index
ON [Common].[xxxReference] (ReferencedxxxId)[/code]
Whichone is correct or do you have better solution?
The performance problem of this query is not the result of using the IN operator.
This operator performs very well with small lists (say, less than 1000 members).
The performance bottle neck here is the fact that SQL Server performs an index scan instead of an index seek (which is very costly), and the key lookup, which is 20% of the query cost.
To avoid both problems, you can add an index on IsDeleted, ReferencedxyzType and ReferencedxxxId - probably in this exact order.
SQL Performance tuning is a science that tends to look a little like art or magic - either way you look at it it requires a good knowledge of both the theory and practice of index settings and the relevant systems requirements.
Therefor, my suggestion is this: Do not attempt to solve it yourself with the help of strangers on the internet. Get an expert for a consulting job for a couple of hours/days to analyze the system and help you fine-tune it.
Learn whatever you can during this process. Ask questions about everything that is not trivial. This will be money well spent.
Couple of things:
If you have a SELECT statement inside the IN, that should be avoided
and should be replaced with an EXISTS clause. But in your above
example, that is not relevant as you have direct values inside IN.
Using EXISTS and NOT EXISTS instead of IN and NOT IN helps SQL
Server to not needing to scan each value of the column for each
values inside the IN / NOT IN and rather can short circuit the
search once a match or non-match found.
Avoid the implicit conversion. They degrade the performance due to
many reasons including i> SQL Server not able to find proper
statistics on an index and hence not able to leverage an index and
would rather go make use of a clustered index available in the table
(which may not be covering your query), ii> Not assigning proper
required RAM during memory allocation phase of the query by storage
engine, iii> Cardinality estimation becomes wrong as SQL Server
would not have statistics on the computed value of that column, and
rather probably had statistics on that column.
If you look at your execution plan posted above, you will see a
yellow mark in your 'SELECT'. If you hover over it, you will see
one/more warning messages. If your warning is related to implicit
conversion, try to use proper datatypes during comparison.
Eg. What is the datatype of the column '[ReferencedxxxId]'? If it
is not an NVARCHAR and is rather a VARCHAR, then I would suggest:
Make the values inside the IN as VARCHAR (currently you are making them NVARCHAR). This way you will still be able to take full advantage of the rowstore index created on [ReferencedxxxId] column.
If you must have the values as NVARCHAR inside the IN clause, then you should:
CONVERT/CAST the column [ReferencedxxxId] in your IN clause. This is going to get rid of the Implicit conversion but you will no longer be able to take full advantage of the rowstore index on [ReferencedxxxId] column.
Rather create a clustered/nonclustered columnstore index on the table covering the columns used in the query. This should significantly enhance the performance of your SELECT query.
If you decided to go with the route of using rowstore index by correcting the values inside the IN, you need to make sure that you create a clustered/nonclustered index which covers the query. Meaning the index covers the columns on which you are doing search ([ReferencedxxxId], [ReferencedxxxType], [IsDeleted]) and then including the columns used in SELECT statement under INCLUDE clause (if it is a nonclustered index)
Also, when you are creating a composite rowstore index, try to keep the order of columns inside the index high cardinality to low cardinality from left to right to make the best use of that index.
On the basis of assuming an OLTP based system and not OLAP, my first pass would be an NC Index - given isDeleted is likely to have the least selectivity, I would place it last, first pass would be an NC index ReferencedxyzType, ReferencedxxxId, IsDeleted
I might even be tempted in a higher volume scenario to move the IsDeleted out of the index onto an include instead, since it provides so little selectivity to the index itself.
There is clearly already a clustered index in place on the table (from the query plan we can see it), we don't have the details of what is in it.
The question around clustered vs non-clustered is more complex and requires a lot more knowledge of the system and usage.

Query with LIKE, increasingly slow with a smaller resultset

Say I have a Person table with 200000 records, there's a clustered index on it's GUID primary key. This GUID is generated using the NEWSEQUENTIALID() construct provided by SQL Server (2008 R2). Furthermore there is a regular index on the LastName (varchar(256)) column.
For every record I've generated a unique name (Lastname_1 through Lastname_200000), now I'm playing around with some queries and have come to find that the more restrictive my criteria is, the slower SQL Server will return actual results. And this performance implication is quite severe.
SELECT * FROM Person WHERE Lastname LIKE '%Lastname_123456%'
Is much slower than
SELECT * FROM Person WHERE Lastname LIKE '%Lastname_123%'
Responsetimes are measured by setting statistics on:
I can imagine this being caused
1) Because of the LIKE clause itself, since it starts with % it isn't possible to use the inde on that particular column,
2) SQL having to think more about my 'bigger question'.
Is there any truth in this? Is there some way to avoid this?
To add some context to this question, this is part of a use case for a 'free search'. I would very much like the system to be fast when a user enters a full lastname.
How should I make these cases perform? Should I avoid the '%xxx%' construction and go for 'xxx%' like construction? Which does add alot of speed, but at the cost of some flexibility for the user...
You are right on with number 2, since the second LIKE must match more characters in the string, SQL stops searching when it finds a character that doesn't match so it takes less string matching iterations to find a smaller search string - even though you get more results back.
As for #1 - SQL will use an index if possible for a LIKE, but will probably do an index scan (probably the clustered index) since a seek is not possible with a wildcard. It also depends on what's included in the index - since you are selecting all columns, it's likely that a table scan is happening instead since the index you 'could' use is not covering your query (unless it's using the clustered index)
Check your execution plan - you will likely see a table scan
Usually, SQL Server does not use indexes on a LIKE.
This article can help guide you

Multiple indexes on one column

Using Oracle, there is a table called User.
Columns: Id, FirstName, LastName
Indexes: 1. PK(Id), 2. UPPER(FirstName), 3. LOWER(FirstName), 4. Index(FirstName)
As you can see index 2, 3, 4 are indexes on the same column - FirstName.
I know this creates overhead, but my question is on selecting how will the database react/optimize?
For instance:
u.FirstName LIKE 'MIKE%'
Will Oracle hit the right index or will it not?
The problem is that via Hibernate this slows down the query VERY much (so it uses prepared statements).
UPDATE: Just to clarify indexes 2 and 3 are functional indexes.
In addition to Mat's point that either index 2 or 3 should be redundant because you should choose one approach to doing case-insensitive searches and to Richard's point that it will depend on the selectivity of the index, be aware that there are additional concerns when you are using the LIKE clause.
Assuming you are using bind variables (which it sounds like you are based on your use of prepared statements), the optimizer has to guess at how selective the actual bind value is going to be. Something short like 'S%' is going to be very non-selective, causing the optimizer to generally prefer a table scan. A longer string like 'Smithfield-Manning%', on the other hand, is likely to be very selective and would likely use index 4. How Oracle handles this variability will depend on the version.
In Oracle 10, Oracle introduced bind variable peeking. This meant that the first time Oracle parsed a query after a reboot (or after the query plan being aged out of the shared pool), Oracle looked at the bind value and decided what plan to use based on that value. Assuming that most of your queries would benefit from the index scan because users are generally searching on relatively selective values, this was great if the first query after a reboot had a selective condition. But if you got unlucky and someone did a WHERE firstname LIKE 'S%' immediately after a reboot, you'd be stuck with the table scan query plan until the query plan was removed from the shared pool.
Starting in Oracle 11, however, the optimizer has the ability to do adaptive cursor sharing. That means that the optimizer will try to figure out that WHERE firstname LIKE 'S%' should do a table scan and WHERE firstname LIKE 'Smithfield-Manning%' should do an index scan and will maintain multiple query plans for the same statement in the shared pool. That solves most of the problems that we had with bind variable peeking in earlier versions.
But even here, the accuracy of the optimizer's selectivity estimates are generally going to be problematic for medium-length strings. It's generally going to know that a single-character string is very weakly selective and that a 20 character string is highly selective but even with a 256 bucket histogram, it's not going to have a whole lot of information about how selective something like WHERE firstname LIKE 'Smit%' really is. It may know roughly how selective 'Sm%' is based on the column histogram but it's guessing rather blindly at how selective the next two characters are. So it's not uncommon to end up in a situation where most of the queries work efficiently but the optimizer is convinced that WHERE firstname LIKE 'Cave%' isn't selective enough to use an index.
Assuming that this is a common query, you may want to consider using Oracle's plan stability features to force Oracle to use a particular plan regardless of the value of a bind variable. This may mean that users that enter a single character have to wait even longer than they would otherwise have waited because the index scan is substantially less efficient than doing a table scan. But that may be worth it for other users that are searching for short but reasonably distinctive last names. And you may do things like add a ROWNUM limiter to the query or add logic to the front end that requires a minimum number of characters in the search box to avoid situations where a table scan would be more efficient.
It's a bit strange to have both the upper and lower function-based indexes on the same field. And I don't think the optimizer will use either in your query as it its.
You should pick one or the other (and probably drop the last one too), and only ever query on the upper (or lower)-case with something like:
select id from user u where upper(u.firstname) like 'MIKE%'
Edit: look at this post too, has some interesting info How to use a function-based index on a column that contains NULLs in Oracle 10+?
It may not hit any of your indexes, because you are returning ID in the SELECT clause, which is not covered by the indexes.
If the index is very selective, and Oracle decides it is still worthwhile using it to find 'MIKE%' then perform a lookup on the data to get the ID column, then it may use 4. Index(FirstName). 2 and 3 will only be used if the column searched uses the exact function defined in the index.

SQL `LIKE` complexity

Does anyone know what the complexity is for the SQL LIKE operator for the most popular databases?
Let's consider the three core cases separately. This discussion is MySQL-specific, but might also apply to other DBMS due to the fact that indexes are typically implemented in a similar manner.
LIKE 'foo%' is quick if run on an indexed column. MySQL indexes are a variation of B-trees, so when performing this query it can simply descend the tree to the node corresponding to foo, or the first node with that prefix, and traverse the tree forward. All of this is very efficient.
LIKE '%foo' can't be accelerated by indexes and will result in a full table scan. If you have other criterias that can by executed using indices, it will only scan the the rows that remain after the initial filtering.
There's a trick though: If you need to do suffix matching - searching for file names with extension .foo, for instance - you can achieve the same performance by adding a column with the same contents as the original one but with the characters in reverse order.
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD COLUMN col_reverse VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD INDEX idx_col_reverse (col_reverse);
UPDATE my_table SET col_reverse = REVERSE(col);
Searching for rows with col ending in .foo then becomes:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE col_reverse LIKE 'oof.%'
Finally, there's LIKE '%foo%', for which there are no shortcuts. If there are no other limiting criterias which reduces the amount of rows to a feasible number, it'll cause a hard performance hit. You might want to consider a full text search solution instead, or some other specialized solution.
If you are asking about the performance impact:
The problem of like is that it keeps the database from using an index. On Oracle I think it doesn't use indexes anymore (but I'm still on Oracle 9). SqlServer uses indexes if the wildcard is only at the end. I don't know about other databases.
Depends on the RDBMS, the data (and possibly size of data), indexes and how the LIKE is used (with or without prefix wildcard)!
You are asking too general a question.

SQL full text search vs "LIKE"

Let's say I have a fairly simple app that lets users store information on DVDs they own (title, actors, year, description, etc.) and I want to allow users to search their collection by any of these fields (e.g. "Keanu Reeves" or "The Matrix" would be valid search queries).
What's the advantage of going with SQL full text search vs simply splitting the query up by spaces and doing a few "LIKE" clauses in the SQL statement? Does it simply perform better or will it actually return results that are more accurate?
Full text search is likely to be quicker since it will benefit from an index of words that it will use to look up the records, whereas using LIKE is going to need to full table scan.
In some cases LIKE will more accurate since LIKE "%The%" AND LIKE "%Matrix" will pick out "The Matrix" but not "Matrix Reloaded" whereas full text search will ignore "The" and return both. That said both would likely have been a better result.
Full-text indexes (which are indexes) are much faster than using LIKE (which essentially examines each row every time). However, if you know the database will be small, there may not be a performance need to use full-text indexes. The only way to determine this is with some intelligent averaging and some testing based on that information.
Accuracy is a different question. Full-text indexing allows you to do several things (weighting, automatically matching eat/eats/eating, etc.) you couldn't possibly implement that in any sort of reasonable time-frame using LIKE. The real question is whether you need those features.
Without reading the full-text documentation's description of these features, you're really not going to know how you should proceed. So, read up!
Also, some basic tests (insert a bunch of rows in a table, maybe with some sort of public dictionary as a source of words) will go a long way to helping you decide.
A full text search query is much faster. Especially when working which lots of data in various columns.
Additionally you will have language specific search support. E.g. german umlauts like "ü" in "über" will also be found when stored as "ueber". Also you can use synonyms where you can automatically expand search queries, or replace or substitute specific phrases.
In some cases LIKE will more accurate
since LIKE "%The%" AND LIKE "%Matrix"
will pick out "The Matrix" but not
"Matrix Reloaded" whereas full text
search will ignore "The" and return
both. That said both would likely have
been a better result.
That is not correct. The full text search syntax lets you specify "how" you want to search. E.g. by using the CONTAINS statement you can use exact term matching as well fuzzy matching, weights etc.
So if you have performance issues or would like to provide a more "Google-like" search experience, go for the full text search engine. It is also very easy to configure.
Just a few notes:
LIKE can use an Index Seek if you don't start your LIKE with %. Example: LIKE 'Santa M%' is good! LIKE '%Maria' is bad! and can cause a Table or Index Scan because this can't be indexed in the standard way.
This is very important. Full-Text Indexes updates are Asynchronous. For instance, if you perform an INSERT on a table followed by a SELECT with Full-Text Search where you expect the new data to appear, you might not get the data immediatly. Based on your configuration, you may have to wait a few seconds or a day. Generally, Full-Text Indexes are populated when your system does not have many requests.
It will perform better, but unless you have a lot of data you won't notice that difference. A SQL full text search index lets you use operators that are more advanced then a simple "LIKE" operation, but if all you do is the equivalent of a LIKE operation against your full text index then your results will be the same.
Imagine if you will allow to enter notes/descriptions on DVDs.
In this case it will be good to allow to search by descriptions.
Full text search in this case will do better job.
You may get slightly better results, or else at least have an easier implementation with full text indexing. But it depends on how you want it to work ...
What I have in mind is that if you are searching for two words, with LIKE you have to then manually implement (for example) a method to weight those with both higher in the list. A fulltext index should do this for you, and allow you to influence the weightings too using relevant syntax.
To FullTextSearch in SQL Server as LIKE
First, You have to create a StopList and assign it to your table
Second, use the following tSql script:
SELECT * FROM dbo.[MyTableName] AS mt
WHERE CONTAINS((mt.ColumnName1,mt.ColumnName2,mt.ColumnName3), N'"*search text s*"')
If you do not just search English word, say you search a Chinese word, then how your fts tokenizes words will make your search a big different, as I gave an example here But I don't know how sql server tokenizes Chinese words, does it do a good job for that?