Can you reference appSettings in an SSRS report? - sql-server-2005

Using SSRS2005, can you pull in values specified in the SSRS Web.Config file (think appSettings)? I'm needing to build up a dynamic hyperlink in a series of reports and would like this to be based on a value set in a config file.
At present, it seems my only options are to:
Update the hardcoded variable in each report that is building up the links blech
Store the value in a dedicated configuration table and then query that
I could live with #2 above, but would like to avoid having to create yet another table to store this information.

I don't believe there is an out of the box way to access files from reports. Here are a few other options to add to your list:
Create a [custom assembly]( that either has the values or looks them up in some configuration file (i.e. xml file). Going down this path will probably open up areas where you need to modify the [security settings](
To build off of your configuration table idea... one thing we ended up having to do was create a fairly generic table that represented the appSettings format of a .NET config file. The appSettings is nothing more than a name/value pair. As a table, this pretty much translates to two fields (name, value). We then use this table to hold all sorts of config based options that would otherwise belong in a appSettings section of a config file.
I hope this provides some help. Good luck!


Dynamically populate external tables location

I'm trying to use oracle external tables to load flat files into a database but I'm having a bit of an issue with the location clause. The files we receive are appended with several pieces of information including the date so I was hoping to use wildcards in the location clause but it doesn't look like I'm able to.
I think I'm right in assuming I'm unable to use wildcards, does anyone have a suggestion on how I can accomplish this without writing large amounts of code per external table?
Current thoughts:
The only way I can think of doing it at the moment is to have a shell watcher script and parameter table. User can specify: input directory, file mask, external table etc. Then when a file is found in the directory, the shell script generates a list of files found with the file mask. For each file found issue a alter table command to change the location on the given external table to that file and launch the rest of the pl/sql associated with that file. This can be repeated for each file found with the file mask. I guess the benefit to this is I could also add the date to the end of the log and bad files after each run.
I'll post the solution I went with in the end which appears to be the only way.
I have a file watcher than looks for files in a given input dir with a certain file mask. The lookup table also includes the name of the external table. I then simply issue an alter table on the external table with the list of new file names.
For me this wasn't much of an issue as I'm already using shell for most of the file watching and file manipulation. Hopefully this saves someone searching for ages for a solution.

Iterating through folder - handling files that don't fit schema

I have a directory containing multiple xlsx files and what I want to do is to insert the data from the files in to a database.
So far I have solved this by using tFileList -> tFileInputExcel -> tPostgresOutput
My problem begins when one of this files doesn't match the defined schema and returns an error resulting on a interruption of a workflow.
What I need to figure out is if it's possible skip that file (moving it to another folder for instance) and continuing iterating the rest of existing files.
If I check the option "Die on error" the process ends and doesn't process the rest of the files.
I would approach this by making your initial input schema on the tFileInputExcel be all strings.
After reading the file I would then validate the schema using a tSchemaComplianceCheck set to "Use another schema for compliance check".
You should be able to then connect a reject link from the tSchemaComplianceCheck to a tFileCopy configured to move the file to a new directory (if you want it to move it then just tick "Remove source file").
Here's a quick example:
With the following set as the other schema for the compliance check (notice how it now checks that id and age are Integers):
And then to move the file:
Your main flow from the tSchemaComplianceCheck can carry on using just strings if you are inserting into a database. You might want to use a tConvertType to change things back to the correct data types after this if you are doing any processing that requires proper data types or you are using your tPostgresOutput component to create the table as well.

How to add database to pervasive sql Control Center?

I've never touched PervasiveSql before and now I have a bunch of .ddf and .Btr files. I read that all I had to do was create a new database in the control center and point to the folder that contains these files.
When I do this and look at the database there is nothing in it. Since I am new to Pervasive, I'm more than likely sure that I'm doing something wrong.
EDIT: Added a screen shot after running command prompt
To create a database name in the PCC, you need to connect to the engine then right click the engine name and select New then Database. Once you do that, the following dialog should be displayed:
Enter the database name, and path. The path being where the DDFs are located. In most cases the default options are sufficient.
A longer process is documented at
If you pointed to a directory that had DDF files (FILE.DDF, FIELD.DDF,and INDEX.DDF) when you created the database name, you should see tables listed.
If you pointed to a directory that does not have DDF files, the database will still be created but will have no tables defined. You'll either need to get DDFs from the vendor or create the table entries using CREATE TABLE (with IN DICTIONARY clauses) or use DDF BUilder to add table entries.
Based on your screen shot, you only have 10 records in FILE.DDF. This is not enough. There are minimum system tables required (X$FILE, X$FIELD, X$INDEX, and a few others). It appears your DDFs are not a valid set. Contact the client / vendor that provided the DDFs and ask for a set that include all of the table definitions.
Once you have tables listed in your Database Name, you can use ODBC to access the data.

How can I add column to an existing custom table in MODX database?

I have a custom table in MODX database set up and working, thanks to this article:
and now I need to add new column to this existing table. How can I do this the "MODX way"? Or do I have to create the component from scratch again?
You can manually add the new column to the database, then update your xml schema and map files to include the new column metadata. If you have a build script you could simply run it again after amending the schema to regenerate the map files.
I could be more specific if you paste in your existing schema and description of the column you want to add.
I believe MigxDB plugin (part of migx plugin) sets up a utility under manager page to just do that.
Install migx as instructed (you need to do an extra step to set it up so read the instruction)
load your modified schema in midx-package manager and do 'parse schema' and then 'add field'.
Make sure you have package name and pre-fix specified when loading your schema. modx forum has a dedicated section for migx if you need further clarification.

Can I retrieve config values for SSIS from XML in a table?

My current client stores all of their configuration information for the enterprise applications in a single table that holds XML. They then use a custom built front end to maintain the configuration values.
I'm writing a fairly straight-forward import process for them using SSIS. I need to make the connection strings and some other information configurable and they want me to use their table. It seems like SSIS expects a file though. Is there any way that I can point SSIS to retrieve its configuration values from an XML stream instead of a path to a file?
The configuration table that they use does not match the structure of a standard SSIS configuration table that you would get using SQL Server as a configuration source with the standard wizard.
Thanks for any advice!
You can retrieve values from the table, put it in variables, and using a script, transfer the varaibale values into the SSIS parameters.
Having the XML formatted just like the SSIS XML file is a huge bonus, though.
Is there a away to put a trigger on thier table to update the SQL Server config table or create a new XML document anytime an SSIS configuration is inserted or updated? Then you could use what you need and they could do what they need and all would be happy.