How do the Postgres foreign key 'on update' and 'on delete' options work? - sql

Can anyone provide a clear explanation / example of what these functions do, and when it's appropriate to use them?

Straight from the manual...
We know that the foreign keys disallow creation of orders that do not relate to any products. But what if a product is removed after an order is created that references it? SQL allows you to handle that as well. Intuitively, we have a few options:
Disallow deleting a referenced product
Delete the orders as well
Something else?
CREATE TABLE order_items (
product_no integer REFERENCES products ON DELETE RESTRICT,
order_id integer REFERENCES orders ON DELETE CASCADE,
quantity integer,
PRIMARY KEY (product_no, order_id)
Restricting and cascading deletes are the two most common options. RESTRICT prevents deletion of a referenced row. NO ACTION means that if any referencing rows still exist when the constraint is checked, an error is raised; this is the default behavior if you do not specify anything. (The essential difference between these two choices is that NO ACTION allows the check to be deferred until later in the transaction, whereas RESTRICT does not.) CASCADE specifies that when a referenced row is deleted, row(s) referencing it should be automatically deleted as well. There are two other options: SET NULL and SET DEFAULT. These cause the referencing columns to be set to nulls or default values, respectively, when the referenced row is deleted. Note that these do not excuse you from observing any constraints. For example, if an action specifies SET DEFAULT but the default value would not satisfy the foreign key, the operation will fail.
Analogous to ON DELETE there is also ON UPDATE which is invoked when a referenced column is changed (updated). The possible actions are the same.
edit: You might want to take a look at this related question: When/Why to use Cascading in SQL Server?. The concepts behind the question/answers are the same.

I have a PostGreSQL database and I use On Delete when I have a user that I delete from the database and I need to delete it's information from other table. This ways I need to do only 1 delete and FK that has ON delete will delete information from other table.
You can do the same with ON Update. If you update the table and the field have a FK with On Update, if a change is made on the FK you will be noticed on the FK table.

What Daok says is true... it can be rather convenient. On the other hand, having things happen automagically in the database can be a real problem, especially when it comes to eliminating data. It's possible that in the future someone will count on the fact that FKs usually prevent deletion of parents when there are children and not realize that your use of On Delete Cascade not only doesn't prevent deletion, it makes huge amounts of data in dozens of other tables go away thanks to a waterfall of cascading deletes.
#Arthur's comment.
The more frequently "hidden" things happen in the database the less likely it becomes that anyone will ever have a good handle on what is going on. Triggers (and this is essentially a trigger) can cause my simple action of deleting a row, to have wide ranging consequences throughout my database. I issue a Delete statement and 17 tables are affected with cascades of triggers and constraints and none of this is immediately apparent to the issuer of the command. OTOH, If I place the deletion of the parent and all its children in a procedure then it is very easy and clear for anyone to see EXACTLY what is going to happen when I issue the command.
It has absolutely nothing to do with how well I design a database. It has everything to do with the operational issues introduced by triggers.

Instead of writing the method to do all the work, of the cascade delete or cascade update, you could simply write a warning message instead. A lot easier than reinventing the wheel, and it makes it clear to the client (and new developers picking up the code)


MSSQL Multiple FKs in table: cannot have multiple cascade/set nulls?

I have a fairly simple design, as follows:
What I want to achieve in my grouping_individual_history is marked in red:
when a session is deleted, I want to cascade delete the grouping_history....
when a grouping is deleted, I just want the child field to be nullified
It seems that MSSQL will not allow me to have more than one FK that does something else than no action ... It'll complain with:
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_grouping_individual_history_grouping' on table 'grouping_individual_history' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
I've already read this post (, although it's not quite the same scenario it seems to me.
I've tried doing a INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger on my grouping table, but it wont accept it, because in turn, my grouping table has another FK (fkSessionID) that does a cascade delete... So, the fix would be to change it all, in all affected tables with FKs. The chain is long though, and we cannot consider it.
For one thing, can someone explain to me why SQL Server is giving me the issue for this very simple scenario in the first place? I just don't understand it.
Is there another workaround I could use (besides just removing the foreign key link from my grouping_individual_history table)?

Adding a row to Table A if it has a required foreign key to Table B which has a required foreign key to Table A

This might sound complicated, so I'll give an example.
Say, I have two tables Instructor and Class.
Instructor has a required field called PreferredClassID which has a foreign key against Class.
Class has a required field called CurrentInstructorID which is a foreign key against Instructor
Is it possible to insert a row to either of these tables?
Cause if I insert a row to Instructor, I won't be able to as I'll need to supply a PreferredClassID, but I can't create a Class row either because it needs a CurrentInstructorID.
If I can't do this, how would I solve this problem? Would I just need to make one of those fields non-required (even if business requirements specifies it really should be required?)
If you find yourself here, reevaluate your data relation model.
In this case, you could simply have a lookup table called PreferredCourse with courseId and instructorId.
This will enforce that both the course and instructor exist before adding the row to the PreferredCourse lookup. Maintaining business model requirements without bending the rules of database model requirements.
While it may seem excessive to have another table, it will prevent a whole lot of maintenance overhead in both your database procedures and jobs, and your application code. Circular references create nothing but headaches and are easily solved with small lookup tables and JOINs.
The Impaler gave an example of how to accomplish this with your current data structure. Please note, that you have to 1: make a key nullable in at least one of the tables, and then 2: Perform INSERTs in a specified order. Or, 3: disable the constraints, 4: perform INSERTS, 5: reenable constraints, 6: roll back transaction if constraints are now broken.
There is a whole lot that can go wrong, simply fix the relation model now before things get out of hand.
As long as one of those foreign keys allows a null value, you're good. So you:
Insert the row that accepts the null value first (say Instructor), with a null value on the FK. Get the ID of the inserted row.
Insert in the other table (say Class). In the FK you use the ID you got from step #1. Once inserted, you get the ID of this new row.
Update the FK on the first row (Instructor) with the ID you got from step #2.
Alternatively, if both FKs are NOT NULL then you have a bit of a problem. The options I see for this last case are:
Use deferrable FK integrity check. Some databases do allow you to insert without checking integrity until the COMMIT happens. This is really tricky, and enabling this is looking for trouble.
Disable the FK for a short period of time. Some databases allow you to enable/disable constraints. You are not deleting them, just temporarily disabling them. If you do this, don't forget to enable them back.
Drop the constraint temporarily, while you do the insert, and the add it again. This is really a work around of last resort. Adding/Dropping constraint are DML statements and usually cannot participate in a transaction. Do this at your own peril.
Something to consider (as per user7396598's answer) is looking at how normal forms apply to your data as it fits within your relational model.
In this case, it might be worth looking at the following:
With your Instructor table, is the PreferredClassID a necessary component? Does an instructor -need- to have a preferred class, or is it okay to say "Hey, I'm creating an entry for a new instructor, I don't know their preferred class."
(if they're new, they might not have a preferred class that your school offers)
This is a case where you definitely want to have a foreign key, but it should be okay to say 'I don't necessarily know the value I want to put there.'
In a similar vein, does a Class need to have an instructor when it's created? Is it possible to create a Class that an instructor has not been assigned to yet?
Again, both of these points are really a case of 'I don't know what I want to put here, but when I do, it should be a specific instance that exists in another table.'

SQLServer foreign key wont let me add constraint with cascade (on delete or update)

I have a simple datamodel in my database with three tables:
One ticket can have zero to multiple subtickets.
Every ticket and every tubticket can have one state.
So my database looks like this:
between: xTicket and xState i have the constraint:
on update cascade / on delete no action (updating the StateID in xTicket when changed, probihit deleting the entry in xTicket)
between: xSubTicket and xTicket I have the constraint:
on update cascade / on delete cascade (updating the TicketID in xSubTicket and deleting an entry when an entry in xTicket is deleted)
but when I want to the same constraint as for xTicket and xState for:
on update cascade / on delete no action I get the following message:
Foreign key constraint may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths
the foreign key will only let me set the constraint ON UPDATE CASCADE to either between xTicket and xState or between xSubTicket and xState.
so far I have found other questions about the same issue, where I got to know: either change the database design properly or the use of INSTEAD OF Triggers. - I actually want to know why this design is not acceptable, what am I doing wrong? How do I do it correctly?
thanks for any suggestion in advance
I actually want to know why this design is not acceptable,
Why do you think ti is not acceptable? This is merely a limitation of SQL Server. An inconvenient one.
You are free to code around it and use triggers to do the cascading operations.
I would ague your design is broken because hard deleting states should never happen and you try to do the database do cleanup that may well be more complex. I would go for a soft delete (marking a state as not available for new objects) so the cascade operations make no sense there. But that is another discussion and outside of the topic of your question.

Ordered DELETE of records in self-referencing table

I need to delete a subset of records from a self referencing table. The subset will always be self contained (that is, records will only have references to other records in the subset being deleted, not to any records that will still exist when the statement is complete).
My understanding is that this might cause an error if one of the records is deleted before the record referencing it is deleted.
First question: does postgres do this operation one-record-at-a-time, or as a whole transaction? Maybe I don't have to worry about this problem?
Second question: is the order of deletion of records consistent or predictable?
I am obviously able to write specific SQL to delete these records without any errors, but my ultimate goal is to write a regression test to show the next person after me why I wrote it that way. I want to set up the test data in such a way that a simplistic delete statement will consistently fail because of the records referencing the same table. That way if someone else messes with the SQL later, they'll get notified by the test suite that I wrote it that way for a reason.
Anyone have any insight?
EDIT: just to clarify, I'm not trying to work out how to delete the records safely (that's simple enough). I'm trying to figure out what set of circumstances will cause such a DELETE statement to consistently fail.
EDIT 2: Abbreviated answer for future readers: this is not a problem. By default, postgres checks the constraints at the end of each statement (not per-record, not per-transaction). Confirmed in the docs here: And by the SQLFiddle here:!15/11b8d/1
In standard SQL, and I believe PostgreSQL follows this, each statement should be processed "as if" all changes occur at the same time, in parallel.
So the following code works:
CREATE TABLE T (ID1 int not null primary key,ID2 int not null references T(ID1));
INSERT INTO T(ID1,ID2) VALUES (1,2),(2,1),(3,3);
Where we've got circular references involved in both the INSERT and the DELETE, and yet it works just fine.
A single DELETE with a WHERE clause matching a set of records will delete those records in an implementation-defined order. This order may change based on query planner decisions, statistics, etc. No ordering guarantees are made. Just like SELECT without ORDER BY. The DELETE executes in its own transaction if not wrapped in an explicit transaction, so it'll succeed or fail as a unit.
To force order of deletion in PostgreSQL you must do one DELETE per record. You can wrap them in an explicit transaction to reduce the overhead of doing this and to make sure they all happen or none happen.
PostgreSQL can check foreign keys at three different points:
The default, NOT DEFERRABLE: checks for each row as the row is inserted/updated/deleted
DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED: checks all rows at the end of the transaction
In your case, I'd define your FOREIGN KEY constraint as DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, and do a SET CONSTRAINTS DEFERRED before deleting.
(Actually if I vaguely recall correctly, despite the name IMMEDIATE, DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE actually runs the check at the end of the statement instead of the default of after each row change. So if you delete the whole set in a single DELETE the checks will then succeed. I'll need to double check).
(The mildly insane meaning of DEFERRABLE is IIRC defined by the SQL standard, along with gems like a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE that doesn't have a time zone).
If you issue a single DELETE that affects multiple records (like delete from x where id>100), that will be handled as a single transaction and either all will succeed or fail. If multiple DELETEs, you have to put them in a transaction yourself.
There will be problems. If you have a constraint with DELETE CASCADE, you might delete more than you want with a single DELETE. If you don't, the integrity check might stop you from deleting. Constraints other than NO ACTION are not deferrable, so you'd have to disable the constraint before delete and enable it afterwards (basically drop/create, which might be slow).
If you have multiple DELETEs, then the order is as the DELETE statements are sent. If a single DELETE, the database will delete in the order it happens to find them (index, oids, something else...).
So I would also suggest thinking about the logic and maybe handling the deletes differently. Can you elaborate more on the actual logic? A tree in database?
1) It will do as transaction if enclosed within "BEGIN/COMMIT". Otherwise in general no.
For more see
The answer in general to your question depends on how is self-referencing implemented.
If it is within application logic, it is solely your responsibility to check the things yourself.
Otherwise, it is in general possible to restrict or cascade deletes for rows with foreign keys and DELETE CASCADE . However, as far as PG docs go, I understand we are talking about referencing columns in other tables, not sure if same-table foreign keys are supported:
2) In general, the order of deletion will be the order in which you issue delete statements. If you want them all to be "uninterruptible" with no other statements modifying table in between, you enclose them in a transaction.
As a warning, I may be wrong, but what you seem to be trying to do, must not be done. You should not have to rely on some esoteric "order of deletion" or some other undocumented and/or implicit features of database. The underlying logic does not seem sound, there should be another way.

Need to change my SQL structure for deletion

Ok. I've tried the trigger, but it didn't work.
I have Cascades from A to Linker and from B to Linker, Cascade from Users to A, No Action from Users to B.
My trigger is on Users and is as follows:
ALTER TRIGGER [trig_delUser] ON [dbo].[aspnet_Users]
DELETE FROM B WHERE B.UserId = Deleted.UserId
I get the exception: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_B_aspnet_Users"
I am working with a modified aspnetdb
SQL database:
[Partial DB diagram][2]
I have cascade deletion on the
B_Linker relationship and the A_Linker
relationship and there doesn't seem to
be any danger of cycles occuring.
When I delete a user, I would like all
A entries and B entries to be deleted
along with any associated linker
entries; unfortunately, SQL mgmt
studio will only let me put a cascade
delete rule on EITHER aspnet_Users_A
or aspnet_Users_B, not both.
What do I need to do?
Many Thanks.
This is one of the unfortunate and frankly rather annoying limitations of SQL Server.
It's not the fact that there could be cycles that's the problem, it's simply as the error says - you have multiple cascade paths to the Linker table. The first is aspnet_Users -> A -> Linker and the second is aspnet_Users -> B -> Linker.
You only really have a couple of choices:
Choose one path to implement the CASCADE on and set the other to NO ACTION. Then write a Stored Procedure that deletes the non-cascaded child entities before deleting the parent entities in order to prevent a foreign key error. Or, don't CASCADE either and have your SP do the cascading for both.
Don't add a foreign key at all on the second relationship; instead, use a FOR DELETE trigger on the parent to delete the child entities. I very much dislike using triggers for RI, but this isn't much worse than the first option. In some ways it's better, because database clients don't have to worry about your specific implementation of the FK relationships.
Neither are ideal, but there is no perfect solution other than to change your design. If it is possible for you to change your schema such that you don't have multiple cascade paths, that would be the best thing to do - but I recognize that there are (many) real-world situations where this is not possible. Not knowing the specifics of your schema, I can't say for sure whether or not there's a more optimal design.
I would not implement this through on delete cascade. Or through a trigger. What would happen if someone needed to delete 40,0000 records all at once. You would lock up the parent and all the child tables possibly for minutes possibly hours while it runs through and does it's thing.
So really what you should do is write the deletes to the child tables first then the delete to the parent table and put them in a transaction. This will work well enough when you are delting one record at a time. Large deletes should be written separately (don't loop throuhg the existing proc) and are another subject, but at least now you can do them without killing your server.
You just have to put the ON DELETE CASCADE rules on the foreign keys.