Is it possible to design NSCell subclasses in Interface Builder? - objective-c

I'm trying to subclass NSCell for use in a NSTableView. The cell I want to create is fairly complicated so it would be very useful if I could design it in Interface Builder and then load the NSCell from a nib.
Is this possible? How do I do it?

The question was about a subclass of NSCell; the other answers seem to be doing something else, likely taking advantage of UITableViewCell being a view.
NSCell is not a view. While laying a custom cell out in IB would be a useful thing to be able to do, I think the answer is basically "no, this is not possible". When you subclass NSCell, you're pretty much just doing your own drawing. There isn't support subcells, or parameterized auto layout (ala NSView's springs and struts), which is I suspect what you're looking for.
The only caveat is that you could design an NSCell subclass that did do layout of sub-elements and provided parameters for setting those subelements and all tweakable parameters. Then, you would need to write an IB plugin to make that cell and accompanying inspector available at design time in IB.
This, however, is probably harder than writing a little custom app that does more or less the same thing. Put an NSCell in a control in the middle of a window, and make yourself UI for tweaking the parameters you're interested in. Bindings can make this pretty straightforward for positioning stuff (i.e. bind an x value to a slider), though you will not get direct manipulation of the elements of course. When you're done, you could archive your cell and load the archive at runtime in your real app, or you could just log out the properties and set them in code in your app.

Some answers in this thread have gone off topic because they're talking about Cocoa Touch, when the original question was about Cocoa - the 2 APIs are quite different in this regard and Cocoa Touch makes it easy because UITableViewCell is a view subclass. NSCell isn't, and that's the problem
For information, I had to do something very similar in NSOutlineView recently - which is basically the same, but a little harder if anything because you have to deal with disclosure / collapse of levels. If you're interested in the code, I posted about it here:

As Ken says, NSCells and NSViews are different, and you can only lay out NSView hierarchies in NIB, not NSCells (which don't have any explicit hierarchy).
On the other hand, there's nothing preventing you from having a hierarchy of NSViews and using that to draw your NSCell -- you could add them as a subview of your cell's parent view, tell them to display, and remove them from the window and nobody would be the wiser.
In this case, using a NIB would work, although it seems like a ton of hassle. Typically I've just replaced the object that takes NSCells with a custom one that takes my NSViews, but that means writing your own mouse-handling code, which is very touchy.
On the other hand, my approach lets you bind the views' values in NIB, so you don't have to do any extra work, which is cool.

In IB, start an empty XIB. Now go to the pallete and drag in a UITableViewCell, double click to bring up and edit.
include only the custom UITableViewCell (no other UIViews or other top level controls) - make sure it's a real UITableViewCell in IB, or you cannot set a reuse identifier (as opposed to casting a UIView in IB as your custom UITableViewCell class).
Then you can add lables or whatever you like within the cell, as well as setting the reuse identifier or set whatever disclosure indicator you might like.
To use, you provide code like this in the tableView:cellForRow:atIndexPath: method:
YourCustomCellClass *cell = (YourCustomCellClass *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:<IDYouSetInXIBFile>];
if ( cell == nil )
NSArray *topLevelObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:<YourXIBName> owner:self options:nil];
id firstObject = [topLevelObjects objectAtIndex:0];
if ( [ firstObject isKindOfClass:[UITableViewCell class]] )
cell = firstObject;
else cell = [topLevelObjects objectAtIndex:1];
If you have any labels or other controls you want to reference in your code, wire them in IB to your custom cell class - NOT the file's owner, which you do not ever need to set using the above code (you can leave it as NSObject).
Edit: I note you are really looking for an NSCell answer, but the code approach to using IB should be identical in Cocoa with the Cocoa Touch code I used above as loadNibNamed is a standard Cocoa call.

Joar Wingfors wrote an article for Stepwise a few years back on a related topic, Subviews in TableView Rows.
The principal technique is to create an NSCell that can host an NSView. If you were to do this, you could then design an NSView subclass in Interface Builder that you could embed anywhere you need that specific cell.
Another possibility, if you can target Leopard, is to see whether you need to use an NSTableView or whether you can use an NSCollectionView. Collection views deal directly in terms of "item views" rather than in cells, so they're much more straightforward to design in Interface Builder.

I found some interesting examples which I do not totally understand, though.
GitX extends the NSTextFieldCell in their PBIconAndTextCell, referencing this post.
WWDC 2009 - Session 110 "Presenting User Data with Table Views and Browsers" talks "Adding subviews" and "Custom cell editors". (I do not have the source code, though.)
Display an NSTextfieldCell containing text and an image within a NSTableView, #70
Display an NSTextfieldCell containing text and an image within a NSTableView, #71
The last 2 examples work with NSTableViewDataSource and NSTableViewDelegate. I would like to use Bindings an ArrayController in the InterfaceBuilder to connect other UI elements like text fields.
I stumbled into another discussion where Abizern points out PXListView by Alex Rozanski which looks very promising!
I am trying to implement a solution for the problem myself. Please find my project on github and the latest rendering problems over here.

I do it like this:
/* example of a silly way to load a UITableViewCell from a standalone nib */
+ (CEntryTableViewCell *)cell
// TODO -- this is really silly.
NSArray *theObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"EntryTableViewCell" owner:self options:NULL];
for (id theObject in theObjects)
if ([theObject isKindOfClass:self])
NSAssert(NO, #"Could not find object of class CEntryTableViewCell in nib");
However it isn't very efficient and if you're loading lot of data it might hurt you. Of course you should be using a reuseIdentifier which should force this code to only run a handful of times per table.

1) Create NSViewController TableViewCell.h
2) Create in TableViewCell.h some procedures like
-(void)setText:(NSString *)text image:(NSImage *)image
3) In Main class #import "TableViewCell.h"
4) In Main class in -(NSView *)tableView:viewForTableColumn:row: write:
NSImage *img = //some image
TableViewCell *cell = [[TableViewCell alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"TableViewCell"];
[cell setText:#"some text" image:img];
return cell;
Hope this will help =)

I want to provide a more modern approach here.
Starting with iOS 5, UITableView has a method
(void)registerNib:(UINib *)nib forCellReuseIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
Once you registered your NIB containing your cell, just use
- (id)dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
to get a new cell. If a cell is available for reuse, it will be returned, otherwise a new cell is automatically created, and in that case this means loaded from the NIB file.

Add your UITableViewCell to your tableviewcontroller and declare an IBOutlet property:
#interface KuguTableViewController : UITableViewController {
IBOutlet UITableViewCell *customTypeCell;
#property (readonly) UITableViewCell *customTypeCell;
... then in cellForRowAtIndexPath you can just use your cell and set it to be reused:
static NSString *CellIdentifier = #"CustomCell"
cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
if (cell == nil)
cell = customTypeCell;
cell.reuseIdentifier = CellIdentifier;


How do I re-define size/origin of app window in code, overriding nib/xib file parameters, with Obj-C, Xcode 11.3.1 on Mac OS X 10.15.2 (Catalina)?

I'll try to keep it short. I want to create a 3D FPS game, just for myself, that can run on multiple platforms, but I figured that to keep it simple, perhaps it is best to start off with something that is exclusively for macOS. I opted for Objective-C because
(a) Window Application projects in Xcode can only be coded either in Obj-C or Swift (since we are dealing with Cocoa API) and
(b) Obj-C is closer to old-school then Swift.
But before I learn to draw/render 2D-shapes on the window's canvas by writing code, I have to learn to invoke an application window with its properties set to my liking. I've spent hours doing research and experimenting with chunks of code. This is what I've tried: I open with
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
Then I go with ...
NSWindow *window = [[[NSApplication sharedApplication] windows] firstObject];
NSRect frame = [window frame];
frame.origin.x = 100;
frame.origin.y = 200;
frame.size.width = 100;
frame.size.height = 500;
[window setFrame: frame display: YES];
... and close with ...
NSApplicationMain(argc, argv); // runs the win display function.
return (0) ;
But no visible changes. Nothing really gets reset. So instead of (1) I tried ...
NSWindow *window = [[[NSApplication sharedApplication] windows] firstObject];
NSPoint newOrigin;
newOrigin.x = 400;
newOrigin.y = 100;
[window setFrameOrigin : newOrigin];
Still nothing. Then instead of (2) I tried:
NSWindowController* controller = [[NSWindowController alloc]
[controller showWindow:nil];
Great. Now it's spitting out something I don't understand, especially since I'm new to Obj-C:
2020-02-08 21:53:49.782197-0800
tryout_macApp2[14333:939233] [Nib Loading] Failed
to connect (delegate) outlet from
(NSWindowController) to (AppDelegate): missing
setter or instance variable
I remember dicing around with an ApplicationDelegate, with CGSizeMake(), etc., but it just made the experience really inundating and frustrating. Nothing happened. Then there are NSView, NSViewController, and other classes, which is really mindboggling and begs the question: why are there so many classes when all I want to do is override the preset origin of the window and the dimensions preset by the MainMenu.xib file? (By the way, this project is derived from a Window Application project provided by Xcode.)
I really can't think of anything else to add to give you the entire picture of my predicament, so if you feel that something is missing, please chime in.
[Edit:] Moving forward to phase 2 of my project here: How do I paint/draw/render a dot or color a pixel on the canvas of my window with only a few lines in Obj-C on Mac OS X using Xcode?.
The short answer is that main() is too early to be trying to do this. Instead, implement -applicationDidFinishLaunching: on your app delegate class, and do it there. Leave main() as it was originally created by Xcode's template.
After that, I would say to obtain the window (if there's only going to be one main one), it's better to add an outlet to your app delegate and then, in the NIB, connect that outlet to the window. Then, you can use that outlet whenever you want to refer to the window.
Also, make sure that Visible at Launch is disabled for the window in the NIB. That's so you configure it as you want before showing it.
For a more complex app, it's probably better to not put a window into the Main Menu NIB. Instead, make a separate NIB for the window. Then, load it using a window controller object and ask that for its window.
I love Objective-C but also feel your pain, it has this testy ability to frustrate you endlessly.
I have not really developed a game but let me try and point you in the right direction. I think you need a UIViewController.
Now each UIViewController has a built in UIView that sort of represents the visible portion of it. You can use this or add a UIView and use that, whichever depends on your implementation. For now I'd suggest add a separate UIView and use that rather. Once you're comfortable you can then move the implementation to the UIViewController's view if you need to.
Anyhow, for now, create a UIView subclass, say MyGame or something, as for now all your code will end up there.
To do all of the above is not easy, especially if its the first time. If you can follow some tutorial it will be great. Even if the tutorial just adds a button, you can use it and replace the button with your view.
Anyhow, now that you've got that running and the view you've added shows up in green or some other neon colour just to verify that you can indeed change its properties, you're good to go.
Now you start. In MyGame, implement the
message, grab the context through
and start drawing lines and stuff on it, basically the stuff I understand you are interested in doing. You can also, through the same context, change the origin of what you are doing.
Hope this helps.

Right way of passing data between 2 NSView Controllers in OS X objective c app

To avoid marking this question as duplicate: I have seen this question (Passing Data between View Controllers) but that is for iOS. I have seen many other similar questions, but they all provide answers for IOS. My question is for OS-X app.
And yes, I did check and here and on Google, but I was unable to find anything that solves this issue in OS-X.
Having that said, here is the question:
In one of my NSViewControllers (MasterTableViewController) I have the following method:
- (IBAction)tableViewDoubleClick:(id)sender {
NSInteger rowNumber = [_websitesTableView clickedRow];
NSTableColumn *column = [_websitesTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:#"websiteUrl"];
NSCell *cell = [column dataCellForRow:rowNumber];
NSString *cellValue = [cell stringValue];
How I could (should) properly pass this data (rowNumber, cellValue) to another NSViewController (DetailViewController)?
The higher-level answer is "don't". You're basically using a table cell (a UI item) as the data model for your next controller, which may work but is really error-prone when the app gets complicated.
You'd be better off with a real Data Model object that keeps track of the information you present in your cells. All the method you posted would then have to do is tell the Data Model which item was now the selected one and that same information would be available to the next controller when it appeared.

Objective-C / Cocoa Touch: Is it good design to set label texts in the setter of the UILabel object?

Let's say I have a two subclasses of UIViewController called MasterViewController and DetailViewController.
DetailViewController has a property of type NSNumber called level and a UILabel called levelLabel.
MasterViewController has a segue to DetailViewController called ToDetail. MasterViewController's prepareForSegue is like so
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue)segue sender:(id)sender
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:#"ToDetail"]) {
DetailViewController *detailVC = (DetailViewController *)segue.destinationViewController;
detailVC.level = [NSNumber numberWithInt:10]; // never mind the literal...pretend there was some algorithm for it
So then, in DetailViewController we implement the setter for levelLabel like so:
- (void)setLevelLabel:(UILabel *)levelLabel
if (levelLabel) {
_levelLabel = levelLabel;
_levelLabel.text = level.stringValue;
Is this good code design? Also, could you critique my code writing style? I pretty much wrote all this code on the fly so this is pretty much how I write code for the most part.
I thought of this question while showering because this is how I implement the setting of almost all the label texts that depend on a segue.
What follows is my own way of thinking about such relationships. Italics applies to your question.
You have the thing being controlled (the label) the controller (destination view controller) and the context it is being controlled within (the source view controller). This can also be expressed as model-view-controller, but I think thinking about a context can apply to much more specific and localised situations.
You should generally try to keep information flow going in one direction, from the context downwards. Objects should not have to be aware of the context in which they exist, ie they shouldn't have to ask for any information, they should be told everything they need to operate. So the source view controller should push the level to the destination view controller, the destination view controller should push this information to the label. This is what you already have, sort-of.
To build upon the above, not only should information flow in one direction, but I also try to ensure the relationships are causal, ie pushing information from one object to another should cause it to subsequently be pushed to the next object. Your code is not doing this which is probably why you have a bad feeling about it.
A more appropriate thing to do is set the text property of the label within the level setter, so that when you set or change the level, the label will update subsequently. The label may or may not be loaded so you will have to check whether it is using -isViewLoaded; -viewDidLoad is the appropriate place to set the text property upon first load.
(When I say 'push' that's just my way of thinking about setting properties or passing arguments because it implies directionality. It is really dependency injection. An example of pulling information would be delegates and data sources. But note here still the object isn't aware of any context, delegates and data sources are clearly defined as protocols, not classes, and usually within the same header file, and are themselves pushed onto the object from a surrounding context. So yes the object is asking for information, but on its own terms and from a system it has no knowledge of.)
Re coding style:
That's exactly how I write code but note Apple reserves the use of underscore prefixes

Getting objects from a window Cocoa

What's the best way to get objects from a window. I have a sudoku-like grid of 81 NSTextFields and I would prefer to simply have an array of NSTextFields instead of 81 individual NSTextFields linked through IBOutlets.
For example: if there was a way to send a message to NSWindow such as getObject: (NSString*) title and then use a for-loop to add these NSTextFields to an NSMutableArray, that would be ideal. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
You could do the following:
NSArray *subviews = [_window subViews];
for(NSView *subview in subviews)
if( [subview isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]] )
[_textFields addObject:subview];
in -awakeFromNib
Now for the nagging, I don't think you should do it this way. Creating a custom NSView to act as a "Sudoku" view would be both easier to use in your code and better for performance of your application. Loading the Window with 81 textFields is quite heavy + uses a lot more memory.
It sounds to me like you would be much better off with an NSMatrix of NSTextFieldCells.
A matrix is a single object that you can reference with a single outlet connection (or other property), and it knows about rows and columns (so no need to convert those to and from linear indexes). You can also access its individual cells to configure them separately; for example, to set the filled-in values and disable those cells so the user can't change them.

Cocoa Touch UIViewController Properties and class design

I'm creating a custom ViewController. This VC needs to load some data that is known in the event that creates it and pushes it to the top of the NavigationController that it is going to be part of.
My question is, how should I pass data from the view that handles the custom ViewController's creation into that custom ViewController.
I've thought of four possible options, and I was hoping to get feedback on why each one is good or not for this functionality.
1) Expose public properties in the custom ViewController and set the UI elements in the view based on those properties in - (void) ViewDidLoad.
2) Expose the actual UI elements themselves and set their .text/.image/.whatever attributes as the ViewController is being created.
3) Create a custom constructor for the custom view and pass in the values I need to set up the UI elements
4) Create a custom model that both views have access to, set the data before the CustomView is created/pushed, and access that data in the ViewDidLoad event.
I'm still new to all of this, and I want to make sure that I understand the proper handling of these handoffs of data. It seems like something like this is probably a simple answer, but I'm still a little confused and its probably really important to do this right to avoid memory loss/leaks.
Also, in case anyone cares, I'm using Stanford's CS193p class on iTunes U and Mark/Lamarche's "Beginning iPhone Development" to teach myself cocoa for the iPhone. I'm working on an application with a NavigationController and a couple ViewControllers (Presence 1 if you're familiar with 193p).
Well, I believe there are advantages & disadvantages to each of those methods depending on your requirements...often it will require some combination of approaches. I believe the most common, for me anyway, is to do something like this where you give it enough to get started.
MyViewController *vc = [[MyViewController alloc] init]; // (or initWithNibName:bundle:)
// transfer vc values here
vc.value1 = aValue;
vc.value2 = anotherValue;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
[vc release];
After your view controller is instantiated you have an opportunity to pass objects to it. Say MyViewController is a detail view then you'd give it the object it will be displaying the details for. Or, if it's a table view you can give it the NSArray it will need for display. Then in viewDidLoad or awakeFromNib or awakeFromCoder, or... you can fill out the to speak.
#1 is fine, with or without #3 (these two are not mutually exclusive)
#4 is my preferred solution. For instance, if I had a UserViewController, I would probably also like to have a User object and create it this way:
User *user = [self.users objectAtIndex:someIndex];
UserViewController *uvc = [[[UserViewController alloc] initWithUser:user] autorelease];
#2 is not a good idea. Objects should not access the UI elements of other objects. Much trouble comes from this when you decide to change your UI around (and you will).