How do I append a 'where' clause using VB.NET and LINQ? -

I am pretty new to VB.NET and am having a bit of trouble here with something I thought should be simple.
Keeping it simple, let's say I have a Document table with "Name" that I want to search on (in reality there are several other tables, joins, etc. ..). I need to be able to build the query using a where clause based on string values passed in.
Example - the user may pass in "ABC", "ABC DEF", "ABC DEF GHI".
The final query would be (the syntax is not correct, I know):
Select * from Documents Where Name Like %ABC% AND Name Like %DEF% AND Name like %GHI%
So, I thought I could do something like this.
Dim query = From document In _context.Documents
<< loop based on number of strings passed in >>
query = query.Where( ... what goes here?? )
For some reason, being brain-dead or something, I can't figure out how to make this work in VB.NET, or if I'm doing it correctly.

I believe this is how you would do it in VB (I'm a C# developer):
query = query.Where(Function(s) s = "ABC")
See LINQ - Sample Queries for some examples.

I think the tricky part here is the unknown number of query parameters. You can use the underlying LINQ IQueryable(Of T) here to help.
I think the following would work (it's not compiled, just notepad code here):
Public Function GetDocuments(criteria as String)
Dim splitCriteria = SplitTheCriteria(criteria)
dim query = from document in _context.Documents
For Each item in splitCriteria
Dim localItem = item
query = AddCriteriaToQuery(query, localItem)
dim matchingDocuments = query.ToList()
End Function
Private Function AddCriteriaToQuery(query as IQueryable(Of Document), criteria as string) as IQueryable(Of Document)
return query.Where(Function(doc) doc.Name = criteria)
End Function
Since LINQ will delay-execute the query you can append where clauses onto your query in the loop and then call .ToList() at the end to execute the query.

In LINQ to SQL you can add WHERE clauses to your query using the .Where method of the query object, as you noted in your question. To use the LIKE operator, try using the .Contains method of the object you're querying in the Lambda expression of your call to the Where method.
Here's a simplified example in a console application. Hopefully it will lead you in the correct direction.
Public Class Doc
Private _docName As String
Public Property DocName() As String
Return _docName
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_docName = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal newDocName As String)
_docName = newDocName
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim Documents As New List(Of Doc)
Documents.Add(New Doc("ABC"))
Documents.Add(New Doc("DEF"))
Documents.Add(New Doc("GHI"))
Documents.Add(New Doc("ABC DEF"))
Documents.Add(New Doc("DEF GHI"))
Documents.Add(New Doc("GHI LMN"))
Dim qry = From docs In Documents
qry = qry.Where(Function(d) d.DocName.Contains("GHI"))
Dim qryResults As List(Of Doc) = qry.ToList()
For Each d As Doc In qryResults
End Sub
Note the .Contains("GHI") call in the Lambda expression of the .Where method. I'm referencing the parameter of the expression, "d", which exposes the DocName property, which further exposes the .Contains method. This should produce the LIKE query you're expecting.
This method is additive, i.e. the call to the .Where method could be enclosed in a loop to make additional LIKE operators added to the WHERE clause of your query.

Dim query = From document In _context.Documents where = 'xpto' select document
Dim query = From document In _context.Documents where'xpto') select document

If you do this in a loop, you can do something like this:
.Where(Function(i as mytype) i.myfiltervar = WhatIWantToSelect)


extract list of string from list of custom class

i have a list(of custom class)
and i want to extract a list of all 'name' String, from it, through linq
I know how to do with a loop, but i need to get it with a linear, brief linq instruction.
i've checked this help
C# Extract list of fields from list of class
but i have problem in linq correct syntax
in particular because i would like to extract a New List(Of String)
Class Student
Sub New(ByVal NewName As String, ByVal NewAge As Integer)
Name = NewName
Age = NewAge
End Sub
Public Name As String
Public Age As Integer
End Class
Public Sub Main
Dim ClassRoom as New List(Of Student) From {New Student("Foo",33), New Student("Foo2",33), New Student("Foo3",22)}
Dim OneStudent as Student = ClassRoom(0)
Dim AllStudentsNames As New List(Of String) From {ClassRoom.Select(Function(x) x.Name <> OneStudent.Name).ToList}
End Sub
But something wrong...
Any help?
P.S. Since c# it's close to vb.Net, also c# helps are well welcome.
First, you don't need to create a new list From the one returned by the LINQ method. It's already in a new list at that point, so you can just set AllStudentsNames equal directly to what the ToList method returns.
Second, you are not selecting the name. You are selecting the result of the equality test to see if the names are different. In other words, when you say Select(Function(x) x.Name <> OneStudent.Name), that returns a list of booleans, where they true if the names are different and false if the names are the same. That's not what you want. You want the list of names, so you need to select the name.
Third, if you need to filter the list so that it only returns ones where the name is different, then you need to add a call to the Where method.
Dim AllStudentsNames As List(Of String) = ClassRoom.
Where(Function(x) x.Name <> OneStudent.Name).
Select(Function(x) x.Name).

How do I get the results of my function into a variable so that I can use it again?

Here is an example of my function:
Public Class GlobalFunctions
Public Shared Function CreateNewDatabase(ByVal MyDomainName As String, ByVal NewDatabaseName As String, ByVal StatusBoxName As ListBox)
Dim MyWorkingDirectory As String = "C:\mytest1\"
Dim MyFileName As String = "mycmd.exe"
If File.Exists(MyWorkingDirectory & MyFileName) Then
'Run mycmd
'Here are my results
Dim Result1 As String = "r2"
Dim Result2 As String = "r2"
Dim Result3 As String = "r3"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return True
End Function
End Class
Basically what I need to do is run my function & then be able to use the results in my next function.. Something like:
GlobalFunctions.CreateNewDatabase(DomainName.Text, MyDbName, StatusListBox)
Any help would be much appreciated ;)
There are two main options here. The first is to return the values you want to use later. To do this, you can either create a class with properties for the three values you want to use, or if this function will have limited use, you could consider returning a Tuple (based on your example, a Tuple(Of String, String, String))
The other option is to make class level properties and set their backing fields from the CreateNewDatabase function. The primary drawback to this is that these values will be overwritten by any future calls to the function. It also introduces some discoverability issues into your API by requiring the programmer to know that three properties are set by the method, rather than the more obvious returning an object with three properties from the function.
You should make properties Result1, Result2, Result3 in your class and set them in CreateNewDatabase(). Then you can get them as GlobalFunctions.Result1
But it looks terrible.
Well, the obviously easiest way is, declaring them as global variables, which in practice seems not to be too welcomed.
Public Class Form1
Dim Result1 As String
Dim Result2 As String
Dim Result3 As String
GlobalFunctions.CreateNewDatabase(DomainName.Text, MyDbName, StatusListBox)
end class
Not the prettiest way to do it, but it will get the job done.

Dynamic query Linq to xml VB.NET

I want to write a query that the "where" in the query is a string something like"
Dim query as string= "Name =xxxx and Date > 10 "
Dim t = from book in doc.Descendants("books") Select _
[Name] = book..value, [Date] = book..value....
Where (query)
I build the query string on run time
I'm not saying this is your case but I see this a lot from people that came from ASP classic where we used to build dynamic SQL strings all of the time. We tend to hope that LINQ will give us some more power in part of the code but let us use strings elsewhere. Unfortunately this isn't true. Where takes a boolean argument and there's no way around that. You can write your own parser that uses reflection and eventually returns a boolean but you'd be writing a lot of code that could be error prone. Here's how you really should do it:
Assuming this is our data class:
Public Class TestObject
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Job As String
End Class
And here's our test data:
Dim Objects As New List(Of TestObject)
Objects.Add(New TestObject() With {.Name = "A", .Job = "Baker"})
Objects.Add(New TestObject() With {.Name = "B", .Job = "President"})
Objects.Add(New TestObject() With {.Name = "C", .Job = "Bus Driver"})
Objects.Add(New TestObject() With {.Name = "D", .Job = "Trainer"})
What you want to do is create a variable that represents the data to search for:
''//This variable simulates our choice. Normally we would be parsing the querystring, form data, XML values, etc
Dim RandNum = New Random().Next(0, 3)
Dim LookForName As String = Nothing
Select Case RandNum
Case 0 : LookForName = "A"
Case 1 : LookForName = "B"
Case 2 : LookForName = "C"
End Select
''//Query based on our name
Dim Subset = (From O In Objects Select O Where (O.Name = LookForName)).ToList()
If sometimes you need to search on Job and sometimes and sometimes you don't you just might have to write a couple of queries:
Dim Subset As List(Of TestObject)
Select Case RandNum
Case 0
Subset = (From O In Objects Select O Where (O.Name = "A" And O.Job = "Baker")).ToList()
Case Else
Select Case RandNum
Case 1 : LookForName = "B"
Case 2 : LookForName = "C"
End Select
Subset = (From O In Objects Select O Where (O.Name = LookForName)).ToList()
End Select
And just to explain writing your own query parser (which is a path that I recommend you DO NOT go down), here is a very, very, very rough start. It only supports = and only strings and can break at multiple points.
Public Shared Function QueryParser(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal ParamArray queries() As String) As Boolean
''//Sanity check
If obj Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("obj")
If (queries Is Nothing) OrElse (queries.Count = 0) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("queries")
''//Array of property/value
Dim NameValue() As String
''//Loop through each query
For Each Q In queries
''//Remove whitespace around equals sign
Q = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Q, "\s+=\s+", "=")
''//Break the query into two parts.
''//NOTE: this only supports the equal sign right now
NameValue = Q.Split("="c)
''//NOTE: if either part of the query also contains an equal sign then this exception will be thrown
If NameValue.Length <> 2 Then Throw New ArgumentException("Queries must be in the format X=Y")
''//Grab the property by name
Dim P = obj.GetType().GetProperty(NameValue(0))
''//Make sure it exists
If P Is Nothing Then Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format("Cannot find property {0}", NameValue(0)))
''//We only support strings right now
If Not P.PropertyType Is GetType(String) Then Throw New ApplicationException("Only string property types are support")
''//Get the value of the property for the supplied object
Dim V = P.GetValue(obj, Nothing)
''//Assumming null never equals null return false for a null value
If V Is Nothing Then Return False
''//Compare the two strings, return false if something doesn't match.
''//You could use String.Compare here, too, but this will use the current Option Compare rules
If V.ToString() <> NameValue(1) Then Return False
''//The above didn't fail so return true
Return True
End Function
This code would allow you to write:
Dim Subset = (From O In Objects Select O Where (QueryParser(O, "Name = A", "Job = Baker"))).ToList()
No, there is nothing directly like what you're looking for where you can pass in a string. As they say, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail...The real problem is that you need to learn what LINQ is good at and apply it to your code (if it is a good fit), rather than try and make it do what you could with a dynamically built SQL query string.
What you should probably be doing is making those "Where" clauses strongly typed anyway. Your current code has a lot of potential to blow up and be hard to debug.
What you could do instead is something like this (sorry, using C#, been a while since I've touched VB.NET):
var query = from book in doc.Descendants("books")
select book;
query = query.where(book.Name == nameToCompare);
query = query.Where(book.Date > 10);
List<book> bookList = query.ToList();
With LINQ, "query" isn't actually run until the "ToList()" call. Since it uses late execution, the query is dynamic in that it's being built on until it actually needs to run. This is similar to the code you were looking to use before since you were building a query string ahead of time, then executing it at a specific point.

LINQ Return Single Type of Object Invalid Cast

Ok, just needing a 2nd set of eyes looking at this to make sure the error isn't something else other than my LINQ code here. Here's the function class itself:
Public Function GetJacketByPolicyID(ByVal jacketID As Int32) As tblPolicy
Dim db As New DEVDataContext()
Dim j As tblPolicy = db.tblPolicies.Single(Function(p) p.policyNumber = jacketID)
Return j
End Function
and here is the code which calls this class function in the web control form itself:
Dim p As tblPolicy
Dim j As New Jackets()
p = j.GetJacketByPolicyID(3000050)
For some reason it's flagging the 2nd line in the GetJacketByPolicyID function saying the specified cast is not valid. So I'm guessing it's something I'm doing wrong. I'm sure the tblPolicy/tblPolicies class works right since I can create a new instance of a tblPolicy and set a few variables by hand and return it, so that's not it. I've also checked the datarow I'm fetching and there's no null values in the record, so that shouldn't be it either.Any help much appreciated.
This would seem to get what you are looking for. Not sure why you are passing in a function for a simple query like this.
Public Function GetJacketByPolicyID(ByVal jacketID As Int32) As tblPolicy
Dim _jacket as tblPolicy
Using _db As New DEVDataContext()
_jacket = (From _j In db.tblPolicies Where _j.policyNumber.Equals(jacketID) Select _j).Single()
End Using
Return _jacket
End Function

How to write a simple Expression-like class in .NET 2.0?

I'm currently working in .NET 2.0 Visual Basic. The current project is an Active Directory Wrapper class library within which I have a Searcher(Of T) generic class that I wish to use to search the underlying directory for objects.
In this Searcher(Of T) class I have the following methods:
Private Function GetResults() As CustomSet(Of T)
Public Function ToList() As CustomSet(Of T)
Public Function Find(ByVal ParamArray filter() As Object) As CustomSet(Of T)
// And some other functions here...
The one that interests me the most is the Find() method to which I can pass property and values and would like to parse my LDAP query from this filter() ParamArray parameter. Actually, all I can figure out is this:
Public Sub SomeSub()
Dim groupSearcher As Searcher(Of Group) = New Searcher(Of Group)()
Dim groupsSet as CustomSet(Of Group) = groupSearcher.Find("Name=someName", "Description=someDescription")
// Working with the result here...
End Sub
But what I want to be able to offer to my users is this:
Public Sub SomeSub()
Dim groupSearcher As Searcher(Of Group) = New Searcher(Of Group)()
Dim groupsSet As CustomSet(Of Groupe) = groupSearcher.Find(Name = "someName", Guid = someGuid, Description = "someDescription")
// And work with the result here...
End Sub
In short, I want to offer some kind of Expression feature to my users, unless it is too much work, as this project is not the most important one and I don't have like 2 years to develop it. I think that the better thing I should do is to write something like CustomExpression that could be passed in parameters to some functions or subs.
Thanks for any suggestions that might bring me to my goal!
Interesting question. This is a language dependent feature, so I don't see this happening without some clever trickery of the IDE/compiler.
You could however have optional overloads on your Find method ( is good for this), then make the search string manually to obtain the result.
Finally you could make use of lambda functions, but only in .net 3.5 and above. Even still, it would require your searcher to expose a preliminary set of data so you can recover the expression tree and build up the find string.
I've just been playing around with Reflection to see if I can retrieve the parameters passed, and build up a string dynamically depending on if they exist. This doesn't appear to be possible, due to the fact that compiled code doesn't reference the names.
This code just used was:
'-- Get all the "parameters"
Dim m As MethodInfo = GetType(Finder).GetMethod("Find")
Dim params() As ParameterInfo = m.GetParameters()
'-- We now have a reference to the parameter names, like Name and Description
Annoyingly it's not (easily) possible to recover the values sent, so we'll have to stick with building up the string in a non-dynamic fashion.
A simple optional method would look like:
Public Sub Find( _
Optional ByVal Name As String = "", _
Optional ByVal Description As String = "")
Dim query As String = String.Empty
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) Then
query &= "Name=" & Name
'-- ..... more go here with your string seperater.
End If
End Sub