IIS6.0 Application Pool - iis-6

Is there anyway how to check which website is being used with that pool without browsing each website and checks its assigned pool?
I have approximately 35 websites and I can't afford browsing the websites one by one....

Drop down the app pool in inetmgr - all the websites should be listed underneath (they are on my servers)...

In the IIS Manager MMC, you can see the application pools node and look in each app pool, or you can open the properties of each site and look at the app pool assigned to it.
There are also a few tricks available for managing app pools that I can dig up if thats what you are looking for.
You should not be "browsing" the sites to see what is what, unless I am not getting what you mean by that.


Blazor Wasm - Publish 'lifecycle'

I have an active Blazor Wasm - Core Hosted site that is being used by one entity at the moment. Whenever I perform an update I wait until they're not using it (perhaps for no good reason).
Going forward, I'd hope to have multiple users and there will not be a common window where the site is not in use. Am sure this is not a unique requirement, so am pretty sure that its all covered under the hood, but if you can answer the following it would help clarify for me.
When a client connects to server the application is downloaded to client ...
Is this done by the script "_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"?
If I publish an update to my site at my hosting site whilst the application is in use ...
Am I right to assume that the application pool running in memory will
persist until I force a 'recycle'?
Does this mean that my published code will have no effect until the
pool is recycled? Or do new connections get the new app?
If I force a recycle whilst there are active users, might I not end up
with a downloaded client app that is out of sync with the running
server app?

web logic server Breach Help! How do Find Signs of what data if any was accessed?

A Weblogic server got hacked and the problem is now removed.
I am looking through the infected VM's now in a sandbox and want to see what if any data was accessed on the application servers.
the app servers were getting hammered with ssh requests and so we identified the infected VM's as the web logic VMS, we did not have http logging on. Is there any way to Identify if any PII was Compromised?
Looked through secure logs on weblogic as well as looked through the PIA logs
I am not sure how to identify what if any data was accessed
I would like to find out what went out of our network and info or data
what should I be looking for
is there anything I can learn from looking at the weblogic servers running on red hat?
I would want to believe that SSH was not the only service being hammered, and that was a large attempt to make eyes be on Auth logging whilst an attempt on other services is made.
Do you have a Time frame that you are working with?
Have the OS logs been checked for that time frame?
.bash_history been checked? env variables? /etc/pass* for added users? aliases? reverse shells open on the network connections? New users created on services running on that particular host?
Was WebLogic the only service running on this publicly available host?
What other services and ports were available?
Was this due to an older version of Weblogic or another service, application, plugin?
Create yourself an excel spreadsheet and start a timeline.
Look at all the OS level logging possible and start to make note of anything that looks suspicious, to then follow that breadcrumb to exhaustion.

Hosting a continuosly running Console application

Azure VM, Cloud service or Web job?
I have a configurable console application which runs continuosly. Currently it is running on a VM and consumes lot of memory (it is basically doing data mining).
The current requirement is to have multiple instances of this application with different set of configuration which can be changed by specific users.
So where should I host this application such that the configuration can be modified using some front end which provides access managements(like Sharepoint),ability to stop it/restart (like WCF service) without logging on the VM?
I am open to any suggestions/ideas. Thanks
I don't think there's any sold answer to this question as there is the preference variable but for what it's worth, if it were up to me I would deploy it against individual azure VM's for each specific set of users. That way if the server resources went up because of config changes the user group made it is isolated to that group, and with azure, will scale automatically to meet the resource demand. Then just build a little .net web app to allow user to authenticate and change configuration settings.
You could expose an "admin" endpoint for your service (obviously you need authentication here!) that:
1. can return the current configuration
2. accept new configuration
3. restart the service (if needed). Stopping the service will be harder, since that leaves the question on how to start it again.
Then you need to write your own (or use a 3-party (like sharepoint or a CMS)) application that will handle your users and under the hood consume your "admin" endpoint.
Edit: The hosting part: If I understand you correctly your app is just an console application today, and you don't know how to host it? Well, there are many answers to that question. If you have a operations department go talk to them, if you are on your own play around and see what fits you and your environment best!
My tip: go for a http/https protocol/interface - just because there are many web host out there, and you can easy find tools for that protocol. if you are on the .NET platform check out Web.API or OWASP
Azure now has Machine learning to process data mining.
You should check if it's suit to you.
Otherwise, you can use Webjob:
Allow you to have multiple instances of your long time running job (Webjon scaling out).
AppSettings can be change from the Azure Portal or using the Azure Management API

Migrate WCF service from IIS to self host. How and should I?

I'm currently hosting a WCF service on an IIS 7.5.
Problem is I need to save data for the duration of the session (using static members) but the AppPool recycle keeps deleting all the cached data.
For my understanding my only solution is to self host the service.
I have no clue on how to do that and what are the pros and cons.
is this really my only option?
Looks like there was a different problem.
I changed hosting from IIS to self-hosting on a console application and I found a bug that was crashing the app. I'm guessing this was the reason for the loss of data and not the app pool recycling...
That does not seem like a good reason to migrate from IIS to Windows service . why not to disable app Pool recycling by
Idle Time-out(minutes) = 0
"Regular time Interval(minutes)" = 0
so it will never recycle
Disable Recycling for configuration Changes = true
these settings live in advanced settings of AppPool
Update: how about
"Disable Overlapped Recycle" = true
AppPool Recycle settings
If this is the problem, I think you are storing the cache in memory. We can store the store the cache in disk,database or any your customized location. so there is no need move your application from IIS to self-host.

What is causing to have the "load spike" issue on my server?

I have list of websites (around 50 +) on my nearer hosting provider hosting package. recently many of the sites being said the below "note that your account has been suspended due to higher resource usage which causes load spikes in the server and lets the other sites gets down"
All these sites build with Joomla and regular PHP coding. Not sure What I have to do as per the hosting side? any thoughts.,
I think you should change your hosting provider, consult the problems with your current provider, or, if you have a lot of traffic comming to your site, change to better hosting solution