Accessing more than one data provider in a data layer - nhibernate

I'm working on a business application which is being developed using DDD philosophy. Database is accessed through NHibernate and data layer is implemented using DAO pattern.
The UML class diagram is shown below.
UML Class Diagram
I don't know the design is good or not. What do you think?
But the problem is not the design is good or not. The problem is after starting up the application an IDaoFactory is instantiated in presentation layer and send as parameter to presenter classes(which is designed using MVC pattern) as below
IDaoFactory daoFactory = new NHibernateDaoFactory(); //instantiation in main class
SamplePresenterClass s = new SamplePresenterClass(daoFactory);
Using just one data provider (which was just one database) was simple. But now we should get data from XML too. And next phases of the development we should connect to different web services and manipulate incoming and outgoing data.
The data from XML is going to be got using a key which is an enum. We add a class named XMLLoader to the data layer and add an interface ILoader to the domain. XMLLoader has a method whose signature is
List<string> LoadData(LoaderEnum key)
If we instantiate ILoader with XMLLoader in presentation layer as below we have to send it to objects which is going to get some XML data from data layer.
ILoader loader = new XMLLoader();
SamplePresenterClass s = new SamplePresenterClass(daoFactory, xmlLoader);
After implementing web service access classes
SamplePresenterClass s = new SamplePresenterClass(daoFactory, xmlLoader, sampleWebServiceConnector1, sampleWebServiceConnector2, ...);
The parameters is going to be grown in time. I think i can hold all instances of data access objects in a class and pass it to required presenters (maybe singleton pattern can helps too). In domain layer there must be a class like this,
public class DataAccessHolder
private IDaoFactory daoFactory;
private ILoader loader;
public IDaoFactory DaoFactory
get { return daoFactory; }
set { daoFactory = value; }
In main class the instantiation can be made with this design as follows
DataAccessHolder dataAccessHolder = new DataAccessHolder();
dataAccessHolder.DaoFactory = new NHibernateDaoFactory();
dataAccessHolder.Loader = new XMLLoader();
SamplePresenterClass s = new SamplePresenterClass(dataAccessHolder);
What do you think about this design or can you suggest me a different one?
Thanks for all repliers...

IMO, it would be cleaner to use a "global" or static daoFactory and make it generic.
DaoFactory<SamplePresenterClass>.Create(); // or
DaoFactory<SamplePresenterClass>.Create(id); // etc
Then, you can define DaoFactory<T> to take only, say, IDao's
interface IDao
IDaoProvider GetProvider();
interface IDaoProvider
IDao Create(IDao instance);
void Update(IDao instance);
void Delete(IDao instance);
Basically instead of passing every constructor your DaoFactory, you use a static generic DaoFactory. Its T must inherit from IDao. Then the DaoFactory class can look at the T provider at runtime:
static class DaoFactory<T> where T : IDao, new()
static T Create()
T instance = new T();
IDaoProvider provider = instance.GetProvider();
return (T)provider.Create(instance);
Where IDaoProvier is a common interface that you would implement to load things using XML, NHibernate, Web Services, etc. depending on the class. (Each IDao object would know how to connect to its data provider).
Overall, not a bad design though. Add a bit more OO and you will have a pretty slick design. For instance, each file for the XmlEnums could be implemented as IDao's
class Cat : IDao
IDaoProvider GetProvider()
return new XmlLoader(YourEnum.Cat);
// ...


Google Guice runtime dependency injection

I am looking for a way to dynamically select the correct dependency during runtime using google guice.
My usecase is a kotlin application which can work with either sqlite or h2 databases depending on the configuration file provided.
The file is read when the application is executed and if the database is not found, the correct one is created and migrated into.
My database structure contains the Database (Interface), H2Database: Database, SQLiteDatabase: Database and the module binding class which looks like this:
class DatabaseModule: KotlinModule() {
override fun configure() {
So far, with SQlite alone, I would simply request the dependency using:
private lateinit var database: Database
How would I make this selection during runtime?
Without knowing too much about the specific of your code, I'll offer three general approaches.
(Also, I have never used Kotlin. I hope Java samples are enough for you to figure things out.)
First Approach
It sounds like you need some non-trivial logic to determine which Database implementation is the right one to use. This is a classic case for a ProviderBinding. Instead binding Database to a specific implementation, you bind Database to a class that is responsible providing instances (a Provider). For example, you might have this class:
public class MyDatabaseProvider.class implements Provider<Database> {
public MyDatabaseProvider.class(Provider<SQLiteDatabase> sqliteProvider, Provider<H2Database> h2Provider) {
this.sqliteProvider = sqliteProvider;
this.h2Provider = h2Provider;
public Database get() {
// Logic to determine database type goes here
if (isUsingSqlite) {
return sqliteProvider.get();
} else if (isUsingH2) {
return h2Provider.get();
} else {
throw new ProvisionException("Could not determine correct database implementation.");
(Side note: This sample code gets you a new instance every time. It is fairly straightforward to make this also return a singleton instance.)
Then, to use it, you have two options. In your module, you would bind Database not to a specific implementation, but to your DatabaseProvider. Like this:
protected void configure() {
The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to know the correct database implementation until Guice tries to construct an object that requires Database as one of its constructor args.
Second Approach
You could create a DatabaseRoutingProxy class which implements Database and then delegates to the correct database implementation. (I've used this pattern professionally. I don't think there's an "official" name for this design pattern, but you can find a discussion here.) This approach is based on lazy loading with Provider using the Providers that Guice automatically creates(1) for every bound type.
public class DatabaseRoutingProxy implements Database {
private Provider<SqliteDatabse> sqliteDatabaseProvider;
private Provider<H2Database> h2DatabaseProvider;
public DatabaseRoutingProxy(Provider<SqliteDatabse> sqliteDatabaseProvider, Provider<H2Database> h2DatabaseProvider) {
this.sqliteDatabaseProvider = sqliteDatabaseProvider;
this.h2DatabaseProvider = h2DatabaseProvider;
// Not an overriden method
private Database getDatabase() {
boolean isSqlite = // ... decision logic, or maintain a decision state somewhere
// If these providers don't return singletons, then you should probably write some code
// to call the provider once and save the result for future use.
if (isSqlite) {
return sqliteDatabaseProvider.get();
} else {
return h2DatabaseProvider.get();
public QueryResult queryDatabase(QueryInput queryInput) {
return getDatabase().queryDatabase(queryInput);
// Implement rest of methods here, delegating as above
And in your Guice module:
protected void configure() {
// Bind these just so that Guice knows about them. (This might not actually be necessary.)
The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to be able to know which database implementation to use until you actually make a database call.
Both of these approaches have been assuming that you cannot instantiate an instance of H2Database or SqliteDatabase unless the backing database file actually exists. If it's possible to instantiate the object without the backing database file, then your code becomes much simpler. (Just have a router/proxy/delegator/whatever that takes the actual Database instances as the constructor args.)
Third Approach
This approach is completely different then the last two. It seems to me like your code is actually dealing with two questions:
Does a database actually exist? (If not, then make one.)
Which database exists? (And get the correct class to interact with it.)
If you can solve question 1 before even creating the guice injector that needs to know the answer to question 2, then you don't need to do anything complicated. You can just have a database module like this:
public class MyDatabaseModule extends AbstractModule {
public enum DatabaseType {
private DatabaseType databaseType;
public MyDatabaseModule(DatabaseType databaseType) {
this.databaseType = databaseType;
protected void configure() {
if (SQLITE.equals(databaseType)) {
} else if (H2.equals(databaseType)) {
Since you've separated out questions 1 & 2, when you create the injector that will use the MyDatabaseModule, you can pass in the appropriate value for the constructor argument.
The Injector documentation states that there will exist a Provider<T> for every binding T. I have successfully created bindings without creating the corresponding provider, therefore Guice must be automatically creating a Provider for configured bindings. (Edit: I found more documentation that states this more clearly.)

Access to container of Simple Injector MVC views

In a Sitecore project I've integrated Simple Injector using this article
It uses sitecore pipelines and then uses a method in App_start
namespace BBC.App_Start
public class SimpleInjector : IPackage
public void RegisterServices(Container container)
container.Register(() => new SitecoreContext(), Lifestyle.Scoped);
container.Register(() => new Container(), Lifestyle.Singleton);
Simply I can inject container into controller constructor but can't have container in View files.
I tried to declare a static property in App-start and save container to it. but still I'm getting no registration type in Views
What is the best way to have container object in views?
As Stephen suggests in his comment, the literal answer to your question is "you shouldn't do that - because it's not really the way MVC and DI are supposed to work". The more detailed answer goes something like this:
The job of your view is to present data that it has been passed via the Model. Views should not really contain logic. Very simple stuff like "if flag is false, hide this block of mark-up" is ok, but the more complex code to work out what the value of the flag is shouldn't be in the view.
MVC tries to make our website code better by encouraging you to separate presentation (the View) from data (the Model) and logic (the Controller). This should make our code easier to work with - So if you have processing that needs doing, then it should really be happening when your controller method runs.
If your view requires some special data, best practice suggests it should work it out in the controller method and pass it to the view in the model. The code might look more like this:
public class MyModel
public string SpecialData { get; set; }
public class MyController : Controller
public ActionResult DoSomething()
// do whatever processing is needed
var somethingCalculate = resultFromYourOtherObject();
// do other stuff
var model = new MyModel() { SpecialData = somethingCalculated };
return View(model);
And then the View just needs to accept the MyModel class as its model, and render the SpecialData property - no logic required.
I think also it's considered a bad idea to have calls to fetch objects from your DI container spread about your codebase. For MVC apps, generally your DI container gets wired in to the process of creating a controller for a request when the app starts up. Rather than passing about a DI Container into your controllers, the DI framework extends the Controller-creation process, and the container isn't exposed outside of this. When the MVC runtime needs to create a controller, the controller-creation logic uses the DI framework to fetch objects for all the controller's dependencies.
Without more detail about what you actually want to achieve, it's difficult to say what the "right" approach to creating your object(s) here is, but the two most common patterns are probably:
1) Constructor injection: Your controller has a parameter which accepts the object required. The DI container creates this object for you at the point where it creates the controller, so your controller gets all its dependencies when it is created. Good for: scenarios where you know how to create the object at the beginning of the request.
public interface IMySpecialObject
string DoSomething();
public class MyController : Controller
private IMySpecialObject _specialObject;
public MyController(IMySpecialObject specialObject)
_specialObject = specialObject;
public ActionResult RenderAView()
// do some stuff
var data = _specialObject.DoSomething();
return View(data);
As long as IMySpecialObject and a concrete implementation for it are registered with your DI container when your app starts up, all is well.
2) Factory classes: Sometimes, however, the object in question might be optional, or it might require data that's not available at controller-creation time to create it. In that case, your DI framework could pass in a Factory object to your controller, and this is used to do the construction of the special object later.
public interface ISpecialFactory
ISpecialObject CreateSpecialObject(object data);
public class MyController : Controller
private IMySpecialFactory _specialFactory;
public MyController(IMySpecialFactory specialFactory)
_specialFactory = specialFactory;
public ActionResult RenderAView()
// do some stuff
if( requireSpecialObject )
var data = getSomeData();
var specialObject = _specialFactory.CreateSpecialObject(data);
var data = _specialObject.DoSomething();
return View(data);
return View("someOtherView");
But a good book on using DI may suggest other approaches that fit your specific problem better.

Model-Service decoupling: what if my model needs a service?

The Service layer is supposed to be on top of the Model layer. As such, models are not supposed to call services.
However, I'm facing a situation where I need to, for example:
interface Component {
class Number implements Component {
private value;
public getResult() {
return value;
class Addition implements Component {
private component1;
private component2;
public getResult() {
return component1->getResult() + component2->getResult();
class ConstantFromExternalSource implements Component {
private identifier;
public getResult() {
// call a service for fetching constant identified by identifier
Here, my model needs to access an external data source through a Service (webservice or not).
How am I supposed to do in this situation? Is it OK to call a service in the model?
If you suggest to move away the "getResult" method from the model and put it into the "ComponentService", I would disagree because I would then loose all the advantages of OOP (and here my model makes a tree that needs to be recursively resolved, so OOP is the best solution).
You can achieve this in several ways.
First of all you can extract your model's dependency in separate interface like:
interface CustomService {
class ExternalService implments CustomService
getResult() { // access web service }
And then inject that dependency into the model:
class ConstantFromExternalSource implements Component {
private identifier;
private CustomService service;
ConstantFromExternalSource(CustomService service)
this.service = service;
public getResult() {
// call a service for fetching constant identified by identifier
return service.getResult();
Another way to achieve this is to use Observer Design Pattern and notify higher level abstractions that you need something from them.
In both ways you can decouple you model from concrete implementation of the service layer.
I would have the external source return directly the constant as a Component. I wouldn't couple the ConstantFromExtenralSource class to a service, not even as the interface, because the class (at least in this form) does nothing but call the service.
However if the external source returns some data that needs to be wrapped up in the ConstrantFromExternalSource class, I'd just push the data into the object via the constructor.
In a nutshell, if the model is just an abastraction to get data from an external source, just use a Repository to actulally get the data and to return a model if the external source won't return directly the object you need.
Is it OK to call a service in the model?
Depends on what kind of service. As far as DDD goes,
The domain should definitely not know about the underlying application layer services that consume the domain.
Domain layer services are not much of a problem since they are part of the same layer.
In contrast, Infrastructure layer services have to be injected into your domain objects and their interfaces must be declared in the domain layer if you want loose coupling between domain and infrastructure (same as with repository interfaces/implementations). Sergey has a good implementation of this.

What is the correct way to use Unit of Work/Repositories within the business layer?

Having built a small application using the Unit of Work/Repository pattern, I am struggling to understand how to use this properly within my business layer. My application has a a data access layer which can be either NHibernate or the Entity Framework. I can switch between these easily.
I have a number of repositories, for example, Customer, Order etc. My unit of work will be either an ISession or an Object Context depending on which DAL I want to test with.
My business layer contains a single business method - CreateOrder(). What I am struggling to understand is where in the business layer I should be initialising my unit of work and my repositories.
Focusing on Nhibernate, my DAL looks like:
public class NHibernateDAL : IUnitOfWork
log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(NHibernateDAL));
ISession context;
public NHibernateDAL()
context = SessionProvider.OpenSession();
public ISession Context
get { return context; }
public void Commit()
public void Dispose()
ISession session = CurrentSessionContext.Unbind(SessionProvider.SessionFactory);
Within my business layer, I want to know where I should be declaring my Unit of Work and repositories. Are they declared at class level or within the CreateOrder method?
For example:
public class BusinessLogic
UnitOfWork _unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(NHibernateDAL);
NhRepository<Order> _orderRepository = new NhRepository<Order>(_unitOfWork);
NhRepository<Customer> _customerRepository = new NhRepository<Customer>(_unitOfWork);
public void CreateOrder(.....)
Order order = new Order();
The above code works only for the first time the CreateOrder() method is called, but not for subsequent calls because the session is closed. I have tried removing the 'context.Close()' call after committing the transaction but this also fails. Although the above approach doesn't work, it seems more correct to me to declare my repositories and unit of work with this scope.
However, if I implement it as below instead it works fine, but it seems unnatural to declare the repositories and unit of work within the scope of the method itself. If I had a tonne of business methods then I would be declaring repositories and Units of Work all over the place:
public class BusinessLogic
public void CreateOrder(.....)
UnitOfWork _unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(NHibernateDAL);
var _orderRepository = new NhRepository<Order>(_unitOfWork);
NhRepository<Customer> _customerRepository = null;
Order order = new Order();
If I were to implement this with class level declaration then I think I would need some means of re-opening the same unit of work at the start of the CreateOrder method.
What is the correct way to use the unit of work and repositories within the business layer?
Looks to me like you've almost got it. In our new server stack I have this setup:
WCF Service Layer --> just returns results from my Business Layer
My business layer is called, creates a unitofwork, creates the respository
Calls the respository function
Uses AutoMapper to move returned results into a DTO
My repository gets the query results and populates a composite object.
Looks almost like what you've got there. Though we use Unity to locate what you call the business layer. (we just call it our function processor)
What I would highly suggest, though, is that you do NOT keep the UnitOfWork at the class level. After all each descreet function is a unit of work. So mine is like this (the names have been changed to protect the innocent):
using ( UnitOfWorkScope scope = new UnitOfWorkScope( TransactionMode.Default ) )
ProcessRepository repository = new ProcessRepository( );
CompositionResultSet result = repository.Get( key );
scope.Commit( );
MapData( );
return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<ProcessSetDTO>( result );
We also had a long discussion on when to do a scope.Commit and while it isn't needed for queries, it establishes a consistent pattern for every function in the application layer. BTW we are using NCommon for our repository/unitofwork patterns and do not have to pass the UoW to the repository.
Your IUnitOfWork implementation contains all repositories.
Your IUnitOfWork is injected into your presentation layer like mvc controller.
Your IUnitOfWork is injected into mvc controller.
Your IRepository is injected into your UnitOfWork implementation.

Sending an Interface definition over the wire (WCF service)

I have a WCF service that generates loads Entity Framework objects (as well as some other structs and simple classes used to lighten the load) and sends them over to a client application.
I have changed 2 of the classes to implement an interface so that I can reference them in my application as a single object type. Much like this example:
Is it Possible to Force Properties Generated by Entity Framework to implement Interfaces?
However, the interface type is not added to my WCF service proxy client thingymebob as it is not directly referenced in the objects that are being sent back over the wire.
Therefore in my application that uses the service proxy classes, I can't cast or reference my interface..
Any ideas what I'm missing?
Here's some example code:
//ASSEMBLY/PROJECT 1 -- EF data model
namespace Model
public interface ISecurable
long AccessMask { get; set; }
//partial class extending EF generated class
//there is also a class defined as "public partial class Company : ISecurable"
public partial class Chart : ISecurable
private long _AccessMask = 0;
public long AccessMask
get { return _AccessMask; }
set { _AccessMask = value; }
public void GetPermission(Guid userId)
ChartEntityModel model = new ChartEntityModel();
Task task = model.Task_GetMaskForObject(_ChartId, userId).FirstOrDefault();
_AccessMask = (task == null) ? 0 : task.AccessMask;
//ASSEMBLY/PROJECT 2 -- WCF web service
namespace ChartService
public Chart GetChart(Guid chartId, Guid userId)
Chart chart = LoadChartWithEF(chartId);
chart.GetPermission(userId); //load chart perms
return chart; //send it over the wire
Interfaces won't come across as separate entities in your WSDL - they will simply have their methods and properties added to the object that exposes them.
What you want to accomplish you can do using abstract classes. These will come across as distinct entities.
Good luck. Let us know how you decided to proceed.