Oracle - Select where field has lowercase characters - sql

I have a table, users, in an Oracle database. Two of the fields are varchar - last_name and first_name.
When rows are inserted into this table, the first name and last name fields are supposed to be in all upper case, but somehow some values in these two fields are mixed case.
I want to run a query that will show me all of the rows in the table that have first or last names with lowercase characters in it.
I searched the net and found REGEXP_LIKE, but that must be for newer versions of oracle - it doesn't seem to work for me.
Another thing I tried was to translate "abcde...z" to "$$$$$...$" and then search for a '$' in my field, but there has to be a better way?
Thanks in advance!

How about this:
select id, first, last from mytable
where first != upper(first) or last != upper(last);

I think BQ's SQL and Justin's second SQL will work, because in this scenario:
first_name last_name
---------- ---------
bob johnson
Bob Johnson
I want my query to return the first 2 rows.
I just want to make sure that this will be an efficient query though - my table has 500 million rows in it.
When you say upper(first_name) != first_name, is "first_name" always pertaining to the current row that oracle is looking at? I was afraid to use this method at first because I was afraid I would end up joining this table to itself, but they way you both wrote the SQL it appears that the equality check is only operating on a row-by-row basis, which would work for me.

If you are looking for Oracle 10g or higher you can use the below example. Consider that you need to find out the rows where the any of the letter in a column is lowercase.
In the above example, if you need to find the values miss and MiSS, then you could use the below query

Try this:
SELECT * FROM YOU_TABLE WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(COLUMN1,'[a-z]','c'); => Miss, miss lower text

FROM mytable

for SQL server where the DB collation setting is Case insensitive use the following:
SELECT * FROM tbl_user WHERE LEFT(username,1) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI <> UPPER(LEFT(username,1))


SQL WHERE REGEXP_LIKE with metacharacters

The records I am querying for are kept in 2 different formats. Each person has at least 1 record of their email in the format Some people have a second record in which their email is
How can I query for the records in which the email is formatted like
I attempted to do it with the following SQL Statement but I it returns an empty result:
Select * from email where regexp_like(emailaddress, '. (#)')
The end product will be used in a join with a few other Queries, so selecting distinct values is not an option here. The environment is an Oracle DB, and because this will be done through multiple joins, the more efficient it is the better. Does anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong, or other ways to accomplish this?
Thank you,
You can use REGEXP_LIKE:
Select * from email where regexp_like(emailaddress, '\S*\.\S*\#\S*\.\S*')
Use "\S*" to match all non-whitespace characters
Or just a regular LIKE:
Select * from email where emailaddress LIKE '%.%#%.%'
Not sure what characters are included in the % placeholder in Oracle, so you should test it out.
The REGEXP one will give you tighter control over the pattern matching.
Let me know if it works.
How about using like?
where emailaddress like '%.%#%'
The first format seems distinguished by having a period before the ampersand.

Sqlite query optimisation needed

I'm using sqlite for a small validation application. I have a simple one table database with 4 varhchar columns and one integer primary key. There are close to 1 million rows in the table. I have optimised it and done a vacuum on it.
I am using the following query to retrieve a presence count from the table. I have changed the fields and names for privacy.
count(*) as 'test'
LOWER(surname) = LOWER('Oliver')
UPPER(address_line2) = UPPER('Somewhere over the rainbow')
house_number IN ('3','4','5');
This query takes about 1.5-1.9 seconds to run. I have tried indexes and they make no difference really. This time may not sound bad but I have to run this test about 40,000 times on a read in csv file so as you may imagine it adds up pretty quickly. Any ideas on how to reduce the execution time. I normally develop in mssql or mysql so if there are some tricks I am missing in sqlite I would be happy to hear them.
All the best.
When you use a function over an indexed column, SQLite cannot use the index, because the function may not preserve the ordering -- i.e. there can be functions such as 1>2, but F(1)<F(2). There are some ways to solve this situation, though:
If you want to use indexes to make your query faster, you must save
the value in a fixed case (upper or lower) and then convert only the
query parameter to the same case:
SELECT count(*) as 'test'
FROM my_table
WHERE surname = LOWER('Oliver')
You can use the case-insensitive LIKE operator (I don't know how indexes are affected!):
SELECT count(*) as 'test'
FROM my_table
WHERE surname LIKE 'Oliver';
Or you can create each column as text collate nocase and don't worry about case differences regarding this column anymore:
CREATE TABLE my_table (surname text collate nocase, <... other fields here ...>);
SELECT count(*) as 'test'
FROM my_table
WHERE surname ='Oliver';
You can find more information about the = and LIKE operators here.
count(1) as 'test'
surname = 'Oliver'
address_line2 = 'Somewhere over the rainbow'
house_number IN ('3','4','5')

Retrieve the maximum length of a VARCHAR column in SQL Server

I want to find the longest VARCHAR in a specific column of a SQL Server table.
Here's an example:
ID | Desc
1 | a
2 | aaa
3 | aa
What's the SQL to return 3? Since the longest value is 3 characters?
Use the built-in functions for length and max on the description column:
Note that if your table is very large, there can be performance issues.
For MySQL, it's LENGTH, not LEN:
SELECT MAX(LENGTH(Desc)) FROM table_name
Watch out!! If there's spaces they will not be considered by the LEN method in T-SQL. Don't let this trick you and use
select max(datalength(Desc)) from table_name
For Oracle, it is also LENGTH instead of LEN
SELECT MAX(LENGTH(Desc)) FROM table_name
Also, DESC is a reserved word. Although many reserved words will still work for column names in many circumstances it is bad practice to do so, and can cause issues in some circumstances. They are reserved for a reason.
If the word Desc was just being used as an example, it should be noted that not everyone will realize that, but many will realize that it is a reserved word for Descending. Personally, I started off by using this, and then trying to figure out where the column name went because all I had were reserved words. It didn't take long to figure it out, but keep that in mind when deciding on what to substitute for your actual column name.
Gives the Max Count of record in table
select max(len(Description))from Table_Name
Gives Record Having Greater Count
select Description from Table_Name group by Description having max(len(Description)) >27
Hope helps someone.
For SQL server (SSMS)
Option 1:
-- This returns number of characters
select MAX(LEN(ColumnName)) from table_name
Option 2:
-- This returns the number of bytes
select MAX(DATALENGTH(ColumnName)) from table_name
If you're using VARCHAR, use DATALENGTH. More details
SELECT TOP 1 column_name, LEN(column_name) AS Lenght FROM table_name ORDER BY LEN(column_name) DESC
Many times you want to identify the row that has that column with the longest length, especially if you are troubleshooting to find out why the length of a column on a row in a table is so much longer than any other row, for instance. This query will give you the option to list an identifier on the row in order to identify which row it is.
select ID, [description], len([description]) as descriptionlength
FROM [database1].[dbo].[table1]
where len([description]) =
(select max(len([description]))
FROM [database1].[dbo].[table1]
SELECT MAX(LEN(Desc)) as MaxLen FROM table
select * from table name from where length( column name) =(select MAX(Length(column name) from table name);
I am using subquery its 100 % work try this.
For IBM Db2 its LENGTH, not LEN:
SELECT MAX(LENGTH(Desc)) FROM table_name;

Sqlite : Sql to finding the most complete prefix

I have a sqlite table containing records of variable length number prefixes. I want to be able to find the most complete prefix against another variable length number in the most efficient way:
eg. The table contains a column called prefix with the following numbers:
1. 1234
2. 12345
3. 123456
What would be an efficient sqlite query to find the second record as being the most complete match against 12345999.
A neat trick here is to reverse a LIKE clause -- rather than saying
WHERE prefix LIKE '...something...'
as you would often do, turn the prefix into the pattern by appending a % to the end and comparing it to your input as the fixed string. Order by length of prefix descending, and pick the top 1 result.
I've never used Sqlite before, but just downloaded it and this works fine:
sqlite> CREATE TABLE whatever(prefix VARCHAR(100));
sqlite> INSERT INTO WHATEVER(prefix) VALUES ('1234');
sqlite> INSERT INTO WHATEVER(prefix) VALUES ('12345');
sqlite> INSERT INTO WHATEVER(prefix) VALUES ('123456');
sqlite> SELECT * FROM whatever WHERE '12345999' LIKE (prefix || '%')
ORDER BY length(prefix) DESC LIMIT 1;
Personally I use next method, it will use indexes:
statement '('1','12','123','1234','12345','123459','1234599','12345999','123459999')'
should be generated by client
SELECT * FROM whatever WHERE prefix in
ORDER BY length(prefix) DESC LIMIT 1;
select foo, 1 quality from bar where foo like "123*"
select foo, 2 quality from bar where foo like "1234*"
order by quality desc limit 1
I haven't tested it, but the idea would work in other dialects of SQL
a couple of assumptions.
you are joining with some other table so you want to know the largest variable length prefix for each record in the table you are joining with.
your table of prefixes is actually more than just the three you provide in your example...otherwise you can hardcode the logic and move on.
max(len(b.prefix)) as length
foo a inner join prefix_table b on b.prefix = left(a.field, len(b.prefix))
group by
note that this is untested but logically should make sense.
Without resorting to a specialized index, the best performing strategy may be to hunt for the answer.
Issue a LIKE query for each possible prefix, starting with the longest. Stop once you get rows returned.
It's certainly not the prettiest way to achieve what you wan't but as opposed to the other suggestions, indexes will be considered by the query planner. As always, it depends on your actual data. In particular, on how many rows in your table, and how long the average hunt will be.

Get all records that contain a number

It is possible to write a query get all that record from a table where a certain field contains a numeric value?
something like "select street from tbladdress where street like '%0%' or street like '%1%' ect ect"
only then with one function?
Try this
declare #t table(street varchar(50))
insert into #t
select 'this address is 45/5, Some Road' union all
select 'this address is only text'
select street from #t
where street like '%[0-9]%'
this address is 45/5, Some Road
Yes, but it will be inefficient, and probably slow, with a wildcard on the leading edge of the pattern
LIKE '%[0-9]%'
Searching for text within a column is horrendously inefficient and does not scale well (per-row functions, as a rule, all have this problem).
What you should be doing is trading disk space (which is cheap) for performance (which is never cheap) by creating a new column, hasNumerics for example, adding an index to it, then using an insert/update trigger to set it based on the data going into the real column.
This means the calculation is done only when the row is created or modified, not every single time you extract the data. Databases are almost always read far more often than they're written and using this solution allows you to amortize the cost of the calculation over many select statement executions.
Then, when you want your data, just use:
select * from mytable where hasNumerics = 1; -- or true or ...
and watch it leave a regular expression query or like '%...%' monstrosity in its dust.
To fetch rows that contain only numbers,use this query
select street
from tbladdress
where upper(street) = lower(street)
Works in oracle .
I found this solution " select street from tbladresse with(nolock) where patindex('%[0-9]%',street) = 1"
it took me 2 mins to search 3 million on an unindexed field