Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[UIViewController loadView] loaded the nib but no view was set - cocoa-touch

From what I understand of the SDK, this exception is raised when the bindings in IB are not proper. But in my case, the view is loaded fine for the first two times. I then move back from the view using the NavigationController.
The third time when I try to open the view, I get this exception. The fact that it opens correct the first two times, means the bindings are correct and the view is fine! But then why does it fail the third time?
Any pointers?
I am calling -initWithNibName:bundle: to initialize the view which is created in IB. Not calling the -loadView method.
It is not getting garbage collected. AFAIK, there is no garbage collection in iPhone SDK and we need to dealloc stuff explicitly.

It seems that you have not bind the view to it's file owner.
For fixing this thing go open the xib which you are using in this ViewController. Right Click on your main view and then bind this view to the File Owener's view property.

You may be running low on memory, which forces the system to send out low-memory messages to instantiated view controllers. The default implementation of -didReceiveMemoryWarning clears out the view member variable. In theory, then next time the view is required, it should be re-instantiated, but you may have overridden something that's preventing that.

The view object might be going out of scope, and getting garbage collected.


An Objective-C message was sent to a deallocated object (zombie) at address: 0x75d52a0

I am relatively new to iOS development so appreciate your help in finding out the root cause for the error that I encountered.
I tried to debug the error using Instruments (i.e. Allocations-Zombie Profiler) but I could not make sense of the call stacks that were presented.
This is how the user interfaces are linked:
TabBarController -> NavigationController -> TopPlacesTableViewController -> RecentPhotosTableViewController -> PhotoViewController
The error occurs when I click on the Back button in the last view (i.e. that of the PhotoViewController). This action is supposed to show the previous RecentPhotosTableViewController but instead an unknown deallocated object was accessed, sometime in between the events of viewWillAppear and ViewDidAppear.
Additionally, I have a GenericTableViewController which is the parent of TopPlacesTableViewController and RecentPhotosTableViewController. The children set a NSMutableArray property in the parent which is the data that gets loaded in the children's views.
I am currently using iOS6 and XCode4.5.
[Update: In the Console, this line was shown - "[UIView _forgetDependentConstraint:]: message sent to deallocated instance xxx"].
I feel you are not using ARC, and you are not retaining of passing your previous object. In the meantime the previous object is released and then you accessing it.
Either you can refactor your code to use ARC or put retain or autorelease.
Go to Product > edit scheme >Diagnostics tap then check on enable Zombie objects
make a break point and go step by step to know which object is deallocated, it perhaps the pointer to your object has been removed then the OS has deallocated your object.

dealloc is being called and I am not sure why

I have a view with some buttons, text fields, and methods. When I load the view, switch to another view, and then switch back, my app crashes. I added in an NSLog in each method to see what the last method call before the crash was, and it was -(void)dealloc{
I am wondering why this method was called? Is it called every time you reload a view? I've double checked my code and I definitely do not call it anywhere.
EDIT : Found my problem, I was releasing an array that I was using to store views. Thanks to #Darren I traced my problem.
Dealloc is called when a class is no longer needed and removed from memory.
When you have no more pointers holding onto anything in the view, then it's dealocated.
How are you switching to/from the view?
if you set a (strong) pointer to the view then it won't be dealocated automatically.
-dealloc is called whenever an object's reference count drops to 0. To find your problem, figure out what object's -dealloc was called. What's the second method on the call stack? The third? Was -dealloc sent to a valid object pointer in the first place?
There are several ways to approach this sort of thing. A good first step is to turn on NSZombies (Google for it). That'll let you know if you're sending a message (like, say, dealloc) to an invalid object. Usually, that causes a crash, but with NSZombies you'll get a nice error message instead.

UIViewController does not release its views

I was trying to fix a memory leak in my application and stumbled upon a very interesting thing. Now i'm not sure if there's a bug that i made somewhere or simply misuse of the technology so i'll try to get things clear with your help. Here's what happens:
i create a custom uiviewcontroller that loads its view from nib file
i release the controller
controller's dealloc method gets called where i release a custom view that i've specifically added to the view hierarchy as an outlet (i made a retainable property out of it). It has a dealloc method with a call to nslog.
the main view in the nib file (connected to controller's view outlet) is also a subclass of a uiview which also has a call to nslog in its dealloc
The problem is - even though the uiviewcontroller's dealloc is getting called, neither the main view nor the child (the one with outlet) gets released (their NSLogs don't fire).
Is it normal that this happens? Maybe iOS doesn't release the views right away? Or should i start looking for bugs in the code? If so - what could be the most probable causes?
Thanks for reading
The problem with late night debugging is that you don't consider even the simplest angles. Since i like to know how things work and do everything from scratch, i've created my own system for switching view controllers. The problem was that even though i used to deallocate the view controller when needed, i forgot to remove it from superview, thus having one more retain too many. Now there's a leak somewhere else, but i'm sure i'll solve it myself. Thanks for your comments.

Appropriate to delete files or close DB connection in dealloc?

I know that dealloc is called when an object's retain count reaches zero and that iVars should be released therein, but I am wondering if it is also an appropriate spot to delete temporary files or close database connections.
Specifically, I have a subclass of UIViewController that creates a database connection in -viewDidLoad and through user interaction, temporary files can be created. I would like to close the DB connection and delete the temporary files (if they exist) when the aforementioned controller gets popped of the navigation stack. Should I do so in dealloc?
My first thought was to do this DB and file clean up in -viewDidUnload, but I now know that this method is only called when a memory warning is issued by the OS. Another thought was to put it in -viewDidDisappear:animated but the issue with that approach is that the another view may go on top of the one controlled by my view controller. In that scenario, I do not want to close the DB connection or clean up the temp files.
If dealloc is not the appropriate spot (this is my gut feeling), where should this type of clean up be done? I would kind of hate to force the parent of my view controller to have to call a method in response to its child getting popped off the navigation stack.
The Apple guide to memory management says, No.
In short, don't use dealloc to manage resources.
You can do so in dealloc, or if you need the files around during app lifecycle, on your app delegate's applicationWillTerminate:. YMMV.
Do not try to do this in the dealloc method of your view controller.
What would happen if the view controller gets retained somewhere you're not expecting it? The dealloc method may not get fired, and you clean up never occurs. Maybe that's not the case in the code you're writing now, but something could change in the future.
Is there any specific reason you want to tie the deletion of files and closing of the DB connection to popping off the view controller? If not, perhaps you could do this immediately your query has completed, or it may make sense to open the DB connection on startup/foreground, and then close it on termination/backgrounding.
If you must tie it to view controller being popped off the nav stack, then you could call your clean-up method from viewDidDisappear:

What am I doing wrong with NSManagedObjectContext dependency injection?

I am trying to use NSManagedObjectContext dependency injection as recommended by Marcus Zarra -- I'm creating an M.O.C. in my AppDelegate and passing it as a retained property to each of my view controllers.
Generally this seems to work well, but in a modal table view controller that presents data via an NSFetchedResultsController, I only see what was in the database when the app was launched. That is, if the user adds data at runtime, it gets added correctly to the database, but does not appear when the modal ViewController is opened and the NSFetchedResultsController is created (using the injected NSManagedObjectContext). However, if I close the app and restart, then open the modal view controller, I do see the data added in the previous session.
Do I have to refresh the M.O.C. in some way prior to creating the NSFetchedResultsController? I am absolutely sure that the modal view controller and the NSFetchedResultsController are being created, and the fetch is being executed, AFTER the new user data has been entered.
To start, you should log the moc in both app delegate and your view controller to confirm that the moc in both places has the same address and is therefore the same object.
If it is, then most likely you've got an issue with the FRC's cache. Set the cache to nil and/or refresh the cache and see if that resolves it.