How to know which files an application is trying to access? - file-io

How do I know which files and registry keys an application is trying to access?

Process Monitor is your lord and savior. Or FileMon & RegMon if you're running an older windows OS.


Publishing a VB.NET Winform Application

I have a windows form application that I need to publish, I just need some advice on what would be the best way to publish an application to a server so that multiple users can access it using a short cut on their desktop and without having to actually install the application on their local machines.
You may run into CAS problems. It is better if users download code to their machines. Then you talking "ClickOnce"

How To Query A Remote Index From Windows 8

I have a machine running Windows 2008 Server using the built-in Windows Indexing functionality. I have a separate machine running Windows 8. I need to query the Windows 2008 index from the Windows 8 machine. I used to be able to do this using the MSIDXS provider but this is no longer in option in Windows 8.
Is there a new way to deal with this scenario? My internet searches haven't turned up much.
Windows Store apps use contracts and extensions to enable communications between apps and between an app and Windows. More info on the subject here. I haven't worked with MSIDXS provider, but from what you described, you will not be able to access the data residing on a server directly as you would before.
One option is to expose the index data as a service to your Windows Store app. This is probably not optimized for your case, but it is a general approach to consider when you need to communicate with resources outside of your Windows Store app.

Run an executable when a web address is called

I'm trying to find a way to run a dos executable when called by another server.
It's hard to explain sorry,
So I have a windows server 2008r2. On it is a dos exe that I need to run.
I also have a linux ubuntu server that hosts some SQL and web pages (apache).
Users update a table in the linux box, and when they do I need to run a dos exe on the windows box.
I don't want to use scheduled tasks on the windows box, because updates need to happen at the moment the data is changed in the linux box with little delay.
Any way anyone can think of that the linux box can 'call' the windows server to run the exe?
Thanks :)

Should I install Sharepoint 2010 on a separate OS instance?

I will need a Sharepoint Server 2010 install for learning purposes.. I already have a Win 7 x64 os installation with vs2010 and I use it for my current development needs.
The question is ... would you recommend to install sharepoint onto an existing win 7 installation, create a separate OS instance (win7 or win 2008 r2?) for sharepoint development purposes or maybe create a VM for that? I have 4GBs of ram and I wont be able to extend it.
What are your experiences with dev environments for sharepoint 2010? I remember that 2007 was a real resource hog - maybe there is a 'magical' switch that allows sharepoint 2010 related services to be turned off?
If you thought SharePoint 2007 is a resource hog, SharePoint 2010 is even worse. The full installation creates lots of Windows services and IIS application pools. Which makes it really hard to stop SharePoint since all those services start automatically.I agree with others that you should use the VM approach but I think you need Windows Server 2008 R2 to be able to create 64-bit VMs.
Here's a link to powershell scripts for stopping/starting SharePoint services:
I personally always run it in a different instance - either a separate machine or a virtual machine. Sharepoint 2010 is massive, and changes your system with a magnitude not seen by any previous sharepoint version, in terms of databases, scheduled tasks, services...
You should install your SharePoint 2010 in Server2008 R2 if you can ,since then you can do a complete install and use domain account.The installation in win7 is a standalone install and only use system account.It does not match what is in production...
Or if you can, virtualize your SharePoint environment.You need to give at least 4gb ram to SharePoint VM otherwise it is running like a dog.

Updating windows applications over the internet

I have a windows application developed in 2005. The application is installed in several machines.
Is there anyway when I do any modifications and publish the code it updates in all the machines.
PS: All the machines are connected to internet.
There is not an "Automatic" way of doing this, but there are various ways that you could try to enhance and automate the process.
You could build your own "updater" that polls every X days for an update, and pulls it down.
You could use click once to deploy and have the users do the updates.
For an existing application, there's nothing automatic out there. For a new application, look into ClickOnce deployment.