My Apache setup alongside IIS - apache

I am trying to learn PHP. I am having trouble getting Apache working correctly on my Vista Home Premium machine.
I have IIS7 running and I would like to have Apache running along with it. I was looking around on the web and some say that it would be fine having the two together as long as they are looking at different ports.
I left IIS looking listening on port 80 and I edited the httpd.conf file in the apache2triad/conf folder to listen on port 8080 and changed the server name to localhost:8080. When I go to localhost:8080/phpmyadmin the page that allows me to create a database looks like all the page styling is off so I know that something is already wonky.
I enter a database name and click the Create button, then receive a 404 error from IIS. It says that it is looking for a file at:
Requested URL:
Physical Path:
It's pointing to my inetpub folder but all of my PHP stuff is in the c:\apache2triad folder.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks.

If you want to get a URL from your Apache server, you need to use port 8080 instead of port 80 (which is where you say IIS is running) - so your URL should be http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin/db_create.php
As Shawn said, if you're not familiar with apache at all, you're probably better off setting up PHP under IIS - see


Mod wsgi and apache configuration

I'm facing the following issue: i've a public web server running on a given URL, say,
It uses apache2.
I've developed a python web app and I want to make it publicly accessible.
Locally, I use the command
mod_wsgi-express start-server
to start the server and everything works.
However, I would like to link only a specific URL to my app, such as mysite/my_test, leaving apache2 serving all the other requests.
In other words, I would like to set the server URL for mod_wsgi-express to mysite/my_test port 80.
By default I get Server URL: http://localhost:8000, and I would like to change this.
I've tried the --mount-point option, but I didn't see any difference.
I know I can change the apache configuration and adding WSGIScriptAlias but I'm facing multiple issues, so I'm searching for a quickest and easiest way.
Hope this is clear.

Use Windows 2016 server with Xampp to host more than 1 website

I have tried all kinds of things, read all answers, and configured the bananas out of it, but I cannot seem to get the following working:
A windows 2016 server with XAMPP, to host more websites than 1.
What have I done:
I have altered the httpd-vhosts.conf as described all over the web with allowing NameVirtualHost, and setting up virtual host with documentroot, servername etc.
I have pointed a domain with the a-record to this server
installed the latest XAMPP release to date
changed the windows hosts file, as described everywhere (
What works:
I can get the domain working on my server's browser. When I enter the specific it shows the hello world page I made in the specified folder. The domain resolves and shows the page that is in de directory accordingly
Besides that, the localhost of apache is also working, I have 2 sites working, but only on the browser of the server, on the machine itself.
What does not work:
Only 1 thing. when I want to access the domain from any other machine than the server (from outside so to say), it will not work, but when I ping the domain on my home-pc it resolves to the server.
I am at a loss. Been at this for hours, and beginning to question if it is even possible.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here, or if it is even possible to have more than 1 website to work on XAMPP and resolve form the outside?
Thank you in advance.
It was windows firewall that stopped all inbound connections. I finally figured it out!

Apache - hosts file point subdomain

I have a site I developed locally for a client. They have an existing live site (at I want to move the developed site to their server, but I want to test it on their server before it's live.
I thought I'd install the site in a sub directory on their server (, and then using my hosts file, make my browser think it's viewing the final live URL (
However, I've tried various combination of things in my hosts file, and I can't seem to get it to work. The server ip followed by the domain / sub-domain.
I'm running on MAMP on OSX. Anyone have experience with this?

Webserver cant find its own webaddress

I got a Windows Server 2008, with 2 webapplications running on it, and When Im not on my webserver, the urls works fine, but they doesnt work when my server request those urls. However, localhost works on webserver. The server can also reach other websites just fine.
Now I need to be able to talk to, but since my server doesnt want to talk to itself, it wont work. How can I solve this?
Strange. This is hacky, but I'd edit your hosts file to point those two domains to localhost (
The windows hosts file should be in :
There should be an example in there. Just add two lines for those two addresses.

Basic apache server, mapping, to

I'm working on this project where the client has a virtual server setup. I installed apache and such and got everything working fine on localhost. But in order for it to show up on the internets, the people that run this virtual server needs me to:
"If you try and reach you do not come to the index page but if you do localhost the index page is shown. You need to configure so that it listens to it´s Local IP"
Now I am kinda new to this court (I am just a simple webdev that likes to put everything together localhost and uploads his stuff with regular ftp). I bet the answer is simple, but their hotline is closed because they are accross the atlantic. Can someone tell me how to go round and do this? (I am almost blushing because for my not knowing). The virtual server is running on Windows 2003 OS
I believe you should find it relatively easy to do: Listen Directive
Go to the httpd.conf file in your apache/conf dir and change the port and address in the listen directive as:
Don't forget to restart the service.