(Apache) Error log beautifier [closed] - apache

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Closed 10 years ago.
Anyone knows of a good error log beautifier? (should be able to handle apache error logs).
Should be open source / free, preferably with a web interface

I use http://www.librelogiciel.com/software/ScanErrLog/action_Presentation It runs through the error log producing a summary webpage, or some other formats. While it's best run from a regular cron-job (and it will keep a record of what it's parsed before to save effort), it can also be run as a CGI (though the demo appears to be broken).

You can see a sample report generated using Analog and Report Magic at this address: http://www.reportmagic.org/sample/index.html. The Failure Report is simple, but is a starting point.

I use Webalizer to process my website's logs. Its web-interface might be a bit dated but it's very powerful, reliable and can handle very large logs. It's also quite easy to set up which a big plus in my book as you don't want to be worrying about the software, you just want to visualise the data.

Apache Chainsaw


Migrate from WCF to node.js [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
At the moment, I write a WCF Service that gives the following functionality:
Videoupload and -download
A forum
As database I use a SQL Server 2012 from Microsoft.
The service gets called via REST, so this would not be the problem.
My question is, what advantage can I get with node.js or better said, is there any advantage?
The biggest advantage is in my point of view, that I am fully platform indipendent. Are there any other advantages?
Greets Knerd
Update, I posted a new question here https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/188926/migrate-wcf-to-node-js
You get the usual advantages and disadvantages Node.js has.
Platform independence
Everything is asynchronous
You have the same language for the backend as for the HTML frontend
Basically, the question whether you can benefit from Node.js IMHO comes down to whether you need to scale pretty much, and if you have lots of I/O to do.
If the answer to both is 'yes' then Node.js may be a pretty good catch for you.
PS: Completely off-topic, but - are you Knerd from the discussion forum of winfuture.de?

Any recommendations for a lightweight framework with MS SQL Server support [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Note: I have been out of touch with the PHP world for quite a long time. I am primarily a Python developer.
I have to build a small app in PHP5. Please suggest me a lightweight framework which:
Has MS SQL Server Support that runs on Linux as the app will be running on Ubuntu.
Is fast to learn, use and setup.
Performance is not a critical issue. As the app will be used on a private LAN by about 10 people for data entry mainly.
Suggestion about a templating engines will also be appreciated
Let's kill off the easy question first - by tempting, I'm assuming you mean templating. If so, Smarty is usually a very good contender as it is simple to learn and very powerful.
Now, for the framework. A wide variety of PHP frameworks have switched to PDO for SQL requests, which means that most of them will easily accomodate MS SQL. CodeIgniter does, so does CakePHP last time I checked.
Ultimately, pick what you know rather than picking something that looks fancy, unless you need the extra features. The learning curve will be smaller.

I want to use the Twitter streaming API, how powerful does the server need to be to handle it? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've currently got a cron job which uses the Twitter search API running every minute, but that limits me to only 100 results per request, I wish to start using the streaming API but worry this will increase the server load further (I'm using shared hosting at the moment and my cron job has already raised a few red flags).
My question is, what's the minimum specs on a server I should get in order to capture the streaming API data sufficiently without any backlog of data?
A design that I've used and have seen others do so as well, is to use a message queue. Load tweets to the stream onto the queue via a thread dedicated to that purpose. Then you can have another thread on the other side of the queue reading tweets and processing as necessary. Here's a nice example of what I'm talking about:
Noone can tell you, without sufficient analysis, what your specs should be. The closest answer you'll get, as suggested by one of the comments to your question, is to try it. Generally, do a quick prototype on what you want to do to see what the effect is and measure as necessary. Again, there are many architectural principles in play here, so it isn't even wise for someone to tell you exactly what you should do.

Any passbook design tool for designer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to know if there are any tool to design a layout of passbook.
I didn't find any in xcode. Experienced designer can read and write a simple json but it is much better if there are any tool help to speed up this design process.
The Pass Designer is available at http://create.passkit.com
You can use it for free to easily design and create Passes that appear in the web interface exactly as they appear in Passbook.
And with a Developer Account you can quickly build your own income stream! Details to be announced soon.
You need to understand the Passbook app, as you are limited to what you can change from Apple.
There is a Session Video called
Session 301 - Introducing Passbook, Part 1
you can see it in a web browser as well.
This will explain you the model and what can you change as types, colors, texts.
If you're only trying to find a PhotoShop file to "play around", give Takahashi Alex it's own Passbook GUI PSD a go.
I'm one of the creator of Passdock, that is exactly what you are looking for. It's a web design tool that let you create a Pass without knowing anything of the JSON structure. It's free and you can also use it to delivery the passes to the devices.
I'll be happy to help you if you have any question.
You can make passbook file via http://passsource.com .
In this site, you can test customization of passbook.

Free Software or Scripts for Formatting SQL Queries [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for a script or application that tidies up and reformats SQL queries. I've found some good online SQL formatters (see here) , as well as some downloadable commercial applications. I'm cautious about using an online service as I don't want to risk copies of these queries being stored somewhere they might be compromised, if only in a web server's cache (and it is against my employer's policy).
Does anyone know of any open-source applications, scripts, or downloadable freeware that might help me out with this?
It probably bears mentioning that I'm working on a Windows platform at work, but I am open to suggestions for other operating systems.
I have used SQLInform as suggested by Vinko Vrsalovic to excellent effect. Thanks Vinko!
Something that might also be worth watching is SQLTidy, a young project on Google Code which could turn into something great in the long run.
Some things to try out (SQLinForm is free until 2009). It's weird how some niches totally lack good open source tools.
An Emacs macro:
Something else... this freeware tool works for PL/SQL, so maybe there's a use for that in there.
PL/SQL Tidy (Broken Link)
Red Gate SQL Refactor (trial) + a Virtual Machine