OpenID authentication from an installed application - authentication

I'm currently planning a new web project. Clients are going to connect using a regular web browser and, in case of regular java-enabled cell phones, j2me client. I would really like to make use of the OpenID authentication. In case of regular web browser things are pretty straightforward. However, I am really not sure about installed applications (such as j2me client installed on a mobile device) - regular OpenID authentication is performed by entering username/password on a webpage of particular OpenID provider - which is quite a limitation :)
Has anyone coped with such a situation? Is it possible to create authentication mechanism to the site that uses OpenID from a mobile j2me client?
Currently, I think of solution that users who would like to connect from their mobiles download necessary j2me application from the server web site after they have authenticated themselves (regular browser authentication). The mobile client app could be assembled dynamically on the server with the SSL certificate embedded that is associated with particular logged in OpenID user. After that, j2me client could authenticate to the server without entering any username/password. The data that is going to be stored on the server is not THAT sensitive - considering cases of mobile phone thefts etc.
Can anybody come up with a better solution?

The best solution IMO for what you're doing is to use OAuth combined with OpenID. You're use of OpenID at the RP is fine. But for installed applications that need access to that web site, they should use OAuth to get authorized. The flow would work like this:
User installs app on their device
During install or on first launch, the app has an "Authorize me" button.
The user presses the button and a web browser pops up the web site that the client app needs to access data from.
User logs into that site using their OpenID
Site now asks "do you want to authorize client app X?"
User says yes and closes the browser.
The client app reappears and says "thanks." and now has the OAuth token necessary to access the user's data without the user ever logging in again.


Technology used to proceed with login from CMD or desktop application via web browser

Hello Stack Community.
I'm looking for formal name of technology/technique that's being used in Microsoft Azure CLI and in Epic Games Desktop application, that is responsible for delegation of authentication from target application to browser, where you perform OpenID Connect authentication and brings you back to target application: CLI App or Desktop App, where you can proceed as logged in user by using authentication you gained via browser.
The steps would be:
you launch target app (CLI, desktop app)
login attempt lets you choose oAuth OIDC via Google or so
selecting it opens default browser, where you proceed with login
You gain auth inside app you started from (CLI, dektop app)
In classic OIDC process you gaining your token in same app/browser environment, while here authorization is expected in app A, token is gained in web browser and afterwards there is possibility to re-use it in completely different application.
I'm wondering is this some particular OIDC extension, usage of some particular grant flow or just some particular hacky way of sharing token across entities?
I found one online resource here but my investigation don't confirm starting of any redirection URL localhost server for toke possession.
I'd appreciate any help in my investigation.

IdentityServer Offline Login Practices

I know this might be a very unusual question but I have been using IdentityServer 4 on .Net Core 2.1 for quite a while, serving all sorts of different APIs/Clients/Mobile Apps with connection to the internet at 'all times'.
Now I have encountered an interesting scenario where a User will have access to the internet and be able to authenticate with IdentityServer once but might not have access to internet after an X amount of time (X could be minutes/hours/days), but I still need to authenticate that user and login to use the 'offline features' of the app (even after closing the app).
I have thought about caching some credentials to then verify that the user is valid or using a system where I send an SMS code to then verify the user has the right phone (But that will only work if the app is on a mobile device, hence, not ideal). I'm still not set on any of the options.
I just wanted to ask if anyone else has encountered a similar problem like this, any suggestions would be appreciated. Please have in mind that the user may be logged out after using the app and still needs to be authenticated even if there is no internet connection. I like IdentityServer4 quite a lot, so I will prefer to keep it that way, and My App is developed using Xamarin Forms (iOS, Android, UWP), and the IdentityServer instance is on the cloud.
Thanks a lot for the help, any suggestion is appreciated.
Since only your service will know how to authenticate someone using their server-side credentials how about using the local secure platform features of the device (Secure Enclave, SafetyNet, whatever Windows does)?
The end result is that the user can use their already-configured PIN / fingerprint / faceprint to access your app, all backed by tamper-proof security hardware.
This also gives you the option to allow users to sign in only using their local credential by unlocking a previously stored refresh token. My banking app works like this for example - modern phones are really quite secure by default.
If you want to get fancy you could also enroll their device as a WebAuthn authenticator in your IdentityServer4 service and they could then use the same method to authenticate with the server when necessary.

What kind of application do I register for a web application that can run at an arbitrary URL?

We made a CMS that allows users to connect to Google Analytics via a connector. I'm in the process of porting this connector to OAuth2 and am wondering what kind of application I need to register.
The issue is that the CMS is installed by our clients at arbitrary URL so we don't know the complete set of redirect URLs that I would need to register a Web Server application. Google's OAuth won't let me redirect to an arbitrary URL that I pass in during the authorization request?
Would registering an installed application and then using the urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob special redirect URI be best? Seems like this allows the user copy/paste their authorization code from the browser back into our application.
Thanks in advance!
Indeed the installed application will allow users to copy and paste and not register. This is appropriate if the clients are end users of your application, and not say, configuring it as a plugin which will then provide web services to the client's users (where such users will then be prompted via the OAuth2 consent dialog). In the latter case you probably want to ask your clients to register their own web site as web application with Google and use a configuration tool for your CMS application to set the client's redirect URLs.
Why the distinction? Because in the first case the consent action is about your relationship with your clients, but in the latter case it expresses trust between your clients and their users. For instance, you don't want your CMS application to be disabled for abuse because one of your clients has misbehaved, as it'd affect all your clients. However, if you intermediated the consent you made it difficult for Google to understand the distinction.

How to authorize mobile apps with a third party by oauth BUT connect to my service, not the 3rd party

My app is architected as follows: I have a web service (running on GAE, not very relevant to this question) and the data that this service contains is made available through a website and through mobile and desktop apps.
Currently, the user authenticates to the website via Google ClientLogin and the apps authenticate/get authorized via GAE's built-in oauth provider. (OAuth is being used here mostly for authentication, my app doesn't actually use any external data via OAuth other than the user's unique ID and email address.)
What I'd like to do is expand the number of services that users can use to login. Because of the complicating factor of the apps, it seems I need OAuth. But I can't really properly conceptualize how this flow should go.
Lets take Facebook as an example. When a mobile app goes through the Facebook oauth flow and acquires an access token, this isn't enough - because its my service, not the app, that actually needs to talk to facebook to retrieve contact info and a unique user ID. This leads me to think that the OAuth process needs to happen in the context of my service, and not the mobile app. My service then becomes the consumer and Facebook the oauth providor, and the service holds on to the oauth access token, this happens when a user sets up their account for the first time.
If this is the correct approach, where does that leave authentication for the apps? What happens when the user already has an account and installs a fresh instance of a mobile app? I imagine also going through the oauth process, matching up credentials with the data already stored by my service, and then issuing my own "access token" to the app from the service, to authorize that instance of the app. This seems convoluted and hackish.
I'm sure I can't be the only person who is in effect "borrowing" the account system of a third party for a mobile app with a backend, but I really don't see what the proper way to do this is.
What am I not seeing and/or getting conceptually wrong?
A few colleagues and I once did a project quite similar in nature, back in university. We authenticated our users through either Facebook or Foursquare, using their respective OAuth APIs.
The native Android version of the app opened up a WebView with the OAuth provider's start page, which redirected back to our service after authentication. Then our service did a request for the OAuth token from the OAuth provider (Foursquare has some pretty simple instructions). When we got that token, we set up a session using cookies, which we could access from the app.
To validate sessions, we just checked whether the access token was still valid with the provider. We also used the respective providers' unique user IDs to distinguish users.
So yes, what worked for us is: Make the app authenticate & authorise your service, not the app itself.

Desktop applications and authentication... Is there a list of authentication options?

Several sites, including this one, are using OpenID to authenticate their users. And of course, OpenID is a good solution to manage user accounts, simply by linking them to their OpenID account.
But are there similar solutions that could be used for desktop applications? I know there's CardSpace, where you create a custom ID card to contain your identity and optionally protect it with a pincode. But are there more alternatives for authentications on a desktop system or on systems within a local intranet environment?
And yes, I can write my own system where I keep a list of usernames and (hashed) passwords and then build my own login system but I just hate to invent my own wheel, especially when I need to keep it secure.
I would recommend that you look into the option of building an STS (using WIF, aka Geneva) and use (active) WS-federation in your windows app. Or if you can wait that long, just use Geneva Server when that is released.
We have a solution that works more or less like this:
Desktop tool prompts the user for ID/password
Desktop tool sends the ID/password over an encrypted (SSL) channel to the server.
Server initiates an HTTP request to a known URL of a login form and inputs the username and password as if they were form fields.
If the HTTP server responds appropriately, the server accepts the client as authenticated.
The target of that HTTP request should be tied to whatever single sign-on system that you use for the web application environment. In our case it happens not to be OpenID but it could be.