How do I write a working IThumbnailProvider for Windows Vista - com

I have written a thumbnail provider following the interfaces specified on MSDN. However, I have been unable to figure out how to register it in a way that Vista actually calls into it. Has anyone gotten a thumbnail provider working for Vista? Sample code or links would be especially helpful.

The documented way to register your IThumbnailProvider is to create a registry entry at HKCR\.ext\ShellEx\{E357FCCD-A995-4576-B01F-234630154E96} and set the (Default) string value to the GUID of your IThumbnailProvider.
Your assembly will need to be registered first. If using .NET, that means you will need to use the RegAsm.exe tool to register it.
There is sample code available here:


BizTalk: How to get all dlls from an application?

I would like to build an external app (console application) which inform me for the DLLs versions that are used in an BizTalk application.
Of course with a quick search I find some examples which are use the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM DLL,
but these examples shows only the DLLs that exist in [BizTalk_Local_MgmtDb].[dbo].[bts_assembly] table which when I see them in BizTalk health monitor they have type System.BizTalk:BizTalkAssembly.
I would like also to add in my app (Console application) the DLLs of type System.BizTalk:Assembly which for example can be a helper class which are not listed by Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM because, I guess, they not exist in [BizTalk_Local_MgmtDb].[dbo].[bts_assembly] table
Have someone any idea how I can achieve what I want?
I found them, these assembles exists in managmentDB in table [BizTalk_Local_MgmtDb].[dbo].[adpl_sat]
So if I understand the question correctly:
You are creating a utility console application, which uses "Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM". And your "helper class Assembly" is not being listed in your "Console application" because it is not of type "System.BizTalk:BizTalkAssembly".
I'm afraid that you won't be able to do so, as you can't add a class library as "System.BizTalk:BizTalkAssembly". Here is the error we get when try to do so:
You can make try using "System.Reflection".
For your components to be considered as BizTalk Artefacts, your project should be .btproj
Then deploy your components same way you deploy your biztalk applications.

How to find COM object given only server.create instance?

I have inherited a classic ASP application and looking through the code I see a custom COM object reference
Now, unfortunately looking through to source code there are no .dlls provided so therefore the COM dll must still exist on the live server.
In order to get the code working on my Dev Server I need to get a copy of the dll so I can register it on my Dev server.
Does anyone have any recommendations about how I might be able to find the COM dll that makes the above call?
Thanks and best wishes
Registry search - under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, locate the DBaseManager.Recordset key. Under that key, there should be a CLSID key, with a default value containing a guid.
Now, search for that guid under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID. There should be a subkey under that key called InprocServer32 (if it's an in-process COM library), which in turn should have a default value giving the path to the DLL.
Of course, if the DLL in question is part of a larger product or SDK, merely installing the dll on your dev server may not be sufficient. You may have to locate and install the whole product/SDK in order for it to actually work on another machine.

COM unregister/register type library problem

I have a .NET COM DLL that I want to unregister. I do:
regasm.exe /u ConfigManager.dll
When I look with COM-ole viewer app I still see in type libraries section an entry for ConfigManager( specifies the path to ConfigManager.tlb there). How can I make sure I deregister for good any entries of ConfigManager.dll COM ?
I ask this because I have a nasty error where it seems that ConfigManager clients do not see some types from ConfigManager and want to make sure I deregister and register again ConfigManager
You just need a typelib registration utility. TypeLibs are not specific to .NET so you can find these kinds of ones anywhere.
Here's a simple one:
I prefer to use TlbExp instead of the /tlb option of RegAsm to get a typlelib without automagically registering it. That way I can explicitly register (or unregesiter) the typelib.

webBrowser failure. Migration VB6 to VB.Net. ExecWB and QueryStatusMethod failure

I want to migrate an application from VB6.0 to
I migrate it myself and get an error on this two lines. The error says "ExecWB is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser"!!The same error with the ExecWB Method. I dont find any solution or any equivalent code in .net for that. Do I need an imprt or reference or equivalent type?
Please help.
eQuery = webBrowser.QueryStatusWB(SHDocVw.OLECMDID.OLECMDID_COPY)
Thank you
There are two different WebBrowser things, the WebBrowser Object and the WebBrowser Control. The object is the ActiveX version that you were using in VB6 while the control was completely redesigned to follow .Net standards. While there may be some common methods, properties and events between the two they are not really related.
You can continue to use the ActiveX version in .Net just fine if you want. You'll need to add a reference to it either via the Add References menu or by adding the Microsoft Web Browser object to your toolbox. If you want to use the .Net version then you'll need to find the updated way to do your specific tasks.
A 30s Google search returned this article that suggests you can use late binding on the ActiveXInstance property to access the methods directly.
Note that this method is marked as "infrastructure use only" and may well be subject to change/removal, etc at a later date.

ArcObjects - IWorkspaceExtension and Component Category Registration

I have coded an implementation of IWorkspaceExtension (along with IWorkspaceExtensionControl, which declares the Init method), and registered it in the ESRI Geodatabase Workspace Extensions Component Category. However, when I connect to the Workspace, the Extension is not "Init"ed.
I was able to get the implementation "Init"ed when I register the IWorkspaceExtension with the Geodatabase, but that is not an option because I cannot install the Extension on all clients, only on the one that will use the functionality.
I hope someone can answer in a couple of minutes what I have been struggling with for a couple of days. =D
Did you register it with IWorkspaceExtensionManager.RegisterExtension?
Keep in mind that without the DLL, or if the DLL crashes, you will not be able to open the workspace. This wouldn't be a problem if ESRI allowed assemblies to be stored in the geodatabase, the way SQL Server does.