Handling Callbacks - objective-c

I have a method in an objective-C class. It has 2 callback functions written in C. The class pointer i.e. self is passed to these functions as void *. In the C functions I create a pointer of type class and assign the void * parameter.
The first callback function executes successfully. But the void * pointer becomes nil in the 2nd callback function. Note that I haven't tweaked pointer in the first callback but still I get nil in 2nd callback.
Any ideas what might be going wrong?
For example:
kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort, kIOFirstMatchNotification,
matchingDict, RawDeviceAdded, NULL,
RawDeviceAdded(NULL, gRawAddedIter, self);
This works fine. But below function receives self as nil.
kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort, kIOFirstMatchNotification,
matchingDict, BulkTestDeviceAdded, NULL,
BulkTestDeviceAdded(NULL, gBulkTestAddedIter, self);

Are your problems specifically with the IOKit callback routines? The problem with the specific example you gave is that the IOServiceMatchingCallback takes only 2 parameters, not 3. You need your RawDeviceAdded() and BulkTestDeviceAdded() callback functions to match the IOServiceMatchingCallback prototype and to accept self as the first parameter (refCon), not the 3rd. Also, you need to pass in self as the second-to-last parameter of IOServiceAddMatchingNotification() to get it passed back to you by the callback.
A common method for handling C callbacks in Objective-C code is just to have a static function that forwards the callback to your instance. So, your example callback code would look like this:
static RawDeviceAdded(void* refcon, io_iterator_t iterator)
[(MyClass*)refcon rawDeviceAdded:iterator];
#implementation MyClass
- (void)setupCallbacks
// ... all preceding setup snipped
kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,kIOFirstMatchNotification, matchingDict,RawDeviceAdded,(void*)self,&gRawAddedIter );
// call the callback method once to 'arm' the iterator
[self rawDeviceAdded:gRawAddedIterator];
- (void)rawDeviceAdded:(io_iterator_t)iterator
// take care of the iterator here, making sure to complete iteration to re-arm it

Generally, callbacks in Objective-C are handled by passing a delegate object and a selector to perform on that delegate. For example, this method will call a method on its delegate after logging a message, passing both itself and the message that was logged.
- (void)logMessage:(NSString *)message
NSLog(#"%#", message);
if (delegate && didLogSelector && [delegate respondsToSelector:didLogSelector]) {
(void) [delegate performSelector:didLogSelector
You might call it in code like this:
- (void)sayHello
[logger logMessage:#"Hello, world"
- (void)messageLogger:(id)logger
didLogMessage:(NSString *)message
NSLog(#"Message logger %# logged message '%#'", logger, message);
You can also use objc_msgSend() directly instead, though you need to understand the Objective-C runtime enough to choose which variant to use and how to construct the prototype and function pointer through which to call it. (It's the mechanism by which message sends are actually implemented in Objective-C — what the compiler normally generates calls to in order to represent [] expressions.)

This is what Objective-C's selector is for:
The API isn't very intuitive, but its fine once you understand it
You might need to do some refactoring as well, now there might be a better way, but when I had this problem my solution was to refactor and use InvoationOperation.


Objective-C define block after passing it to a method

Is it possible to define a block after passing it to a method? I want to do this so the code is in somewhat the order it runs in:
// Declare the block
void (^doStuffBlock)(void);
// Pass the block.
[self prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion:doStuffBlock];
// Define the block.
doStuffBlock = ^void() {
// Do stuff
doesn't work because inside prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion: the block doStuffBlock is nil.
you should first define the block then pass it to the method:
// Declare the block
void (^doStuffBlock)(void);
// Define the block.
doStuffBlock= ^void() {
// Do stuff
// Pass the block.
[self prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion:doStuffBlock];
You could use a typedef.
typedef void (^TypeName)(void);
- (void)bar:(TypeName)completion {
TypeName foo = ^() { /*...*/ };
[self bar:foo];
(My obj-c syntax might be a little rusty, but what you want to do is possible in both Objective-C and Swift.
If you are certain that the method will run your doStuffBlock after you "define" it, what you could do is have your doStuffBlock capture a variable holding a second block with the real logic of what it should do. You can set the real-logic block after you create doStuffBlock, and you need to make sure that the variable holding the real-logic block is a __block variable, so that changes to the variable in the function scope are seen in the block scope.
__block void (^realLogicBlock)(void);
[self prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion:^{
if (realLogicBlock)
realLogicBlock = ^void() {
// Do stuff
You might have to be careful about retain cycles though -- if inside realLogicBlock, you capture a reference to self or to something that will reference the prepareToDoStuffWithCompletion: completion handler, you would have a retain cycle, in which case you may have to introduce a weak reference somewhere.
If you supply the completion handler closure, you are effectively saying “here is the closure I want you to use”.
If you are going to supply the closure later you would probably define a property:
#property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void (^doStuff)(void);
Then, do not supply the closure when you call the method, but rather refer to this property:
- (void)prepareToDoStuff {
[self somethingAsynchronousWithCompletion:^{
if (self.doStuff) {
// if completion handler, you’d often release it when done, e.g.
// self.doStuff = nil;
And, then you can call this method and supply the closure later:
[self prepareToDoStuff];
self.doStuff = ^{
NSLog(#"do stuff done");
A few additional considerations:
Make sure you synchronize your access to this doStuff property. E.g., in the above, I am assuming that the somethingAsynchronousWithCompletion is calling its completion handler on the main thread. If not, synchronize your access (like you would any non-thread-safe property in a multithreaded environment).
There is a logical race if you first call the method that will eventually call the block, and only later set that block property. Sometimes that is perfectly fine (e.g. maybe you are just trying to specify what UI to update when the asynchronous process finishes). Other times, the race can bite you. It depends upon the functional intent of the block property.
I would give the block property a name that better reflects its functional purpose (e.g. completionHandler or notificationHandler or didReceiveValue or whatever).

Calling original function from swizzled function

I am messing around with method swizzling and would like to call the original function after performing a method_exchangeImplementations. I have two projects I have setup for this.
The first project is the main project for the application. This project includes all of the logic for the application. Notice that originalMethodName is called when the view loads.
#implementation ViewController
- (void)originalMethodName
NSLog(#"REAL %s", __func__);
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSLog(#"REAL %s", __func__);
[self originalMethodName];
The second project includes only the code for swizzling. I have a method swizzle_originalMethodName which includes the code I want to inject into the main application with the originalMethodName function is called.
#implementation swizzle_ViewController
- (void)swizzle_originalMethodName
NSLog(#"FAKE %s", __func__);
__attribute__((constructor)) static void initializer(void)
NSLog(#"FAKE %s", __func__);
Class c1 = objc_getClass("ViewController");
Class c2 = [swizzle_ViewController class];
Method m1 = class_getInstanceMethod(c1, #selector(originalMethodName));
Method m2 = class_getInstanceMethod(c2, #selector(swizzle_originalMethodName));
method_exchangeImplementations(m1, m2);
The swizzle is working just fine (as seen in the output below), but now I want to be able to call originalMethodName from the swizzle_originalMethodName
2016-08-17 14:18:51.765 testMacOS[7295:1297055] FAKE initializer
2016-08-17 14:18:51.822 testMacOS[7295:1297055] REAL -[ViewController viewDidLoad]
2016-08-17 14:18:51.822 testMacOS[7295:1297055] FAKE -[swizzle_ViewController swizzle_originalMethodName]
I have tried to use NSInvocation but am not having any luck. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Class c1 = objc_getClass("ViewController");
Method m1 = class_getInstanceMethod(c1, #selector(originalMethodName));
NSMethodSignature *methodSignature = [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:method_getTypeEncoding( m1)];
NSInvocation *originalInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:methodSignature];
[originalInvocation invoke];
If you are swizzling within a class hierarchy, e.g. you have a subclass which swizzles one of its ancestors methods with one of its own, then you simply have the swizzled-in method apparently call itself – that call will actually call the swizzled-out method as the methods have been swapped. In your case you would have:
- (void)swizzle_originalMethodName
NSLog(#"FAKE %s", __func__);
[self swizzle_originalMethodName]; // call original
This does not work in your case as you are cross-class swizzling, so self doesn't reference the class with the swizzled-out method. And you don't have an instance of the swizzling class you can call the swizzled-out method on...
Here is one easy way to fix this, what your swizzle-in method needs to be able to do is call the original implementation, and you can get that when you setup the swizzling.
In Objective-C a method is implemented by a function whose first two arguments are the object reference the method is being called on and the selector and the remaining arguments are those of the method. For example the NSString method:
- (NSRange)rangeOfString:(NSString *)aString
is implemented by a function something like:
NSRange rangeOfStringImp(NSString *self, SEL cmd, NSString *aString)
You can obtain a function pointer to this implementation function using method_getImplementation.
To your code, first in your swizzle_ViewController declare a type for the implementation function of the method you are swizzling, and a global to store the function pointer:
typedef void (*OriginalImpType)(id self, SEL selector);
static OriginalImpType originalImp;
Now in your initializer method you need to save the method implementation, you can do this by adding the line shown:
Method m1 = class_getInstanceMethod(c1, #selector(originalMethodName));
originalImp = (OriginalImpType)method_getImplementation(m1); // save the IMP of originalMethodName
Finally have your swizzled-in method call the saved implementation:
- (void)swizzle_originalMethodName
NSLog(#"FAKE %s", __func__);
originalImp(self, #selector(originalMethodName)); // call the original IMP with the correct self & selector
Optional: The above works correctly, however it does a little more than is required – the method implementations are both exchanged and one is stored in a global variable, all you really need to do is save the original implementation of m1 and then set its implementation to that of m2. You can address this by replacing the call to method_exchangeImplementations with:
method_setImplementation(m1, method_getImplementation(m2));
It is a little more typing, but somewhat clearer as to what actually needs to be done.
There is a slightly easier option to call the original implementation that doesn't require you to store the method implementation directly. When you exchange implementations of the methods, the original implementation will be stored in the swizzler class. You can fetch the swizzled out implementation using the class_getMethodImplementation function. Here is a playground sample:
import Cocoa
let fooSelector = Selector("fooWithArg:")
let swizzledFooSelector = Selector("swizzled_fooWithArg:")
class A: NSObject {
#objc dynamic func foo(arg: String) {
print("Foo \(arg) in A")
class B: NSObject {
private typealias FooFunc = #convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector, String) -> Void
#objc func swizzled_foo(arg: String) {
print("Swizzled_foo \(arg) in B")
class_getMethodImplementation(B.self, swizzledFooSelector),
to: FooFunc.self
)(self, fooSelector, arg)
class_getInstanceMethod(A.self, fooSelector)!,
class_getInstanceMethod(B.self, swizzledFooSelector)!
A().foo(arg: "bar")

When I have use ARC in IOS project,how can I use void *?

LooK this method:
This is a method of class UIView. The context need parameter which is a type of void-pointer,and I need to send a UIImageView to context.
I get a warning,which says void* has been forbidden when I use ARC. So how can I send UIImageView to context except not use ARC.
The comments above provided the correct answer for this particular case (use the block-based animation methods) but in general if you have an API which takes a context void * and you'd like to pass an object, I find it best to convert your id to a CFTypeRef so you can get manual memory management semantics on the pointer (CFTypeRef is a typedef for void *), etc. Note however that this requires that the callback must be called in order to get your object released (i.e. converted back to ARC's built-in management).
Here's an example for some imaginary API I just dreamt up:
- (void) doSomethingWithObject: (id) object {
// use CFBridgingRetain() to turn object into a manually-retained CFTypeRef/void*
[someObject performBackgroundTaskWithTarget: self
selector: #selector(bgTask:)
context: CFBridgingRetain(object)];
- (void) bgTask: (void *) context
// use CFBridgingRelease() to turn our void*/CFTypeRef into an ARC-managed id
id object = CFBridgingRelease((CFTypeRef)context);

updating UI from a C function in a thread

I am using a library called libmosquitto in an iPhone app.
The library is written in C.
It receives push notifications and therefor runs in a thread.
I want to take the data it receives, and display it in a UITableView, however ( I think) I have to write the callbacks which libmosquitto uses as C functions rather than Objective C methods, so I cannot access 'self' in order to do:
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(hideActivityViewer) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
Anyone have problems like this, is there another way I could update the UI?
From inside one of my Objective C methods I call this:
mosquitto_message_callback_set(mosq, my_message_callback);
And my_message_callback is defined as:
void my_message_callback(void *obj, struct mosquitto_message *message)
NSLog(#"Do this thing:");
const char *payload = (const char *)message->payload;
[array addObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String: payload]];
//[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(updateTable) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
//printf("%s %s\n", message->topic, message->payload);
//printf("%s (null)\n", message->topic);
Look into Grand Central Dispatch (GCD, aka libdispatch). It's a C library so ought to be able to be called from your C code without issue. You'd want to do something like:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//code you want on the main thread.
The function mosquitto_new takes a void * pointer as the second argument, which it will then pass to any callbacks that you have. You can use that to pass self as the thing that should arrive at your callback as void *obj. It's then explicitly safe to cast that to the correct [pointer to] class type since C allows any pointer type to be converted to void * (and back) without any side effects.
So then you'd do something like:
void my_message_callback(void *obj, struct mosquitto_message *message)
[(ClassType *)obj
You can get access to NSApp from everywhere, and I believe that any message not understood by NSApplication will be send to its delagate which is your instance of NSApplicationDelegate. If this does not do it, you could add a class application that returns the object that can run your method if this object is unique.
You can also use
Use grand central dispatch and the function
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//some code

Using iterateFunc to call objective c method

Using spacemanager, I need to perform an action on select bodies after each step, so I figured that defining my own C function for iterateFunc would be the way to go.
Everything works great, except I'm not sure how to then call an obj c method in the same class. In other words, an obj c class contains both the c function replacing iterateFunc, and the method that needs to be called. I don't see how to tell the c function what 'self' is, such that I can call the method. As far as i can tell, there's no way to pass in any extra info to the new iterateFunc.
Any ideas, or a better way to go about things?
Thanks for the response. Declaring a new spacemanager, one can redefine its iterateFunc:
smgr = [[SpaceManager alloc] init];
In the same class, a "doThisFunc" function can be declared.
In spacemanager, this iterateFunc is called from the "step" method:
-(void) step: (cpFloat) delta
cpSpaceHashEach(_space->activeShapes, _iterateFunc, self);
So my first thought was to subclass spacemanager, and in my custom step method, call cpSpaceHashEach with my own class, instead of self (the spacemanager, that is). Halfway there, I realized that I didn't even have to do that, as subclassing and defining my own step method was all I needed to do. My new step method:
-(void) step: (cpFloat) delta
[super step:delta];
//Having of course set the "myObject" variable elsewhere as my other object
[myObject doThis];
Thanks, bbum for both your answers, and for helping me craft better questions in the future.
Holy vagueness, batman, where's the code snippet? Thankfully, the Magic Powers of Google save the day.
To answer this question requires a few bits of detail:
What is the declaration of iterateFunc?
Oh. It is a cpSpaceHashIterator. Not helpful.
Ah... there it is:
typedef void (*cpSpaceHashIterator)(void *obj, void *data);
It looks like the void *data argument is your answer. Specifically, it looks like that is passed through transparently to your iterator function. That is, if you call:
cpSpaceEachBody(cpSpace *space, cpSpaceBodyIterator func, void *data)
Like this:
cpSpaceEachBody(space, funcPtr, (void *)self);
Then your iterator func could do this:
void iteratorFunc(void *obj, void *data) {
[(MyClass *)data iterateThis: obj];