Why would one want to use ruby over python or vice versa? - language-features

I wanted to know, while deciding which language or technology to use for implementing an idea; a design, what are the factors involved in making a decision? Specifically talking about popular scripting languages, why would one choose to use ruby over python or perl or vice-versa? All these scripting languages have proved their worth, so how does one decide?

I just came across this comparison, b/w Ruby and Python, which is in terms of performance and memory management.
A fair comparison can be found here. Further, I tend to agree with all the three answers above.

Besides any hype that one language receives and the other doesn't, I think two factors play a role: mastership of the language, and availability of libraries. If you know Ruby already, you are more likely to use it again, and also to recommend it when asked; likewise for Python. Wrt. libraries: if you want to use Ruby-on-Rails (which you may have chosen for some reason), you have to use Ruby; likewise, if you want to use Django, you have to use Python. Etc.

It's going to depend a lot on what you want to do (the stock answer).
There aren't huge differences between Ruby and Python - both are object oriented languages with more similarities than differences, really. I'd suggest you try each of them out for a moderate sized programming project - say something that might take 2 or 3 hours. You'll notice some things about each of them that will perhaps rub you the wrong way (indentation as syntax puts some people off when it comes to Python, for example.) A lot of the choice is going to come down to your personal tastes.
If this is a standalone project you're thinking of implementing then it probably doesn't matter which of the two languages you choose. If you need to interact with some existing infrastructure then it may matter a great deal - for example, if you need to work with some Rails related infrastructure then you'll probably want to go with Ruby, if it's Django, then you'll want Python.

I would look at these factors when making a decision -
Your Comfort Level and your teams
Your Ability and your teams
Your Resources
Platform Maturity


When its enough for a programming language that you need to switch to another?

I have wonder that many big applications (e.g. social websites such as facebook) are build with many languages into its platform.
They usually start with AJAX browser support, then scale down to PHP scripting, then move towards a powrful OOP technologie such as Java or .NET, and finally a primitive language to increase performance in crucial operations such as C.
My question is how should I determinate the edge of the layers between languages. When PHP, when Java, when C and so on. And the other question is if should those languages integrate in a vertcal fashion for simplicity and maintanance, or could it be cases when you decide to program on module of your app in Java and the other in native C.
What are the context variables that push me to move to a better performance language? (e.g. concurrency issues due increase of users)
Don't tell me that PHP overlaps .NET and Java Technologies. In a starter point it does, but when the network is overload you start seeing the diferences. I mean how can I achieve Multithreading in PHP as in Java with the same performance. The thing it's hard to answer my wuestion is becasue there is not so much reading about this. You maybe find some good books covering PHP, but few telling how when and why integrate different languages.
Each language was created for different purposes, Python is strong with string operations, Perl very powerful in batch scripting, PHP a very reliable application web server, C the mother of most popular languages.
On one end of the scale, you move to a higher performance language whenever your profiling and measurements tell you that you have a bottleneck that can't be fixed with better algorithms, data structures, or other optimisation.
At the other end, you move to a higher level language (ie. more abstraction, better libraries) whenever your management allow you to do so. ;)
I believe most teams simply use what they are best familiar with.
There are also questions of licensing that can influence the decision.
That is, if you're talking about technologies that compare to each other and solve the problem on the same level (for example ASP.NET/JSF/JSP/PHP...). But you can't compare .NET with C++ for example, they are meant to solve different problems on different abstraction levels.
My criterion for any programming language is "does it help me to get the job done or does it just get in the way?" If the latter, then it's time to move on.
From an economical point of view the answer is easy: on a regular basis just look what will be cheaper. Either continue with the current technology and maybe stretch the envelope a bit more. Or switch to something new. When you compare the two alternatives the cost of the investment already done is not important anymore since you've already spent that money/effort. You only have to look ahead: cost of licenses, education, etc.
Of course this is easier said then done, but just sitting down with a few people, thinking about it, and maybe try to come up with some numbers already helps a lot. I have seen too many projects that continued with technology that really wasn't suited for the job anymore.
Also hard numbers don't tell the whole story. There will be resistance because of unfamiliar technology, experts who are losing their status, etc.
Identify the bottleneck
Solve bottleneck
Go to 1
I'm sure you can imagine that step 2 is the one where decisions like "What programming language do we use" and "where do we put the coffee machine" come into play. That's the basic rule.

Use of general-purpose scripting languages

There are many scripting language communities claiming that the language can be used for everything but in fact, nearly everybody uses it for one specific thing, e.g.: web development. If I take a look at Ruby, for example, they tell you its general-purpose but actually everybody is using it with rails for web development only..
Can you list me some uses of popular general-purpose scripting languages for the local PC? (except embedding) Are there any?
Is the fast development usually worth having to bring the whole interpreter with your program? Then there would be some language-dependent performance and stability problems too in most cases..
best regards,
I tend to use Python for most things that aren't compute bound, i.e. they aren't restricted by how many computations you do per second. Some of the things I've used Python for are:
General scripts to manipulate images etc. with the Python Imaging Library.
GUI frontends for command line applications using the pexpect module.
Mathematical modeling of microbial systems.
Some web programming.
When the program/algorithm is compute bound, I use C together with Python and Ctypes. Does this fit your definition of general purpose? It's certainly useful for a wide variety of applications, but not suitable if the program needs to crunch numbers fast.
Stability: Python 2.5/2.6 is rock solid. Never had a crash that wasn't caused by self-stupidity.
Fast development: It's definitely worth it for me. For the most part, in the field where I work, programmer time is orders of magnitude more valuable than processor time. I'm quite happy to let a program run for hours if I can write it in a few days instead of a few weeks.
I often use PHP for things that I used to use bat files for. Much easier to write. Ironically, the deployment scripts to create installable materials for my web apps from the subversion sources are written in PHP.
Python is popular in the gaming community. EVE Online is written in python.
claiming that they can be used for everything but I often can't find any examples for that
You are basing your question on an incorrect assumption. Although, as pointed out, a Turing complete language will be able to compute what you require ... languages are 'viewed' by most as the sum of their most useful features and productive semantics.
The reality is:
Most scripting languages can do the same things, or support the most common things via libraries.
Some languages make a subset of operations more convenient, take Perl and regular expressions as an example
CPU time is cheap, as is RAM. Simple to understand code is the priority for most people.
The rise of the scripting languages is natural. Trying to assert any one language, approach or level of execution is good for a range of situations is usually fruitless.
What do you want?
What is the best language for that?
Is is fast enough or small enough? Usually the answer is yes
Imagine trying to use Python where you should be using Erlang, or C instead of Lisp because you thought all languages are equal. They aren't, even though, you can achieve the same things in a problem domain, in most languages/platforms with varying levels of ballache dependant on the task.
I often use ruby for what other people would create bash/sh files for. I find Ruby syntax intuitive for batch tasks along with a lot of other sorts of tasks(it's my goto language)
Perl is extremely popular for general scripting in unixes, such as there are package managers and websites and maintenance scripts written in perl.
Python is extremely popular for both web and application use.
VBA Is popular for being abused to write programs inside of Access, and also was once commonly used in ASP for websites (right?)
Nobody mentioned AppleScript!
Hahah, no seriously, Perl runs everywhere, is installed by default on (almost) any Unix-family OS (and is easy to get on Windows), and is extremely useful for gluing things together. And if you browse a bit at CPAN you'll see that it's extremely general-purpose. "Swiss army chainsaw" was intended as a slur but I think of it fondly. Performance is good too, though it hardly ever actually matters. Larry Wall's goal was "make easy things easy and hard things possible".
OK OK, so I'm a fanboy still, sigh.

A dynamic language to learn for curiosity's sake

This is sort of a "best language" question, but hopefully with enough of a twist to make it worthwhile.
As someone who only uses C and C#, I'm curious to learn a dynamic language to expand my knowledge. I don't know which to choose.
The thing is that my motivation isn't necessarily to create any "real world" projects, or projects that integrate with other systems, but rather just to learn.
With that said, for someone only familiar languages such as those I mentioned, and possibly ignoring obscurity and lack of support..
Which dynamic language would be the biggest departure?
Which would introduce the most novel concepts?
Which is the exemplar of dynamic languages?
I would suggest learning IronPython. As a language it will still be a significant departure for you, but you'll be able to use everything in the .NET framework that you're familiar with. (I usually think it's a good idea to try to vary just one aspect of development radically at a time... work your way through the different aspects one at a time, and you'll always be comfortable with part of what you're doing, which will help you learn the new part more quickly, IMO.)
Also, with C# 4 you'll be able to call into IronPython from your C# code, including using its dynamic features that way.
The functional languages (LISP, Scheme, etc.) are always worth checking out. They may be some of the bigger departures.
JavaScript is a great stepping stone to go from the C arena to the functional arena. From there you can mess around with JQuery, which, although not a language, forces you to do things in non procedural ways.
Another often overlooked language is SQL. It's obviously a niche language, and as Josh points out, not really 'dynamic', but acquiring a deep understanding of they way set based languages work can really progress a coder.
Careful, if you 'Learn' to much you may end up frustrated with the older languages.
Which dynamic language would be the biggest departure?
Which would introduce the most novel concepts?
I guess that would include Scheme, Erlang and Oz
Which is the exemplar of dynamic languages?
I'd say Ruby and Python
I would suggest any Lisp dialect or Smalltalk. These are dynamic and had heavy influence on the design of other, more mainstream languages.
They also include interesting concepts that are not found in other languages.
Another interesting dynamic language to have a look at is Lua.
It is hard to say, it is definitely a matter of personal taste in a lot of ways. I like learning Python but I am sure that you could learn just as many good things from Ruby about a dynamically typed language.
If you are used to C and C# then any dynamically typed language is going to be a departure. So I say you should use Python because that is what I like, and hopefully you will like it too. If you start using it and you hate it then try something else (like Ruby, Perl, PHP, etc.).
I would say that Lisp fits most, if not all, of your criteria. It's definitely a big departure from C/C++ and C#. It has got alot of novel concepts, and many would argue that it's hard to find a more dynamic language.
Barring Lisp, I myself would go for Ruby.
I'm going to have to vote for Common Lisp here. It is a highly dynamic language that can be adapted to just about anything. You get not only functional programming, but also OO, and even procedural if you so desire. And macros in Lisp are very interesting to study, since to my knowledge no other language has its equivalent.
Plus, developing in a functional style tends to help development in other languages as well. For example, I've noticed that I do OO primarily with immutable objects, thanks to concepts influenced by Lisp and Scheme. And with this, I've noticed an improvement in the stability and maintainability of my OO apps. Just my two cents.
I've been a C++ and C# developer for a long time, and recently started experimenting and learning other languages. I played with Ruby for little while and like it, but it wasn't what I wanted.
I ended up choosing Erlang. After reading about Erlang, I've decided that I really wanted to learn it. I'm not learning Erlang with any hopes of getting a job writing Erlang code. I'm learning Erlang only to become a better developer.
I really do like this language so far. It's only been about a month, and the syntax still gets me sometimes, but I can really see the power of the pattern matching and get excited to write it again. I struggled with the concept of everything being non-mutable at first. But this was mostly because I've "grown up" on C# and C++. C# is a great language and has some amazing tools, but you really have fun with some other languages, particularly something like Erlang. Just don't expect to land a job as a full time Erlang developer. (At least not yet).
For anyone curious, my hobby project is multiple player iPhone app connecting to an Erlang server. For a Windows developer, this has been a major change. But it has renewed my passion for programming, which really was my goal.
If you really want to go crazy but want things to at least be slightly familiar (I know that sounds like a contradiction but it's true), look at F#. It's a type-inferred language but it supports a lot of dynamic type properties. It's a functional language built on top of the CLR so you get full use of the .Net object system which is cool. Because it's a functional language, there are enough novel concepts to really work your brain.
If you really want to go for "biggest departure", Clojure might be of interest. It's a Lisp dialect built on the JVM. It's getting some pretty serious attention both in the Java and Lisp world. It might suit your purposes.

Should you standardize on a scripting language in a dev group?

At work we write a small to moderate amount of scripts to aid us in normal development. We have some people that are more comfortable in python, some in perl, some in php, etc...
Sometimes I think it is best to let people work in a language they are most comfortable with. This can mean that sometimes people can do a better job on a script (as they know more tricks in one language). It can also lead to less development time per script.
Other times I think that we would benefit the most from standardizing so that there might be more shared libraries and so that we don't get into the situation of "I can't work on that script because I don't know python".
Do you think that we should standardize or let people choose for each script they write?
I would be inclined to let people choose, and hire people who are comfortable at learning new things. Gaining basic fluency with almost any language should be easy enough for a good developer. And for small scripts where the original author isn't far away, it's even easier.
The second part of the above is the hard part, of course. But you'll end up with a more flexible, more knowledgeable team.
I would advocate standardizing on a couple languages. "Thou shalt use either Python, or Perl, or Ruby. Not Rexx, nor PHP, nor NewBatch, nor aught other, for thy brethren ought to be able to read thine writing without undue despair or cutting of their skins".
My opinion is that it is just like any other development environment. Do you standardize on one development language? Why? The same should be true for your scripting environment. Not only do I lean toward standardizing on a specific language I think you should standardize all the same things that you are hopefully doing in your programming environment (naming conventions, coding style, etc). Of course there are counter arguments and there will occasionally be exceptions, but hopefully they would be few and for valid reasons.
Like everything there are upsides and downsides.
As a developer I dislike being limited by "official company standards." More often than not these rules tend to constrain and stifle.
I think what is most important is to always have two people who can both read and write a script language on staff so one person can go on vacation or be sick without holding up the works.
For major components of your system it is probably better to standardize on a single language - as much as it pains me to say so.
I think the right place to ask this question is with your own team.
Your team should form a consensus as to whether or not they want a common platform or whether they want the freedom to choose the right tool for the job. There is no single best answer to this question any more than there is a single best answer for "what's the best scripting language".
Certainly there are advantages to each approach. If every team member is free to choose their own language, they might be more productive and your business will reap the benefit. On the other hand, if someone writes a critical tool in a language only she knows and then something happens to her (illness, new job, etc) you can be stuck with a single point of failure that no one knows how to fix.
So long as the languages in question are used for scripting, I agree with other commenters that it should be left to the devteam, and different languages should be tolerated in most cases.
If the language is used for your main codebase, you had better standardize on one.
If some developers complain about a script not written in their language, encourage them to learn it, particularly if it's one of the widespread ones like Ruby, Perl, et al.
Your dev environment is hopefully a living entity that changes and is cultivated. New abilities (scripting languages) should be able to be accommodated, and older places that haven't been visited for years will someday get obviated by tools, or revisited from time to time and an evaluation will take place. Hopefully the dev scripts are a minor amount of development and automation. Chances are the team will drift towards a set of standards (ant, python, etc).
Per Project, anything checked in should probably follow a rule of minimal complexity.
Your team will be gone some day, and someone else will have to come in and maintain this. Please don't make them learn 5 languages or they are going to look for your names in the source code an hunt you down.
When we've picked up hack projects like that, we've pretty much considered the creators complete fools and made fun of them. They couldn't bother themselves to learn one scripting language???
That said, if you don't check it in--who cares?

Which scripting language to support in an existing codebase?

I'm looking at adding scripting functionality to an existing codebase and am weighing up the pros/cons of various packages. Lua is probably the most obvious choice, but I was wondering if people have any other suggestions based on their experience.
Scripts will be triggered upon certain events and may stay resident for a period of time. For example upon startup a script may define several options which the program presents to the user as a number of buttons. Upon selecting one of these buttons the program will notify the script where further events may occur.
These are the only real requirements;
Must be a cross-platform library that is compilable from source
Scripts must be able to call registered code-side functions
Code must be able to call script-side functions
Be used within a C/C++ codebase.
Based on my own experience:
Python. IMHO this is a good choice. We have a pretty big code base with a lot of users and they like it a lot.
Ruby. There are some really nice apps such as Google Sketchup that use this. I wrote a Sketchup plugin and thought it was pretty nice.
Tcl. This is the old-school embeddable scripting language of choice, but it doesn't have a lot of momentum these days. It's high quality though, they use it on the Hubble Space Telescope!
Lua. I've only done baby stuff with it but IIRC it only has a floating point numeric type, so make sure that's not a problem for the data you will be working with.
We're lucky to be living in the golden age of scripting, so it's hard to make a bad choice if you choose from any of the popular ones.
I have played around a little bit with Spidermonkey. It seems like it would at least be worth a look at in your situation. I have heard good things about Lua as well. The big argument for using a javascript scripting language is that a lot of developers know it already and would probably be more comfortable from the get go, whereas Lua most likely would have a bit of a learning curve.
I'm not completely positive but I think that spidermonkey your 4 requirements.
I've used Python extensively for this purpose and have never regretted it.
Lua is has the most straight-forward C API for binding into a code base that I've ever used. In fact, I usually quickly roll bindings for it by hand. Whereas, you often wouldn't consider doing so without a generator like swig for others. Also, it's typically faster and more light weight than the alternatives, and coroutines are a very useful feature that few other languages provide.
lets you call standard C functions and C++ methods with no need for proxy functions. The application simply registers the functions, objects, and methods that the scripts should be able to work with and nothing more has to be done with your code. The same functions used by the application internally can also be used by the scripting engine, which eliminates the need to duplicate functionality.
For the script writer the scripting language follows the widely known syntax of C/C++ (with minor changes), but without the need to worry about pointers and memory leaks.
The original question described Tcl to a "T".
Tcl was designed from the beginning to be an embedded scripting language. It has evolved to be a first class dynamic language in its own right but still is used all over the world as an embeded language. It is available under the BSD license so it is just about as free as it gets. It also compiles on pretty much any moden platform, and many not-so-modern. And not only does it work on desktop systems, there are variations available for mobile platforms.
Tcl excels as a "glue" language, where you can write performance-intensive functions in C while still benefiting from the advantages of a scripting language for less performance critical parts of the application.
Tcl also comes with a first class GUI toolkit (Tk) that is arguably one of the easiest cross platform GUI toolkits available. It also interfaces very nicely with SQLite and other databases, and has had built-in support for unicode for quite some time.
If the scripting interface will be made available to your customers (as opposed to simply enabling your own engineers to work at the scripting level), Tcl is extremely easy to learn as there are a total of only 12 rules that govern the entire language (as of tcl 8.6). In fact, Tcl shines as a way to invent domain specific languages which is often how it is used as an end-user scripting solution.
There were some excellent suggestions already, but I just wanted to mention that Perl can also be called / can call to C/C++.
You probably could use any modern scripting / bytecode language.
If you're willing to put up with the growing pains of a new product, you could use the Parrot VM. Which has support for many, if not all of the languages listed on this page. Unfortunately it's not done yet, but that hasn't stopped some people from using it in a production environment.
I think most people are probably mentioning the scripting language that they are most familiar with. From my perspective, Tcl was designed specifically to interface with C, so your problem domain is tailor-made for the language. However, I'm sure Python, Perl, or Lua would be fine. You should probably choose the language that is most familiar to your current team, since that will reduce the learning time.