WCF - What is the difference between Binding.RecieveTimeout and Binding.ReliableSession.InactivityTimeout? - wcf

In WCF, what is the difference between Binding.RecieveTimeout and Binding.ReliableSession.InactivityTimeout?

From http://blogs.msdn.com/drnick/archive/2007/06/26/session-lifetime-on-the-server.aspx
When using a reliable session, there are two different inactivity timers that must be satisfied to keep the connection alive. If either inactivity timer goes off, then the connection is killed.
The first inactivity timer is on the reliable session and is called InactivityTimeout. This inactivity timer fires if no messages, either application or infrastructure, are received within the timeout period. An infrastructure message is a message that is generated for the purpose of one of the protocols in the channel stack, such as a keep alive or an acknowledgment, rather than containing application data.
The second inactivity timer is on the service and uses the ReceiveTimeout setting of the binding. This inactivity timer fires if no application messages are received within the timeout period.


How long does it take Voximplant to detect a disconnected user?

I am testing losing connection in a Voximplant call. The Disconnected event fires after approximately one minute after losing connection. Can I adjust this value?
The server waits for the client to reconnect if the connection is lost. If you don't need this feature, you can send pings from the client via sendMessage and check for them for example each 2-3 seconds. If there are no pings, then use hangup

Is it possible to lose events when using long-polling to retrieve real time notifications?

When subscribing to real-time notifications, I go through the normal handshake, subscribe, connect flow.
Once the connection returns with events, I reconnect and wait for the next response to return. My question is:
If events are generated the first response and the next reconnect, could they be lost?
As an example: A synchronous application which processes returned response data after it returns and only reconnects once the data processing has finished could cause a significant delay between the response and the next reconnect. Are the cumulocity events generated during that delay buffered in the real-time queue for that particular client id or are they just lost?
Another possible example is when the client ID is no longer valid (this seems to happen every day at midnight), I have to resubscribe, causing a period of time during which no one is subscribed.
The client ID that you receive when handshaking is connected to a queue on the server side. That queue keeps all notifications that you are not able to receive until the next connect. It delivers them when you reconnect. (Try it out with Postman: After a connect returns, send a couple of events, then connect again. You will notice that you will get all events at once.)
However, as you noticed, the queue is not kept forever. If you are not able to reconnect within two hours (I believe), the queue is thrown away in order to not block server resources. This is what you noticed. In that case, you need to query the database to determine any missed events (e.g., poll any operations in pending state from devices).

Handle timeouts in WCF service

I would like to know what is a proper way to handle timeouts in a WCF service.
I have a service that uses sessions. The client does a Connect, various calls (as the user interacts with the client app) and then, at some point, does a Disconnect. The Disconnect operation performs a clean-up on the server (such as releasing COM objects). However, the client can (abnormally) terminate (for various reasons) without calling Disconnect. After the receiveTimeout expires, the services is aborted. I need to handle this in a way that allows me to proper clean-up the session. How can I do that?
Is there an event I can handle? An interface that I can implement and customize the service with it? I have looked, but did not find something. IErrorHandler does not help with the timeouts.
I have thought of a timer on the service that is reset every time a call is made to the service. When the timer elapses, the client is considered disconnected and the service can clean-up the session. Is this appropriate? (This interval should be always smaller than the receiveTimeout of the binding.)
As per http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff183865.aspx, WCF sessions timeout by default after 10 minutes or whatever the receiveTimeout specifies. If your service class implements IDisposable, I believe the Dispose() call should come in at this time, which would give you a second/last chance to clean up any outstanding resources.

boost::asio timeouts example - writing data is expensive

boost:: asio provides an example of how to use the library to implement asynchronous timeouts; client sends server periodic heartbeat messages to server, which echoes heartbeat back to client. failure to respond within N seconds causes disconnect. see boost_asio/example/timeouts/server.cpp
The pattern outlined in these examples would be a good starting point for part of a project i will be working on shortly, but for one wrinkle:
in addition to heartbeats, both client and server need to send messages to each other.
The timeouts example pushes heartbeat echo messages onto a queue, and a subsequent timeout causes an asynchronous handler for the timeout to actually write the data to the socket.
Introducing data for the socket to write cannot be done on the thread running io_service, because it is blocked on run(). run_once() doesn't help, you still block until there is a handler to run, and introduce the complexity of managing work for the io_service.
In asio, asynchronous handlers - writes to the socket being one of them - are called on the thread running io_service.
Therefore, to introduce messages randomly, data to be sent is pushed onto a queue from a thread other than the io_service thread, which implies protecting the queue and notification timer with a mutex. There are then two mutexes per message, one for pushing the data to the queue, and one for the handler which dequeues the data for write to socket.
This is actually a more general question than asio timeouts alone: is there a pattern, when the io_service thread is blocked on run(), by which data can be asynchronously written to the socket without taking two mutexes per message?
The following things could be of interest: boost::asio strands is a mechanism of synchronising handlers. You only need to do this though if you are calling io_service::run from multiple threads AFAIK.
Also useful is the io_service::post method, which allows you execute code from the thread that has invoked io_service::run.

WCF - How to detect if server is alive?

I am developing a client/server application with net tcp binding and I need to be notified if my connection to server goes down.
From server-side if a client disconnects, i can detect it instantly with CommunicationObject. Faulted event (with reliable session off). However, from Client side, it seems I have no way to know if server goes down. Same event doesn't fire. By the way I am setting receiveTimeout to infinite. Some people suggested a heartbeat or ping function to check if server is alive. But i think at WCF level such methodologies have big impacts. After all it's not a simple packet you send , it's the whole WCF request. What should I do ?
There seems to be a common misconception that, in order to find out on the client side whether a WCF session is still alive, one has to implement some kind of custom ping or heartbeat operation on the service. However, the WCF framework, when configured correctly, already does this for you in the background.
The trick is to set the ReliableSession.InactivityTimeout to a period that is short enough. For instance, if you set it to 30 seconds, then the ICommunicationObject.Faulted event will be raised on the client proxy after 30 (minimum) to appr. 45 (maximum) seconds after a service breakdown. The exact delay depends on the rhythm of the WCF-internal session keep-alive control timer and the specific time of the breakdown.
Of course, this can only work for reliable-session capable bindings, combined with the right session properties (ServiceContractAttribute.SessionMode, ServiceBehaviorAttribute.InstanceContextMode, OperationContractAttribute.IsInitiating, and OperationContractAttribute.IsTerminating).