How to select rows where a column value is empty/null using Zend_Db? - sql

I have an SQLite database, eventually will be a MySQL database and I'm using Zend Framework. I'm trying to fetch all the rows in a table where the 'date_accepted' column is empty/null/doesn't have a value. This is what I have so far:
public function fetchAllPending()
$select = $this->getDbTable()->select();
$select->where('date_accepted = ?', 'null');
return $this->fetchAll($select);
What am I doing wrong? How would you write this in plain SQL, and/or using Zend_Db_Select?

Two possible issues I see. What is the function getDbTable? If your class inherits from Zend_Db_Table that function shouldn't be necessary. Second maybe you should try IS NULL instead of = null with quoting null into the query.
public function fetchAllPending()
$select = $this->select()->where('date_accepted IS NULL');
return $this->fetchAll($select);


ActiveJDBC , How can i query some columns i interest with in a single table

when i query a single table , i do not want all columns , i just want some column that i interest in.
For example, when i use where method to query a table, it will query all columns in a table like
public class SubjectSpecimenType extends Model {
SubjectSpecimenType.where("SUBJECT_ID = ? AND SITE_ID = ?", subjectId, siteId);
i don't know if there has a method named select that i can use to query some column like"SUBJECT_NAME", "SITE_NAME").where("SUBJECT_ID = ? AND SITE_ID = ?", subjectId, siteId);
there are the source code in
* Use to see what SQL will be sent to the database.
* #param showParameters true to see parameter values, false not to.
* #return SQL in a dialect for current connection which will be used if you start querying this
* list.
public String toSql(boolean showParameters) {
String sql;
sql = metaModel.getDialect().formSelect(null, null, fullQuery, orderBys, limit, offset);
sql = fullQuery != null ? fullQuery
: metaModel.getDialect().formSelect(metaModel.getTableName(), null, subQuery, orderBys, limit, offset);
if (showParameters) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sql).append(", with parameters: ");
join(sb, params, ", ");
sql = sb.toString();
return sql;
when call formSelect method, the second param columns always be null
is there a unfinish TODO ?
When operating on Models, ActiveJDBC always selects all columns, because if you load a model and it has partial attributes loaded, then you have a deficient model. The columns are specified in some edge cases, as in the RawPaginator:
There is nothing to finish here, the behavior is intentional.

Getting Custom Column from IQueryable DB First Approach EF

I am working on Database First Approach in Entity Framework where I have to retrieve specific columns from the Entity.
Public IQueryable<Entity.Employees> GetEmployeeName(String FName,String LName)
var query = (from s in Employees
where s.firstName = FName && s.lastName = LName
select new {s.firstName, s.middleName});
return query;
Here return statement is throwing an error where it seems that its not matching with Employees (entity) columns. Could you please help me in sorting out this issue? Thanks in advance.
You need to use == for comparison, also you need to use dynamic type as return type since you are returning a custom anonymous type. Try this
Public IQueryable<dynamic> GetEmployeeName(String FName,String LName)
var query=(from s in Employees
where s.firstName==FName && s.lastName==LName
select new {s.firstName,s.middleName});
return query.AsQueryable();
Finally you will use it like below, keep in mind that intelisense won't work on dynamic object.
var query = GetEmployeeName("Jake", "Smith");
List<dynamic> results = query.ToList();
foreach (dynamic result in results)
string fristName = result.FirstName;
string lastName = result.MiddleName;

Query builder dbflow conditional query

how can i build a query based on certain conditions .
i tried doing this
QueryBuilder builder = SQlite.Select().from(Table)
if(condition) {
Cursor c = builder.query;
but it is not permitted.
I have to query my database on conditions that i have saved in preferences . I googled and searched everywhere in thr docs but couldn't find a single example . do this feature exists in dbflow if yes then how if no is thr any other orm (like greenDAO) with this feature
You can create conditional queries in DBFlow. To query a table's columns you must append _Table to your class name, then access its property. These _Table classes are generated during build time.
The most simple query would be this one:
You can also add new conditions by using .and and .or in your query:
For a cleaner code, you can also group conditions into condition groups like this:
ConditionGroup conditionGroup = ConditionGroup.clause();
if (someCondition) {
found two ways of achieving my problem
1.from #trevjonez(trevor jones)
Where<SomeModel> query =
if(someCondition) {
query = query.and(SomeModel_Table.other_field.eq(someOtherValue));
} else {
query = query.and(SomeModel_Table.another_field.isNotNull());
Cursor cursor = query.query();
//do stuff with cursor and close it
2.from #zshock using ConditionalGroup
ConditionGroup conditionGroup = ConditionGroup.clause();
if (someCondition) {

how to return the sum of a value in a table with where clause in grails 2.5.0

Domain class:
class Transaction {
String roundId
BigDecimal amount
The SQL we wish to execute the following:
"select sum(t.amount) from transaction t where t.roundId = xxx"
We have been unable to find an example which does not return Transaction rows.
We assume there are two approaches:
Use projections and/or criteria etc? All the examples we have found only return lists of transaction rows, not the sum.
Use raw SQL. How do we call SQL, and get a handle on the BigDecimal it returns?
I tried this:
class bla{
def sessionFactory
def someMethod() {
def SQLsession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
def results = SQLsession.createSQLQuery("select sum( from transaction t where t.round_id = :roundId", [roundId: roundId])
But this fails with
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.createSQLQuery() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.util.LinkedHashMap)
Also, I have no idea what the return type would be (cant find any documentation). I am guessing it will be a list of something: Arrays? Maps?
==== UPDATE ====
Found one way which works (not very elegant or grails like)
def SQLsession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
final query = "select sum( from transaction t where t.round_id = :roundId"
final sqlQuery = SQLsession.createSQLQuery(query)
final results = sqlQuery.with {
setString('roundId', roundId)
list() // what is this for? Is there a better return value?
This seems to return an array, not a list as expected, so I can do this:
if (results?.size == 1) {
println results[0] // outputs a big decimal
Strangely, results.length fails, but results.size works.
Using Criteria, you can do
Transaction.withCriteria {
eq 'roundId', yourRoundIdValueHere
projections {
sum 'amount'
Query createSQLQuery(String sql, String[] returnAliases, Class[] returnClasses)
Query createSQLQuery(String sql, String returnAlias, Class returnClass)
The second argument of createSQLQuery is one or more returnAliases and not meant for binding the statement to a value.
Instead of passing your values in the 2nd argument, use the setters of your Query object i.e. setString, setInteger, etc.

NHibernate: Add criteria if param not null

I'm trying to retrieve a list of orders based on parameters specified by a user (basic search functionality). The user will enter either an orderId or a bunch of other params, those will get wrapped up into a message, and eventually make their way to the method below. My question is, how do I only look at the parameters that actually have values? So if a user were to enter a received date range and a store number and all other fields were null, I want to return orders for stores received in the date range and ignore all the null parameters. At first I was thinking I could use a conjunction, but I can't see a way to ignore the null parameters. Then I started splitting things out into the if statements below the main expression, but I don't want to look at those criteria if the user provides an externalId. Is there a simple way to do this?
public IList<Core.Order> GetOrderByCriteria
string ExternalId,
int? Store,
int? Status,
DateTime? beforeTransmissionDate, DateTime? afterTransmissionDate,
DateTime? beforeAllocationProcessDate, DateTime? afterAllocationProcessDate,
DateTime? beforeReceivedDate, DateTime? afterReceivedDate
NHibernate.ICriteria criteria = NHibernateSession.CreateCriteria(typeof(Core.Order))
Expression.Like("ExternalId", ExternalId),
.Add(Expression.Between("ReceivedDate", beforeReceivedDate, afterReceivedDate))
.Add(Expression.Between("TransmissionDate", beforeTransmissionDate, afterTransmissionDate))
.Add(Expression.Between("AllocationProcessDate", beforeAllocationProcessDate, afterAllocationProcessDate))
criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Status", Status));
criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Store", Store));
return criteria.List<Core.Order>();
catch (NHibernate.HibernateException he)
DataAccessException dae = new DataAccessException("NHibernate Exception", he);
throw dae;
I wound up dropping the whole conjunction thing and replacing the code in the try block with the code below. I also used joins which reduced the number of db accesses and reduced the amount of code needed.
NHibernate.ICriteria criteria = NHibernateSession.CreateCriteria(typeof(Core.Order));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExternalId))
criteria.Add(Expression.Like("ExternalId", ExternalId));
if (beforeReceivedDate != null && afterReceivedDate != null)
criteria.Add(Expression.Between("ReceivedDate", beforeReceivedDate, afterReceivedDate));
if (beforeTransmissionDate != null && afterTransmissionDate != null)
criteria.Add(Expression.Between("TransmissionDate", beforeTransmissionDate, afterTransmissionDate));
if (beforeAllocationProcessDate != null && afterAllocationProcessDate != null)
criteria.Add(Expression.Between("AllocationProcessDate", beforeAllocationProcessDate, afterAllocationProcessDate));
if (Store.HasValue)
criteria.CreateCriteria("Store", "Store").Add(Expression.Eq("Store.LocationNumber", Store.Value));
return criteria.List<Core.Order>();
I had to do something similar not long ago. I'm pretty sure you can modify this to fit your needs.
private ICriteria AddSearchCriteria(ICriteria criteria, string fieldName, string value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName))
return criteria;
return criteria;
criteria.Add(Expression.Like(fieldName, "%" + value + "%"));
return criteria;
The code calling the method ended up looking like this:
var query = session.CreateCriteria(typeof (User));
AddSearchCriteria(query, "FirstName", form["FirstName"]);
AddSearchCriteria(query, "LastName", form["LastName"]);
var resultList = new List<User>();
return resultList;
Leave it up to the function to determine if the input is valid and whether to return the unmodified ICriteria or to add another Expression before returning it.