Code formatting: is lining up similar lines ok? [closed] - formatting

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I recently discovered that our company has a set of coding guidelines (hidden away in a document management system where no one can find it). It generally seems pretty sensible, and keeps away from the usual religious wars about where to put '{'s and whether to use hard tabs. However, it does suggest that "lines SHOULD NOT contain embedded multiple spaces". By which it means don't do this sort of thing:
foo = 1;
foobar = 2;
bar = 3;
Or this:
if ( test_one ) return 1;
else if ( longer_test ) return 2;
else if ( shorter ) return 3;
else return 4;
Or this:
thing foo_table[] =
{ "aaaaa", 0 },
{ "aa", 1 },
// ...
The justification for this is that changes to one line often require every line to be edited. That makes it more effort to change, and harder to understand diffs.
I'm torn. On the one hand, lining up like this can make repetitive code much easier to read. On the other hand, it does make diffs harder to read.
What's your view on this?

2008: Since I supervise daily merges of source code,... I can only recommend against it.
It is pretty, but if you do merges on a regular basis, the benefit of 'easier to read' is quickly far less than the effort involved in merging that code.
Since that format can not be automated in a easy way, the first developer who does not follow it will trigger non-trivial merges.
Do not forget that in source code merge, one can not ask the diff tool to ignore spaces :
Otherwise, "" and " " will look the same during the diff, meaning no merge necessary... the compiler (and the coder who added the space between the String double quotes) would not agree with that!
2020: as noted in the comments by Marco
most code mergers should be able to handle ignoring whitespace and aligning equals is now an auto format option in most IDE.
I still prefer languages which come with their own formatting options, like Go and its gofmt command.
Even Rust has its rustfmt now.

I'm torn. On the one hand, lining up
like this can make repetitive code
much easier to read. On the other
hand, it does make diffs harder to
Well, since making code understandable is more important than making diffs understandable, you should not be torn.
IMHO lining up similar lines does greatly improve readability. Moreover, it allows easier cut-n-pasting with editors that permit vertical selection.

I never do this, and I always recommend against it. I don't care about diffs being harder to read. I do care that it takes time to do this in the first place, and it takes additional time whenever the lines have to be realigned. Editing code that has this format style is infuriating, because it often turns into a huge time sink, and I end up spending more time formatting than making real changes.
I also dispute the readability benefit. This formatting style creates columns in the file. However, we do not read in column style, top to bottom. We read left to right. The columns distract from the standard reading style, and pull the eyes downward. The columns also become extremely ugly if they aren't all perfectly aligned. This applies to extraneous whitespace, but also to multiple (possibly unrelated) column groups which have different spacing, but fall one after the other in the file.
By the way, I find it really bizarre that your coding standard doesn't specify tabbing or brace placement. Mixing different tabbing styles and brace placements will damage readability far more than using (or not using) column-style formatting.

I never do this. As you said, it sometimes requires modifying every line to adjust spacing. In some cases (like your conditionals above) it would be perfectly readable and much easier to maintain if you did away with the spacing and put the blocks on separate lines from the conditionals.
Also, if you have decent syntax highlighting in your editor, this kind of spacing shouldn't really be necessary.

There is some discussion of this in the ever-useful Code Complete by Steve McConnell. If you don't own a copy of this seminal book, do yourself a favor and buy one. Anyway, the discussion is on pages 426 and 427 in the first edition which is the edition I've got an hand.
McConnell suggests aligning the equal signs in a group of assignment statements to indicate that they're related. He also cautions against aligning all equal signs in a group of assignments because it can visually imply relationship where there is none. For example, this would be appropriate:
Employee.Name = "Andrew Nelson"
Employee.Bdate = "1/1/56"
Employee.Rank = "Senator"
CurrentEmployeeRecord = 0
For CurrentEmployeeRecord From LBound(EmployeeArray) To UBound(EmployeeArray)
. . .
While this would not
Employee.Name = "Andrew Nelson"
Employee.Bdate = "1/1/56"
Employee.Rank = "Senator"
CurrentEmployeeRecord = 0
For CurrentEmployeeRecord From LBound(EmployeeArray) To UBound(EmployeeArray)
. . .
I trust that the difference is apparent. There is also some discussion of aligning continuation lines.

Personally I prefer the greater code readability at the expense of slightly harder-to-read diffs. It seems to me that in the long run an improvement to code maintainability -- especially as developers come and go -- is worth the tradeoff.

With a good editor their point is just not true. :)
(See "visual block" mode for vim.)
P.S.: Ok, you still have to change every line but it's fast and simple.

I try to follow two guidelines:
Use tabs instead of spaces whenever possible to minimize the need to reformat.
If you're concerned about the effect on revision control, make your functional changes first, check them in, then make only cosmetic changes.
Public flogging is permissible if bugs are introduced in the "cosmetic" change. :-)
2020-04-19 Update: My, how things change in a dozen years! If I were to answer this question today, it would probably be something like, "Ask your editor to format your code for you and/or tell your diff tool to ignore whitespace when you're making cosmetic changes.
Today, when I review code for readability and think the clarity would be improved by formatting it differently, I always end the suggestion with, "...unless the editor does it this way automatically. Don't fight your tools. They always win."

My stance is that this is an editor problem: While we use fancy tools to look at web pages and when writing texts in a word processor, our code editors are still stuck in the ASCII ages. They are as dumb as we can make them and then, we try to overcome the limitations of the editor by writing fancy code formatters.
The root cause is that your compiler can't ignore formatting statements in the code which say "hey, this is a table" and that IDEs can't create a visually pleasing representation of the source code on the fly (i.e. without actually changing one byte of the code).
One solution would be to use tabs but our editors can't automatically align tabs in consecutive rows (which would make so many thing so much more easy). And to add injury to insult, if you mess with the tab width (basically anything != 8), you can read your source code but no code from anyone else, say, the example code which comes with the libraries you use. And lastly, our diff tools have no option "ignore whitespace except when it counts" and the compilers can't produce diffs, either.
Eclipse can at least format assignments in a tabular manner which will make big sets of global constants much more readable. But that's just a drop of water in the desert.

If you're planning to use an automated code standard validation (i.e. CheckStyle, ReShaper or anything like that) those extra spaces will make it quite difficult to write and enforce the rules

You can set your diff tool to ignore whitespace (GNU diff: -w).
This way, your diffs will skip those lines and only show the real changes. Very handy!

We had a similar issue with diffs at multiple contracts... We found that tabs worked best for everyone. Set your editor to maintain tabs and every developer can choose his own tab length as well.
Example: I like 2 space tabs to code is very compact on the left, but the default is 4, so although it looks very different as far as indents, etc. go on our various screens, the diffs are identical and doesn't cause issues with source control.

I like the first and last, but not the middle so much.

This is PRECISELY the reason the good Lord gave as Tabs -- adding a character in the middle of the line doesn't screw up alignment.


The idea of text highlighting, code completion, etc in programming

I wanna know the idea of advanced text editors features like text highlighting, code completion, automatic indentation etc.
To make my idea clear I imagine that text highlighting is reading the entire text into a string then do regular expression replacement of keywords with keywords + color codes and replace the text again. That looks logical but it would be so inefficient to do that with every keystroke when your file is 4000 lines for example ! So I wanna know the idea of implementation of such thing in C# for example (any other language would be fine also but that's what i am experimenting with right now).
Syntax highlighting:
This comes to mind. I haven't actually tried the example, so I cannot say anything about the performance, but it seems to be the simplest way of getting basic syntax highlighting up and running.
Given a list of possible keywords (that could be filtered based on context) you could quickly discard anything that doesn't match what the user is currently typing. In most languages, you can safely limit yourself to one "word", since whitespace isn't usually legal in an identifier. For example, if I start typing "li", the auto-completion database can discard anything that doesn't start with the letters 'l' and 'i' (ignoring case). As the user continues to type, more and more options can be discarded until only one -- or at least a few -- remains. Since you're just looking at one word at a time, this would be very fast indeed.
A quick-and-dirty approach that would (kind of) work in C-like languages is to have a counter that you increment once for every '{', and decrement once for every '}'. When you hit enter to start a new line, the indentation level is then counter * indentWidth, where indentWidth is a constant number of spaces or tabs to indent by. This suffers from a serious drawback, though -- consider the following:
bar(); // This line should be indented, but how does the computer know?
To deal with this, you might look for lines that end with a ')', not a semicolon.
An old, but still applicable resource for editor internals is The Craft of Text Editing. Chapter 7 address the question of redisplay strategies directly.
In order to do "advanced" syntax highlighting -- that is, highlighting that requires contextual knowledge, a parser is often needed. Most parsers are built on some sort of a formal grammar which exist in various varieties: LL, LALR, and LR are common.
However, most parsers operate on whole files, which is quite inefficient for text editing, so instead we turn to incremental parsers. Incremental parsers use knowledge of the language and the structure of what has been previously been processed in order to re-do the least amount of work possible.
Here's a few references to incremental parsing:
Language Design Patterns and incremental parsing
Incremental Parsing
Incremental Parsing in the Yi Editor and the presentation on Vimeo

Minor mode to make the SQLi buffer more readable

When using Emacs to create a SQL query in SQL-mode, the SQLi buffer is the typical, ugly console window of the command-line tool for the target database. Most of the output is the same with ASCII characters trying to build a visual representation of a table.
Has anyone created a minor mode to make the output more readable? Here are some features that could be useful:
Create a Header. I'm not sure how this could be done, but it would be very cool if there was a way to visually show the user which columns go with the data. If I'm looking at line 300 of an output, it's a bit challenging to count the columns and read the SQL that was used. Maybe it would be something like a hacked up mode-line that doesn't change when scrolling vertically, but does when scrolling horizontally.
Only Show the Last Result. When I run a new query, that's all I want to see in the SQLi window. It'd be nice to have a feature to jump through the history of results from previous SQL queries.
Faces. Create different colors for grid lines and data. Maybe even different colors for different data types (maybe this is too hard)
I think these features would make Emacs more palatable for database developers. There are a ton of packages that do these these same tasks and others well, but they aren't nearly as powerful as Emacs. Also, it's quite annoying to switch editors just to write my SQL queries.
EDIT: Something like hexl-mode would be very cool.
All the SQL mode related wisdom of the Emacs community is probably gathered here. Sadly there is nothing like the mode you wish for - I've been wishing for something like that for quite some time and that's the reason I use sql-mode only for simple queries - the results for anything big is totally unreadable. Hopefully the situation will change in the future...
This issue convinced me to switch to jEdit, at least for database projects. It's a bit difficult to configure, but the SQL integration does exactly what I needed. Also, instead of LISP it uses Java. I highly recommend it.

Good Use Cases of Comments

I've always hated comments that fill half the screen with asterisks just to tell you that the function returns a string, I never read those comments.
However, I do read comments that describe why something is done and how it's done (usually the single line comments in the code); those come in really handy when trying to understand someone else's code.
But when it comes to writing comments, I don't write that, rather, I use comments only when writing algorithms in programming contests, I'd think of how the algorithm will do what it does then I'd write each one in a comment, then write the code that corresponds to that comment.
An example would be:
//loop though all the names from n to j - 1
Other than that I can't imagine why anyone would waste valuable time writing comments when he could be writing code.
Am I right or wrong? Am I missing something? What other good use cases of comments am I not aware of?
Comments should express why you are doing something not what you are doing
It's an old adage, but a good metric to use is:
Comment why you're doing something, not how you're doing it.
Saying "loop through all the names from n to j-1" should be immediately clear to even a novice programmer from the code alone. Giving the reason why you're doing that can help with readability.
If you use something like Doxygen, you can fully document your return types, arguments, etc. and generate a nice "source code manual." I often do this for clients so that the team that inherits my code isn't entirely lost (or forced to review every header).
Documentation blocks are often overdone, especially is strongly typed languages. It makes a lot more sense to be verbose with something like Python or PHP than C++ or Java. That said, it's still nice to do for methods & members that aren't self explanatory (not named update, for instance).
I've been saved many hours of thinking, simply by commenting what I'd want to tell myself if I were reading my code for the first time. More narrative and less observation. Comments should not only help others, but yourself as well... especially if you haven't touched it in five years. I have some ten year old Perl that I wrote and I still don't know what it does anymore.
Something very dirty, that I've done in PHP & Python, is use reflection to retrieve comment blocks and label elements in the user interface. It's a use case, albeit nasty.
If using a bug tracker, I'll also drop the bug ID near my changes, so that I have a reference back to the tracker. This is in addition to a brief description of the change (inline change logs).
I also violate the "only comment why not what" rule when I'm doing something that my colleagues rarely see... or when subtlety is important. For instance:
for (int i = 50; i--; ) cout << i; // looping from 49..0 in reverse
for (int i = 50; --i; ) cout << i; // looping from 49..1 in reverse
I use comments in the following situations:
High-level API documentation comments, i.e. what is this class or function for?
Commenting the "why".
A short, high-level summary of what a much longer block of code does. The key word here is summary. If someone wants more detail, the code should be clear enough that they can get it from the code. The point here is to make it easy for someone browsing the code to figure out where some piece of logic is without having to wade through the details of how it's performed. Ideally these cases should be factored out into separate functions instead, but sometimes it's just not do-able because the function would have 15 parameters and/or not be nameable.
Pointing out subtleties that are visible from reading the code if you're really paying attention, but don't stand out as much as they should given their importance.
When I have a good reason why I need to do something in a hackish way (performance, etc.) and can't write the code more clearly instead of using a comment.
Comment everything that you think is not straightforward and you won't be able to understand the next time you see your code.
It's not a bad idea to record what you think your code should be achieving (especially if the code is non-intuitive, if you want to keep comments down to a minimum) so that someone reading it a later date, has an easier time when debugging/bugfixing. Although one of the most frustrating things to encounter in reading someone else's code is cases where the code has been updated, but not the comments....
I've always hated comments that fill half the screen with asterisks just to tell you that the function returns a string, I never read those comments.
Some comments in that vein, not usually with formatting that extreme, actually exist to help tools like JavaDoc and Doxygen generate documentation for your code. This, I think, is a good form of comment, because it has both a human- and machine-readable format for documentation (so the machine can translate it to other, more useful formats like HTML), puts the documentation close to the code that it documents (so that if the code changes, the documentation is more likely to be updated to reflect these changes), and generally gives a good (and immediate) explanation to someone new to a large codebase of why a particular function exists.
Otherwise, I agree with everything else that's been stated. Comment why, and only comment when it's not obvious. Other than Doxygen comments, my code generally has very few comments.
Another type of comment that is generally useless is:
// Commented out by Lumpy Cheetosian on 1/17/2009
...uh, OK, the source control system would have told me that. What it won't tell me is WHY Lumpy commented out this seemingly necessary piece of code. Since Lumpy is located in Elbonia, I won't be able to find out until Monday when they all return from the Snerkrumph holiday festival.
Consider your audience, and keep the noise level down. If your comments include too much irrelevant crap, developers will just ignore them in practice.
BTW: Javadoc (or Doxygen, or equiv.) is a Good Thing(tm), IMHO.
I also use comments to document where a specific requirement came from. That way the developer later can look at the requirement that caused the code to be like it was and, if the new requirement conflicts with the other requirment get that resolved before breaking an existing process. Where I work requirments can often come from different groups of people who may not be aware of other requirements then system must meet. We also get frequently asked why we are doing a certain thing a certain way for a particular client and it helps to be able to research to know what requests in our tracking system caused the code to be the way it is. This can also be done on saving the code in the source contol system, but I consider those notes to be comments as well.
Reminds me of
Real programmers don't write documentation
I wrote this comment a while ago, and it's saved me hours since:
// NOTE: the close-bracket above is NOT the class Items.
// There are multiple classes in this file.
// I've already wasted lots of time wondering,
// "why does this new method I added at the end of the class not exist?".

Diff Tool That Ignores Newlines [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I frequently need to compare SQL procedures to determine what has changed in the newest version. The problem is, everyone has their own style of formatting, and SQL doesn't (usually) care about where one puts their newlines (e.g. where clauses all on one line vs. newline before each AND).
This makes it very difficult (especially for long procedures) to see the actual differences. I cannot seem to find a free diff/merge utility that will allow me to ignore newlines (i.e. treat as whitespace). So far I've tried WinMerge and Beyond Compare without any luck. Does anyone know of a diff tool (ideally free) that would see these two examples as identical?
Ex. 1:
the quick
Ex. 2:
Thanks in advance.
I really like SourceGear's DiffMerge!
It works on all platforms and has built in rulesets, but allows you to create and add your own. Which means that you can ignore what you want, when you want it.
Bonus, it is free!
What i've done in my own similar case is to use a sql prettifier which will organize two sets of semi-disparate SQL in very similar fashion automatically. i then paste and compare the results with WinMerge.
It's a two-step process but it's much more palatable than many other options, especially when many lines of code are involved.
Link to web-based Sql Pretty printer that's decent.
I love Araxis merge. Not free but well worth it. it can, among other things, ignore any kind of whitespace if you want.
You can use The DTP (Data Tool Project) of the Eclipse IDE.
To show it I created two almost identical SQL files and let eclipse show me the differences. After clicking "show next" I took a screenshot.
As you can see it still highlights the newlines, but by the way it does you can immediately see that they contain no substantial change to the SQL. It's easy to spot where I changed the ID from 1 to 2.
Here's the result.
Compare++ is an option, you can try "Ignore code style changes" in the 'smart' menu. It support structured comparison for many langugages such as C/C++, JavaScript, C#, Java, ...
Regardless on your definition of "Free" (beer vs speech/libre), Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter is also available to do this, either with WinMerge (using the winmerge plugin) or Beyond Compare and other comparison tools that allow for command-line pre-formatting, using the command-line bulk formatter.
If you prefer to take it for a whirl without downloading anything, it's available for immediate use online (like its non-libre counterparts T-SQL Tidy, Instant SQL Formatter, etc):
Our SD Smart Differencer compares two source programs according to their precise grammatical syntax and structure, rather than according to raw text. It does so by parsing (SQL) source
the way a compiler would, and comparing the corresponding compiler data structures (e.g., abstract syntax trees). The SmartDifference consequently does not care about newlines, whitespace or intervening comments.
It reports differences, not in terms of line breaks, but rather in terms of programming language structures (variables, expressions, statements, blocks, functions, ...) and in terms close to programmer intentions (delete, insert, move, copy, rename) rather than line-insert or line delete.
SQL (like many other computer language names) is the name of a family of computer languages that are similar in syntax but differ in detail. So for the Smart Differencer, which dialect of SQL you are using matters. We have SQL front ends (therefore SmartDifferncers) for PLSQL and SQL2011. To the extent you SQL stays within the bounds of either of these, the Smart Differencer can work for you; to the extent you use extra goodies of SQL Server or Postgres, the SmartDifferencer presently can't help you. [We develop language parsers as part of our business, so I expect this is a matter of delay rather than never].
While the OP asked about SQL in the details, his headline question is language agnostic.
There are SmartDifferencers already for many other widely used languages other than SQL too: C, C++, C#, Java, ...
Another alternative is Emacs' Ediff. Works great if you are not afraid of Emacs.
You can use the command-line tool wdiff to ignore newlines. wdiff is a GNU tool for comparing files on a word-by-word basis. It can ignore newlines with the -n option.
Suppose I put your 2 example files into ex1.txt and ex2.txt. Then we can run:
$> wdiff -n ex1.txt ex2.txt
The output is actually the contents of the first file. Note that there are no + or - signs, which means the files have the same strings.
If I had added "fox" to the end of ex1.txt, then the output would look like this:
brown [-fox-]
If seeing the common words still bothers you, you can add -3 or --no-common. Here's the example again where I added "fox" to the first file:
$> wdiff -n -3 /tmp/ex1.txt /tmp/ex2.txt
PHPStorm's diff tool's "ignore white space: all" command does it perfectly as you want. And it has integrated support for many VCS like SVN, git, etc. As well as integrated SQL support!
Not free but time isn't free either. Want to waste time doing it the hard way? Go ahead.
I still can't believe it's 2014 and this wasn't a standard feature of all diff tools!!
BTW I believe WebStorm's diff tool would also work.
Have you tried KDiff? I'm certain you can ignore whitespace with it, and if it's not powerful enough for you it allows you to run a preprocessor over the file. Best of all it's free and open source.
If you're on Windows, WinMerge is pretty slick. Under Linux (and maybe OS X), there's Meld.
Both are free as in beer and work pretty well. Not quite as cool as Araxis, but then we don't want you drooling on your desk.
Both are all-purpose diff tools with such features as white space ignoring. I'm not absolutely certain they ignore blank lines, but chances are good they can.

What techniques are available for memory optimizing in 8051 assembly language?

I need to optimize code to get room for some new code. I do not have the space for all the changes. I can not use code bank switching (80c31 with 64k).
You haven't really given a lot to go on here, but there are two main levels of optimizations you can consider:
eg. XOR A instead of MOV A,0
Adam has covered some of these nicely earlier.
Look at the structure of your program, the data structures and algorithms used, the tasks performed, and think VERY hard about how these could be rearranged or even removed. Are there whole chunks of code that actually aren't used? Is your code full of debug output statements that the user never sees? Are there functions specific to a single customer that you could leave out of a general release?
To get a good handle on that, you'll need to work out WHERE your memory is being used up. The Linker map is a good place to start with this. Macro-optimizations are where the BIG wins can be made.
As an aside, you could - seriously- try rewriting parts of your code with a good optimizing C compiler. You may be amazed at how tight the code can be. A true assembler hotshot may be able to improve on it, but it can easily be better than most coders. I used the IAR one about 20 years ago, and it blew my socks off.
With assembly language, you'll have to optimize by hand. Here are a few techniques:
Note: IANA8051P (I am not an 8501 programmer but I have done lots of assembly on other 8 bit chips).
Go through the code looking for any duplicated bits, no matter how small and make them functions.
Learn some of the more unusual instructions and see if you can use them to optimize, eg. A nice trick is to use XOR A to clear the accumulator instead of MOV A,0 - it saves a byte.
Another neat trick is if you call a function before returning, just jump to it eg, instead of:
CALL otherfunc
Just do:
JMP otherfunc
Always make sure you are doing relative jumps and branches wherever possible, they use less memory than absolute jumps.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head for the moment.
Sorry I am coming to this late, but I once had exactly the same problem, and it became a repeated problem that kept coming back to me. In my case the project was a telephone, on an 8051 family processor, and I had totally maxed out the ROM (code) memory. It kept coming back to me because management kept requesting new features, so each new feature became a two step process. 1) Optimize old stuff to make room 2) Implement the new feature, using up the room I just made.
There are two approaches to optimization. Tactical and Strategical. Tactical optimizations save a few bytes at a time with a micro optimization idea. I think you need strategic optimizations which involve a more radical rethinking about how you are doing things.
Something I remember worked for me and could work for you;
Look at the essence of what your code has to do and try to distill out some really strong flexible primitive operations. Then rebuild your top level code so that it does nothing low level at all except call on the primitives. Ideally use a table based approach, your table contains stuff like; Input state, event, output state, primitives.... In other words when an event happens, look up a cell in the table for that event in the current state. That cell tells you what new state to change to (optionally) and what primitive(s) (if any) to execute. You might need multiple sets of states/events/tables/primitives for different layers/subsystems.
One of the many benefits of this approach is that you can think of it as building a custom language for your particular problem, in which you can very efficiently (i.e. with minimal extra code) create new functionality simply by modifying the table.
Sorry I am months late and you probably didn't have time to do something this radical anyway. For all I know you were already using a similar approach! But my answer might help someone else someday who knows.
In the whacked-out department, you could also consider compressing part of your code and only keeping some part that is actively used decompressed at any particular point in time. I have a hard time believing that the code required for the compress/decompress system would be small enough a portion of the tiny memory of the 8051 to make this worthwhile, but has worked wonders on slightly larger systems.
Yet another approach is to turn to a byte-code format or the kind of table-driven code that some state machine tools output -- having a machine understand what your app is doing and generating a completely incomprehensible implementation can be a great way to save room :)
Finally, if the code is indeed compiled in C, I would suggest compiling with a range of different options to see what happens. Also, I wrote a piece on compact C coding for the ESC back in 2001 that is still pretty current. See that text for other tricks for small machines.
1) Where possible save your variables in Idata not in xdata
2) Look at your Jmp statements – make use of SJmp and AJmp
I assume you know it won't fit because you wrote/complied and got the "out of memory" error. :) It appears the answers address your question pretty accurately; short of getting code examples.
I would, however, recommend a few additional thoughts;
Make sure all the code is really
being used -- code coverage test? An
unused sub is a big win -- this is a
tough step -- if you're the original
author, it may be easier -- (well, maybe) :)
Ensure the level of "verification"
and initialization -- sometimes we
have a tendency to be over zealous
in insuring we have initialized
variables/memory and sure enough
rightly so, how many times have we
been bitten by it. Not saying don't
initialize (duh), but if we're doing
a memory move, the destination
doesn't need to be zero'd first --
this dovetails with
1 --
Eval the new features -- can an
existing sub be be enhanced to cover
both functions or perhaps an
existing feature replaced?
Break up big code if a piece of the
big code can save creating a new
little code.
or perhaps there's an argument for hardware version 2.0 on the table now ... :)
Besides the already mentioned (more or less) obvious optimizations, here is a really weird (and almost impossible to achieve) one: Code reuse. And with Code reuse I dont mean the normal reuse, but to a) reuse your code as data or b) to reuse your code as other code. Maybe you can create a lut (or whatever static data) that it can represented by the asm hex opcodes (here you have to look harvard vs von neumann architecture).
The other would reuse code by giving code a different meaning when you address it different. Here an example to make clear what I mean. If the bytes for your code look like this: AABCCCDDEEFFGGHH at address X where each letter stands for one opcode, imagine you would now jump to X+1. Maybe you get a complete different functionality where the now by space seperated bytes form the new opcodes: ABC CCD DE EF GH.
But beware: This is not only tricky to achieve (maybe its impossible), but its a horror to maintain. So if you are not a demo code (or something similiar exotic), I would recommend to use the already other mentioned ways to save mem.