How to refresh an access form - vba

I am building an MS Access application in which all the forms are modal. However, after data change in a form, I want to refresh the parent form of this form with newer data. Is there any way to do it. To elaborate further :
Consider there are two forms, Form A and Form B. Both are modal form. From Form A, I initiate Form B, and now Form B has the user attention. But at the close of form B, I want to refresh the Form A. Is there a way to do it?

You can repaint and / or requery:
On the close event of form B:
Is this what you mean?

No, it is like I want to run Form_Load
of Form A,if it is possible
-- Varun Mahajan
The usual way to do this is to put the relevant code in a procedure that can be called by both forms. It is best put the code in a standard module, but you could have it on Form a:
Form B:
Sub RunFormALoad()
End Sub
Form A:
Public Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Sub ToDoOnLoad()
txtText = "Hi"
End Sub

"Requery" is indeed what you what you want to run, but you could do that in Form A's "On Got Focus" event. If you have code in your Form_Load, perhaps you can move it to Form_Got_Focus.

I recommend that you use REQUERY the specific combo box whose data you have changed AND that you do it after the Cmd.Close statement. that way, if you were inputing data, that data is also requeried.
you might also want to point to the recently changed value
Dim id As Integer
id = Me.[Index_Field]
Forms![Form_Name]![Combo_Box_Name] = id
this example supposes that you opened a form to input data into a secondary table.
let us say you save School_Index and School_Name in a School table and refer to it in a Student table (which contains only the School_Index field). while you are editing a student, you need to associate him with a school that is not in your School table, etc etc

to refresh the form you need to type -
in the button event on click


How to Open new form and insert ID from first form, Access [duplicate]

So I have a form titled "NewInvoice". This form edits a table "Invoice" which contains the following; Invoice Number, Customer, Order Date. In this form I have a button which opens a subform titled "InvoiceItem". This edits a table with the same name that contains Invoice Number, Item Code, Dimensions, Etc.
Now currently, my button has an event procedure as follows.
Private Sub CreateInvoiceItem_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "InvoiceItem", OpenArgs:="InvoiceNumber"
End Sub
(The reason I am using a button and opening the form in a separate window is because I have cascading combo boxes in the sub form that become broken when I insert the sub form into the parent form)
Now where I am having trouble is setting the Form Load command. What I would like to occur is that the InvoiceNumber which is filled out in the Parent form auto fills in the sub form when the button is clicked.
Private Sub Form_Load()
**** NEEDED CODE****
End Sub
So try fixing the comboboxes as described in comment under question. Also, recommend code to requery the dependent combobox be in its GotFocus event. Keep in mind, cascading combobox with lookup alias will not work nice in continuous or datasheet form.
If you really want to pass value to independent form, the OpenArgs is a good approach.
Probably need to open the form to a new record row.
DoCmd.OpenForm "InvoiceItem", , , , acFormAdd, acDialog, Me!InvoiceNumber
Need code that makes sure the form is on a new record.
Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.NewRecord Then Me!InvoiceNumber = Me.OpenArgs
End Sub
I find that the best way to do this is to add a Public sub to the form that you're opening and then pass whatever parameters you need to this function when you open the form. So to do what you're looking to do add a function like this to the form that you're opening;
Public Sub SetUpForm(InvoiceNumber as Long)
txtInvoiceNumber.Value = InvoiceNumber
End Sub
Where txtInvoiceNumber is the control on the form that you want to put the value into.
Then from your button;
DoCmd.OpenForm "InvoiceItem"
Forms!InvoiceItem.SetUpForm InvoiceNumber
This will pass your value for the invoice number to the control on the form that you're opening. This also gives you a lot more flexibility to control the process because you can pass more than one parameter to the sub and in the sub you can perform any number of tasks.

MS Access one form to select table values and use to populate multiple fields on other form?

I have a table called GL_Account and IM_Productline
The table IM_Productline has various fields that need to be populated with a value from the field GL_Account.AccountKey (i.e. IM_ProductLine.InventoryAcctkey and IM_ProductLine.CostOfGoodsSoldAcctKey)
To populate the IM_ProductLine table I made a form "Product Line Maintenance" with all the fields. To populate the field IM_ProductLine.InventoryAcctkey I put a (magnifying glass) button behind the field with the following code:
Private Sub CMD_Select_GL_Account_Click()
If IsNull(Select_ProductType) Then
'do nothing
Forms![Product Line Maintenance].InventoryAcctkey = Me.SelectGLAccountKey.Column(0)
Forms![Product Line Maintenance].Refresh
End If
End Sub
So the button opens a form Called "Select GL Account" with a combo box that enable to SELECT GL_Account.AccountKey, GL_Account.Account, GL_Account.AccountDesc
FROM GL_Account; and when the OK button is clicked it writes the value from GL_Account.AccountKey to IM_ProductLine.InventoryAcctkey, closes the form "Select GL Account" and then refreshes the form "Product Line Maintenance" so the account number and description become visible for the user.
This all work fine but here's my question:
Now rather than creating a new form for every account field I need to populate (i.e. "Select Inventory GL Account" select "Cost Of Goods Sold GL Account" etc) I'd prefer to use the form "Select GL Account" to select and populate the 11 different account fields. So behind each xxxAcctkeyfield on form "Product Line Maintenance" is a (magnifying glass) button that when clicked pulls up the form "Select GL Account" and when "OK" is clicked it writes the selected AccountKey to the correct field on form "Product Line Maintenance"?
I'd greatly appreciate anyone's efforts to understand what I am trying to explain and point me in the right direction.
Ok, there is the issue that all 11 fields should not require to be "copied" since you have a relational database (you would ONLY store the row PK ID of that selection in the current report. (a so called FK (foreign key) value). That way, say you want to change the choice? Well then you could pop up that form - search + select the one record with all that information, and then upon return ONLY store the one value.
So, I would give some thoughts to the above - you want to leverage the relational database features. And as a result, you don't need to "copy" all that data. This is not much different then say creating a invoice. I can create the new invoice, but all of the address information, and the customer that this ONE invoice belongs to? Well, that is one column with a FK value that points to the customer. Once I select that one customer, then display of the customer name + address can be say a sub form or some such - but no need exists to "copy" that information. It would also means with near zero code, you could move a invoice between customers!!! - (just change the one fk column with to the new/different customer ID (PK) value.
Now, back to the question at a hand?
You can certainly pop up a form, let the user select, enter, pick and do whatever. And THEN you can have the calling code grab + pick out the values from that form.
The way you do this? It involves a not too wide known trick.
The code that calls the form can simply open that form as a dialog form. This will HALT the calling code, the user does whatever, and when done the calling code will THEN continue. Not only does the calling code continue, but it can get/grab/pull/take any values from that pop up form WIHOUT having to use global vars.
The approach is thus thus:
dim strF as string
strF = "frmPopAskInfo"
docmd.OpenForm strF,,,,,,acDialog
' above code waits for user input
if application.AllForms(strF).IsLoaded = true then
' user did not cancel, get values from form
me!AccountNo = forms(strf)!AccountNumber
etc. etc. etc.
docmd.Close acForm,strF
end if
Now the only other issue? Well, the "ok" button on the popup for DOES NOT close the form, what it does is set visible = False. This will kick the form out of dialog mode.
me.Visible = False
So, if the user hits the cancel buttton (close form) or hits the X upprer right (close form), then the form will NOT be loaded when your calling code continues. But, if they hit OK button, then you don't close the form, but ONLY set visbile = false.
This allows the calling code to continue, you are free to get/grab/take values from that form, and then once done, you close the form.
So a form close in that popup = user canceled the form.
So, a popup form, and even a modal form? They do NOT halt the VBA calling code, but a acDialog form does!
You can thus place 2 or 5 little buttons that pops up this form, the user can pick/choose/select/enter values. When they hit ok, your calling code continues, and you are free to pull values from that form. So while all 3-4 buttons might pop up that form, each individual button launch of the form can have code that follows and updates the given control the pop button was placed beside.

Call a windows form dynamically by its title in

I'm stuck with something that I have tried to overcome before and couldn't.
Last time I worked around it, but I really need to nail this down.
I have a multi-instance form which lists details of jobs, so a user may have 6 or so instances of this form open, all with different info. Lets call that form A.
Within form A there is an option to assign that job to a user.
Clicking that link label opens a new form using showdialog where a combobox is populated with logged in users... Lets call that form B.
What I want to do is have the value selected on form B passed back to form A, however because form A has multiple instances, I'm not sure how to call it.
Form A is JobDetails.vb, and always has a form title of "Job XXXXX Details", so I was hoping there was a way I could use the title to call it.
Hope that all make sense! Thanks in advance, and apologies if its a dumb question. I feel like this should be something obvious, but I just can't achieve it.
As shown on the help page of ShowDialog, you can easily alter the main form when the dialog-form is closed. So you could do something like this:
Public Sub ShowMyDialogBox()
Dim testDialog As New Form2()
' Show testDialog as a modal dialog and determine if DialogResult = OK.
If testDialog.ShowDialog(Me) = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Me.Text = String.Format("Jobs of {0}", testDialog.cmboUsers.SelectedValue)
Me.Text = "Jobs"
End If
End Sub

How to launch a Look up form, and return the value from a combo box

Hopefully I can explain what I want to do well it goes...
I have a data entry form...the user will be entering employeeIDs. Once in normal operation, most people will be entering only their own EmpID, and they should know it, so this won't be a big problem 99% of the time once this DB goes live.
However, I need some temps to enter historical data from paper sheets into the DB. These people will not know anyone else's EmpID. I'd like to set the Student field's OnDblClick event in the subform's datasheet to open a small form with a combo box. The combo box has a list of all Employee Names, and is bound to the EmpID. Once this user enters the name, and selects the person, I have a button they can click to return to the datasheet.
I can use a function to launch the form, no problem there. But how do I return the EmpID to the field in the datasheet that was double clicked?
When user double clicks in the Student field...I want the next form to appear, and then once they type in the name and select the correct person...and then click Found Them!...I need that bound value to return.
I'd love to say I have code to share right now...but the only code I have is to launch the look up form. I'm brain farting on how to pull the value back down.
The way to do this to launch your little dialog form as “acDialog”. This will cause the calling code to WAIT.
And then the “magic” part is when they click on “Found Them” you do NOT close the popup form, but simply set the form’s visible = false. This has the effect of the calling code that popped up this form that halted to continue (the form is kicked out of dialog mode when you do this). So now your calling code continues.
So your code will look like this:
Dim strF As String ' name of popup form
strF = "frmPopUp"
' open form, wait for user selection
DoCmd.OpenForm strF, , , , , acDialog
' if for is NOT open, then assume user hit cancel buttion
' (you should likly have a cancel button on the form - that cancel buttion will
' execute a docmd.close
If CurrentProject.AllForms(strF).IsLoaded = True Then
' grab the value of thee combbo box
strComboBoxValue = Forms(strF)!NameOfComboBox
DoCmd.Close acForm, strF
End If
As noted, the code behind the Found Them button DOES NOT do a close form, but sets forms visible = false (me.Visible = false), and this trick allows the calling code to continue at which point you can examine any value on the form. Remember to then close the form after you grab the value.
It looks like your data table is in a subform so there is a little more work but it does not have to be as complex as the above solution if you don't want it to be. #Andre451 was close but you need the extra step of identifying the form and subform. For the purpose of demonstration let's call the form Attendance and subform Entry then I'll call the second form LookUp. So the code for your double click in the subform field will of course look something like this :
Private Sub Student_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "LookUp"
End Sub
You really don't need anything else fancy there. For the button on "LookUp" you will put this:
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Forms![Attendance]![Entry].Form![Student] = Forms!Lookup!Student
DoCmd.Close acForm, "LookUp"
End Sub
And that should get you what you want without any overhead or having to leave any ghosts open.

Based on form combobox selection to open the another form and move the value

I am new to access.
I have DFR form, From DFR form we are copy the record to different history card based on the asset code.
So what I did now I create one button and generate the code to open the form based on combobox selction ( the combobox contain the assed code no).
AFfter complete the DFR form press generate button it is opening the form what asset code contain in the combobox but i dont know how to copy the value from DFR form to the opened to asset code form. Because all the time I am not opening the same form so in the VBA I am not able to mention form name. Please help me
The code for the button:
Private Sub Command632_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm Combo99.Value
according to the above command the form opened but iam not able move the value
For example I am using two form one is called as a DFR onother one is Mech_history card
in this case i know the designation form name. but above case i dont know the form name so please help me
What you want to do is pass an argument to the form that you are opening. This is possible as follows:
Private Sub Command632_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm Combo99.Value, , , , , , "example"
Then in the form that is opening, you can use it for example as such:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Label0.Caption = OpenArgs
End Sub
Where it will set the caption of Label0 to "example".
The OpenArgs argument is a single value, but you can pass multiple values by concatenating. This is already very well explained here: so it doesn't seem of added value of me to reword that for my answer here. Please take a look on that website.