What is the cost of using autorelease in Cocoa? - objective-c

Most of Apples documentation seems to avoid using autoreleased objects especially when creating gui views, but I want to know what the cost of using autoreleased objects is?
UIScrollView *timeline = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 20, 320, 34)];
[self addSubview:timeline];
[timeline release];
Ultimately should I use a strategy where everything is autoreleased and using retain/release should be the exception to the rule for specific cases? Or should I generally be using retain/release with autorelease being the exception for returned objects from convenience methods like [NSString stringWithEtc...] ?

There are two costs:
(Assuming you have an option to avoid autoreleased objects.) You effectively unnecessarily extend the lifetime of your objects. This can mean that your memory footprint grows -- unnecessarily. On a constrained platform, this can mean that your application is terminated if it exceeds a limit. Even if you don't exceed a limit, it may cause your system to start swapping, which is very inefficient.
The additional overhead of finding the current autorelease pool, adding the autoreleased object to it, and then releasing the object at the end (an extra method call). This may not be a large overhead, but it can add up.
Best practice on any platform is to try to avoid autorelease if you can.
To answer the questions:
Ultimately should I use a strategy where everything is autoreleased and using retain/release should be the exception to the rule for specific cases?
Quite the opposite.
Or should I generally be using retain/release with autorelease being the exception for returned objects from convenience methods like [NSString stringWithEtc...] ?
You should always use retain/release if you can -- in the case of NSString there is typically no need to use stringWithEtc methods as there are initWithEtc equivalents.
See also this question.

I have to disagree with Jim Puls - I think that not using Autorelease makes debugging more difficult, because you are more likely to find yourself accidentally leaking memory. Of course Clang static analyzer can pick up some of these instances, but for me, the slight overhead costs in habitually using autorelease are far overshadowed by my code being less likely to be buggy.
And then, only if I have a tight loop I need to optimize will I start looking at performance. Otherwise this is all just premature optimization, which is generally considered to be a bad thing.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this yet. The biggest reason to avoid autoreleased objects when you can has nothing to do with performance. Yes, all of the performance concerns mentioned here are absolutely valid, but the biggest downside to autorelease is that it makes debugging significantly more difficult.
If you have an overreleased object that's never autoreleased, it's trivially easy to track down. If you have a user-reported crash that happens intermittently with a backtrace somewhere south of NSPopAutoreleasePool, good luck...

I generally use autoreleased objects these days because they tend to result in simpler, easier to read code. You declare and initialize them, then let the drop out of scope. Mechanically they exist quite a bit longer, but from the perspective of the person writing the code it is equivalent to a stack declared object in C++ automatically being destructed when the function returns and its frame is destroyed.
While there is an efficiency loss, in most cases it is not significant. The bigger issue is the more extant objects and later memory recovery can lead to a more fragmented address space. If that is an issue it usually is fairly simple to go in and switch to manual retain/release in a few hot methods and improve it.
As others have said, readability trumps performance in nonperformance sensitive code. There are a number of cases where using autoreleased objects leads to more memory fragmentation, but in any case where the object will outlive the pool it will not. In those cases the only price you are paying is finding the cost of finding the correct autorelease pool.

One benefit to using autorelease pools is that they are exception safe without using #try/#finally. Greg Parker ('Mr. Objective-C') has a great post explaining the details of this.
I tend to use autorelease a lot as its less code and makes it more readable, IMO. The downside, as others have pointed out, is that you extend the lifetime of objects, thus temporarily using more memory. In practice, I have yet to find overuse of autorelease to be a significant issue in any Mac app I've written. If high memory usage does seem to be an issue (that isn't caused by a genuine leak), I just add in more autorelease pools (after profiling to show me where I need them). But, in general, this is quite rare. As Mike Ash's post shows (Graham Lee linked to it), autorelease pools have very little overhead and are fast. There's almost zero cost to adding more autorelease pools.
Granted, this is all for Mac apps. In iPhone apps, where memory is more tight, you may want to be conservative in your use of autorelease. But as always, write readable code first, and then optimize later, by measuring where the slow/memory intensive parts are.

The costs are:
The time to locate the current thread's autorelease pool and add the object to it.
The memory occupied by the object until it is released at some later point.
If you want to be very conservative with your memory usage, you should avoid autorelease. However, it is a useful technique that can make code more readable. Obsessively using retain/release falls under the umbrella of "premature optimization."
If you are in Cocoa's main event handling thread (which you are most of the time), the autorelease pool is emptied when control returns to the event handler. If your method is short and doesn't loop over large amounts of data, using autorelease to defer deallocation to the end of the run loop is fine.
The time to be wary of autorelease is when you are in a loop. For example, you are iterating over a user's address book and perhaps loading an image file for each entry. If all of those image objects are autoreleased, they will accumulate in memory until you have visited the entire address book. If the address book is large enough, you may run out of memory. If you release the images as soon as you are done with them, within the loop, your app can recycle the memory.
If you can't avoid autoreleasing inside a loop (it's being done by code you didn't write and can't change), you can also manage an NSAutoreleasePool within the loop yourself if needed.
So, be mindful of using autorelease inside loops (or methods that may be called from loops), but don't avoid it when it can make code more readable.

As I understand it, the main downside to using autorelease is that you don't know when the object will finally be released and destroyed. This could potentially cause your app to use a lot more memory than it needs to if you have a lot of autoreleased objects hanging around but not yet released.

Others have answered whether you should autorelease, but when you must autorelease, drain early and drain often: http://www.mikeash.com/?page=pyblog/autorelease-is-fast.html

I notice the code sample you provided is for the iPhone. Apple specifically recommends avoiding autoreleased objects for iPhone apps. I can't find the specific reasoning, but they were hammering this point at WWDC.

One side note to keep in mind is if you are spawning a new thread, you must setup a new Autorelease pool on that thread before you do anything else. Even if you are not using autorelease objects, chances are that something in the Cocoa APIs is.

Old thread, but chipping on for the benefit of newer readers.
I use autorelease vs retain/release depending on the risk of autorelease bugs specific to an object and the size of the object. If I'm just adding some tiny UIImageViews, or a couple of UILabels to my view, autorelease keeps the code readable and manageable. And when the view is removed and dealloced, these subviews should get released soon enough.
If on the other hand we're talking about a UIWebView (high risk of autorelease bugs), or of course some data that needs to be persistent till the 'death' of the object, retain/release is the way to go.
Honestly, my projects have not gotten that big yet, where the additional 'staying-time' of autoreleased objects would create a memory problem. For complex apps, that concern is legitimate.
In any case, I don't think a one-size-fits-all approach would be right. You use whatever approach - or combination of approaches - is right for the project, keeping all the factors mentioned above in mind.


Memory not fully freed

I just started creating an app using SceneKit and SpriteKit and ARC for the first time. I noticed that the memory usage is quickly increasing when I switch between different Views. My first thought was that I have memory leaks but I am not sure now. The behavior even occurs in this basic example:
for(int r=0;r<9999999;r+=1){
NSString *s=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"test%i",r];
From my understanding an NSString Object is created and directly released in this loop. I've tried this example in the iPhone-Simulator and on an iPhone and it makes the app use several hundreds MB of RAM after this loop is executed. (I am checking the memory usage with the Xcode debug navigator)
I am obviously misunderstanding something. Why is this example still retaining memory afterwards?
You could also create a new project: iOS -> Game -> Game Technology: SceneKit
Then add this into viewDidLoad:
for(int r=0;r<999999;r+=1){
SCNNode *tn=[SCNNode node];
The memory will peak at 550MB and go down to 300MB which would be to much if there objects were fully released and removed from the RAM.
Don't rely on NSString for memory diagnostics. It has fairly atypical behavior.
This is a not-uncommon scenario, one that I've seen on S.O. more than once, that in an attempt to reduce some complicated memory problem to something simpler, the developer creates a simplified example using NSString, unaware that choosing that particular class introduces curious, unrelated behaviors. The new "Debug Memory Graph" tool or the old tried-and-true Instruments (discussed below) is the best way to diagnose the underlying issues in one's code.
As an aside, you talk about releasing objects immediately. If your method doesn't start with alloc, new, copy or mutableCopy, the object returned will not deallocated immediately after falling out of scope, because they're autorelease objects. They're not released until the autorelease pool is drained (e.g., you yield back to the run loop).
So, if your app's "high water" mark is too high, but memory eventually falls back to acceptable levels, then consider the choice of autorelease objects (and/or the introducing of your own autorelease pools). But generally this autorelease vs non-autorelease object distinction is somewhat academic unless you have a very long running loop in which you're allocating many objects prior to yielding back to the run loop.
In short, autorelease objects don't affect whether objects are deallocated or not, but merely when they are deallocated. I only mention this in response to the large for loop and the contention that objects should be deallocated immediately. The precise timing of the deallocation is impacted by the presence of autorelease objects.
Regarding your rapid memory increase in your app, it's likely to be completely unrelated to your example here. The way to diagnose this is to use Instruments (as described in WWDC 2013 Fixing Memory Issues). In short, choose "Product" - "Profile" and choose the "Leaks" tool (which will grab the essential "Allocations" tool, as well), exercise the app, and then look at precisely what was allocated and not released.
Also, Xcode 8's "Debug Object Graph" tool is incredibly useful, too, and is even easier to use. It is described in WWDC 2016's Visual Debugging with Xcode. With this tool you can see a list of objects in the left panel, and when you choose one, you can see the object graph associated with that object, so you can diagnose what unresolved references you might still have:
By the way, you might try simulating a memory warning. Cocoa objects do all sorts of caching, some of which is purged when there's memory pressure.
If you turned on any memory debugging options (e.g., zombies) on your scheme, be aware that those cause additional memory growth as it captures the associated debugging information. You might want to turn off any debugging options before analyzing leaked, abandoned or cached memory.
Bottom line, if you're seeing growth of a couple of kb per iteration and none of the objects that you instantiate are showing up and you don't have any debugging options turned on, then you might not need to worry about it. Many Cocoa objects are doing sundry cacheing that is outside of our control and it's usually negligible. But if memory is growing by mb or gb every iteration (and don't worry about the first iteration, but only subsequent ones), then that's something you really need to look at carefully.

What do you think about this code in Objective-C that iterates through retain count and call release every iteration?

I'm still trying to understand this piece of code that I found in a project I'm working on where the guy that created it left the company before I could ask.
This is the code:
for (int i=myRetainCount; i>1; i--) {
[self release];
[self autorelease];
As far as I know, in Objective-C memory management model, the first rule is that the object that allocates another object, is also responsible to release it in the future. That's the reason I don't understand the meaning of this code. Is there is any meaning?
The author is trying to work around not understand memory management. He assumes that an object has a retain count that is increased by each retain and so tries to decrease it by calling that number of releases. Probably he has not implemented the "is also responsible to release it in the future." part of your understanding.
However see many answers here e.g. here and here and here.
Read Apple's memory management concepts.
The first link includes a quote from Apple
The retainCount method does not account for any pending autorelease
messages sent to the receiver.
Important: This method is typically of no value in debugging memory
management issues. Because any number of framework objects may have
retained an object in order to hold references to it, while at the
same time autorelease pools may be holding any number of deferred
releases on an object, it is very unlikely that you can get useful
information from this method. To understand the fundamental rules of
memory management that you must abide by, read “Memory Management
Rules”. To diagnose memory management problems, use a suitable tool:
The LLVM/Clang Static analyzer can typically find memory management
problems even before you run your program. The Object Alloc instrument
in the Instruments application (see Instruments User Guide) can track
object allocation and destruction. Shark (see Shark User Guide) also
profiles memory allocations (amongst numerous other aspects of your
Since all answers seem to misread myRetainCount as [self retainCount], let me offer a reason why this code could have been written: It could be that this code is somehow spawning threads or otherwise having clients register with it, and that myRetainCount is effectively the number of those clients, kept separately from the actual OS retain count. However, each of the clients might get its own ObjC-style retain as well.
So this function might be called in a case where a request is aborted, and could just dispose of all the clients at once, and afterwards perform all the releases. It's not a good design, but if that's how the code works, (and you didn't leave out an int myRetainCount = [self retainCount], or overrides of retain/release) at least it's not necessarily buggy.
It is, however, very likely a bad distribution of responsibilities or a kludgey and hackneyed attempt at avoiding retain circles without really improving anything.
This is a dirty hack to force a memory release: if the rest of your program is written correctly, you never need to do anything like this. Normally, your retains and releases are in balance, so you never need to look at the retain count. What this piece of code says is "I don't know who retained me and forgot to release, I just want my memory to get released; I don't care that the others references would be dangling from now on". This is not going to compile with ARC (oddly enough, switching to ARC may just fix the error the author was trying to work around).
The meaning of the code is to force the object to deallocate right now, no matter what the future consequences may be. (And there will be consequences!)
The code is fatally flawed because it doesn't account for the fact that someone else actually "owns" that object. In other words, something "alloced" that object, and any number of other things may have "retained" that object (maybe a data structure like NSArray, maybe an autorelease pool, maybe some code on the stackframe that just does a "retain"); all those things share ownership in this object. If the object commits suicide (which is what releaseMySelf does), these "owners" suddenly point to bad memory, and this will lead to unexpected behavior.
Hopefully code written like this will just crash. Perhaps the original author avoided these crashes by leaking memory elsewhere.

Under ARC, is it still advisable to create an #autoreleasepool for loops?

Let's say that I have a loop that returns a bunch of autoreleased NSData objects...
NSData* bigData = ...
while(some condition) {
NSData* smallData = [bigData subdataWithRange:...];
//process smallData
Under ARC, should I still wrap an #autoreleasepool around the while condition?
NSData* bigData = ...
#autoreleasepool {
while(some condition) {
NSData* smallData = [bigData subdataWithRange:...];
//process smallData
The reason why I'm asking is I see the living allocation count in instruments going through the roof for my NSData objects that invoke a dataWith... method as opposed to an initWith... method. When I use initWith..., the living allocation count is much, much less.
Is it better to prefer the initWith... methods whenever possible?
Yes you should still use autorelease pools when using convenience methods in a tight loop. All the old memory management rules still apply under ARC, the compiler is merely injecting RRs for you. Checkout the great post by the awesome Mike Ash!
I think your issue is that the autorelease pool is supposed to go inside the loop. With the loop inside the autorelease block rather than vice-versa, the accumulated objects won't be released until after the loop finishes.
Under ARC, should I still wrap an #autoreleasepool around the while condition?
Yes. Autorelease Pools are still in place, and grow and pop as before. The compiler just adds and coalesces the necessary retains and releases operations when ARC is enabled (echoing Logan), based on the methods that are visible to the TU and default naming conventions.
Execution in ARC is nearly identical the manual reference counting: Autorelease pool stacks still exist. One difference is that the compiler may order the reference counting operations slightly different from the way you wrote it (not in an incorrect way), and may omit unnecessary retain cycles.
Is it better to prefer the initWith... methods whenever possible?
WRT minimizing heap growth compared to the autoreleased counterparts: Yes. That's always been the case. It's especially important on iOS devices, where memory is quite limited.
The exception to this is when the object may avoid an allocation. Example:
NSString * copy = [NSString stringWithString:arg];
in this case, copy may be [[arg retain] autorelease]. Note that in this case, copy is still autoreleased, but you should not usually go to great lengths to test the presence of such optimizations. Note: It's also better to use copy = [arg copy]...[arg release] here.
The other bonus is that your ref count imbalances are often caught earlier when the object is never autoreleased, and closer to the call site (rather than when the Autorelease Pool is finally popped).
Performance with large autorelease pools is actually much worse than most people would suppose. If you can avoid depending on them heavily (e.g. using alloc+init...+release), you can make your program noticeably faster. Explicitly creating autorelease pools is cheap, and can help minimize this problem. When allocations are large and/or numerous, avoid using autorelease on them where possible, and do wrap these sections in explicit autorelease pools.

Why is release often called shortly after a local var is used instead of just autoreleasing

I often see something like the following:
UIBarButtonItem *anotherButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:#"Show" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:#selector(refreshPropertyList:)];
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = anotherButton;
[anotherButton release];
specifically where a local var, in this case 'anotherButton' is used and then later released. Is this exactly the same as autoreleasing it when it is alloc'ed and then making sure it is used before the method ends? i.e.:
UIBarButtonItem *anotherButton = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:#"Show" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:#selector(refreshPropertyList:)] autorelease];
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = anotherButton;
I ask because I see it done the first way a huge amount of the time, but it feels less error prone (for me) to just autorelease it outright. Is it just a matter of personal style or are there differences to these two approaches apart from one methodically releasing the object after all is done with it, and the other taking care to claim it to be released at the outset so one doesn't accidentally forget to, both having merits.
From Allocate Memory Wisely in Tuning for Performance and Responsiveness Table 7-2 Tips for allocating memory:
Reduce your use of autoreleased
Actions to take
Objects released using the autorelease
method stay in memory until you
explicitly drain the current
autorelease pool or until the next
time around your event loop. Whenever
possible, avoid using the autorelease
method when you can instead use the
release method to reclaim the memory
occupied by the object immediately. If
you must create moderate numbers of
autoreleased objects, create a local
autorelease pool and drain it
periodically to reclaim the memory for
those objects before the next event
When you autorelease something, you add it to a group of objects which will be released at some point in the future. This means that those objects still exist. Since iOS provides a limited amount of memory, it is suggested that you use release over autorelease whenever possible. You don't want your program to crash from low memory because you have a lot of autoreleased objects.
Excellent question. By autoreleasing, you are delaying the automatic release of objects. This is all fine and dandy and expected behavior when you need to return something from a method, but keeping that object in memory longer than is necessary can be impactful to your app.
By releasing it when you are done, you are freeing the resource at that moment and the memory could be used by another object at runtime. In Cocos2D it is standard practice to autorelease nearly everything and things seem to work OK, but it still rubs me the wrong way and I would not do that in general practice.
They accomplish the same thing. Some folks think you should avoid the use of autorelease whenever possible, so strongly prefer the release as soon as you can option. This was discussed here just yesterday.
In the code you cite, the difference between the two really is minimal. It's unlikely that anotherButton will be deallocated even after it's released because the assignment to self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem probably causes anotherButton to be retained.
The best argument for calling release as soon as possible, IMO and in this situation, is that by releasing anotherButton you're explicitly documenting the fact that you're done using it. Also, the static analyzer will ding you if you use anotherButton after the release. These two facts can help you avoid errors, and just make your code easier to understand.
The argument in favor of autorelease in a situation like this is that it might be marginally easier to read. I think there's a reason that Apple gives us all those convenience methods like +stringWithFormat: -- they let you create and use the string you want with one method rather than three.

Calling -retainCount Considered Harmful

Or, Why I Didn't Use retainCount On My Summer Vacation
This post is intended to solicit detailed write-ups about the whys and wherefores of that infamous method, retainCount, in order to consolidate the relevant information floating around SO.*
The basics: What are the official reasons to not use retainCount? Is there ever any situation at all when it might be useful? What should be done instead?** Feel free to editorialize.
Historical/explanatory: Why does Apple provide this method in the NSObject protocol if it's not intended to be used? Does Apple's code rely on retainCount for some purpose? If so, why isn't it hidden away somewhere?
For deeper understanding: What are the reasons that an object may have a different retain count than would be assumed from user code? Can you give any examples*** of standard procedures that framework code might use which cause such a difference? Are there any known cases where the retain count is always different than what a new user might expect?
Anything else you think is worth metioning about retainCount?
Coders who are new to Objective-C and Cocoa often grapple with, or at least misunderstand, the reference-counting scheme. Tutorial explanations may mention retain counts, which (according to these explanations) go up by one when you call retain, alloc, copy, etc., and down by one when you call release (and at some point in the future when you call autorelease).
A budding Cocoa hacker, Kris, could thus quite easily get the idea that checking an object's retain count would be useful in resolving some memory issues, and, lo and behold, there's a method available on every object called retainCount! Kris calls retainCount on a couple of objects, and this one is too high, and that one's too low, and what the heck is going on?! So Kris makes a post on SO, "What's wrong with my memory management?" and then a swarm of <bold>, <large> letters descend saying "Don't do that! You can't rely on the results.", which is well and good, but our intrepid coder may want a deeper explanation.
I'm hoping that this will turn into an FAQ, a page of good informational essays/lectures from any of our experts who are inclined to write one, that new Cocoa-heads can be pointed to when they wonder about retainCount.
** I don't want to make this too broad, but specific tips from experience or the docs on verifying/debugging retain and release pairings may be appropriate here.
***In dummy code; obviously the general public don't have access to Apple's actual code.
The basics: What are the official reasons to not use retainCount?
Autorelease management is the most obvious -- you have no way to be sure how many of the references represented by the retainCount are in a local or external (on a secondary thread, or in another thread's local pool) autorelease pool.
Also, some people have trouble with leaks, and at a higher level reference counting and how autorelease pools work at fundamental levels. They will write a program without (much) regard to proper reference counting, or without learning ref counting properly. This makes their program very difficult to debug, test, and improve -- it's also a very time consuming rectification.
The reason for discouraging its use (at the client level) is twofold:
The value may vary for so many reasons. Threading alone is reason enough to never trust it.
You still have to implement correct reference counting. retainCount will never save you from imbalanced reference counting.
Is there ever any situation at all when it might be useful?
You could in fact use it in a meaningful way if you wrote your own allocators or reference counting scheme, or if your object lived on one thread and you had access to any and all autorelease pools it could exist in. This also implies you would not share it with any external APIs. The easy way to simulate this is to create a program with one thread, zero autorelease pools, and do your reference counting the 'normal' way. It's unlikely that you'll ever need to solve this problem/write this program for anything other than "academic" reasons.
As a debugging aid: you could use it to verify that the retain count is not unusually high. If you take this approach, be mindful of the implementation variances (some are cited in this post), and don't rely on it. Don't even commit the tests to your SCM repository.
This may be a useful diagnostic in extremely rare circumstances. It can be used to detect:
Over-retaining: An allocation with a positive imbalance in retain count would not show up as a leak if the allocation is reachable by your program.
An object which is referenced by many other objects: One illustration of this problem is a (mutable) shared resource or collection which operates in a multithreaded context - frequent access or changes to this resource/collection can introduce a significant bottleneck in your program's execution.
Autorelease levels: Autoreleasing, autorelease pools, and retain/autorelease cycles all come with a cost. If you need to minimize or reduce memory use and/or growth, you could use this approach to detect excessive cases.
From commentary with Bavarious (below): a high value may also indicate an invalidated allocation (dealloc'd instance). This is completely an implementation detail, and again, not usable in production code. Messaging this allocation would result in a error when zombies are enabled.
What should be done instead?
If you're not responsible for returning the memory at self (that is, you did not write an allocator), leave it alone - it is useless.
You have to learn proper reference counting.
For a better understanding of release and autorelease usage, set up some breakpoints and understand how they are used, in what cases, etc. You'll still have to learn to use reference counting correctly, but this can aid your understanding of why it's useless.
Even simpler: use Instruments to track allocs and ref counts, then analyze the ref counting and callstacks of several objects in an active program.
Historical/explanatory: Why does Apple provide this method in the NSObject protocol if it's not intended to be used? Does Apple's code rely on retainCount for some purpose? If so, why isn't it hidden away somewhere?
We can assume that it is public for two primary reasons:
Reference counting proper in managed environments. It's fine for the allocators to use retainCount -- really. It's a very simple concept. When -[NSObject release] is called, the ref counter (unless overridden) may be called, and the object can be deallocated if retainCount is 0 (after calling dealloc). This is all fine at the allocator level. Allocators and zones are (largely) abstracted so... this makes the result meaningless for ordinary clients. See commentary with bbum (below) for details on why retainCount cannot be equal to 0 at the client level, object deallocation, deallocation sequences, and more.
To make it available to subclassers who want a custom behavior, and because the other reference counting methods are public. It may be handy in a few cases, but it's typically used for the wrong reasons (e.g. immortal singletons). If you need your own reference counting scheme, then this family may be worth overriding.
For deeper understanding: What are the reasons that an object may have a different retain count than would be assumed from user code? Can you give any examples*** of standard procedures that framework code might use which cause such a difference? Are there any known cases where the retain count is always different than what a new user might expect?
Again, a custom reference counting schemes and immortal objects. NSCFString literals fall into the latter category:
NSLog(#"%qu", [#"MyString" retainCount]);
// Logs: 1152921504606846975
Anything else you think is worth mentioning about retainCount?
It's useless as a debugging aid. Learn to use leak and zombie analyses, and use them often -- even after you have a handle on reference counting.
Update: bbum has posted an article entitled retainCount is useless. The article contains a thorough discussion of why -retainCount isn’t useful in the vast majority of cases.
The general rule of thumb is if you're using this method, you better be damn sure you know what you're doing. If you are using it for debugging a memory leak you're doing it wrong, if you're doing it to see what is going on with an object, you're doing it wrong.
There is one case where I have used it, and found it useful. That is in doing a shared object cache where I wanted to flush the object when nothing had a reference to it anymore. In this situation I waited until the retainCount is equal to 1, and then I can release it knowing that nothing else is holding onto it, this will obviously not work properly in garbage collected environments and there are better ways to do it. But this is still the only 'valid' use case I've seen for it, and isn't something a lot of people will be doing.