Teaching systems analysis and design - how much programming experience is needed? [closed] - oop

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I teach a one semester University course in systems analysis and design. Topics include design patterns, UML, OOP, software development lifecycles, and the history, benefits and drawbacks of various methodologies (such as Agile/SCRUM/BDUF/Waterfall.)
Students who enter the course should have some exposure to programming, but in reality I've seen everything from people who are highly fluent in one or two modern languages to those who can barely pass the FizzBuzz test.
My question is two-fold: how much programming experience do you think students need before exposure to these topics (or do you think they should learn them before they learn to code), and second, what do you feel would be fair and appropriate ways to pre-test them at the start of the class, knowing that there is no consistent language or platform in their background?

I think students learn best when they can put into practice the material that they are learning. To that end, I think the best course would include some project (or mini-projects) that would involve coding. Typically, I would expect this to be taught to upper-level undergraduates and graduate students. By this time, students should have had some programming classes, some discrete math, and a basic data structures course. While not technically pre-requisites (except for the programming class) if you could require these others you have a better chance of getting students with the proper background.
As far as a pre-test, I would suggest having some simple programming projects to illustrate design patterns/OOP early in the course. I'd be stricter, perhaps, with these projects than you might be tempted to be for assignments early in the class. Be up front that programming skill is required for the course and grade that way. Let people know, through your grading, that the requirement is serious.
This may sound harsh, but I've seen too many students make it through courses leaning on their project partners because they aren't able to keep up with the coding required. I don't think they've really gotten much out of the course because they didn't have a chance to internalize the knowledge through experience.

You can't teach students the solution to a problem they've never had. If you want students to be able to do something with this material, they have to have substantial programming experience, so that they have some inkling of the problems all these ideas are intended to solve.
Ask yourself why are you teaching this material and how do you want your students to have changed by the end of the term. If all you want is for them to be able to explain the concepts at the whiteboard, the amount of programming experience is less important. But the real goals depend on you: the more carefully you articulate your goals for the class, the more likely you are to achieve them. What do you hope to accomplish?

I've been in the same position, and I'm convinced that students ought to have significant programming experience, and some mathematical sophistication as well. At least a good, serious programming course, a data structures course, and maybe a computer organization or systems programming course.

I haven't had a formal computer science education, so I can't speak from that perspective, but I do feel that it takes a significant amount of programming experience to appreciate concepts such as design patterns.
Having gone through the hobby programming phases to taking programming seriously, I've found through experience that proper design makes highly maintainable code. I've experienced going from the spaghetti code of GOTOs in BASIC to utilizing design patterns and MVC methodologies and come to seriously appreciate coding based on good design.
Without the appropriate level of experience, the students will only see the course as "oh, so there are things like design patterns, that's nice" but it won't really strike home.
I also second post by tvanfosson and feel that having projects be an integral part of the course would really demonstrate how object-oriented programming and design patterns can be utilized to write well-designed, well-maintainable, reusable code.

I would say that it depends on your goals/purpose for the course, the target audience, and the outcomes.
On the face of it, you don't need ANY programming background to get a great deal out of such a course. After all, the methodologies and techniques are really about COMMUNICATION, not programming specifically. In fact, properly done, design can eliminate a whole lot of needless programming - even using Agile methodologies (that's why they are told to communicate with the client FIRST and FREQUENTLY).
Besides, properly targeted, this course could be a cross-over for many other programs, faculties and certifications; such as the various business degrees, management courses, etc. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone in "management" who had taken such a course and actually understood the need for proper client communication, instead of just focusing on what marketing wanted this week combined with the ususal too-short deadlines?
So I encourage you to think beyond "programmers" as the target audience for such a course. Think of this as a COMMUNICATION course first, and go from there.
Best wishes.

when i was a student about 2 years ago. this kind of topics where better understood in the last courses. in order to grasp all this topics i think students must have at least 3 Programming courses (Structure Programming,OOP 1,OOP 2) a software engineering course will be great too and also some DB Background. try to encourage students to start a project from scratch (requirements gathering - Release) there is nothing better than practice-practice-practice

Coobird and Tvan are absolutely correct about needing a lot of time at programming. I will add that in a learning environment it is important to have both immediate feedback (other than getting the code to run) and a variety of situation to handle.
Nothing like eating your own dog food and being forced to clean up your own mess to get the point across.

I think there may be a basic computer programming course that could be given before such a course that introduces various basic ideas of modern programming, e.g. what is an IDE, what is an algorithm, what are basic ways to measure complexities, etc. where there are 2 choices given to the student: Use what the course suggests for a language, or pick your own from this list that TA's and others would know enough about to determine if the solution is acceptable or not. One issue to consider is whether or not various exotic languages like Logo, Lisp, Modula-3 or Fortran would be OK or not. The idea of understanding how to use various tools would be the focus more so than using a specific programming language that may not be used outside of academia.
In some respects the final exam for such a course would act as a way to determine whether or not one would be able to skip such a course. The main idea is to have some basics within a specific realm pinned down, not unlike how in elementary school an Arabic number system in base 10 with the operations of add, subtract, multiply and divide and place value, like tens, hundreds, etc. is the basics of Mathematics as opposed to having learned any of these as one's introduction to Mathematics, which are all possible starting points:
Trigonometry using a hexadecimal number base defining functions such as sine, secant, tangent as well as the co- of each and the inverse of all of those and the graphs of such functions.
Graph theory consisting of paths, breadth first search, depth first search, and minimum weight spanning trees.
Derivatives, integrals, and partial differential equations over the Complex Number system or some higher dimensional spaces like N x N matrices of real numbers.
Probability and Statistical theory including arithmetic and geometric mean, median, mode as well as the idea of least squares and linear regression with just enough Algebra so it all makes sense.
Finite Mathematics such as permutations, combinations, enumeration and asymptotes.
Modular arithmetic and floating point number systems.
Geometry of various shapes examining types of angles and parallel sides as ways to categorize various shapes. Also in here are the formulas for perimeter, area, surface area and volume for various shapes.
Sequences and series with the idea of limits and infinity as something special to bring to the class along with capital sigma for sums and pi for products.
Boolean algebra involving various logic gates such as AND, OR, XOR, and NOT in the form of truth tables.
Linear Algebra using only Matrices and linear transformations.
Logic problems similar to the board game Clue.
Pure Mathematics involving proofs of various Theorems and using a syntax full of abbreviations including the following: <=> as if and only if, => implies, backwards E for existence, backwards E followed by an exclamation point for there exists and is unique, upside down A as a "For all" or "For each" qualifier, three dots in one arrangement for "Therefore" and another for "Since," as well as ideas of necessary conditions compared to sufficient conditions as well as proof by Induction.
Algebraic concepts like groups, rings and fields. Here would also have the notion of inverses, associative and commutative operations.
Picture if one had a classroom of 30 students, 10 of which have a basic North American education and the other 20 each learned one of the 12 above parts of Mathematics but not necessarily the others. Could terms like "graph" be cases where more than one branch use the term with a very different meaning, e.g. graph of a function in the (x,y) plane versus a set of vertices and edges as a graph or net as in the 2-D representation of how to build various 3-D shapes? That would be a similar situation I believe.

I've been a programmer for a long time, and I wish I had learned proper system analysis at the beginning.
Properly analyzing a system and designing a solution is a fundamental step to creating the proper solution. Systems analysis methods gives you a foundation to build on. It is the blueprint. How can you build an app without proper planning? It can be done, but it is usually a mess. If I had a programming course this is what I would teach:
1.System Analysis and design.
2.Project Planning (PMI Institue) using MS Project. After aquiring these skills you can take on any programming job in a professional manner.
3.The programming solution (VB.NET, C#, C++, ASP.NET JAVA, etc) to create the design.
If you want to be a professional programmer then these are the basic skills you need. Unfortunately, I have not seen these items inforced in places I have worked. A good plan is always helpful.


Can good Object Orientated Design be formalised as good relational database design has been?

In the database world, we have normalisation. You can start with a design, crank the steps and end up with a normal form of the database. This is done on the basis of the semantics of the data and can be thought of as a series of design refactorings.
In object orientated design, we have the SOLID principals and various other adhoc guidelines towards good design.
Do you think it is possible to define the equivalent of normal forms for OO, such that a series of refactoring steps could move a procedural piece of code (or poorly factored OO design) into a correct (in some well-defined sense) formulation with the same functionality?
(NB. Happy to make this community wiki)
It is a possibility, but highly unlikely.
First, in the days when the Relational Model came out, people who worked in IT were more educated and they esteemed standards. Computer resources were expensive, and people were always looking for the best way to use those resources. People like Codd and Date were giants in an industry where people were high tech.
Codd did not invent Normalisation, we were Normalising our non-relational databases long before Relational came along. Normalisation is a theory and practice, published as the Principle of Full Normalisation. We were Normalising our programs, we considered accidental duplication of a subrotine (method) a serious error. Nowadays it is known as Never Duplicate Anything or Don't Repeat Yourself, but the recent versions do not acknowledge the sound academic theory behind, and are therefore its power is unreallised.
What Codd did (among many things) was define formal Normal Forms specifically for Relational Databases. And these have progressed and been refined since then. But they have also been hijacked by non-academics for the purpose of selling their gear.
The database modelling that was invented by Codd and Chen, and finished by Brown had a solid grounding. In the last 25 years, its has achieved Standardisation and been further refined and progressed by many others who had solid grounding.
The World Before OO
Let's take the programming world before OO. We had many standards and conventions, for modelling our programs, as well as for language- and platform-specific implementation. Your question simply would not apply in those days. The entire industry understood deeply that database design and program design were two different sciences, and used different modelling methodologies for them, plus whatever standards applied. People did not discuss if they implemented standards, they discussed the extent to which they complied with standards; they did not discuss if they modelled their data and programs, they discussed the extent to which they modelled their data and programs. That is how we put men on the Moon, notably in 1969.
Dawn of OO
OO came along and presented itself as if no other programming language or design methodology existed before it. Instead of using existing methodologies and extending or changing them, it denied their existence. So, not surprisingly, it has taken 20 years to formulate the new methodologies from scratch and slowly progress them to the point of SOLID and Agile, which is not mature; the reason for your question. It is telling that more than twenty such methodologies have flashed up and died during that time.
Even UML, which could have been an outright winner, applicable to any programming language suffered the same disease. It tried to be everything to everyone while denying that mature methodologies existed.
Demise of the Industry
With the advent of MS, the attitude of "anyone can do anything" (implication: you do not need formal education or qualifications), that quality and pride of profession has been lost. People now invent things from scratch as if no one on the planet has ever done it before. The IT industry today is very low tech. You kow, but most people reading these pages do not know, that there is one Relational Modelling methodology, and one Standard. They do not model, the implement. Then re-implement. And re-implement. Re-factoring as you say.
OO Proponents
The problem was that the people who came up with these OO methods were not giants among professionals; they were simply the most vocal of an un-academic lot. Famous due to publishing books, not due to peer acknowledgement. Unskilled and unaware. They had One Hammer in their toolkit, and every problem looked like a nail. Since they were not formally educated they did not know that actually database design and program design are two different sciences; that database design was quite mature, had strongly established methodologies and standards, and they simply applied their shiny new hammer to every problem, including databases.
Therefore, since they were ignoring both programming methodologies and database methodologies, inventing the wheel from scratch, those new methodologies have progressed very slowly. And with assistance from a similar crowd, without sound academic basis.
Programs today have hundreds of methods that are not used. We now have programs to detect that. Whereas with the mature methodologies, we prevent that. Thin client was not a goal to be achieved, we had a science that produced it. We now have programs to detect "dirty" data and to "clean" it. Whereas in the upper end of the database market, we simply do not allow "dirty" data into the database in the first place.
I accept that you see database design as a series of re-factorings, I understand what you mean. To me it is a science (methodology, standards) that eliminates ever having to re-factor. Even the acceptance of re-factoring is loud signal that the older programming methodologies are unknown; that the current OO methodologies are immature. The danger, what makes it annoying to work with OO people, is that the methodology itself fosters a confidence in the One Hammer mentality, and when the code breaks, they have not one leg to stand on; when the system breaks, the whole system breaks, it is not one small piece that can be repaired or replaced.
Take Scott Ambler and Agile. Ambler spend 20 years publicly and vociferously arguing with the giants of the database industry, against Normalisation. Now he has Agile, which although immature, has promise. But the secret behind it it Normalisation. He has switched tracks. And because of his past wars, he cannot come out and declare that honestly, and give others due credit, so it remains a secret, and you are left to figure out Agile without its fundaments being declared.
That is why I say, given the evidenced small progress in the OO world over the last 20 years; the 20 or so OO methodologies that have failed; the shallowness of the approach, it is highly unlikely that the current OO methodologies will achieve the maturity and acceptance of the (singular) database design methodology. It will take at least another 10 years, more likely 20, and it will be over taken by some replacement for OO.
For it to be a possibility two things need to happen:
The OO proponents need formal tertiary education. A good grounding in the science of programming. Sure, anyone can do anything, but to do great things, we need a great grounding. That will lead to the understanding that re-factoring is not necessary, that it can be eliminated by science.
They need to break their denial of other programming methodologies and standards. That will open the door to either building OO on top of that, or taking the fundaments of that and merging it into OO. That will lead to a solid and complete OO methodology.
Real World OO
Obviously I speak from experience. On our large projects we use the mature analysis and design methodologies, one for database and another for function. When we get to the code-cutting stage, we let the OO team use whatever they like, for their objects only, which usually means UML. No problems with architecture or structure or performance or bloatware or One Hammer or hundreds of unused objects, because all that was taken care of outside OO. And later, during UAT, no problems with finding the source of bugs or making the required changes quickly, because the entire structure, has documented structure; the blocks can be changed.
I think this is an interesting question, because it presumes that Codd's Normal Forms are actually the definition of "correct" design. Not trying to start a flame war with that statement, but I guess my point is that there are very good reasons that many DB's aren't fully normalized (e.g. join performance) leads me to think that the real-world equivalent of normalization in OO space is probably design patterns or (as you said) SOLID. In both cases you're talking about idealized guidelines that have to be applied with a suitably critical eye, rather than slavishly followed as dogma.
Not only do I fully agree with Paul, but I will go a step further.
Models are just that - only models. The Normalization models used by Relational Databases are only one approach to storing and managing data. In fact, note that while RDBMS's are common for Data Manipulation operations (the standard CRUD), we have now evolved the DataWarehouse for consolidation, analysis, and reporting. And it most definitely does NOT adhere to the normalization models found in DML land.
Now we also have Google with their BigTable architecture, and Apache with Hadoop. These newer modeling systems reflect a change in the landscape, driven by the idea of the DISTRIBUTED database. Normalization need not apply for this club either.
We can apply a successful model ony to the point at which it becomes not-so-successful, or is supplanted by an model which better suits the needs of the designer. Note the many ways we humans have modelled our universe through physics/Astronomy what have you. Modelling attmpts to describe a system in discreet terms, but as the system, or the needs of the system change, so must the model.
OOP is and has been a very, very successfulk way to model computer applications. However, the needs of the application designer are different from thos eof Database designers. MOST of the time, there is a point at which the designer of an application must consider that his program will be interacted with by humans. Unlike the database designer, whose work will (mostly) be expected to interact with other code, the programmer's job is to take the machine and make it accessible to a much more random human-being. This art does not map quite so well to such standards like normalization.
All that said, n-tier, MVC, MVVC, and other paradims DO establish some guidelines. But in the end, the problem-space of application design is usually not as easy to fit into such discrete modelling steps as a relational databse.
Wow. Apologies for the length. If this is a breach of ettiquette here, do let me know . . .

Appreciating the value of good design [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Having recently worked with a bunch of people (from two different companies) right out of school or with 1-2 years experience, I was initially quite impressed with their knowledge of the various industry buzz words and design patterns etc. Furthermore they each had a good understanding on OO design principle and use of interface.
To cut a long story short…. In just a few days of working with them I found that things were not as they appeared.
Let me define some terms I’ll use here
Knowledge – Something you learn either in school or book or on the Internet etc.
Experience – The amount of time you’ve been doing something
Skill – Only gained through experience. That is acquiring skill (over time) and knowing how to apply the knowledge you have
What I found was that even though they knew this stuff, they really didn’t know how to apply this knowledge. You’d have all these patterns waving in your face but any code they had to write of their own accord had basic flaws with it. They could tell you the virtues of a certain design pattern and could come up with somewhat of an implementation but could not recognize basic flaws in the design.
Of course I had my fair share of the “One who knows not that he knows not –Confucius”.
Each night I’d spend a lot of time re-iterating everything that was said during the day trying to understand who was saying what and why, trying to figure out what I could do by way of examples during training or code review. But frankly I was quite puzzled.
After about 2-3 weeks I started to figure it out.
Anyway, the questions first
1. Have you experience this sort of thing?
2. How did you (or do you) tackle this?
My conclusion was that either schools are doing a bad job or Google is their friend and they’re getting all this “knowledge” and think they know.
But I feel
In order to be able to recognize and appreciate good design one MUST write code that is well,… not so well designed. Struggle with it and then fix it to know the pain and therefore recognize good and bad design and appreciate it
Practice and Experience – you just can’t beat that. There is so much that experience (and the quality of experience) brings to the table that you just can’t match it with just knowledge or a little bit of experience.
Some other things I experienced:
“Why is this an interface and not a base class” – you’ll get all kinds of answers but none of them is the right reason.
Why this design pattern and not that, or forget design patterns for a minute and just design (they’re utterly lost – that’s when you see their real design coding skills)
Over engineering – don’t recognize it and can’t appreciate they it could be a maintenance nightmare as the system grows. I found this to be a big issue. It's as if everything has the potential to change. A simple process of sending an email has 3 classes in addition to the various classes the in the .NET framework you'd use to send an email.
Using all the new features in the framework or language just because (I’ve even seen this in some of Microsoft’s source code for a certain framework for which source code is available)
So 10 years from now, everyone writing code is writing it using all the fancy framework or language features using all the possible design patterns, such that “legacy” code is well written and well designed. Or is it? What do you think?
Does anyone else feel that 10 years from now we’ll just be shifting through a different kind of muck. Muck that’s scattered about in a dozen more code files then it used to be because now we’ve got classes and so called loosely coupled code but it’s just a different kind of mess and in fact harder to clean up?
Interesting deliberations. I have always felt that with time we are over engineering our systems with all the patterns flying around. An extra layer of abstraction means more failure in understanding in future. My personal approach is to keep things simple and only introduce complexity if it is required. Decouple if decoupling is required. Many of the design requirements do flow in systems because we blindly put in requirements document that it should be maintainable, reliable and all *able. It's also necessary to understand the degree in which we want these *ables and more importantly how they impact our budget and business values both in shorter and longer term.
One important aspect is always to keep a very tight focus on business requirements, at every stage, both in terms of functionality and budget.
I completely agree that the newer breed of developers appear to be very knowledgeable when it comes to design patterns and the latest buzzwords like hibernate, jason, nant, ajax etc. In the other hand I have found that even the best among them, those who can be considered star programmers appear to have limited understanding and knowledge of what is really happening under the hood.
I had a several conversations in the past with young guns who were viewing spring as a major innovation trying to convince them that what this framework is providing us through reflection consist the evolution of things like IDL, type libraries, COM and CORBA.
When it comes to design patterns and the terminology introduced by the gang of four, we all know that their proposed architectures have been used for decades before and a senior developer was using them almost intuitively without knowing the formal differences of a regular factory versus an abstract. There is no doubt of course that the formalization that was introduced by the movement of DP was beneficial for the industry although the recognition and successful implementation of patterns still (and probably always) rely in the experience and talent of the developer since this process is impossible to become a purely mechanical and deterministic.
An additional point I have to make regarding newcomers to the field of SD is their inclination to spread their skill set very horizontally, trying to cover as many technologies possible as opposed to deeply concentrate in a specific domain and master it.

What features are important in a programming language for young beginners? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was talking with some of the mentors in a local robotics competition for 7th and 8th level kids. The robot was using PBASIC and the parallax Basic Stamp. One of the major issues was this was short term project that required building the robot, teaching them to program in PBASIC and having them program the robot. All in only 2 hours or so a week over a couple months. PBASIC is kinda nice in that it has built in features to do everything, but information overload is possible to due this.
My thought are simplicity is key.
When you have kids struggling to grasp:
if X>10 then <DOSOMETHING>
There is not much point in throwing "proper" object oriented programming at them.
What are the essentials needed to foster an interest in programming?
I like the notion of interpreted on the PC as learning tool. Due to the target platforms more than likely being somewhat resource constrained, I would like to target languages that are appropriate for embedded work. (Python and even Lua require more resources than the target likely to have. And I actually kinda like Lua.) I suppose that is one of the few virtues BASIC has, it has been ran on systems with less than 4K for over 30 years. C may not be a bad option if there are some "friendly" tools available such as Ch.
The most important is not a lot of boiler plate to make the simplest program run.
If you start of with a bunch of
import Supercalifragilistic from <expialidocious>
public void inherited security model=<apartment>
public : main .....
And tell them they "not to worry they aren't supposed to understand that" - you are going to put off both the brightest and the dumbest.
The nice thing about python is that printing "hello world" is print "hello world"
Fun, quick results. Capture the attention span of the kid.
Interpretive shells like most scripting languages offer (command line) that lets the student just type 1 or 2 liners is a big deal.
>>> 1+1
Boom, instant feedback, kid thinks "the computer is talking back". Kids love that. Remember Eliza, anyone?
If they get bogged down in installing an IDE, creating a project, bleh bleh bleh, sometimes the tangents will take you away from the main topic.
BASIC is good too.
Look for some things online like "SIMPLE" : http://www.simplecodeworks.com/website.html
A team of researchers, beginning at Rice, then spreading out to Brown, Chicago, Northeastern, Northwestern, and Utah, have been studying this question for about 15 years. I can't summarize all their discoveries here, but here are some of their most important findings:
Irregular syntax can be a barrier to entry.
The language should be divided into concentric subsets, and you should choose a subset appropriate to the student's level of knowledge. For example, their smallest subset is called the "Beginning Student" language.
The compiler's error messages should be matched to the students' level of knowledge. If you are using subsets, different subsets might give different messages for the same error.
Beginners find it difficult to learn the phase distinction: separate phases for type checking and run time, with different kinds of errors. For this reason, beginners do better with a language where types are checked at run time, i.e., a dynamically typed language.
Beginners find it difficult to reason about mutable variables and mutable objects. If you teach pure functional programming, by contrast, you can leverage students' experience with high-school and middle-school algebra.
Beginning students are more engaged by an interactive programming environment than by the old edit-compile-link-go model.
Beginning students are engaged by splash and by interactivity. It's good if your language's standard library provides built-in support for creating and displaying images. It's better if those images are supported within the interactive programming environment, instead of requiring a separate player or viewer. And it's even better if your standard library can support moving images, or some other kind of animation.
Interestingly, they have got very good results with just 2D images. Even though we are all surrounded by examples of 3D computer graphics, students seem to get very engaged working with just two-dimensional images.
These results have been obtained primarily with college students, and they have been replicated at over 20 universities. However, the research team has also done some work with high-school and middle-school students. The first papers on that work are just coming out, so I'm less aware of the new findings and am not able to summarize them.
When you have kids struggling to grasp:
if X>10 then <DOSOMETHING>
Maybe it's a sign they shouldn't be doing programming?
What are the essentials needed to foster an interest in programming?
To see success with no or little effort. To create something running in a matter of minutes. A lot of programming languages can offer it, including the scary C++.
In order to avoid complication with #includes, multiple source files, modularization and compilation, why not have a look elsewhere? Try to write some Excel macros or use any other software with some basic built-in scripting language to automate certain tasks?
Another idea could be to play with web pages. It is not exactly programming, but at least easy to achieve something and show to others with pride.
This has been said on SO before, but... try Scratch. It's an incredible learning tool for kids. It teaches the basics of programming concepts in a hands-on and language-independent way. After a bit of playing around with it they can get down to learning a specific language's implementation of the concepts they already understand.
The common theme in languages that are easy for beginners - especially children to pick up is that there's very little barrier to entry, and immediate feedback. If "hello world" doesn't look a lot like print "Hello, world!", it's going to be harder for people to pick up. The following features along those lines come to mind:
Interpreted, or incrementally JIT compiled (which looks like an interpreter to the user)
No boilerplate
No attempt to enforce a specific programming style (e.g. Java requiring that everything be in a class definition, or Haskell enforcing purely functional design)
Dynamic typing
Implicit coercion (maybe)
Breaking the problem (read program) down into a small set of sections (modules) that do one thing and do it very well.
You have to get them to stop thinking like a user and start thinking like a programmer. They need to take it one step at a time. Ask them what they have to think of in order to figure out the problem them selves and then write them down as steps. If you can then you break each step even more in the same mater. When done you will have the program in english making it simpler to program for real.
I did this with a friend that just could not get it and now he can. He used to look at something that I did and be bewildered and I would say that he has done more complex stuff than this.
One of the more persistently-present arguments I have had with other programmers is whether or not one's first language should require explicit type languages. Many are of the opinion that learning a language which requires you to explicitly declare type information is one which will teach you to program typefully. Conversely, it can be said that dynamic languages might present a less demanding learning curve. It goes either way, I suppose.
My advice: start with a simple model of how a computer works. I am particular to stack machines as good tools for teaching computation.
Remember that beginners are learning two disciplines at the same time: how computers work and the abstract logic involved (the basics of Computer Science), plus how to write programs that match their intended logic (learning a specific language's syntax and idioms). You have to address both concerns in an interwoven fashion in order for the students to quickly become effective. This is also the reason experienced programmers can often pick up new languages quickly.
It's worth noting Python grew out of a project for a language named ABC, which was targeted at beginners. For example, the required colon isn't strictly required, but was found to improve readability:
if some_condition:
I got 3 words : Karel the Robot.
it's a really really simple 'language' that is designed to teach people the basis of programming :
Look for it on the web. You can look at this, though I never tried it :
While this isn't related to programming a robot, I think web programming is a great place to start with kids that age. It's how I started at that exact age. It easily translates to something kids understand if they use the web at all. Start with HTML, throw in Javascript, and soon they want to be doing features requiring server-side scripting or some sort, and things progress from there.
With the kind of kids who are already interested in robotics, though, I'd actually go for a different language like the ones already described. If you want to work in a field like robotics, you don't need to be convinced to try something hard. You need to be challenged.
A few years ago I saw a presentation at Ignite! Seattle from one of the people working on the project now known as Kodu who envisioned as a programming language for children. He spent time talking about what common language features could simply be thrown out in a programming environment meant to teach fundamentals.
A lot of cherished imperative constructs, like C-style for loops, were simply left out in favor of a simple object-messaging approach. Object-oriented programming isn't hard to understand when you think about "objects" and "messages"; the hard part is when you deal with things that programmers, but not children, care about, like inheritance and contracts and sweeping abstractions. I've got this thing (noun), now act on it (verb), in this way (adverb like quickly), when thing (sees/bumps into) something (with some attribute) (that's your if). Events are really conditions, and have all of the power of conditions, but it's up to the runtime to identify when those events happen.
This kind of event and messaging driven approach probably translates even better to robots than procedural programming would, anyway, so it might be a good way to look at the problem. Try not to think about what you'd "need" to know to program in C or Pascal or something; think about what you'd want to be able to make something do.

The limit of OOP Paradigm in really complex system? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I asked a question previously about Dataset vs Business Objects
.NET Dataset vs Business Object : Why the debate? Why not combine the two?
and I want to generalize the question here: where is the proof that OOP is really suitable for very complex problems ? Let's take a MMO Game Engine for example. I'm not specialist at all but as I read this article, it clearly stands that OOP is far from being enough:
It concludes:
Programming well with Entity Systems is very close to programming with a Relational Database. It would not be unreasonable to call ES’s a form of “Relation Oriented Programming”.
So isn't OOP trying to get rid off something that is here to stay ?
OOP is non-linear, Relational is linear, both are necessary depending on the part of a system so why try to eliminate Relational just because it isn't "pure" Object. Is OOP an end by itself ?
My question is not is OOP usefull. OOP is usefull, my question is rather why the purists want to do "pure" OOP ?
As the author of the linked post, I thought I'd throw in a couple of thoughts.
FYI: I started seriously (i.e. for commercial work) using OOP / ORM / UML in 1997, and it took me about 5 years of day to day usage to get really good at it IMHO. I'd been programming in ASM and non-OOP languages for about 5 years by that point.
The question may be imperfectly phrased, but I think it's a good question to be asking yourself and investigating - once you understand how to phrase it better, you'll have learnt a lot useful about how this all hangs together.
"So isn't OOP trying to get rid off something that is here to stay ?"
First, read Bjarne's paper here: http://www.stroustrup.com/oopsla.pdf
IMHO, no-one should be taught any OOP without reading that paper (and re-reading after they've "learnt" OOP). So many many people misunderstand what they're dealing with.
IME, many university courses don't teach OOP well; they teach people how to write methods, and classes, and how to use objects. They teach poorly why you would do these things, where the ideas come from, etc. I think much of the mis-usage comes from that: almost a case of the blind leading the blind (they aren't blind in "how" to use OOP, they're just blind in "why" to use OOP).
To quote from the final paragraphs of the paper:
"how you support good programming techniques and good design techniques matters more than labels and buzz words. The fundamental idea is simply to improve design and programming through abstraction. You want to hide details, you want to exploit any commonality in a system, and you want to make this affordable.
I would like to encourage you not to make object-oriented a meaningless term. The notion of ‘‘object-oriented’’ is too frequently debased:
– by equating it with good,
– by equating it with a single language, or
– by accepting everything as object-oriented.
I have argued that there are–and must be–useful techniques beyond object-oriented programming and design. However, to avoid being totally misunderstood, I would like to emphasize that I wouldn’t attempt a serious project using a programming lan-
guage that didn’t at least support the classical notion of object-oriented programming. In addition to facilities that support object-oriented programming, I want –and C++ provides features that go beyond those in their support for direct expression of concepts and relationships."
Now ... I'd ask you ... of all the OOP programmers and OOP projects you've seen, how many of them can honestly claim to have adhered to what Bjarne requests there?
IME, less than the majority.
Bjarne states that:
"The fundamental idea is simply to improve design and programming through abstraction"
...and yet many people invent for themselves a different meaning, something like:
"The fundamental idea is that OOP is good, and everything-not-OOP is inferior"
Programmers who have programmed sequentially with ASM, then later ASM's, then pascal, then C, then C++, and have been exposed to the chaos that was programming pre-encapsulation etc tend to have better understanding of this stuff. They know why OOP came about, what it was trying to solve.
Funnily enough, OOP was not trying to solve every programming problem. Who'd have htought it, to say how it's talked about today?
It was aimed at a small number of problems that were hugely dangerous the bigger your project got, and which it turned out to be somewhere between "good" and "very good" at solving.
But even some of them it isn't any better than merely "good" at solving; there are other paradigms that are better...
All IMHO, of course ;)
Systems of any notable complexity are not linear. Even if you worked really hard to make a system one linear process, you're still relying on things like disks, memory and network connections that can be flaky, so you'll need to work around that.
I don't know that anyone thinks OOP is the final answer. It's just a way of dealing with complexity by trying to keep various problems confined to the smallest possible sphere so the damage they do when they blow up is minimized. My problem with your question is that it assumes perfection is possible. If it were, I could agree OOP isn't necessary. It is for me until someone comes up with a better way for me to minimize the number of mistakes I make.
Just read yr article about Entity Systems, which compares ES to OOP, and it is flagrantly wrong about several aspects of OOP. for e.g., When there are 100 instances of a class, OOP does not mandate that there be 100 copies of the classes methods loaded in memory, only one is necessary. Everything that ES purports to be able to do "better" than OOP because it has "Components", and "Systems", OOP supports as well using interfaces and static classes, (and/or Singletons).
And OOP more naturally fits with the real-world, as any real or imagined Problem Domain, consisting of multiple physical and/or non-physical items and abstractions, and the relationships between them, can be modeled with an appropriately designed hiearchical OOP class structure.
What we try to do is put an OO style on top of a relational system. In C# land this gets us a strongly typed system so that everything from end to end can be compiled and tested. The database has a hard time being tested, refactored, etc. OOP allows us to organize our application into layers and hiearchies which relational doesn't allow.
Well you've got a theoretical question.
Firstly let me agree with you that OOP is not a solve-all solution. It's good for somethings, it's not good for others. But that doesn't mean it doesn't scale up. Some horribly complex and huge systems have been designed using OOP.
I think OOP is so popular because it deserves to be. It solves some problems rather wonderfully, it is easy to think in terms of Objects because we can do that without re-programming ourselves.
So until we can all come up with a better alternatives that actually works in practical life, I think OOP is a pretty good idea and so are relational databases.
There is really no limit to what OOP can deal with - just as there is no real limit to what C can deal with, or assembler for that matter. All are Turing-complete, which is all you really need.
OOP simply gives you a higher-level way of breaking down the program, just as C is a higher-level than assembler.
The article about entity systems does not say that OO cannot do this - in fact, it sounds like they are using OOP to implement their Entities, Components, etc. In any complex domain there will be different ways of breaking it down, and using OOP you can break it down to the object/class level at some point. This does not preclude having higher-level conceptual frameworks which are used to design the OOP system.
The problem isn't the object oriented approach in most situations, the problem is performance and actual development of the underlying hardware.
The OO paradigm approach software development by providing us with a metaphor of the real world, were we have concepts which defines the common accepted and expected properties and behaivour of real objects in the world. Is the way that humans model things and we're able to solve most of the problems with it.
In theory you can define every aspect of a game, system or whatever using OO. In practice if you do, your program will simply behave too slow so the paradigm is messed up by optimizations which trade the simplicity of the model from performance.
In that way, relational databases are not object oriented so we build an object oriented layer between our code and the database... by doing so you lost some of the performance of the database and some of its expressiveness because, from the point of view of OO paradigm a relational database is a full class, is an very complex object that provides information.
From my point of view OO is an almost perfect approach in the theoretical sense of the word, as it maps closely to the way we, humans, think, but it doesn't fit well with the limited resources of the computational development... so we take shortcuts. At the and, performance is far more important than theoretical organization or clearness so this shortcuts become standards or usual practices.
That is, we are adapting the theoretical model to our current limitations. In the times of cobol in the late 70's object oriented was simply impossible... it would imply to many aspects and too little performance so we used a simplified approach, so simplified you didn't have objects or class, you had variables ... but the concept was, in that time, the same. Groups of variables described related concepts, properties that today will feet into an object. Control sequences based on a variable value where used to replace class hierarchies and so on.
I think we've been using OOP for a long time and that we'll continue using it for a long time. As hardware capabilities improve we'll be able to unsimplify the model so that it becomes more adaptable. If I describe perfectly (almost) the concept of a cat (which involves a lot of describing for a lot of concepts involved) that concept will be able to be reused everywhere... the problem here is not, as I've said, with the paradigm itself but with our limitations to implement it.
EDIT: To answer the question about why use pure OO. Every "science" wants to have a complete model to represent things. We have two physic models to describe nature, one at the microscopic level and one for the macroscopic one, and we want to have just one because it simplifies things it provides us with a better way to prove, test and develop things. With OO the same process applies. You can't analytically test and prove a system if the system doesn't follow a precise set of rules. If you are changing between paradigms in a program then your program cannot be properly analized, it has to be disected in each one, analized and then analized again to see that the interactions are correct. It makes a lot more difficult to understand a system because in fact you have two or three system that interact in different ways.
Guys, isn't the question more about ORM than OOP? OOP is a style of programming - the thing that actually gets compared is a Relational Database mapped onto objects.
OOP is actually more than just the ORM! It's also not just the inheritance and polymorphism! It's an extremly wide range of design patterns and above all it's the way we think about programming itself.
Jorge: it's ok that you've pointed out the opitimization part - what you didn't add is that this step should be done last and in 99% cases the slow part is not the OOP.
Now plain and simple: the OOP style with all the principals added to it (clean code, use of design patterns, not to deep inheritance structures and let's not forget unit testing!) it a way to make more people understand what you wrote. That in turn is needed for companies to keep their bussiness secure. That's also a recepie for small teams to have better understanding with the community. It's like a common meta language on top of the programming language itself.
It's always easier to talk about concepts from a purists point of view. Once you're faced with a real life problem things get trickier and the world is no longer just black and white. Just like the author of the article is very thorough in pointing out that they're not doing OOP the "OOP purist" tells you that OOP is the only way to go. The truth is somewhere in between.
There is no single answer, as long as you understand the different ways (OOP, entity systems, functional programming and many more) of doing things and can give good reason for why you're choosing one over the other in any given situation you're more likely to succeed.
About Entity Systems. It's an interesting conception but it brings nothing really new. For example it states:
OOP style would be for each Component to have zero or more methods, that some external thing has to invoke at some point. ES style is for each Component to have no methods but instead for the continuously running system to run it’s own internal methods against different Components one at a time.
But isn't it same as Martin Fowler's anti-pattern called "Anemic Domain Model" (which is extensively used nowadays, in fact) link ?
So basically ES is an "idea on the paper". For people to accept it, it MUST be proven with working code examples. There is not a single word in the article on how to implement this idea on practice. Nothing said about scalability concerns. Nothing said about fault tolerance...
As for your actual question I don't see how Entity Systems described in article can be similar to relational databases. Relational databases have no such thing as "aspects" that are described in the article. In fact, relational - based on tables data structure - is very limited when it comes to working with hierarchical data, for example. More limited than for example object databases...
Could you clarify what exactly you are trying to compare and prove here? OOP is a programming paradigm, one of the many. It's not perfect. It's not a silver bullet.
What does "Relation Oriented Programming" mean? Data-centric? Well, Microsoft was moving towards more data-centric style of programming until they given up on Linq2Sql and fully focused on their O/RM EntityFramework.
Also relational databases isn't everything. There is many different kinds of database architectures: hierarchical databases, network databases, object databases ect. And those can be even more efficient than relational. Relational are so popular for nearly the same reasons why OOP is so popular: it's simple, very easy to understand and most often efficient enough.
Ironically when oo programming arrived made it much easier to build larger systems, this was reflected in the ramp up in software to market.
Regarding scale and complexity, with good design you can build pretty complex systems.
see ddd Eric Evans for some principle patterns on handling complexity in oo.
However not all problem domains are best suited to all languages, if you have the freedom to choose a language choose one that suits your problem domain. or build a dsl if that's more appropriate.
We are software engineers after all, unless there is someone telling you how to do your job, just use the best tools for the job, or write them :)

Formal Methods and Enterprises [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I teach formal methods in software engineering. I also teach "agile methodologies". Most people seem to think this is contradictory. I think it makes a lot of sense... I also work for a company, where we need to actually get things done :) While I can apply my earned skill points on "specification" in a day-to-day basis, my colleagues typically flee away from the word "formal".
I used to think that this was due to the intrinsic way we learn how to program: we are usually driven to find a working solution, not to understand the problem. Then I thought this was due to the fact that most people in the formal community are not engineers, but mathematicians or computer scientists. Nowadays, I wonder if it just because the formal-methods community hide behind some kind of "obfuscation" law to use all the available UNICODE symbols, actively develop rude, unesthetic tools, and laugh in the face of standards.
Yes, I've been moving from a "blame them" to a "blame us" perspective ;-)
So, my question is: do you use any kind of formal methods in your company? Have you introduced them, or were they pre-requisites? What techniques do you use to clear the fog of mathematics from people's fears and incite them to use formal methods? What do you think current tools are lacking for a more general usage?
The key to getting people to buy into any methods or methodologies is to show them how it solves problems they are having. If they can see it will make their lives better you have a much improved chance of getting them to adopt the techniques.
And if you can't show them that, perhaps you wanted to adopt the methods based on philosophy rather than practicality. Unless the others share your philosophy then you're not going to get anywhere. And perhaps you shouldn't.
Over the decades there have been a great many methodologies. Newer ones always address the shortcomings of the old ones, yet projects still get in trouble and fail. Why? Because the rock stars that come up with new methodologies are rock stars, and have made a new methodology precisely because they understand the underlying issues and how to apply them. Those who come after tend to blindly follow the recipe, and it doesn't work so well.
So I think the best thing is to teach about the underlying problems and then show how various methods attempt to deal with those problems. The differences in companies, projects, and teams is so great that no one methodology can be applied successfully to all combinations. Learning to choose an appropriate tool and apply it well is crucial.
Thank you for all contributions. They are very insightful. Allow me to flame a bit (don't take it personal, though :-)
Most people seem to think that formal methods are just about program verification. Or critical systems. This may be true if we pursue the ultimate cliche: to prove we are doing the program right (v.s. validation, which asks, as a contributor said, if we are doing the right program).
But consider model finding/checking tools, such as Alloy. Learning to use a tool like this takes a negligable ammount of time for anyone used to UML and OO. Still, it can give you immediate insight over your model. It usually takes no more than 10 minutes to find a counter-example over a small enough subset of the model one's trying to use (and that includes describing the model in Alloy in the first place).
Take requirements engineering as an example. One usually draw a lot of UML. Few people use OCL, though, and many business rules are informally annoted in natural language. Why? Time constraints?
Now consider the fact that the majority just uses her/his gut-feeling to prove that a model is satisfiable. Again, why? I can take the same amount of time (probably even less, since I don't need to care about drawing aesthetics) to write that model in Alloy, and just check for satisfiability? And what kind of mathematics do I need to now? "Predicates"? Fancy name for IFs and booleans ;-) Quantifiers? Fancy names for ForEachs()...
What about big information systems? They don't need to be critical... Just try to analyze in your head a conceptual (not implementation!) diagram with over 600 classes. I see many people banging their head in the wall with easy-to-make model mistakes because they missed some constraint, or the model allows stupid things to happen.
The fact is, one does not need to use formal approaches from head to tail. Granted, I could prove a whole application in Coq, and certify that it is 100% compliant with some specification. This may be the Computer Scientist/Mathematician approach.
Still, with a GTD philisophy, why can't I delegate some tasks for the computer and allow it to help improving my development? Is it really a matter of "time", or plain, simple lack of technical abilities and will to learn/inovate?
Working with line of business IT development in an enterprise means having to transfer knowledge about the business from actual business people into the heads of developers. While I myself find abstract maths to be one of the greatest pastimes there is, it's a terrible communications tool. And communications is what it's all about. While I might conceivably have some success convincing IT people to embrace more abstract notations, I basically have no chance with the business people.
While there are some areas where I can see a role for formal methods in an enterprise (math- and logic-heavy specialist software, significant need for provable properties as in safety critical software) they provide little help with getting correct requirements on e.g. how to fulfil a customer order by issuing one or more supply orders to a set of possible external or internal providers.
I think the jury is still out on model based approaches and domain specific languages. I think they will succeed or fail depending on whether they provide quicker feedback from IT to the wishes and needs of the business side, and whether they presume business people will have to do any significant studying.
Technology is easy. Communication is hard. Formal methods may help us do things right, but those I've seen do nothing to help us do the right things. (Yes, these are cliches, but that's because they're inescapably and painfully true.)
I'm taking a course on 'Specification and Verification'. As part of the course structure we are doing the following-
1. Learning tools like PVS(Prototype Verification System) http://pvs.csl.sri.com/ and SMV(Software Modeling and Verification) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~modelcheck/smv.html
2. Apart from that we do dissect accidents which happened because of software failures. For e.g. - Failure of Ariane V
I feel formal methods are more applicable to scenarios where the failure cost is more than the design cost. And it seems apt to use them for softwares being used in critical systems. I guess it is used in avionics, chip design etc. and the current automobile industry is also drafting it into practice.
I have tried to get people to embrace formal specification methods a few times (Z and Alloy) and have made the same expirience that you have: Most people, while feeling that they serve a useful purpose, are very uncomfortable using them for actual work.
Funny enough, the same people are more than happy to produce utterly useless UML diagrams in ginormous quantities.
I think there are two main reasons for this:
a.) Many developers are uncomfortable with the level of abstraction required by a formal approach. The fact that most entry-level mathematics education is all calculus and non discrete-mathematics might have to do something with this.
b.) Formal methods require a very bottom up design aproach where you design your core model from the ground up and make it airtight and then connect it up to the actual user requirements by providing an interface on top of it. Since we tend to have requirements drive development efforts, a top-down approach feels more natural although it often leads to inconsistent models. It's like retrofitting a basement underneath your house after it has already been built.
Formal methods make no sense in systems where the cost of failure is low.
In a production web application, you've got multiple front-end boxes, multiple back-end boxes, multiple database boxes - if a program on any one of them fails, it's a non-event. Hardware is so cheap that you can build these systems for far less than the cost of formally specifying all your software.