Recommendations for automated testing tools for Windows CE and PDA devices - testing

Is anyone out there aware of any good or even reasonable tools for automated testing on the Windows CE / mobile platforms. Potential tools that I am aware of include TestQuest, Countdown, SOTI pocket controller, and Eggplant. Are there any more that I have missed?
Alternatively, is anyone aware of a VNC or remote display tool for Windows mobile that replicates the Windows visual object hierarchy on the PC, rather than displaying the entire device as a single bitmap? If this could be done, mainstream desktop automation tools could be applied to Windows mobile.
N.B. I have already read this related question which is useful, but am looking for a viable off the shelf alternative. This post is following up on a number of related posts in the PDA/Embedded section of SQAforums.

I realize that your question is directly "are there tools to do the automated testing on CE", but have you considered perhaps aiming your automation at a version of the app which can be accessed from a standard desktop environment? In this way, you are open to all of the standard automation tools.
For example, I have worked on a few projects where we needed to perform automated testing for the device. In all cases, the RF device was really just a web browser connecting to a web based app. The same URL and simple forms could be plugged into a standard desktop browser and be automated by any of the usual automation toolsets. Automation never replaces manual testing, so what we did on those projects was automate regression testing of the same web interface that was used by the RF devices, but still do some sanity manual testing directly on the devices.
Also, with regards to the VNC/bitmap issue, I've been down that road before and agree that it is a nightmare. Using standard desktop UI automation on a VNC bitmap is not only unreliable and unmaintainable, but slow - in most tools, the CPU churns away searching the entire bitmap from top left to bottom right for the desired image. Really really slow.

Check Hopper, a test tool for Windows Mobile.


Hybrid desktop/modern ui apps

As far as I understand, Microsoft wants to allow "having both desktop and modern ui GUIs" only available for web browsers (am I mistaken here ?).
Does that mean common apps will be developped twice ? With e.g Skype being available both as pure desktop app and pure modern ui app ? And if a user installs both, these both instances will share no data ?
I can't imagine them doing a shift towards gesture friendly uis/hybrid ui, and leaving full blown desktop apps (not toy/phone-like/game apps, that can live in one space only) with no integration/entry points inside modern ui. Or maybe they want to participate in that "kill full-blown desktop apps" movement ?
So is there a model for a desktop app developped in whatever GUI toolkit, that wants to have some minimal integration with a small HTML/CSS/JS frontend in modern ui, like for e.g providing a dashboard of favorite or recently accessed files, contacts, etc ?
Your first statement of "only in a browser" is not correct. Desktop applications don't change their current design paradigms. You can have browser-based apps on the desktop, of course. But full clients are still supported and still viable as a real solution to problems.
Your takeaway from that comment should be that desktop applications are not deprecated as people assert. The reality is, desktop applications are still the only solutions to many problems.
Your second question of shared data is not correct. Skype shares lots of data with its app companion. Not because of shared local storage, however; it is because of the services that it shares. My account and contacts are on the server. So, they share a lot.
Your takeaway from that comment should be that Windows 8 apps should not highly leverage local storage but should be built as service-oriented clients. To that end, your desktop applications should have already started to leverage this architecture, too.
Your third question (which is very cryptic) seems to be asking if a desktop application and a companion Windows 8 app can share or integrate with each other. The answer is yes. Not only can they share the same service, but file associates, custom protocols, and some of the non-Store manifest capabilities allow for this explicitly. Line of business applications should have a companion app, if you ask me. The integration points are many - though not every. But there is no other way to leverage the new capabilities of Windows 8 without introducing a companion app - even if that app does very little.
Your takeaway from that comment should be that Windows desktop applications and companion Windows apps are the preferred and anticipated development approach.
Best of luck, thanks for the question.

Solution for a testing platform

We are looking for an automated testing software for our web application. We need to come up with a solution or software that our non-it staffs could write test cases as well as the developers.
For example I've run through some of them such as: SmartBear, National Instrument and IBM. Most of these guys are MS Windows based or commercial Linux distros which remove them from our list since we are all Debian based.
Any recommendation or guideline would be much appreciated.
Ps. We don't have any budget limit!
You're going to have a hard time getting tooling for non-technical testers to build test cases if you limit yourselves to Debian OS for developing and running the tests on. There's no reason you couldn't have a few Windows system to manage your test suites from -- those would run against your web site just fine, regardless of what stack it's hosted on. That would open you up to the tools you mentioned (and Telerik's Test Studio, the tool I help promote).
Those Windows systems could easily be run via whatever virtualization host you prefer, so you wouldn't even need physical systems to deal with that. You could easily share the same source control repository as your devs, too, since nearly every decent SCM has Windows clients.
If you're unwilling to consider having a few Windows boxes around for your testing, then you'll need to have a look at getting all your testers proficient in APIs and frameworks like WebDriver and Robot Framework. The Pages gem from Jeff Morgan (#chzy) in Ruby would be another option, as would Adam Goucher's Saunter (in Python).

Application framework to develop web and desktop applications?

Recently I was asked by someone if there is such a magic framework that will allow one let's say to design and build once a single library of controls and then use them separately to build web and desktop applications.
Does Google, Microsoft or other company have such a RAD framework and tools?
Depends on how you define a Web App. If you consider RIAs to be Web Apps, then yes...
Microsoft has Silverlight and Adobe has Flex/AIR.
Well, you can always go and look for adobe flex, adobe flash or even microsoft silverlight, which in the next version will support desktop applications as well.
Other types of frameworks currently do not build so well under desktop/web environments.. Take .NET for example, which can be used in so many set of environments, but there are limitations if you want to use it for mobile, web, desktop or XNA, everyone has his own set of tools.
That is mostly resumed in the capability of the desired environment, since you can browse a web page in an iphone, which does not have the same capabilities of a desktop or even laptop PC.
Seva is telling you how this is normally dealt with. MVC is a good start.
The Eclipse foundation offers Rich Client Platform vs Rich Ajax Platform - one allows you to build desktop apps, the other web-based apps, all using SWT concepts. I wouldn't describe it as magical though - the reality is it is much more difficult and I would not recommend RAP.
Adobe has AIR, and Google wants everybody write HTML5+JavaScript. both Chrome and FireFox can run those as standalone apps.
Were such thing to exist, it would produce lousy desktop apps and lousy Web apps. The underlying platforms and ideologies are too different. You'll do better by isolating as much of business logic away as possible, then building two separate clients.
EDIT: assuming that by a "Web app" you mean an HTML-based app, as opposed to something that happens to execute within a browser. For the latter option, you can have Flash, Silverlight, Java Applets, ActiveX controls... And for the vice versa, you can have a desktop app that opens a Web browser control and runs a Web app in it. :)
Microsoft has a Smart Client Factory that has a lot of built-in guidance packages that make development fairly quick and standardized.
It is entirely possible that I misunderstand this question, but if all you need, is the ability to seperate models an business logic into some kind of reusable library, just about any programming platform/language will do.
Java: keep models and business logic in seperate project, compiled to jar
.NET: keep models and business logic in seperate project, compiled to DLL
Python, Ruby, Perl: keep models and business logic in separate directory, and include as module
What are the requirements for the desktop application? On which platforms should it run? If Windows only, .NET seems like an obvious choice, otherwise Python and Qt or Java if you like to Swing.
I also would go for a Webservice and implement as much Business-Logic as possible in the Service. You can then build a very small Clinet in Html/JS, Java, .Net or Whatever.
You should choose that Framework you feel most familiar with.
If you are a .Net-Developer you can develop a WCF-Service (is also great with WP7).
For Java, i would choose Google-App-Engine or the Play-Framework.
And of course you can make a PHP-Webservice, for examble with the Flow-Framework
Check CrossUI RAD tool. It enables developers to rapidly develop and package the exactly same code and UI into Web Apps, Native Desktop Apps(Windows, OS X, Linux and UNIX) as well as Mobile Apps.

Deploying a networked browser compatibility testing system

I need to provide our web developers an easy and quick way to test their code on multiple browsers. Here's my current plan:
Get a Mac
Install Windows XP and Linux over VMWare
Install all possible major browsers on these OSes, including on the Mac and the god-forsaken IE6.
This will allow developers to use the system to test their applications.
But is it possible to give them some sort of desktop sharing tool, so they can test remotely... keeping in mind that the their systems can be windows, linux(linus?) or macs.
Or am I doing it all wrong?
There are a few viable options I have used:
Get hardware. If you develop on Macs and have an old Windows box laying around, you might as well use it. You then need to figure out how you are going to connect to it. I have used:
(a) remote control tool (like VNC) to
a shared box. At one company we had a
IE6 testing box we all VNCed into
(b) Synergy on my desktop (which
allows sharing keyboard and mouse)
(c) Walking
VMs. Some developers like this because they have everything on one box, and can take it with them. You'll probably need multiple VMs for different versions of Windows. I've done this with both Parallels and VMWare.
External service. #chotchki mentioned one, but there are many others.
My current favorite is 1b, but they are all workable.
To answer your question: VMs are a reasonable solution.
There a web service that already does this Browser Shots. You can also install the software on your own systems if you want to host your own.

Can we automate Application available under Citrix Program Neighbourhood?

I tried to automate an application available under Citrixl Program Neightbourhood using QTP 9.5, but QTP does not identify the objects inside the application. Can we automate citrix application using QTP?
What are different tools available to perform automation testing on Citrix applications?
I have used Scapa Technologies for Citrix ICA or Terminal Services testing. Scapa provides an automation tool that is installed on the Citrix server. Then it has a controller that launches the citrix session, communicates with the server and starts the automation tool which calls your automation script. It actually runs on the server so it can interact with the applications controls.
QTP supports Citrix only if it is installed on the Citrix machine, it doesn't support working via the client.
For technical reasons this is because QTP needs to be able to listen to windows messages and load its DLL's into some applications which it cannot do from a different machine.
Traditional tools generally do not work with applications running in remote desktop applications. The interfaces needed aren't available. Probably your only option is an image-based tool like Eggplant.
The difficulty with Citrix automation is that the applications are streamlined to the client computer as an image, thus you can not access to the UI tree of elements.
UiPath can automate very easy Citrix applications (also desktop or web) by using some image automation specific techniques like
clicking relative to an image
using OCR for text scraping
using keyboard hotkeys
click relative to a OCRed text
Here's a full tutorial showing different Citrix (or virtual desktops) automation techniques for
data entry
OCR data scraping
clicking and typing relative to an image or text
UiPath has an SDK that can be used from code.
The default will be to create visual automation (workflows) directly from UiPath Studio.
Note: I work at UiPath. You should also try other visual automation tools like Automation Anywhere, WinAutomation, QTP, Selenium, etc, use them side by side and choose the one that suits better your needs.
For what it's worth, I have automated a CITRIX application just as you described for a large telecommunications firm in the early 2000s. I did this by getting deep inside the Windows SendMessage APIs and an optical character recognition package. You would probably be astonished by how much data was moved from one system into another using my team's CITRIX/screen-scraping "robots." I came upon this question because I was reminiscing about this project and wondering if there was still a need for this type of solution in this day and age.
As Motti said You can't automate via Citrix client. In general Citrix client is hard to automate. I know that someone at my work played with it and he managed to catch some communication and objects that could be useful to automate tests via Citrix, but that would be separate development project to create such solution that could be very limited.
Via citrix QTP object recognition is totaaly different. QTP on remote machines works on objects based on location and reference so it is almost impossible to automate.
As per my experience this type of setup can be best handled using the Image recognition and/or OCR capable testing tools like eggplant but its not really suggested to have testing environment which includes Citrix. Another option could be to install an automation tool like AutoIT within the Citrix machine and trigger the scripts using the other tool (maybe Selenium but I am yet to try that out).