Where best to instantiate and close a Silverlight-enabled WCF Service from the Silverlight app? - wcf

When using a Silverlight-enabled WCF service, where is the best place to instantiate the service and to call the CloseAsync() method?
Should you say, instantiate an instance each time you need to make a call to the service, or is it better to just instantiate an instance as a variable of the UserControl that will be making the calls?
Then, where is it better to call the CloseAsync method? Should you call it in each of the "someServiceCall_completed" event methods? Or, if created as a variable of the UserControl class, is there a single place to call it? Like a Dispose method, or something equivalent for the UserControl class.

You're better off just having an instance variable for the service. Creating and destroying the service for each call creates a lot of unnecessary overhead. Just create the variable and call the methods, no need to open it since this will be done automatically as of beta 2 (see section #5).
As for close, whether you try to close it for clean up probably depends on how your app is structured. If when the UserControl is closed the whole app is shutting down (the user closed the browser) then you probably don't need to explicitly close it since everything will get cleaned up when the Silverlight host closes. However, if you're creating lots of these user control and closing them while keeping the app open then you might want to create some kind of close method on your control that would clean up by calling CloseAsync.
If all the user controls use the same service, then you could just create a single service wrapper class that is used by all the controls that would handle calling the service. This would keep you from having to close the services when the controls unload as well.

In the case of 2 parallel event handlers in your SL client, you can do the following approach to make sure only one gets invoked:
Assume, we have a global client variable, App.Client, which is being used by everything in the app.
Now, control 1 needs to react on MyOperationCompleted, as does control 2.
Each control uses the eventhandler like this:
App.Client.MyOperationCompleted += Client_MyOperationCompleted;
void Client_MyOperationCompleted(object sender, MyOperationCompletedEventArgs e)
App.Client.MyOperationCompleted -= Client_MyOperationCompleted;
So if you subscribe to the event in one case, as soon as it returns, you remove the subscription to this event. If if you always stick to this, it's quite unlikely (however not impossible) that other controls react to the event. Note that this approach is not 100% concurrency safe. I'm still trying to come up with a really safe method for doing this. But it sure helps.


Change implementation of ninject dependency after singleton instantiation

So, I have a viewmodel class in a xamarin project that I inject some dependencies into via ninject binding on app start. One of these is an IDialogService.
When my MainPage in my application changes it raises a property changed event and I rebind the implementation of the dialog service since it is tied to the MainPage.
If my viewmodel has already been created with lets say DialogServiceA and then when MainPage changes we rebind to DialogServiceB, will my viewmodel be using service A or B? I think it is using A and therefore does not display in the UI because it is tied to a MainPage that no longer exists.
So, if this is the case how can I dynamically change my dialog service but then update classes that have already been instantiated without changing everything to get the current dialog service from the container every time its used (therefore not injecting it at all really, and doing more of a servicelocator)
Also, if this approach is completely wrong, set me straight.
You're right. Re-configuration of the container does not affect already instanciated objects.
If you want to change dependencies without re-instanciating the dependent (parent ViewModel) there's a few possibilities for you:
use a factory to instanciate the service every time. Implement an Abstract Factory (Site by Mark Seeman) or use Ninject.Extensions.Factory to do so
instead of injecting a service directly, inject an adapter. The adapter then redirects the request to the currently appropriate service. To do so, either all service can be injected into the adapter, or you can use a factory as with the possibility above.
instead of inject a service directly, inject a proxy. The proxy is quite similar to the adapter, but instead of coding every method / property redirection specifically, you code a generic redirect by an interceptor. Here's a tutorial on castle dynamic proxy
At the end of the day, however, i believe you'll also need a way to manage when to change the service / which it should be. There's probably a design alternative which doesn't rely on exchanging objects in such a manner.. which would make it an easier (and thus better?) design.
Edit: i just saw that you also tagged the question as xamarin-forms. In that case it most likely won't be an option to use either a dynamic proxy nor ninject.extensions.factory (it relies on dynamic proxies, too). Why? dynamic proxy / IL emitting is not supported on all platforms, AFAIR specifically on Apple devices this can't be done.

MTAThread attribute and winform app with multiple threads

I've done some reading on this at MSDN and around the web and now more confused than before.
I am working with a vb.net windows form application and wish to use multiple threads (but not multiple apartments).
Does this mean I need to set MTAThread attribute on the program entry point or not?
Some sources seem to indicate yes, some say a windows form app should be STA because of the COM objects, some say MTA will be set automatically when threads are created, some not... thoroughly confused now.
If I do need to set it can I do this without disabling the app framework and creating amodule to hold a Public Sub Main()?
I would consider puttin the TCPListener in a class object, with properties that the calling form can access, this class can have events your form can listen for and pass data to the UI - delegates maybe needed. The tasks could be class objects too and there can be a List(Of Task) Since they are class objects too they can now raise events which will be heard by it's owner that is listening for them. Any task that is being handled on a seperate thread will require delegates even with event raising.

PRISM and WCF - Do they play nice?

this is a more general "ugly critters in the corner" question. I am planning to start a project on WCF and PRISM. I have been playing around with PRISM some time know, and must say, I like it. Solid foundation for applications with nice possibilities to grow.
Now I want to incorporate WCF and build a distributed application, with one part on a server and two on the clients. It could be even the same machine, or not, depending on the scenario.
My idea is now to take the event concept from PRISM and extend it "over the wire" using WCF and callbacks, like described here WCF AlarmClock Callback Example.
I created a small picture to illustrate the idea (mainly for me), perhaps this makes things a little more clear:
The grey arrows stand for "using lib". The WCF-Event-Base meaning normal PRISM events, where the publish method is called "over the wire".
There are a few questions which come to mind:
Are there any existing known examples for such things?
What will be the best way to "raise" events over the wire?
Any possible problems with this concept (the ugly critters mentioned earlier)
Regarding the second question, I currently think about raising the events using a string (the type of the concrete event I want to raise) and the payload as argument. Something like public void RaiseEvent(string eventType, object eventPayload){} The payload needs to be serializeable, perhaps I even include a hashcheck. (Meaning if I raise e.g. an event with a picture as argument 10 times, I only transfer the picture once, afterwards using the hash to let the server use the buffer when publish)...
Ok, I think you get the idea. This "thing" should behave like a giant single application, using a kind of WCF_EventAggregator instead of the normal PRISM IEventAggregator. (wow, while writing I just got the idea to "simply" extend the IEventAggregator, have to think about this)...
Why do I write this? Well, for feedback mainly, and to sort my thoughts. So comments welcome, perhaps anything I should be "careful" about?
Client distribution
There should be an undefined number of client, the server should not be aware of clients. The server itself can be a client to itself, raising strongly typed PRISM events in other parts of the source code.
The main difference between a "client" and a "server" is the actual implementation of the WCF_PRISM connector, see next chapter...
Client Event raising (PRISM feature)
In PRISM, to raise simple events you do NOT even need a reference to a service interface. The IEventAggregator can be obtained via dependency injection, providing an instance of the desired event (e.g. WeatherChangedEvent). This event can be raised by simply calling eventInstance.Publish(23) because the event is implemented as public class WeatherChangedEvent : CompositePresentationEvent<int>
WCF - PRISM Connector
As simple as raising events is subscribing to events. Every module can subsribe to events using the same technique, obtaining a reference and using Subscribe to attach to this event.
Here is now where the "magic" should happen. The clients will include a prism module responsible for connecting PRISM events to "wcf message sends". It will basically subsribe to all available events in the solution (they are all defined in the infrastructure module anyway) and send out a WCF message in case an event is raised.
The difference between a SERVER and a CLIENT is the implementation of this module. There needs to be a slight difference because of two things.
The WCF setup settings
The flow of events to prevent an infinite loop
The event flow will be (example)
Client obtain ref to WeatherChangedEvent
wChanged.Publish(27) --> normal PRISM event raising
WCF_PRISM module is subscribed to event and
send this event to the server
Server internally gets instance of WeatherChangedEvent and publishes
Server calls back to all clients raising their WeatherChangedEvent
Open Points
The obvious point is preventing a loop. If the server would raise the event in ALL clients, the clients would call back to the server, raising the event again, and so on... So there needs to be a difference between an event caused locally (which means I have to send it to the server) and a "server caused event" which means I do not have to send it to the server.
Also, if a client has initiated the event itself, it does not need to be called by the server, because the event has already be raised (in the client itself, point 2).
All this special behaviour will be encapsulated in the WCF event raiser module, invisible from the rest of the app. I have to think about "how to know if event already published", perhaps a GUID or something like this would be a good idea.
And now the second big question, what was I was aiming at when telling about "strings" earlier. I do not want to write a new service interface definition every time I add an event. Most events in PRISM are defined by one line, especially during development I do not want to update the WCF_Event_Raising_Module each time I add an event.
I thought about sending the events directly when calling WCF, e.g. using a function with a signature like:
public void RaiseEvent(EventBase e, object[] args)
The problem is, I do not really know if I can serialize PRISM events that easy. They all derive from EventBase, but I have to check this... For that reason, I had the idea to use the type (as string), because I know the server shares the infrastructure module and can obtain its own instance of the event (no need to send it over the wire, only the arg)
So far till here, I will keep the question open for more feedback. Main new "insight" I just got: Have to think about the recursion / infite loop problem.
Btw. if anybody is completely confused by all this event talk, give PRISM a try. You will love it, even if you only use DI and Events (RegionManager e.g. is not my favorite)
This is a very interesting approach. I would say only two things here:
You are really asking for trouble if you use strings and object parameters. Strongly typed EventAggregator events (inheriting from CompositeEvent) are the way to go here. The maintainability will go way up if you do this.
Your model for your WCF -> EventAggregator should consider everything to and from the EventAggregator as an "event" and everything to/from the WCF services as "messages". What you should really consider is that you are essentially translating a EventAggregator event to a message, rather than asking the question "how do I raise WCF events".
I think what you are doing is feasible. Looking at your implementation I really like how you are thinking about it.
Slight Alternative (w/ strong typing)
I wanted to throw a little something out there and see what you thought about it... maybe it will influence your design slightly. Specifically this is meant to address my first point above and go even further with the strong-typing.
Have you considered having EventAggregator-backed implementations of your service interface? Let's say in your example you have an IWeatherService WCF service that you are working with. Currently, as I understand it, your usage will look something like this:
Client uses the WCF Event Client library and calls RaiseEvent("ChangeWeather", Weather.Sunny);
The WCF Event Client library translates this into the appropriate call to the WCF service waiting to receive this message, using the IWeatherService channel interface to do so. Probably with a big nasty switch statement based on the name of the method call.
Why not modify this slightly. Make IWeatherService a shared contract among all of the servers and clients. The servers will have the actual implementation, obviously, but the clients will have EventAggregator-backed implementations that go to a central broker that queues and sends messages to servers.
Write an EventAggregator-backed implementation of the IWeatherService that raises events to be received by a central message broker and throw that implementation in your container for clients to use.
public ClientWeatherService : IWeatherService
IEventAggregator _aggregator;
public ClientWeatherService(IEventAggregator aggregator)
_aggregator = aggregator;
public void ChangeWeather(Weather weather)
ChangeWeatherEvent cwEvent = _aggregator.GetEvent<ChangeWeatherEvent>();
From there, instead of using your "WCF Event Client Library" directly, they use the IWeatherService directly, not knowing that it doesn't call the actual service.
public MyWeatherViewModel : ViewModel
IWeatherService _weatherService;
public MyWeatherViewModel(IWeatherService weatherService)
_weatherService = weatherService;
Then, you'd have some event handler setup to make the WCF calls to the real service, but now you have the benefit of strong-typing from the clients.
Just a thought.
I really like this type of question. I wish more people would ask this kind of thing on Stackoverflow. Gets the brain moving in the morning :)
It seems like a complicated approach to the problem.
Are you raising the event from the Client application, or raising the events from the service using the callback contract? or both?
I would approach this with a simple service class in the client. It can implement the Callback contract, and for each callback method it can just raise a Prism event locally to any subscribers in the client. If you need to raise events that are handled by the service, then the service class can subscribe to those events and call the wcf service.
All you need really is a class that abstracts the details of the wcf service away from the client, and exposes it's interface through Prism events.
I personally wouldn't want to modify / extend the infrastructure component and create a dependency on the concrete wcf service.

Initial Event in Windows Console

I'm creating a Windows Console application written in VB.NET and I have a few processes that need to be called only once during the lifetime of the application. If it was an ASP.NET application, I put these in the Appliction_Start method of the Global.asax.vb file. Since there isn't a Global.asax.vb for Console applications, is there an event I could handle that allows me to call my functions before Main is called?
Is there a problem with just calling them first in main?
Main is the first method where you can grab the needed information / inizialize global stuff.
Why would you need an earlier point? The only thing that is different to Application_Start is that no other method is called automatically (unlike in a web application where the site is opened and the code executed).

How to ensure that the same thread is used to execute code in IIS?

We have a third party dll that is used in our web service hosted in IIS6. The problem is that once this dll is loaded into memory, the exception AccessViolationException gets thrown if a thread different then the one that created it tries to execute any code within the dll. The worker process is multi threaded and each call to the web service will get a random thread from the pool. We tried to unload it from memory and reload it each time we needed it, but I guess only the front end is .Net and the rest is unmanaged so it never actually gets completely unloaded from memory. We are using VB and .Net 2.0. Any suggestions?
(Response to Rob Walker)
We thought about creating a new thread and using it to call the dll, but how do we make the thread sit and wait for calls? How do you delegate the call to the thread without having the Dispatcher class supplied by .Net 3.0? Creating a hidden form and putting it in a message loop might work. And then we could call the Invoke() method of the form. But I can see many problems occurring if we create a form inside an IIS hosted web service.
I have read about a class in .net 3.0 called Dispatcher that allows you to put a thread in a loop and then call the method Invoke() using a delegate to execute a method using the thread. But this solution will not work if you cannot update to .Net 3.0. Another solution would be to host the third party dll in another application on the server and use some form of Remoting to access it. But you may still have a problem with the Remoting because it behaves similar to IIS and will also pick a random thread to execute the code . To get around this, you could put a wrapper around the dll and use it to delegate the calls to the UI thread by using the Invoke() method of the form.
I think you need to look at using a wrapper thread that handles all calls to the DLL, and deals with the serialization.
This thread is outside of the managed thread pool, so you control its lifetime. But even this would not be foolproof unless you can prevent IIS from restarting the app domain your web service is in.
You also need to worry about what happens when two web service requests come in at the same time. Is each call into the DLL standalone, or do you have to group together all the calls associated with a single web service request before allowing any other request to be serviced?
You could create a service that hosts the extra DLL. Via remoting you access the service, this will dispatch the calls the the thread that manages the DLL.
This way you have control over the thread that calls the DLL, and over the lifetime of the thread.
I'm a bit rusty, but you might try wrapping calls to the DLL in a single threaded apartment COM object. This would ensure that all calls go through the COM object's windows messaging thread. I think you would have to register the component in a server application within Component Services to do this.
Can you run the dll inside different threads as different instances? Like thread1 creates an instance of this third party dll, and thread2 also does, but as long as thread1 doesn't try to use thread2's instance it won't throw that exception? If thats the case, .Net never unloads any code once its loaded, if you load an assembly and then remove it, it still sits in that application pool. If you can create more than one instance at a time, you could load it up in a separate app pool you control per a request, then unload the app pool. Performance might drop though.