SQL Query without nested queries - sql

Let's say we have these tables;
table user:
- id
- username
- email
table user2group:
- userid
- groupid
table group:
- id
- groupname
How do I make one query that returns all users, and the groups they belong to (as an array in the resultset or something..)

select u.id, u.username, u.email, g.groupid, g.groupname
from user u
join user2group ug on u.userid=ug.userid
join group g on g.groupid=ug.groupid
order by u.userid
As you are looping through the result set, each time you see a new userid make a new user object (or whatever) and add the groups to it.

Eric's answer is great, but I would use a LEFT JOIN instead of an INNER to get users that do not belong to any group as well.
user u
LEFT JOIN user2group ug ON u.userid = ug.userid
LEFT JOIN group g ON g.groupid = ug.groupid

Both of the above are more or less correct (deepends if each user has a group or not). But they will also both give a result set with several entries for each user.
There are ways of concatenating every group member into one comma separated string, I'd suggest you read about it here:
Another method I personally like is to use bit values instead of the relational table user2group
table user then gets a int (or bigint) field group, and each group ID is assigned one bit value (ie: 1,2,4,8,16 and so on) The value of the user table's group field is then the sum of the groupID it's assigned to. To query if its got a group you do:
where (group AND groupID = groupID)


string_agg () is not working for Postgres sql when joining on multiple tables

I have to join user_name from user table where as first_name and last_names from user_profile table. Until here everything is fine, but when I try to fetch respective roles assigned from user_role tables it gives multiple rows for single user as 1 user can have multiple roles.
While trying to apply string_agg on role.names (so that multiple roles shown comma separated in single tuple), it gives each role in separate row.
Here is example query I am trying to run in postgresql:
SELECT users.user_name, user_profiles.first_name, user_profiles.last_name,
SELECT string_agg (roles.name, ',')
from roles
where roles.id in (
select user_roles.role_id where users.id = user_roles.user_id
) as name
FROM users
JOIN user_profiles ON users.id = user_profiles.user_id
JOIN user_roles ON user_roles.user_id = users.id
You must use GROUP BY clause in order to aggregate more than one record together within a group. That along with the unnecessary (I believe) nested SQL is leading you to wrong results.
Instead consider the following:
SELECT users.user_name, user_profiles.first_name, user_profiles.last_name,
string_agg (roles.name, ',') as name
FROM users
JOIN user_profiles
ON users.id = user_profiles.user_id
JOIN user_roles
ON user_roles.user_id = users.id
JOIN roles ON user_roles.role_id = roles.id
GROUP BY users.user_name, user_profiles.first_name, user_profiles.last_name
Online demo
You forgot a from in your innermost subquery:
SELECT users.user_name,
(SELECT string_agg (roles.name, ', ')
from roles
where roles.id
in ( select u.role_id
from user_roles u --this was missing
where users.id = u.user_id)) as name
FROM users
JOIN user_profiles
ON users.id = user_profiles.user_id
-- JOIN user_roles --you're already getting roles in the innermost query
-- ON user_roles.user_id = users.id;
without it, that subquery was just selecting one, current row's role_id, instead independently fetching of all roles for the user as you could've expected it to. See this demo.
Note that once this is fixed, you also need to get rid of the last join (commented out in my example) to avoid multiplying users for each of their roles - you're already getting their roles in the innermost subquery anyways.
It would be easier to use a regular group by:
select users.user_name,
string_agg(roles.name,', ')
from users
inner join user_profiles
on users.id=user_profiles.user_id
inner join user_roles
on user_roles.user_id=users.id
inner join roles
on roles.id=user_roles.role_id
group by 1,2,3;

SQL query to find out the number of tickets

I have two tables in MS Access.
Table 1: users
ID (auto int)
Table 2: tickets
ID (auto int)
userName (int) (refers to ID in users table)
How can I list the user names and the number of tickets submitted?
This should give you the results that you want. You will want to use an aggregate function COUNT() and a GROUP BY
SELECT u.name, count(t.username) TicketsSubmitted
FROM Users u
INNER JOIN tickets t
ON u.id = t.username
GROUP BY u.name
Count the tickets per user in a subquery, then list all the info per user.
SELECT u.Name AS UserName, t.ticketCount AS TicketsSubmitted
FROM users AS u
INNER JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(ID), userName AS ticketCount FROM tickets GROUP BY userName ) AS t
ON u.ID = t.userName
Should do it.
A make table query should allow you to query those two tables and create a third with the data you want.
The following link from the Microsoft Office website should give you the information you need.
The two answers above give solid advice for the query to get the data you want.

sql using count & group by without using distinct keyword?

I want to optimize this query
**SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Active = 1 AND UserId IN (SELECT UserId FROM Users_Roles WHERE RoleId IN (SELECT RoleId FROM Roles WHERE PermissionLevel >= 100)) ORDER BY LastName**
execution time became less wen i replace above query with joins as below,
**SELECT u.* FROM Users u INNER JOIN Users_Roles ur ON (u.UserId = ur.UserId) INNER JOIN Roles r ON (r.RoleId = ur.RoleId) WHERE u.Active = 1 AND r.PermissionLevel > 100 GROUP BY u.UserId ORDER BY u.LastName**
But the above query gives duplicate records since my roles table has more than one entry for every user.
I cant use DISTINCT since there is a function where i find count by replacing SELECT(*) FROM to SELECT COUNT(*) FROM to find count for pagination and then execute count query and result query
As we already known that count & GROUP BY is used together will result in bad output.
Now i want to optimize the query and have to find number of rows ie count for the query. Please give be better way find out the result.
It is difficult to optimise other peoples queries without fully knowing the schema, what is indexed what isn't, how much data there is, what your DBMS is etc. Even with this we can't see execution plans, IO statistics etc. With this in mind, the below may not be better than what you already have, but it is how I would write the query in your situation.
FROM Users u
( SELECT ur.UserID
FROM Users_Roles ur
ON r.RoleID = ur.RoleID
WHERE r.PermissionLevel > 100
) ur
ON u.UserId = ur.UserId
WHERE u.Active = 1
ORDER BY u.LastName

How to make a nested query?

Have a table users and there is a field invited_by_id showing user id of the person who invited this user. Need to make a MySQL query returning rows with all the fields from users plus a invites_count field showing how many people were invited by each user.
Something like this:
User.*, Count.count
users AS User,
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM users WHERE users.invited_by_id=User.id
) AS Count;
This one is not working so I need a working one.
FROM users ui
WHERE ui.invited_by_id = u.id
) AS cnt
FROM users u
Ok, first of all, count is a reserved word in sql so you can't use it as a table alias (unless you quote it in some way but don't do that). Secondly, the real way to solve this problem is to introduce a GROUP BY clause in your subquery.
Try this:
SELECT user3.*, subquery.theCount FROM
users AS user3
user1.id, count(user2.id) AS theCount
users AS user1
users AS user2 ON user2.invited_by_id=user1.id
GROUP BY user1.id
) AS subquery ON subquery.id=user3.id;
Here is a dirty little secret about MySQL: It lets you cheat with the GROUP BY statement and select columns that are not in the GROUP BY list and also not in aggregate functions. Other RMDMSes don't let you do this.
user1.*, count(user2.id) AS theCount
users AS user1
users AS user2 ON user2.invited_by_id=user1.id
GROUP BY user1.id;

Selecting records in SQL based on another table's contents

I'm a bit new to SQL and have trouble constructing a select statement. I have two tables:
Table users
int id
varchar name
Table properties
int userID
int property
and I want all user records which have a certain property. Is there a way to get them in one SQL call or do I need to first get all userIDs from the properties table and then select each user individually?
Use a JOIN:
SELECT U.id, U.name, P.property FROM users U
INNER JOIN properties P ON P.userID = U.id
WHERE property = 3
If there's only one property row per user you want to select on, I think this is what you want:
users.id = properties.userID
and properties.property = (whatnot);
If you have multiple property rows matching "whatnot" and you only want one, depending your database system, you either want a left join or a distinct clause.
Check out the JOIN command. You could write a query like the following:
users u
INNER JOIN properties p
ON u.id = p.userID
p.property = <some value>
You're looking to JOIN tables.
Assuming the id and userID columns have the same meaning, it's like this:
select u.name
from users u inner join properties p
on u.id = p.userID
where p.property = :ValueToFind
SELECT [Name] FROM Users u
JOIN Properties p on p.UserID=u.ID
WHERE p.Property=1
Obviously it depends what flavour of RDBMS and TSQL you are using.