How do you print your programs to MS Word? - formatting

We have a project, and the professor asked us to print the program codes using microsoft word. however when i pasted all my codes in ms word it turns out that it doesn't have coloring, those nice programming fonts.. It just looks awfully ugly in microsoft word..
I want this to be printed on papers very gorgeously. Like what we see in our notepad++

If you are on Windows, you can open the source code in Visual Studio (assuming it is C++, C# or VB), copy the code, and paste it to Word.
"Visual Studio" to "Word" does keep the formatting (color and fonts).

I do not use Word for this when I can avoid it. It's simply not very good at keeping the formatting and doesn't provide really good-looking prints.
The line-breaking isn't program-aware.
The paragraph breaking isn't program aware.
The keeping of the formatting from VS doesn't do structure-based markup, does it?
The typesetting engine of Word is a lot worse than TeX or Quark/Indesign

Microsoft Word is very handy for code reviews. Particularly if you don't want to splurge for one of the tools explicitly designed for peer code reviews. Each reviewer can insert their comments and/or modify the code themselves right in the document. If you keep track changes on then you can see what was changed and accept or reject the changes. During the review you only have to cycle through the comments and changes. When you are all done, you can simply copy and paste the final product back into the source file. It beats having to take a list of comments, decipher them and then incorporate the requests yourself.
EDIT: We use Visual Studio. So Cut/Paste between the source and Microsoft Word works fine, except in the cases where the line length exceeds the page size.

If you have the NppExport Plugin, go to
Plugins -> NppExport -> (Then you can choose between "Export to RTF", "Copy RTF to Clipboard", or "Copy all formats to clipboard")
Then open it in Microsoft Word if you choose export to rtf, or paste it to Word if you choose copy to clipboard
Hope this helps
I tried it for my SQL assignment and it works

I'm not sure I understand the question, but if you're asking "how do I put my source code into Word and make it look pretty like Notepad++," you'll want to do some research into automating Microsoft Word.
Word automation using C#
OLE Automation using Word (Article)
Microsoft Word Automation Class

This may seem obvious, but how about you just print it from notepad++?

Eclipse does the same thing told by decasteljau.
When you copy code from eclipse, and then you paste on Outlook, the code keeps its colours.


How to change a global variable name in an Excel VBA project?

If someone have to carry on working on an Excel VBA project/module after the previous developer left the company, how do they safely change a global variable name?
These global variable names can be problematic if they are misleading, misspelled, look like another variable, don't follow the chosen convention, etc.
Changing them with a Search/Replace is a problem because sometimes it's a word that appears in comments.
Changing them by Copy/Pasting is a problem because it's long and you can miss some, especially if there are a lot of occurrences or if you change it to something similar.
Is there a way to do this safely via the Excel "IDE", or via another tool?
What you need to do here is called a refactoring - you need to make a possibly dangerous change to the code, without affecting its behavior. Do it wrong and the code breaks!
Renaming an identifier that's used in one or more places, is a rename refactoring.
Most modern IDE's have such a feature (and several other refactorings). However the VBE was at the height of its glory well before Visual Studio was the full-featured tool it has become since then - heck, the VBE was Visual Studio (6.0) in 1998!
So you really have two options:
Do the refactoring manually - the IDE's search & replace functionality (Ctrl+H) can be dangerous here, because it treats code as simple text, without semantic understanding: you need to review every single occurrence individually, or risk renaming an identifier that was not referring to the variable you're trying to rename.
Use a 3rd-party tool - I don't know any VBIDE add-ins that understand the code deeply enough to allow safely refactoring VBA code, other than the open-source Rubberduck project, which I've managed since October 2014). This add-in parses your entire project, builds a symbol table, and lets you navigate and, yes, refactor/rename any identifier, automatically updating all call sites.
Note that Rubberduck is a very active open-source project, constantly improving. Parsing VBA is hard, and getting the VBE functionally on par with modern-day IDEs isn't a small undertaking, nor is it easy... but it's fun, and yep, it works.

Variable declearation and option explicit in vba excel 2013 [duplicate]

So I'm having to run someone else's excel app on my PC, and I'm getting "Can't find Project or Library" on standard functions such as date, format, hex, mid, etc.
Some research indicates that if I prefix these functions with "VBA." as in "VBA.Date" then it'll work fine.
Webpages suggest it has to do with my project references on my system, whereas they must be ok on the developer's system. I'm going to be dealing with this for some time from others, and will be distributing these applications to many others, so I need to understand what's wrong with my excel setup that I need to fix, or what needs to be changed in the xls file so that it'll run on a variety of systems. I'd like to avoid making everyone use "VBA." as an explicit reference, but if there's no ideal solution I suppose that's what we'll have to do.
How do I make "VBA." implicit in my project properties/references/etc?
I have seen errors on standard functions if there was a reference to a totally different library missing.
In the VBA editor launch the Compile command from the menu and then check the References dialog to see if there is anything missing and if so try to add these libraries.
In general it seems to be good practice to compile the complete VBA code and then saving the document before distribution.
I had the same problem. This worked for me:
In VB go to Tools ยป References
Uncheck the library "Crystal Analysis Common Controls 1.0". Or any library.
Just leave these 5 references:
Visual Basic For Applications (This is the library that defines the VBA language.)
Microsoft Excel Object Library (This defines all of the elements of Excel.)
OLE Automation (This specifies the types for linking and embedding documents and for automation of other applications and the "plumbing" of the COM system that Excel uses to communicate with the outside world.)
Microsoft Office (This defines things that are common to all Office programs such as Command Bars and Command Bar controls.)
Microsoft Forms 2.0 This is required if you are using a User Form. This library defines things like the user form and the controls that you can place on a form.
Then Save.
I have experienced this exact problem and found, on the users machine, one of the libraries I depended on was marked as "MISSING" in the references dialog. In that case it was some office font library that was available in my version of Office 2007, but not on the client desktop.
The error you get is a complete red herring (as pointed out by divo).
Fortunately I wasn't using anything from the library, so I was able to remove it from the XLA references entirely. I guess, an extension of divo' suggested best practice would be for testing to check the XLA on all the target Office versions (not a bad idea in any case).
In my case, it was that the function was AMBIGUOUS as it was defined in the VBA library (present in my references), and also in the Microsoft Office Object Library (also present). I removed the Microsoft Office Object Library, and voila! No need to use the VBA. prefix.
In my case, I could not even open "References" in the Visual Basic window. I even tried reinstalling Office 365 and that didn't work. Finally, I tried disabling macros in the "Trust Center" settings. When I restarted Excel, I got the warning message that macros were disabled, and when I clicked on "enable" I no longer got the error message.
Later I re-enabled all macros in the "Trust Center" settings, and the error message didn't show up!
Hey, if nothing else works for you, try the above; it worked for me! :)
The issue returned, and this is how I "fixed" it the second time:
I opened my workbook in Excel online (Office 365, in the browser, which doesn't support macros anyway), saved it with a new file name (still using .xlsm file extension), and reopened in the desktop software. It worked.
Even when all references are fine the prefix problem causes compile errors.
What about creating a find and replace sub for all 'built-in VBA functions' in all modules,
like this:
replace text in code module
e.g. "= Date" will be replaced with "= VBA.Date".
e.g. " Date(" will be replaced with " VBA.Date(" .
(excluding "dim t As Date" or "mydate")
All vba functions for find and replace are written here :
vba functions list
For those of you who haven't found any of the other answers work for you.
Try this:
Close out of the file, email it to yourself or if you're at work, paste it from the network drive to your desktop, anything to get it to open in "protected mode".
Now open the file
Go to the VBA Editor
Go to Debug - - Compile VBA Project, if "Compile VBA Project" is greyed out, then you may need to click the yellow ribbon one time to enable the content, but DO NOT enable macros.
After you click Compile, save, close out of the file. Reopen it, enable everything and it should be OK. This has worked for me 100% of the time.
In my case I was checking work done on my office computer (with Visio installed) at home (no Visio). Even though VBA appeared to be getting hung up on simple default functions, the problem was that I had references to the Visio libraries still active.
I found references to an AVAYA/CMS programme file? Totally random, this was in MS Access, nothing to do with AVAYA. I do have AVAYA on my PC, and others don't, so this explains why it worked on my machine and not others - but not how Access got linked to AVAYA. Anyway - I just unchecked the reference and that seems to have fixed the problem
I've had this error on and off for around two years in a several XLSM files (which is most annoying as when it occurs there is nothing wrong with the file! - I suspect orphaned Excel processes are part of the problem)
The most efficient solution I had found has been to use Python with oletools and extract the VBA code all the modules and save in a text file.
Then I simply rename the file to zip file (backup just in case!), open up this zip file and delete the xl/vbaProject.bin file. Rename back to XLSX and should be good to go.
Copy in the saved VBA code (which will need cleaning of line breaks, comments and other stuff. Will also need to add in missing libraries.
This has saved me when other methods haven't.

Easiest way to add raw Open XML code to a Word document

I want to insert a chunk of formatted text into a Word document in VBA. Since this will be done server-side, I am not advised take these chunks from another Word document using Office Interop (link), so I presume it would be easiest to use Open XML like this <w:p><w:r><w:t>String from WriteToWordDoc method.</w:t></w:r></w:p> Sadly Application.ActiveDocument.Range.InsertXML fails. So what other quick and dirty alternatives do I have?
For the "bare necessities" see this MSDN article:
It describes what the minimum requirements are for inserting Open XML into an open Word document. Don't worry that the discussion targets Web add-ins - the principle is the same for any API that inserts WordOpenXML into a Word document at run-time.
I may be misunderstanding where "server-side" is involved in your process, so forgive me if the following is not relevant to your situation: Note that using VBA server-side is a bad idea - Word is not designed to run in a server environment. Better would be to use the Open XML SDK both to retrieve and write the information between two Word documents.

VBA favourite code management

Just like Visual Studio allows us to drag our favourite code to toolbox and then use it later in any project. Do VBA allows this kind of functionality by any chance.?
What is the best way to manage the favourtie/reptitive vba code which i can use it in multiple workbooks?
In Excel you can possibly use Personal.XLSB file which could be a kind of container for all subroutines which you refer to quite often. You can create and organise them in modules, class modules. Some UserForms can be placed there as well. Each time you open Excel Personal.XLSB would be the first opened workbook then.
How to create 'Personal.XLSB' if you don't have it? Go to excel, start recording macro but before you press OK choose something like 'Personal Macro Workbook' on the second list. Do not forget to save it each time you leave Excel to keep all changes in your code.
VBA doesn't have a similar feature, no.
You can export your classes and modules to standalone files, and import them into other VBA projects. And some apps, such as Microsoft Word, have features to share macros between documents, in the case of Word by attaching those macros to the Normal template. But there is no feature to reuse small snippets of code.
Have a look at MZTools ... there are versions for VB of various flavors, and for VBA. I'm not sure if it's suitable for handling huge numbers of code snippets but for smallish amounts it should be fine. It's free and has dozens of other hugely useful features.

Can I do VBA programming with Vim?

Part of my job right now is to build some dynamic functionalities into Microsoft Office documents. The only means I've found to do this is through VBA - and thus, the VBA editor which comes built in to Office docs.
The VBA editor is awful. It's missing a million different functionalities that modern development environments need to support. But the worst part is that I'm a hard-core Vim lover, and the VBA editor is barely any better than notepad.
So: Is there any way I can effectively use Vim to do VBA programming? Short of copy-pasting my code into the VBA editor from a different window when I want to try it?
I've never used the VBA editor, but here's something I've done with MS Visual Studio. (MSVS's editor does have some nice features, but I still prefer vim for most editing.)
I open or create the source file in MSVS. I then get the full path to the file (by right-clicking on the tab and selecting "Copy Full Path"), and open the same file in vim in a different window.
I use alt-tab to bounce back and forth between vim and MSVS. When I make a change in vim, I use :w to write the change, then alt-tab back to MSVS. The MSVS editor notices that the file has changed on disk and offers to read the updated version.
Alternatively, if I change the file in MSVS, I write the file (File > Save ...), then alt-tab to vim and use :e! to read the updated file into the vim buffer.
There's no need to copy-paste the code, since both editors are operating on the same disk file. I just have to be very careful not to make changes in both vim and MSVS without writing the file to disk.
It's ugly, and it's not for everyone, but it works for me. Maybe it will work for you.
I use Cygwin, so it's actually a little more complicated; Cygwin programs, including vim, don't recognize Windows-style paths. I can do this:
vi $(cygpath 'WINDOWS_PATH')
where WINDOWS_PATH is pasted from the full path I get from MSVS. The single quotes are necessary to keep the shell from interpreting the \ characters. If you're using a Windows native vim, this step isn't necessary.
That's an interesting opinion. I used VI briefly about fifteen years ago and based on that I contend that the VBA editor is far more suited to its purpose than VI (or VIM?) would be. Is there one particular piece of functionality that it is missing from the VBA editor that precludes you effectively using it for its purpose (editing VBA)? VBA has not been enhanced for many many years, but the fact is it can't be killed off because everyone finds it so easy to use.
If you wish you can write some piece of code in your preferred language that manipulates your word document via COM objects (if it supports that). Then you can call your external piece of code from a simple stub within your Word document. You need to get around some security constraints though in your Word document.
For example I could write some code in VBScript or VBA or Powershell or .Net that manipulates a word doc. I can call that from a small piece of VBA (that might be attached to a button or something in the standard word toolbar)