Batching in REST - wcf

With web services it is considered a good practice to batch several service calls into one message to reduce a number of remote calls. Is there any way to do this with RESTful services?

If you really need to batch, Http 1.1 supports a concept called HTTP Pipelining that allows you to send multiple requests before receiving a response. Check it out here

I don't see how batching requests makes any sense in REST. Since the URL in a REST-based service represents the operation to perform and the data on which to perform it, making batch requests would seriously break the conceptual model.
An exception would be if you were performing the same operation on the same data multiple times. In this case you can either pass in multiple values for a request parameter or encode this repetition in the body (however this would only really work for PUT or POST). The Gliffy REST API supports adding multiple users to the same folder via
POST /folders/ROOT/the/folder/name/users?userId=56&userId=87&userId=45
which is essentially:
PUT /folders/ROOT/the/folder/name/users/56
PUT /folders/ROOT/the/folder/name/users/87
PUT /folders/ROOT/the/folder/name/users/45
As the other commenter pointed out, paging results from a GET can be done via request parameters:
GET /some/list/of/resources?startIndex=10&pageSize=50
if the REST service supports it.

I agree with Darrel Miller. HTTP already supports HTTP Pipelining, plus HTTP supports keep alive letting you stream multiple HTTP operations concurrently down the same socket to avoid having to wait for the responses before streaming new requests to the server etc.
So with HTTP pipelining and keep alive you get the effect of batching while using the same underlying REST API - so there's usually no need for another REST API to your service

The team with Astoria made good use of multi-part mime to send a batch of calls. Different from pipelining as the multi-part message can infer the intent of an atomic operation. Seems rather elegant.
Original blog post explaining
MSDN Documentation

Of course there is a way but it would require server-side support. There is no magical one size fits all methodology that I know of.


how to design REST API to ask server to wait for resource version to arrive on GET requests?

I work on splitting monoliths into microservices. With the monolith, I had a single source of truth and can just GET /resources/123 right after the PATCH /resources/123 and be sure that the database has the up-to-date data I need.
With microservices and CQRS in place, there is a risk that the query service has not seen yet the latest update to the record when I perform a GET request.
What is the best or standard approach to making sure that the client receives back the up-to-date value? I know that the client may compare resource versions that he receives after PATCH and after GET and retry requests, but is there a known API design to tell the server something like GET /resources/123 and wait up to 5 sec for the resource version 45 or bigger to arrive?
Since a PATCH request allows a response body, to my mind there's nothing wrong with the response including the object after patching. The requestor who sent the PATCH can use the response in lieu of a GET; for others, the eventual consistency delay for the GET isn't observable (since they don't know when the PATCH was issued).
CQRS means to not contort your write model for the sake of reads. If there's a read that is easily performed based on the write model, that read can be done against the write model.
Generally a better design might be for the PATCH request to delay its own response, if that's an option.
However, your GET request can also just 'hang' until it's ready. This generally feels like a better design than polling.
A client could indicate to the server how long it's willing to wait using a Prefer: wait= header:
This could be used both for the GET or the PATCH request.
I don't think there's a standard HTTP way to say: this resource is not available right now, but will be in the future. However, there is a standard HTTP header to tell clients when to retry the request:
This is mainly used for 429 and 503 errors but neither seem appropriate here.
Frankly this is one of the first thing I've heard in a while that could be a good new HTTP status code. 425 Too Early exists but its a different use-case.

Why should I build an API with an asynchronous/non-blocking framework?

I have been looking into the Play Framework as a possible candidate for helping me to build a simple API. However, the Django Rest Framework (DRF) also seems to be a pretty strong contenter.
As far as I can tell, the DRF does not advertise itself to be an asynchronous (or non-blocking) framework like the Play Framework does, but I am interested in whether or not this even matters. The situation that I keep thinking of is sending an email to a user via Mandrill -- I do not want my API to get bogged-down waiting for the Mandrill API to tell it whether or not the email was sent.
Thus, I think the question can be summarized like this: is there a benefit from the client's perspective that will result from my building an API with an asynchronous/non-blocking framework like Play over the DRF, or am I missing the point?
I'm a Django REST framework contributor (and user), so my perspective is biased towards that.
Django REST framework is built on Django, which is a synchronous framework for web applications. If you're already using a synchronous framework like Django, having a synchronous API is less of an issue.
Now, just because it is synchronous, that doesn't mean that only a single request can ever be handled at a time. Most web servers that are handling Django applications can handle multiple requests, some of theme even do it somewhat asynchronously across multiple threads. Usually this isn't actually an issue, as your web server can typically handle many concurrent requests, even if some of them are blocking. And when you have long, blocking calls you usually don't want that done within the API - you should be delegating that to background workers like Celery or Resque.
This isn't just specific to Django, many of the same principles apply to other synchronous frameworks like Rails and ASP.NET MVC. If you have long-running requests, you generally should be delegating work to other processes instead of holding up the request. It's common to use the 202 response code for these cases.
Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that asynchronous frameworks are useless. In runtimes such as Node.js, most frameworks handle requests asynchronously. It doesn't make sense to use a synchronous framework in these languages, so most libraries are built to be asynchronous.
What you choose very much depends on the tools that you are already using.
Regarding the clients connecting to your app there should be no difference at all if your server uses asynchronous/non-blocking (ANB) technologies or not. But it may make a lot of difference in the number of requests your app can handle.
Suppose the following scenario: a request that checks if a FB/Google/etc access token is valid, and then uses it to get the social profile of your user and then returns something back.
If you are using a blocking http client in your server, during each of the 2 http requests the thread serving that request can be blocked a lot of time doing nothing.
If you are using a non-blocking http client (like the one Play brings) while the HTTP request is made and the response comes back the thread can be used to do something else (ex: process part of another request).
Note that to solve this "problem" you wouldn't need an ANB framework, just an ANB http client. So you should look more to the kind of operations you will have in your app and check how your chosen framework will deal with them. For example: if your app consists almost of DB CRUD operations and the DB driver is blocking (like JDBC in Java and probably the ones used by Django) it really does not matter much if the framework is asynchronous or not, you will be blocking most of the time on that specific component.
In your email example probably Django+Celery will do just as fine as Play/Akka.
Non async frameworks usually do long-running tasks passing them to some external process (e.g. Resque/DelayedJob/sidekiq for Rails development)
just wanted to add that Mandrill API supports async parameter for sending emails.
Here is what's their docs are saying:
enable a background sending mode that is optimized for bulk sending. In async mode, messages/send will immediately return a status of "queued" for every recipient. To handle rejections when sending in async mode, set up a webhook for the 'reject' event.
So in case using async set to true you'll get handle immediately after performing a call to the API without waiting for all emails to be sent.
(I took JSON version of the API just as example)
The Django community is working on this thing for now if you want you can utilise the sync_to_async() adapter .
It comes with some limitations and performance penalties but the community is still working on the same .
The link below will help you to work with the sync_to_async() adapter

Is it appropriate to use message queues for synchronous rpc calls via ajax

I have a web application that uses the jquery autocomplete plugin, which essentially sends via ajax a request containing text that has been typed into a textbox to our web server, once the web server receives this request, it is then handed off to rabbitmq.
I know that we do get benefits from using messaging, but it seems like using it for blocking rpc calls is a misuse and that something like WCF is far more appropriate in this instance, is this the case or is it considered acceptable architecture?
It's possible to perform RPC synchronous requests with RabbitMQ. Here it's explained very well, with its drawback included! So it's considered an acceptable architecture. Discouraged, but acceptable whenever the synchronous response is mandatory.
As a possible counter-effect is that adding RabbitMQ in the middle, you will add some latency to the solution.
However you have the possibility to gain in terms of reliability, flexibility, scalability,...
What benefit would you get from it? And in fairness if you put the message in the queue how is is synchronous? unless the same process that placed the message in the queue is the one removing it, but that is pretty much useless no?
Now, if all you want to do is place the message in the queue and process it later on is grand.
Also the fact that you had WCF to the mixture is IMHO a symptom that something is perhaps not clear enough. You could use WCF as an API gateway and use it to write the message to the queue so this is not really about WCF or Queues, but more like sync vs async.
The way you are putting your ideas, does not look alright to me.

How to write a middle-tier http API endpoint that can stream results as they arrive to the client?

The scenario is this - I have a frontend web-server that I'm writing in node.js. I have an as-yet-unwritten middle-tier internal-API layer written in, well, anything. The internal-API is the only thing allowed to talk to the data-store (which happens to be a relational database).
Disclaimer: I'm a node.js beginner.
node.js wants to do data-access asynchronously - that makes calls like Database.query.all inefficient, since the response callback wouldn't start until the whole list has been assembled. Documentation I've read suggests that instead, it'd be better to stream results one at a time to the client.
I would like to know how to write the frontend and middle-tier http internal-API such that I can take advantage of node.js' asynchronicity, here.
I guess the question is "how do I stream structured data over http"? I guess that's the feature of the internal API that I'm asking for support for.
Should I:
Get the frontend to ask for a list of IDs, then issue one request each to the backend? Sounds crude and chatty, plus I don't see a guarantee that the requests will return in the order that I want, so I'd have to wait 'til I had everything back at the frontend anyway..?
Get the frontend to make a series of requests against the internal API for pages of data, and treat each chunk as a stream-segment...?
Fetch only enough data for the first screen's worth, then request for subsequent chunks, writing each one to the end of the list as it arrives?
something cleverer!?
(Note: please don't say "get rid of the middle-tier so you can talk to the database directly" - that's not an option)
I am not sure what exactly you mean by "streaming"; from the ideas you give, it could be either interpreted as some HTTP server push or long polling technique, or simply making subsequent XHR requests.
Since you're using node, I recommend, which allows you to really push data to the browser whenever you want.
If you chose to go with XHRs, simply tell the browser what to request next.
If that doesn't fit you, and you want to use server push or long polling, response.write() seems the way to go. But you will probably run into problems with request timeouts and such.

Streaming API vs Rest API?

The canonical example here is Twitter's API. I understand conceptually how the REST API works, essentially its just a query to their server for your particular request in which you then receive a response (JSON, XML, etc), great.
However I'm not exactly sure how a streaming API works behind the scenes. I understand how to consume it. For example with Twitter listen for a response. From the response listen for data and in which the tweets come in chunks. Build up the chunks in a string buffer and wait for a line feed which signifies end of Tweet. But what are they doing to make this work?
Let's say I had a bunch of data and I wanted to setup a streaming API locally for other people on the net to consume (just like Twitter). How is this done, what technologies? Is this something Node JS could handle? I'm just trying to wrap my head around what they are doing to make this thing work.
Twitter's stream API is that it's essentially a long-running request that's left open, data is pushed into it as and when it becomes available.
The repercussion of that is that the server will have to be able to deal with lots of concurrent open HTTP connections (one per client). A lot of existing servers don't manage that well, for example Java servlet engines assign one Thread per request which can (a) get quite expensive and (b) quickly hits the normal max-threads setting and prevents subsequent connections.
As you guessed the Node.js model fits the idea of a streaming connection much better than say a servlet model does. Both requests and responses are exposed as streams in Node.js, but don't occupy an entire thread or process, which means that you could continue pushing data into the stream for as long as it remained open without tying up excessive resources (although this is subjective). In theory you could have a lot of concurrent open responses connected to a single process and only write to each one when necessary.
If you haven't looked at it already the HTTP docs for Node.js might be useful.
I'd also take a look at technoweenie's Twitter client to see what the consumer end of that API looks like with Node.js, the stream() function in particular.